3.95% What? I Actually Reincarnated As Stepping Stone In Another World? / Chapter 5: The Beginning of Everything and the Coming of Charlotte (Prologue 5) 3,5K Words

章 5: The Beginning of Everything and the Coming of Charlotte (Prologue 5) 3,5K Words

"Boom boom."

The red Ferrari raced through the intersection, defying the traffic light.

Luckily, the road was sparsely populated and unusually tranquil at this hour.

Nonetheless, a few vehicles remained in the lanes, and their drivers, astonished by the Ferrari's breakneck speed, shouted in frustration, "Damn! That car is flying! Is the driver in a hurry to meet their maker?"


Ignoring the commotion, the woman behind the wheel of the red Ferrari carried on.

Restlessness, anxiety, and various negative emotions swirled in her mind.

"I must get there as quickly as possible," she muttered to herself.

The driver of the red Ferrari was an extraordinarily beautiful woman, just a notch below the capital's most beautiful woman, Luna Asvart.

Her impeccably sculpted face was enchanting; her captivating red eyes had the power to ensnare hearts; and her long, black hair cascaded down to her slender waist.

Her loose clothing failed to conceal her ample bosom, causing women less blessed in that aspect to gnash their teeth in envy.

However, what set her apart from other women were her ice-cold demeanor and long legs.

Standing at 1.78 meters in height, she towered over most women.

Her exceptionally long and beautiful legs only accentuated her height.

If men caught a glimpse of her in black stockings, they might find it difficult to contain their admiration, perhaps even salivating at the thought of caressing her legs.

Zayn, if he were present, might have exclaimed, "As expected from my ex-fiancée—incredibly alluring!"

Indeed, she was Charlotte, Zayn's former fiancée.

Her once-beautiful but now sorrowful face revealed her current emotions.

Her return from work brought the shocking news that the government had canceled plans for the economic center in the town.

Her father, upon hearing this, suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.

Thankfully, his life could still be saved.

Her mother also appeared distressed and fatigued, but she had long been indifferent to her family, both her father and mother.

She harbored deep-seated resentment toward them for treating her as an object to be bought and sold.

Perhaps it was because she was a daughter, and those who had hoped for a son felt dissatisfied and grew to despise her.

Or maybe she wasn't their biological child.

Such questions frequently plagued her thoughts.

Although she currently held the position of president in her family's company and had brought it great success, it was all due to her engagement to Zayn.

What truly troubled her was the news of the Welston family breaking off the engagement.

But her anxiety didn't stem from concerns about her position as the company's president or any other worldly matters.

It was about losing the only person she loved—Zayn Welston, the man who had been her savior and was no longer her fiancé.

Her once beautiful face now appeared dim, and in her desperation, she whispered, "No, no! Our engagement can't be called off; you can't leave me!" Her eyes turned an eerie shade of red at that moment.

"This can't be real! There must be a mistake or a misunderstanding."

"Yes, that's right! There's no way our engagement can be broken, and he loves me so much that divorce isn't an option, right?"

"Just yesterday, he asked me out for a date the day after tomorrow, so this can't be true." Charlotte's mind raced, searching for reasons to justify her hope.

If Zayn were privy to Charlotte's thoughts, he might have quipped, "Auntie, you used to despise me; why the sudden change of heart?"

Perhaps it was because Charlotte always wore a cold facade and maintained an indifferent demeanor towards others that Zayn hadn't recognized her deep affection for him, even all this time.

She couldn't express her feelings to Zayn due to her nervousness, and instead, she extended the same cold exterior to him.

She was aware that she shouldn't treat the person she loved this way, but her parents' cruel treatment in her childhood, combined with her lack of experience with love and the absence of friends to confide in, made it challenging for her to shed that cold exterior.

Additionally, she carried the anxiety that Zayn might grow weary of her and choose to leave.

Suddenly, the news of the Welston family canceling her engagement sent her into a state of near madness and fear.

Her love for Zayn ran deep, and the fear of losing him filled her with desperation.

Troubling thoughts began to surface.

"What if... If it comes to that, maybe I'd do whatever it takes to keep him with me?" A dangerous idea took hold.

"Yes, that's it! We'll be together forever!"

Yet doubts lingered: "But what if he doesn't want that?" Charlotte pondered while driving, contemplating a chilling plan.

