43.33% I am Invincible; Literally [One Punch Man in Marvel] / Chapter 13: The One Punch Man

章 13: The One Punch Man

A purple being which can be described as a tall and muscular monster with fish ears, could be seen walking the barren streets of Hell's kitchen with a plain expression on his face.

Even though it was hard to notice, but it was still visible that the being was angry.

The reason for his anger being the encounter he had with some cops, who thought it was a good idea to test the might of their bullets against his skin.

His hands were bloody after getting rid of those pests who tried to get in his way of destroying this city. Now he has the blood of those vermins on his hands. He felt dirty.

That's why he was angry-No. He was Furious!

How dare they think that those measly bullets of theirs can hurt his mighty self?

Just thinking about those pathetic creatures ordering him to put his hands behind his back, even after seeing his majestic self made his blood boil in anger.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when the sound of a whimpering child reached his ears.

He turned to look towards the source of that voice to notice a little girl no more than 10 years of age, hiding behind a car in the hopes of not garnering his attention.

That monster after seeing that scared little girl, smiled.

It was not a kind smile in any way. Rather, it was a cruel smile indicating that whatever this monster had in his mind after seeing that human, is not going to be pretty for the little human girl.

That little girl being completely unaware about the fact that she has been spotted by the monster, stayed hidden behind the car while closing her eyes.

That Little girl couldn't believe her luck. Just an hour ago she was with her mother shopping for a gift that she wanted to give her father for his birthday, but their shopping session was interrupted by the sound of alarms blaring all over the neighborhood.

That little girl knew what those alarms meant, and why wouldn't she?

Everyone in Hell's kitchen knows that the ringing of these alarms means that a monster is attacking.

She and her mother knew what to do if something like this happened. They needed to evacuate. So they ran towards the evacuation centre hand in hand, in the hopes of reaching their safely.

But just as they were running towards the evacuation centre, something really unfortunate happened.

She got swayed away by the crowd of people who were running towards the same place as her which resulted in her losing sight of her mother.

In a state of panic, she tried to search for her mother and ended up going in the opposite direction of where she was supposed to go, which led her to now being in the presence of the monster who she has only heard about in stories and news till now.

Seeing that creature in front of her eyes, she was terrified.

She hid behind a nearby car while closing her eyes in the hopes of not getting noticed by that horrific creature while using the said car as a support for herself to keep on standing, as she couldn't find the strength from her shaking legs to stand any longer after seeing that monstrosity.

Even though she tried her best to hide, she still failed to stop the sound of her whimpering completely.

She didn't notice that the monster is already aware of her presence after that little mishap, so she kept on hiding while closing her eyes.

Though her eyes shot wide open when she realised that she was only touching air, as the monster in front of her lifted her hiding spot with a single hand, and threw it away as if it weighed as much as a feather to him.

Not being able to stand properly without the support of the car, she fell down face first in the ground with a loud thud.

Supporting herself with her hands to at least be in a sitting position, she could feel the eyes of that monstrosity piercing her soul.

She was glad that she was facing the ground at the moment. She didn't want to look up.

She didn't dare to look up. She was sure if she did, she is going to see something which will haunt her for years, if she were to survive that is.

Seeing that the monster has not yet attacked her, she reluctantly looked up only to regret it after.

That monster was in a crouching position while looking at her with a cruel smile plastered on his face and was just a few inches away from her. After seeing that monster so close to her, she couldn't help but scream.

The smile on the monster's face grew even wider after hearing the scream of the human in front of him, and he said in a sarcastic tone of voice

"Oh! You hurt my feelings little one. I am kind of self conscious about my looks and you screaming after just looking at my face doesn't give me any confidence. You are really rude aren't you? A bad human indeed." He said all this while still smiling cruelly at the little girl who looked like she was going to bawl at any given moment now.

The little girl after hearing those words coming out of that monster's mouth, couldn't help but whimper once more and did the only thing that came to her mind.

"H-Help me! H-Help me please!" She screamed in the hopes that someone might hear her pleas and come to her rescue.

There was an actual reason behind her screaming and thinking something like this though.

That reason being a rumour.

A rumour about the existence of a hero.

It is a very famous rumour which has been circulating in Hell's kitchen for the past 3 years. A rumour regarding a man in a blue Tracksuit, who fights monsters such as this purple abomination to protect the citizens of Hell's kitchen. Media also shows a lot of theory regarding that person saying that he is real and many people consider him to be a Hero.

