57.14% The Queen Bee is Her Master [GL/BL] / Chapter 20: Chapter—20[Fond of Interest]

章 20: Chapter—20[Fond of Interest]

'No blossom could ever smell sweeter than her, Just like the spring I'll wait for her to bloom. '


Noah being canny leers a smudge smile to the group of Ariana's friends."So did it work?" Seo was the first to ask  


He nodded watching Seyong beaming  with Lucy probably asking something, "I think so." he gazes at the entrance hall to see if Ariana is coming for a moment when he didn't get a glimpse of his friend he looks back at the dance team Danny, Yeri, and Joe were taking group photos his boyfriend was dexterous with his work instructing others maybe it all a coincidence; 

Ariana left the university to buy some flowers, narrowly making excuses when Noah caught her red-handed wandering on the aisle, eyes looking to other sides to find someone frowning a little out of curiosity he asked. "Is it for that Nerd," obviously his friend denied shaking her head as 'Nope,' still something flickered within her eyes as Noah mentions ''The Nerd is looking for you, '' Just when Ariana was about to ask where he answers. "To the corridor." 

"Oh okay." that's all he gets as a response from his friend he smirks Ariana was too obvious that she didn't bother to ask which Corridor. poor her she has to look through all the corridors to find the Nerd. 

While Ariana left he went to the girls thankfully he saw them together ignoring Joe's 'what's going on? ' face he continued. "Listen up girls, I need your help." 

"And that is?" Yeri asked standing beside Danny placing her hands in her blazer pockets

It mostly took him 10 minutes to explain what he wanted at first he asked Danny to keep Lucy busy so she couldn't notice her best friend is missing since Lucy hasn't let go of Seyong's hand and then he turned his attention back to his boyfriend, sighing. "Baby, could you please help too?" Enrik nodded with the girl's draft toward Lucy and the winning team 

"You saw that too right?" Seo inquire before leaving 

"Yes, I did," He replied with a smile knowing what Seo was referring to. "and I want to make sure I'm right." 

Seo snickers, bumping her fist onto her friend's hand. " Me too." 

His eye finds the Nerd standing alone hands clasped behind observing everyone he tilted his head to get a view of Chao Seyong the girl wasn't bad looking probably shorter than his friend but her brain would make a good pair yet she better have a good heart Otherwise it would be waste of their hope. Ariana has already had a bad breakup, he thought. 

Hastily his steps rushed as he found another boy reaching in Seyong's direction even though the Nerd had no idea that a boy was checking her out and not in an appropriate way. 

"Hey! Chad!" Slapping on another's shoulder Noah chuckled when the guy hissed in pain. "Your Dad is calling." almost tossing him out of his sight he grinned lopsidedly as he approached Seyong.  The girl flinched. He grabbed her from falling and told her the same thing that he told his friend. 

Again he saw something in Seyong's eyes and he could name it 'enthusiasm' 

The group showed him a thumbs-up as they forced Lucy to take more pictures. He nodded and gazed at the way Chao Seyong ran, 'This better be work.' 

Therefore Ariana looks at her friends and they give each other a side-eye. She frowned and Noah was smirking. "what's going on?" she asked, walking down the hall with them. 

"Nothing!" they said in unison 

Now that makes her more curious, lifting an eyebrow she twigged her gaze on Joe. She knew if her friends are good at hiding things Joe can bluntly tell everything in one breath. 

"Joe" She purred smirking when she found her friend shuddering to hide behind Yeri. Slightly pushing Danny from her side she takes a step forward. "What are you hiding Jo Jo?" a curt smile plastered on her lips. 

Joe slowed her thoughts even not having much of an idea what was going on. She only heard  Noah wants to see if Ariana has any interest in the Nerd and he wanted to invite Seyong for Lunch the next time they met. She can't tell her friend that. 

Ariana would bury them all alive if she found out what her friends were thinking, setting her up with a girl and not just a girl. Surely Noah doesn't have a clue that Nerd dared to kiss Ariana in front of them and is still alive. 

"I'm waiting for Jo." Ariana inquire tilting her head more casually her treating tone replaced with bore one 

"Lucy's mom requested us and you to join them for  Dinner," Seo answered, aware that Joe won't be able to lie, eyeing everyone to nod their head." Are you coming with us?" she implores. 

"No," Passing the foyer of the building they followed behind her to the campus. "I have some work." 

An acute answer raised Noah's bowl of questions" Work?" remembering Seyong also not joining them for dinner. 

Ariana shrugs. "Yes, work," 

Seo broadens a smile. "Does that work include Chao Seyong?" she quipped mentally preparing to get harsh curses. 

A blush crept on Ariana's cheeks, mouth opened to argue but Noah bit her to it. "Hmm, Possibly Our Ari wants someone for herself."  he simpers winking at his  companions 

"Aww, Ari, is that true?" Danny left a sardonic grin seeing truly for the first time the so-called Cold Bitch Ariana Jane Wang Kin is blushing for someone 

Ariana rolled her eyes at them while her friends went on with whatever they were saying about Chao Seyong she felt someone's gaze on her back she looked behind veering around her attention to the campus but there was none except Enrik who was trying to get away from a group of first-course students. 

