2.13% The Infinite Domain / Chapter 6: A Small Blessing

章 6: A Small Blessing

Ray wakes up after an hour and a half, and sees all the notifications and smiles.

'Alright to reach level 4 I need 50 Exp, thanks to that beast, I already have 15'

Ray proceeds to open the perk trees and sees many options but the majority of them are grayed out.

The only ones not gray are Speed, Lightning, Gravity, Wind, Time, and Divine.

'Alright, six options, let's see the first perk I can gain for each…'

For all of them except Divine, the first perk is Basic Channeling.

Which allows the user to begin to channel the mana.

This strengthens their affinity with it, and allows them to increase their circle, as well as create spells.

'I definitely want those.'

[5 perk points spent!]

[5 Basic affinities unlocked!]

'Alright, now let us look at the perk option for Divine, before I look at the new options..'

[Divine: Meditation]

[The user unlocks the skill meditation]

[Meditation; The user can recharge mana at a rate of 5 mana per hour spent charging. This requires the user to be completely still while charging]

[This skill can be used outside of your territory, but it will be less efficient]

'That could be very useful.'

[Perk point spent]

[Meditation Lvl 1 unlocked!]

[Perk point spent in the divine perk tree! Territory doubled!]

[Territory is now 10ft by 20ft, 200ft in total!]

"What?!" Ray shouts.

'Does that happen every time I put a perk point into the Divine perk tree?'

As Ray is thinking he receives two more transparent cards.

[Quest: Channeling]

[Requirement: Channel two affinities to the first circle]

[Reward: New spell for the affinities channeled]

[Quest: Worshippers]

[Requirement: get 5 worshippers]

[Reward: Divine territory upgrade]

'Hm? I can probably do the first one, but the second one may be a bit difficult…

And for the first one I should probably choose affinities I will be using often, which removes time for now.

As strong as it will be, I have to keep it hidden until I learn more about it. Speed isn't an option as well, seeing as how I already have a technique for that.

Gravity is definitely one of them, and between lightning and wind… Hm.. I guess lightning?

There is no real way to choose between them other than guessing at their possible spells or techniques, so I'll just go with lightning.'


Several hours later

'I managed to break through with lightning to the first circle, and I am close with gravity. that took far longer than I hoped...' As Ray is thinking, he hears sounds coming from the forest.

'Oh god, not again' Ray thinks as he braces himself for a fight.

But he instead sees a family of three, two adults and a child around 14 years old emerge from the forest.

They appear to be injured, with scrapes and bruises all over.

"Oh look! An abandoned shack! We can sleep there for the night" a tall, muscular man with a scruffy beard says.

"Perfect, if only we had food…" the woman responds. She has white hair and dark skin, but appears to be quite frail and sickly.

Ray peers down from a tree he hid himself in, 'are they lost? Or homeless? Even if they were, why are they all the way out here?'

Ray continues to perch himself up in the tree observing them.

Until he sees a large wolf charging towards the family from a distance, but it seems to be gaining on them rapidly.

'Oh shit!' Ray thinks as he leaps over them, outside of his territory, 'I don't have my divine power out here, so I will have to spend almost all of my mana to make sure this works!'

Ray, using the momentum of his jump, heads straight towards the wolf, as it begins to howl.

he then charges 100 mana into his leg, as he begins to spin in the air rapidly, before delivering a devastating axe kick to the top of its head crushing the head immediately.

The family looks back with an expression of awe as they look at Ray.

"Wh-Who are you?" they say in unison.

'Fuck it, let's see if they will believe me.' Ray thinks before saying, "Me? I am a god."

He then walks past them with a dismissive look as he heads towards his shack.

"We thank you for saving us, but you shouldn't lie and go around calling yourself a god, people may get angry if they hear you say that." The man says with a look of concern.

"Who says I am lying?" Ray says as he continues to walk.

"Why would a god stay in a shack?" the child says.

"Because he doesn't like to be around people," Ray says back.

"If you are a god, then prove it!" the child yells.

Ray stops walking, 'Card, what can I give as a minor blessing?'

[Minor blessing can give a basic affinity such as, strength, defense, speed. Or an affinity you possess. It could also boost one of the stats of a person by 5. Cure a disease, grant or enhance a skill you possess, or give an item a blessing, but you are not able to use this item]

[Minor blessing can only be used on a person once per month,]

'Those are minor?! Well I guess boosting a stat would work. i think boosting this child's strength would be the easiest way to prove a change,' Ray thinks as he walks over to the child with a blank look on his face, as he gets closer the child flinches.

"Back away!" The man yells as he gets in front of the child.

"Move.." Ray says as he lightly pushes the man with his right hand, sending him 7 feet away. He then taps the child's head.

[Minor blessing activated! Strength boosted by 5]

"Child, punch that." Ray says with a slightly intimidating voice. As he gestures to a small boulder.

The child looks confused, but after seeing how effortlessly Ray tossed his father, he is too afraid to refuse.

"Make sure to hit it hard, I will know if you try to pull back" Ray says. 'This feels weird, but if I want them to believe I'm a god, then I must act powerful.'

The child flinches when he hears this, but does as he says, and punches the boulder with all his might.


The boulder cracks, and shifts slightly.

"H-HUH?!" The child gasps in astonishment.

"You asked for proof, so here is your proof." Ray says

"What did you do?" The man says as he gets up from the ground.

"Hm? Nothing more than a small blessing." Ray says with a dismissive tone.

"A small blessing?!" The woman says with an amazed look on her face before she begins to cough violently.

"Seirai!" The man shouts as he rushes over. The child then stops gawking at the boulder and rushes over as well.

"Do you happen to be sick?" Ray says as he walks over.

"Ha… You noticed?" Seirai says with a weak smile on her face. "Our village got hit by a plague, so we had to leave, but it appears I have caught it…"

"Indeed, well I can't have a disease running rampant here as well." Ray says as he taps on her forehead.

[Minor blessing activated! Disease cured!]

Seirai suddenly stops coughing as her body begins to be restored back to her normal, athletic build.

"How?!" Seirai shouts in astonishment, "Are you a healer?!" The child and the man are in disbelief and can't even speak.

"No, as I said before, I am nothing more than a god," Ray says.

"Whatever you are, we thank you!" The man says as he bows down before Ray.

"No need to bow. Anyway, I assume you all need a place to live,

so you may stay here. I only have a small shack, so you will have to build your own shelter, or you could go into the city,

but they look down on the non-magical and poor." Ray says as he walks into the shack.

"Th-thank you," The man says.

"Silence if you please, I wish to rest. Don't stray too far or you may wind up dead.

Also, line up in front of my shack after sunrise tomorrow." Ray responds as he sits down and begins to meditate and channel his gravity affinity.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