"Perhaps I'd have to be assertive," she mused with a mischievous chuckle, her eyes forming crescent moons.

These unsettling thoughts consumed her as her fear of losing Zayn pushed her to the brink.

Feeling neglected by those around her, even her parents, who saw her as a mere pawn, Zayn had always been the one who genuinely cared.

He had been her childhood hero, and the memory of that handsome young boy brought an uncharacteristic warmth to her typically cold demeanor.


"Hey, look, look! This girl's eyes are so strange! They're blood-red, like vampires! It's scary, haha!" A chubby boy pointed at a crying girl on the ground and taunted his friends.

"Yeah, so scary! How can someone have eyes that red? Hahaha," several other kids chimed in, joining the fat boy's laughter.

"Woo! Woo! You're so mean!" The little girl lowered her head, tears streaming down her face.

This young girl was profoundly sad, enduring constant bullying and ridicule due to her blood-red eyes.

Whenever she played alone on the swing at the playground, the other children would mock her, driving her to tears.

Despite her best efforts, she couldn't stand up to them, for she was just a little girl.

Isolated and friendless, she played alone in the playground.

Her parents were neglectful and frequently scolded her, offering her no solace.

It felt like no one cared about her at all.

The girl's heart was heavy with sorrow, but the boys remained heedless, persisting in their taunts.

"Hey! What are you doing to her?" Suddenly, an angry voice resonated in the little girl's ears.

She turned toward the source of the sound, discovering a very handsome boy approaching.

The boy's face bore an expression of anger directed at the children who had been bullying her.

"Bullying a little girl? You guys are truly cowardly, aren't you?" The handsome boy stood before the little girl, his back turned to her, defending her from her bullier.

As the handsome boy defended her, she inexplicably felt safe, and her heart raced.

This was the first time someone had come to her aid, but would he abandon her upon seeing her blood-red eyes?

An underlying fear crept in as they had just met, and the little girl was already anxious, harboring deep emotional scars.

The handsome boy remained unaware of the little girl's complex thoughts.

He had been taking a walk to clear his mind after completing the grueling training under the old man's tutelage.

The memories of it sent shivers down his spine.

Suddenly, he spotted a group of boys bullying a little girl on the playground.

Without hesitation, he rushed to protect her.

"What's it to you?" The chubby boy challenged the handsome boy, his tone dismissive.

"Yeah, why do you care?" Some of the chubby boy's friends echoed in support.

The handsome boy locked eyes with the chubby boy, causing a surge of nervousness and trembling legs.

He experienced the sensation of a wild animal staring at him!

How can a boy of the same age have that kind of gaze—he's a child, right?

The question popped into the fat boy's mind.

How could a boy of the same age possess such a gaze?

He's just a child, isn't he?

This question crossed the chubby boy's mind.

However, because he had friends by his side while the handsome boy stood alone, he felt a bit emboldened and sneered at the handsome boy, "What's your deal? We're a group, and you think you can stop us from bullying that peculiar girl?"

His words were cut with unforgiving sharpness.

"Peculiar girl? You're quite young, yet your words are so venomous. Well, I'll impart a lesson that your parents ought to." The handsome boy retorted, his tone casual.

With a light smile, the handsome boy continued, "By the way, I've just completed some grueling training with the old butler, so I think I can vent my stress on you guys now."

The blatant provocation stirred intense anger in the chubby boy.

"Let's take care of him!" He said it angrily, rolling up his sleeves as if preparing to strike the handsome boy.

"Let's do it!" Some of the boys cheered enthusiastically.

The little girl, witnessing the impending confrontation, felt a deep sadness welling up within her, and she burst into tears.

"You! You need to leave now! Don't get hurt!" The little girl cried out with worry.

She felt a deep sense of guilt, fearing that the handsome boy might get hurt because of her.

This kind-hearted boy shouldn't have intervened and ended up in trouble, just as her parents had always warned her.

However, the handsome boy showed no sign of leaving.

Instead, he turned his gaze toward the little girl and offered her a gentle smile.

"Don't worry. Stay behind me and watch. I'll take care of them," he assured her.

"By the way, your red eyes are incredibly beautiful, like sapphires meticulously carved; I love them."

