83.01% Majesty's Journey 2: Natasha's Symbiote in Marvel / Chapter 41: CH 38 (F/A): Reptilian Invasion P8

章 41: CH 38 (F/A): Reptilian Invasion P8

Incorrects P11:

Ali/Alicia :"*Reading a recipe* Beat three eggs???"

Felicia :"It means like in hand-to-hand combat."

Ali :"Ooooh. Makes sense."

Natasha :"Both of you get the hell out of my kitchen."


As the two stared at each, one with rage, and the other with excitement, the female Symbiote ran towards the giant reptile. Before said reptile could react, the living suit brought her hands down in a hammering motion.

She slammed her fists on the mutated scientist's head, with enough power to force him to bend over. And immediately, she clenched her fist again and punched the reptile in the face, and then did so again with her other fist.

Lizard glared at her before moving his head forward, trying to bite her. But she just moved aside and dodged, before throwing a right hook to his mouth. Enraged, The Lizard grabbed the big trash can around and slammed it into the Symbiote.

Ultimate crossed her hands in front of her, defending against the used weapon. The weapon that completely broke because of the force used to swing it, and the force which stopped it.

As the trash and waste inside of it flew around, The Lizard immediately swung his claws at the sentient liquid's face. And this time, he managed to actually slash her face.

His long claws created deep slashed marks in the face of the creature, but she only just hissed in pain. Surprisingly, the liquidy physique of hers started to morph, and the cut marks along with the wounds immediately healed, as if nothing had happened.

<Just a quick fact. So in case you didn't know, Ali's Superhuman Regeneration is a combination of a shit ton of Regenerative Healing Factors.

Like Deadpool's, Wolverine's, Lobo's, and quite a few other people's. However, I've decided that Superhuman Regeneration will be put in the "Given By The Omniverse" part.

He himself has a Regenerative Healing Factor which is as broken as Carnage's. So Alicia (Ultimate) also has that Regenerative Healing Factor instead of the Superhuman Regeneration>

The Lizard growled in annoyance before he started just swinging his arms and claws at the alien lifeform, who just stood there, unmoving. However, no matter how many times he slashed her, wounded her, and cut her, she recovered completely in a matter of seconds.

Ultimate may not have Majesty's Superhuman Regeneration, but she wasn't weak at all. Her own Regenerative Healing Factor was as strong as Carnage's, which could survive basically anything and heal from everything.

And since she had Carnage's Regenerative Healing Factor as well, she was already hella strong and resilient herself. "DIEEE!!!!" As the enraged reptilian monstrosity swung both of his claws at her, she smirked devilishly.

Her own hands moved before she grabbed onto his wrists, stopping his claws before they could reach her as she looked him in the eye :"Uh uh uh, it'sss our turn nooow."

Just as The Lizard opened his mouth to bite her head, the liquid part of her upper body began to move. Just as he was about to bite her, multiple tendrils shot out of her upper body and slammed into the reptile, forcing him back.

He growled in pain and annoyance, but he immediately spun in place and tried to hit the incoming Symbiote. But said Symbiote jumped, dodging the incoming tail before she punched his head. <She deadass just bonked him...>

She hit him so hard that his head literally went flying down. Not only did his head hit the floor, but he even bounced back up, just for her to stomp her leg on the ground, stop herself in the track, and spin in place before clenching her fist and uppercutting The Lizard.

He was pushed off of the ground, but immediately whipped his tail at her. He managed to hit her head, causing her to spin in place.

But unfortunately for him, she actually used the momentum, spun in place, created a giant whip-like tendril in her hand, and brought it down on his guts.

Hitting him hard enough to slam him onto the ground. She wasn't going to stop just there though. As the tendril flowed back into her body, she jumped with an evil smile, and came crashing down on his guts.

Knocking the air out of his lungs as she landed on him on her legs. She created another tendril from her biomass again, intending to hit him in the head, to see if there's a chance to knock him out cold.

But just as she raised her hand, his tail wrapped around her neck and slammed her into a wall. Just as she growled with an excited smile, she saw him rushing towards her.

He slammed into her, breaking the wall behind her and forcing both of them inside. But just as he slammed her to the ground while hugging her, she kicked his stomach and threw him further away.

"Sssorry, but the battlefield isss that way!" She screeched as multiple tendrils came out of her hands, and wrapped around The Lizard before swinging him around her.

However, just as she did so, there was a pained cry from outside :"UGH!!" And the sound was quite familiar to all of them. Just as she threw him to where they had come, she ran right after him.

Once outside, Ultimate and The Lizard saw Billy on the ground with a deep stab wound in his chest, bleeding uncontrollably, while the light of life was quickly leaving his eyes.

From far away, she saw a few strands of blond hair quickly going into another alley. 'That... Damn... Whore!!!!!' She gritted her teeth and anger, but couldn't run after her.

If she did, The Lizard might just rip Billy to pieces. In his current pitiful condition, she could still heal him by bonding with him. However, she had to get the coast clear first.