She cleared her throat. "Noah, your Sugarcane is in danger." her teasing remark urged everyone to pursue their gaze on Enrik at this time he was surrounded by the students. 

Enrik may be a cold-faced person but he's too polite to say no to anyone that's why Noah adores his boyfriend, trust him. He wasn't boyfriend material he was dreamy husband material, and thankfully his devoted loyalty towards Noah he never looked at anyone with affection.  

However, Noah doesn't trust those girls; they're still rich kids with silver spoons and new admission who don't know if someone is out of their league.

"Cooper, if you don't go now, poor Enrik will be so done." Joe voiced 

"Like Hell, I would let it!" Noah cursed and sprinted toward his boyfriend 

The other girls chuckled as they watched Noah on his serious senior face scolding all the students before stealing a harmless peck on his boyfriend's lips Ariana and Danny cringed to see 'Too much Lovey dove. ' 

Sighing a  deep breath as the evening blankets Wilmington Ariana's driver held out the door for her she offers a small smile to him and settled in the passenger seat rolling up the windows she rested her head against the seat but before the car could move again she felt being watched she told her driver to wait  

The windows open she glances outside a white BMW driven off Wilmington entrance a  feeling swayed over her as the car got away from her view but she chose to ignore it. 

Rather than closing the windows, she let them open freshly cold wind brushed against the side of her face. Closing her eyes a smile ghosted onto the corner of her lips as she recalls her small talk with Seyong. 

Something warm swelled in her heart even the cold breeze was forgotten when she thought of the 'Egghead'. 

This new fond of interest she doesn't know Or care about but for just once she wanted a presence in her house at least at the dinner table eating alone was boring without any conversation seeing those servants' same faces is tiring she wanted to spend her evening with Seyong she wanted to make  those scenarios alive 

'Seyong. '  sixth time this day she made an effort to let that name roll down her tongue it was hard, awfully when those pair of the dark abyss would pore into her eyes flickering through eyelashes as they found something to admire; 

Innocence,  pure they look at her without any denunciation. They are devoted to her, it's consuming ordering, and now for the worse Chao Seyong is comfortably smiling still not talking in her real voice other than murmuring nevertheless it's enough to make  Ariana want to hear more. 

The semi-pearlescent gold-black pallet entrance door of Wang Kin's estate opened for the dark blue Volvo the guards bowed in respect for the Young Mistress as she got off, and taking a hold of her bag she walked inside. 

"Mrs. Sorina?" Ariana called striding through the drawing room and placing her bag on the middle table she make her way to the kitchen her eyes found the servants attentively listening to the female attendant Mrs. Sorina who served her 25 years in the Kin family after her husband's death she has always been by their households and for Ariana, she is the sweetest person after her parents always with the kindest words and knowledge. 

"No, our Riana doesn't like vegetables much. You should cook meat tonight." The woman in her late forties advised in her motherly tone to the executive chef  he nod his head in agreement and wrote something in his small notebook

"Not today," Ariana's voice peels into the kitchen. Everyone looks up, straightens their back and they bow, causing her to roll her eyes.''Seriously stop doing that ." she groaned sitting on the stool next to the Female Attendant .she never liked how they bow whenever they greet they were also humans older than her class differences. Sometimes it made her feel less human.  

With a little curious and more baffled the 6 servants stood in a row with their Head chef watching their Young Mistress waiting for any order  

"Come on sit down," Ariana insists, mentioning the stools in front of them. "So tonight I want Vegan food." 

The female Attendant frowned slightly, this  was something unusual to her. " any specific reason for your change of preference Riana?" 

Ariana tilted her head, trilling her gaze on others as she nodded. " A friend is coming for dinner, " a tingling sensation minded in her gut at the mention of Friend Chao Seyong is not her friend. She doesn't want her to be her friend. " She's vegan." 

" Is there any dish she likes, Young Ms?" The head chef ask 

Like, "I don't know what she likes," Ariana admitted 

A hand gently caresses her back and she gazes to her side Mrs. Sorina 's lips twitch up. "It's fine we can cook plenty of Vegan foods, you two can enjoy them," she assured before turning her attention to the servants. "Come on everyone, we're having a guest tonight." 

They nodded. "Yes, Miss." 

Scrutinizing her gaze on the closet mirror she studies her reflection with a smirk curving up on the image her mother was right when she called her to ask for suggestions the simple black double flare knee-length dress look good on her, letting her hairs flow down she ran her fingers through it. 'Perfect'. 