As the handsome boy uttered these words, he promptly turned to confront all the insolent boys who had been bullying the little girl with determination.

The little girl was taken aback, her emotions frozen at the handsome boy's compliment.

"He said my eyes are beautiful. Like meticulously carved sapphires?"

Recalling the handsome boy's kind smile and his words, the girl began to feel a rush of emotions she had never experienced before.

It was the first time someone had said something so kind to her, as people typically avoided her and made fun of her.

Her face flushed, and her heart skipped a beat for the first time.

She couldn't quite explain it, but it made her feel intoxicated and drawn to the handsome boy.

As she gazed at his broad back, she felt an unprecedented sense of security.

"He looks just like the hero from the stories, the handsome prince!" the little girl thought wildly, and the seed of an obsession took root within her.

"Come on, all of you! I'll take you all on!" The handsome boy walked purposefully, speaking with enthusiasm.

One minute later

"Is this all you brats are capable of?" Surveying the boys battered and strewn on the ground, the handsome boy shook his head in exasperation.

He had hoped to release his pent-up frustration after his training, but they had all been defeated in less than a minute, leaving him disappointed.

The handsome boy turned his attention to the chubby boy, who lay crying on the ground.

He then smiled and squatted in front of the boy.

"So, how was it? Still want to bully that little girl?" The handsome boy wore a handsome smile, but to the chubby boy, it appeared more like a menacing grin.

"No, we won't bully her anymore! We're sorry, please!" The chubby boy begged, crying uncontrollably.

In that moment, he came to realize the error of his ways, as the handsome boy had bested him.

The handsome boy smiled with a sense of satisfaction at having taught them a valuable lesson.

Soon, he instructed the fat boy and the other boys to apologize to the girl.

Naturally, they complied and hurried to the girl's side, offering profuse apologies.

"We are deeply sorry for our misbehavior!" They said this in unison and lowered their heads.

The little girl was taken aback and stared at the handsome boy in a daze, unsure of how to react.

She hadn't had any friends for a long time, so she was uncertain about how to respond to their apology.

The handsome boy glanced back at the little girl and smiled gently, causing her to blush and lower her head.

Seeing the girl's silence, the remorseful boys grew anxious and made heartfelt pleas.

"We are so sorry; please find it in your heart to forgive us! If you wish, you can even punish us to atone for our wrongdoing," the fat boy cried out to the young girl.

He feared that if they didn't earn the little girl's forgiveness, they might face another encounter with the bully!

If that happened, their parents might not even recognize them anymore!

The handsome boy shook his head and then approached the little girl, asking softly, "Would you be willing to forgive them?"

The little girl's face turned as red as her ears as the handsome boy drew near, especially upon hearing his soothing voice, which enthralled her.

However, she soon noticed the pitiable state of the remorseful boys and couldn't bear to see them in worse condition.

So she glanced at the handsome boy and stammered, "It's alright! Just...forgive them."

The handsome boy nodded slightly and turned to the other boys.

"Since she has forgiven you, you may leave."

The boys were overjoyed and expressed their gratitude to the little girl.

In no time, they dashed away from the playground.

The handsome boy nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

Then he gazed at the little girl tenderly and inquired softly, "Are you feeling okay?"

She nodded vigorously, resembling a bobbing chicken, a sight that charmed the handsome boy.

Without thinking, he extended his hand and gently caressed her beautiful black hair.

Somehow, the sight of this poor little girl reminded him of another little girl whom his mother had brought home.

That girl really liked it when he stroked her head, so he unconsciously did that to the little girl in front of him.

The little girl, frozen in shock, remained motionless.

Her face grew increasingly hot, and her heart raced once more.

However, she experienced a different sensation, akin to being loved and cared for, and she became addicted to this feeling.

Each day, she was subjected to scolding and had never encountered such tenderness before.

She closed her eyes and tried to savor the caress from the handsome boy.

Suddenly, the handsome boy regained his composure and withdrew his hand from the little girl's hair.

"I apologize for my impoliteness," he said.

"As I looked at you, it reminded me of my sister at home, who enjoys having her head caressed. So, I unconsciously did the same to you. I'm sorry," he quickly explained, worried that the little girl might misinterpret his actions, and he chuckled awkwardly.

The little girl quickly regained her composure and attempted to force a smile on her small face while saying, "It's alright! I don't blame you, hehehe."