But unlike her, the mammal side of the reptile wasn't so calm :"(No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no...)" That's all Connors could chant and pray as his consciousness slowly faded with each word.

And just like that, with the death of only one person, death of his son, the only thing and reason that kept giving him hope to fight, he gave up.

Ultimate was ready to make this fight quick. Either make Lizard give up, or make him back off. However, she didn't need to do anything. Because with the death of his prey, he didn't have any reason to stay and fight for no reason.

"NOO!" A scream came from far away as The Lizard sprinted away. Ultimate didn't bother with chasing him either. If she wanted to truly win the war, she needed the kid alive.

Once she looked back, she saw Spider Man kneeling beside the kid, calling out to him :"Billy! Billy, you hear me?! Stay awake, alright?! It will be okay! Just don't sleep, alright?!"

However, the wound was too deep, and the amount of blood that was leaving him was no joke. It was already a miracle that he wasn't dead yet. "Hey, lil Ssspider, back off. We have a way to help."

Spider Man lifted his head and looked at the female Symbiote before he glared :"Who are you?" Seeing that there wasn't enough time to explain, Ultimate just morphed into her suit form, revealing Felicia :"Hey, Spider."

"C-Cat?! But how?! How did you bond with a Symbiote and wh-" He questioned, but she raised her hand and stopped him :"No time to explain, but I promise we can help. Well, my buddy here can."

As she kneeled on the other side of the wounded child, Alicia came out of her side :"Hey." Spider Man didn't want to risk anything, especially since this was an unknown Symbiote.

He didn't know if she had any ulterior motives or not. But since Black Cat, who he knew wasn't a bad person, was her host, and how he didn't have any other options, he decided to trust her.

He sighed as he nodded :"... Alright, fine. Just hurry, and don't do anything weird." Causing the Symbiote to roll her eyes. She looked at her host, and then nodded towards the kid.

The feline thief nodded before putting her hand on the wounded kid's stomach. Spider Man was a little anxious, but he just stayed silent and didn't interrupt them.

As Felicia gently placed her hand on the kid's stomach, her suit began to morph, and started to leave her through her hand. Her former black suit was revealed as the red and black organic suit left her, and went into Billy instead.

As the Symbiote went completely inside of him, his condition already got better and slowly became even better. However, not satisfied with the speed, Alicia transformed into her Symbiote Mode.

As the child turned into a mini Symbiote, Spider Man was alerted. However, just when he wanted to take action, Felicia's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

It only took a second or two before Ultimate started to move out of him and onto Felicia's hand. As Billy was revealed, Spider Man sighed in relief when he saw his chest.

The wound had completely disappeared, and even the blood was completely cleared. He looked as good as new. However, he was still passed out.

"W-why isn't he waking up?" Spider Man looked at Felicia with newfound nervousness, but Alicia who came out of her side answered calmly :"I completely healed him, and even made it so he doesn't suffer from blood loss, so don't worry.

He will wake up after a while. But for now, he should rest. The shock of nearly getting eaten by his father was also probably too much, so I didn't wake him up immediately."

Spider Man nodded as he sighed in relief and slumped on the ground :"Thank god... So do you plan on explaining what happened now? How did you get your hands on a Symbiote? Or was it the other way around?"

Felicia rolled her eyes in amusement as she chuckled :"Even though The Lizard went away, this place still isn't safe. I don't think it's the right time to have a casual chat."

"Right, Connors!" Spider Man's eyes went wide behind a mask. He rolled his shirt up before he took out a phone-like object. As he extended its antenna, he pressed a button on it :"Let's hope I can pick up my tracker's signal."

And fortunately for him, a red dot did appear on the black screen. However, not only was it not moving, it was only a few meters away from them :"What the...?"

He got up and followed the signal, before he reached the brick wall that had been destroyed in the fight. He bent over, giving Alicia a clear view of his ass, before he picked up a red, spider shaped tracker :"Damn it..." <He's not going to join the relationship, but as I've said before, there will still be a one shot of him getting fucked in the ass>

"What happened?" Felicia asked as she rose to her feet and looked at him :"Sigh, when we were fighting a little while ago, I stuck a tracker to him. I thought I could find him again this way. But unfortunately, it must've fallen off in your fight."

Felicia rubbed her neck with an apologetic face :"Sorry... The fight became a lot more violent, so we couldn't control him. Sigh, we could've found him a lot easier..."

"No, it's alright." Spider Man shook his head as he put away the trackers :"It's already a miracle that Billy isn't dead. We can find Connors later. I just hope we can do it before it's too late."

"So what should we do now?" Felicia asked before Alicia answered :"I think going to the Avengers Tower is the best option. We can find my dad, Majesty, who can help out."

"..." Spider Man froze up before he turned to the two, shocked to the point of not showing any reaction :"Your what now?"

<Did you enjoy the fight scene? Was it too long, too short, or just enough? Also, do you like how she says s when in Symbiote Mode?>

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C41
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