The chandelier lights shimmered in the creamy polished marble dining room food placed on the ebony wood table Ariana casually sits down on the head of the  table the other 12 seats are empty she leaned her chin on the back of her hand resting lazily pursing her lips, eyes peak at the oversize wall clock ticking faintly its fifty-five minutes past seven only five more minutes left for the Nerd to enter 

Minutes carried by She rose from her seat sauntering towards the giant foyer steps tapped within the marbled passageway as she stopped in front of the door a buoyant smile raised to her lips taking a breath she opened the door. 

Her smile drops there wasn't any sign of Chao Seyong she sighed. 'Why it's taking her time! ' with an irked huff she goes back to the dining room fingernails tapping on the table with the clocking  rhythm she glances up it's been 10 minutes past 8 'Where is she' queries started dangled into her mind 

She remembered the time when she was waiting for Jea Youn just like this conflicting, hoping; 

It was the day of their anniversary the day when her boyfriend break up with her leaving her in mess and throwing his tempers but Ariana didn't break not even a single tear escaped from her eyes she only listens to those harsh words that she never thought she will heed from the person she loved 

That day she spent half of her afternoon planning for their candlelight dinner. Her friends helped the chefs of the Wang Kin family cook for them and her parents. They were about to come home at night. It was supposed to be a perfect night.

Eventually, it wasn't the way her smile dropped when Jea Youn's face hardened the way he snapped. "I could never be with someone like You Ari, a cold-hearted person like you don't know how to love!" 

A sting pierced through her heart with those words. "But I Love you, Jea Youn, " she tried reaching to hold him. "I do." 

He steps away. "No, you only know to leash people. " 

Leash, she shook her head, eyes quivering distressed. "We can work this out, Trust me." almost sounding desperate she attempted to grasp his hands 

"No, it can't work," Jea Youn sighed, exhausted by everything. "You don't love me, Ari." 

"I Do!" she said more to herself why wouldn't she, he's perfect he was always the perfect choice she can't let those stupid emotions take him away, hands clutched. 

 He places his hand over hers. " Stop forcing yourself, us." 

Forcing, "I'm forcing you!" she snarled those months of being together is what he thought. being forced? 

"yes, we are no good for each other." he began 

Ariana whacked his hands away. "There is someone else right, " it has to be, people leave when they get better. He nods looking down in shame."Then say it to my Fucking Face You coward!" she pushed him hard causing him to stumble. "So you choose a Minx over me!" Her temper slipped ." You cheated on me with a Bitch!" 

"Stop it, Ari, you don't know her." 

"Know!" She barked a laugh. "Do you think I care about this piece of shit!" 

"Your angry I can understand a— 

"Oh spare me with this crap, "Hazel's eyes stared dully watching him sigh before turning his back." Right, leave! Go to Her! " letting her limbs weaken knees shank down  

"You can't always be like this, your anger will take you nowhere. " 

She scoffed." If someone can't accept my anger they can go to Fuck! " 

And he indeed left leaving her ragging  a feeling of something chucking her inside heart wailed to feel sorrow she bit back her tears  didn't  let them out not even when her parents came back she barely let them know if she was okay  but when her mother asks."  If you do Love Jea Youn then tell me one thing you love about him most, except his rich and handsome. " 

A simple question was enough to make her swallow that night she couldn't find any reason to give her mother it made her think; 

What else do you ever need to love someone, to want them like air in lungs to crave them more than anything to desire them in any illusion you want if they have money, face isn't that all it took to fall in love? 

Those questions were left unanswered for her and she realized Jea Youn wasn't lying because truthfully she never Loved him but she'll make him feel that hurt that sting pain in the heart, One day. 

The chiming sound of the bell in the wall clock snaps her out of her thoughts, 9 Pm. Her jaw clenched, standing up from her seat." Mrs. Sorina! " She yelled within a bit when the Female Attendant came in front of her." serve all the food to the servant quarters, " she order 

"But R— 

Before the woman could say anything the young mistress flashed a glare. "I'm not hungry do as I say," turning her heels she looked over her shoulder. "Lock the doors after you leave, Good Night." 

Mrs. Sorina sighed. "Good Night Riana," it wasn't new to Ariana's emotional dysregulation; she had seen an ominous sight of it, glancing at the food she saved two plates in the refrigerator. Who knows if, in the middle of the night, the Young lass gets hungry. 

Storming into her room Ariana slammed the door shut. "Idiot!" tucking off the dress she muttered. "Stupid Fucking Nerd!"  curses invalid her hushed room. "What she thinks of herself," putting down the comfortable pajamas she snorted. "Moron!"  

She leaped onto the mattress. " Dinner! it's all I wanted with her just to have dinner and she," staring at the encaustic tiles of her ceiling rolled back to gaze at the open balcony. "Bloody Unfaithful Chao Seyong, I hope your night gets ruined too." 

Only if Ariana knows in the Chao Residence Seyong is standing still her feet feel tons of rocks staring down at the wooden floor in her father's office like it would give her space to escape. She closed her eyes knowing it was too late and she knew this night was going to be long-lasting.' Hope it ends soon.'

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