She never believed in that rumour.

She had always been a mature girl, so she never believed in fairy tales such as these.

A human fighting monsters with his bare hands? It couldn't be real could it?

But seeing this villain in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but pray for that hero to be real.

She wanted to be saved, she wanted to go back to her parents. She wanted that hero to come and save her.

But that didn't happen. Moments passed, but the hero she was putting her hopes on to save her from this monster never came.

At that moment, all the hope that she has left inside her heart vanished. She finally understood that she was going to die. Nobody is coming to save her. The hero from the rumour doesn't exist.

The little girl after realising that, couldn't stop her tears from falling down any longer so she cried. She cried as loud as she can.

The monster seeing the girl crying after giving up hope, couldn't help but grin sadistically.

He opened his mouth to speak once more and said in a mocking tone of voice

"Aw~ Are you crying? Of course you are. You are weak and you know it! That's a good thing for a little vermin like you." He said with the same smile plastered on his face.

He looked towards her once more and stood up. He looked at her for a few more moments with an apathetic expression on his face, and suddenly said in a dark voice


After saying that simple word, he raised his foot on the air and stomped towards the wailing girl as fast as he could.

The little girl after seeing that foot coming towards her face, lost consciousness out of fear, but not before seeing something shiny.

That something being a bald head.


The resulting kick from the monster, created a huge crater where his foot landed and produced a shockwave which destroyed the windows of nearby shops.

After killing that little girl, the monster decided to take a look at what became of her after his attack so he raised his foot.

What he expected to see stuck on his foot was not there though. There was no blood. No scattered bones. Nothing.

The only thing he saw was a simple crater created by his foot hitting the ground, and only the ground.

He was confused after seeing that, but his confusion was short-lived as he heard a fluttering sound behind him.

He looked towards the source of that sound to see that the little girl who should have been dead by now, was still very much alive in the arms of a baldie who was wearing a ridiculous black costume.

The bald headed man after saving the girl from her impending death, put her down carefully as his cape fluttered around.

There was nothing remarkable about this man. Well, except for his shining bald head. He had an apathetic expression on his face when he turned around to look at the monster and said in a monotonous voice.

"Are you the monster guy who I was looking for? Well, I guess you are. Seeing as you were just trying to hurt this little girl." The man said while looking at the monster in front of him with crossed arms while trying to look intimidating; in the end he only looked ridiculous in the eyes of the monster.

This bald man standing in front of that monster, was none other than Jason Andrews.

The monster after seeing Jason, couldn't help but scoff at his appearance and decided to say

"You are fast for a vermin. Who are you anyway?" The monster asked in an annoyed tone of voice while ignoring Jason's question completely.

Jason after being asked a question, looked towards the monster without any change in his expression and introduced himself in a careless manner.

"I am Jason. I am a hero for fun." Jason said simply while looking at the monster who got ticked off after hearing that response and said

"What kind of half-assed backstory is that?" The monster said while looking down at Jason.

After saying those words, the monster looked at Jason to see him standing there looking all bored even after seeing someone as scary as him. Seeing the lack of fear on Jason's face, the monster got angry and moved towards him while growing in size and said

"YOU WANT TO PLAY A HERO HUH? THEN GO AHEAD! PLAY A HERO AS MUCH AS YOU WANT BECAUSE YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO PLAY A HERO AFTER I AM DONE WITH YOU!" The monster shouted and with each word he said, he kept on growing in size.

The entire time the monster was shouting, his spit was sent flying towards Jason's face, who simply wiped it off without a change of expression on his face.

"I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU BOW BEFORE THE MIGH—" as it kept on shouting, Jason finally decided to take action.

Jason moved, raised his fist and tapped the monster with his fist as lightly as he could.

The result?

The monster got destroyed into a million pieces.

Jason, after seeing the result of his love tap, looked at his glove which had smoke coming out of it and said in a depressive tone of voice

"Not again, all it took was one punch!" He said while getting on all fours and looking at the ground in dejection.

"DAMN IT!!!!"

And that's how the journey of the One Punch Man in Marvel,

Finally began.

ManofcultureQ_Q ManofcultureQ_Q

This marks the beginning of this story. I hope you guys like it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