"After all, you saved me, and I believe you're a good person!" A soft smile graced the little girl's face, though she felt a tinge of disappointment and reluctance when the boy ceased caressing her hair.

She had grown quite fond of the feeling, which had brought her great comfort.

The handsome boy let out a sigh of relief and smiled gently.

Fortunately, this little girl was remarkably understanding and kind.

The little girl immediately pondered and unconsciously inquired of the handsome boy, "Just now, you mentioned that I reminded you of your little sister, so you stroked my hair?" Her red eyes conveyed intense curiosity.

For some reason, she was eager to hear the handsome boy's response.

The handsome boy found nothing peculiar about the little girl's question and smiled warmly, saying, "Yes! You do remind me of my little sister back home, hahaha," he explained with enthusiasm, scratching his nose in embarrassment.

The little girl smiled and nodded, comprehending his explanation.

However, beneath her smile, she harbored an intense feeling of envy and resentment for the first time.

She couldn't quite grasp why she felt this way, as her simple mind couldn't fully understand it.

She could only hate his little sister's presence because he could protect and love her.

Bullying due to her red eyes had severely damaged her self-esteem, leaving her unable to defend herself.

Those closest to her, including her parents, appeared indifferent to her plight, and even other children, like the boys who had initiated the bullying, joined in bullying her.

In terms of her appearance, this little girl possessed considerable cuteness and charm, with her innocent visage and long, straight black hair cascading down to her shoulders.

A pink headband adorning her hair further accentuated her adorable look.

Nonetheless, her distinctive red eyes overshadowed all other aspects of her attractiveness in the eyes of others, and they fixated solely on this unique trait.

The handsome boy believed that if this little girl were to grow into adulthood, she would blossom into a stunning woman.

In fact, he considered her no less beautiful than his childhood friend, who often played with him.

The handsome boy proceeded to ask the little girl with great care, "Are they targeting you because of your red eyes?"

The girl was momentarily taken aback, momentarily forgetting how her red eyes had made her a target for mockery.

Despite the handsome boy's assertion that her eyes were exceptionally beautiful, she feared it might be merely an attempt to console her.

Soon, she nervously lowered her head and clutched the hem of her skirt.

The fear that the handsome boy's words might be insincere coursed through her, and the prospect of discovering a lie nearly moved her to tears.

Her heart seemed constricted, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

With great effort, she managed to nod her head.

Sensing the little girl's anxiety, the handsome boy suddenly embraced her and tenderly stroked her hair.

"I apologize for bringing that up so abruptly. You've been through a lot, haven't you?" With a sense of compassion, the handsome boy continued to caress her hair while holding her close.

He understood that this little girl, likely two years younger than himself, had endured such unfortunate experiences.

Seeing her in this state filled him with empathy, as she reminded him of the little girl his mother had brought home all those years ago.

He also couldn't comprehend why those boys had mocked her about her beautiful eyes.

In truth, her eyes were unique and remarkably beautiful, akin to finely crafted gemstones.

Deep in thought, the handsome boy gazed into the little girl's eyes.

The girl's anxiety dissipated like a passing breeze, and she felt immense joy hearing the handsome boy's concern.

Without hesitation, she returned the embrace and let out her pent-up anxieties with loud sobs.

The little girl proceeded to confide in the handsome boy, sharing everything that had happened to her.

He smiled and attentively listened to her problems, soothing her gently, which caused her affection for him to surge.

Once the little girl had poured out her tears and shared all her troubles, she realized that she was clinging tightly to the handsome boy.

Her face immediately flushed as red as an apple, yet she didn't release her hold on the handsome boy and continued to relish the warmth of his embrace.

Soon, it dawned on her that she didn't know the handsome boy's name, nor had she revealed her own.

"Big Brother, I forgot to tell you my name!"

"My name is Charlotte, big brother!" The little girl eagerly introduced herself, her head nestled against the handsome boy's chest.

"Charlotte? What a lovely and fitting name for you," the handsome boy responded with a gentle smile, stroking the little girl's silky hair.

She was addressing him as "Big Brother," which caught the handsome boy off guard, but he didn't dwell on it.

He, too, maintained their embrace and complimented her name.

"Hehe~ By the way, what's your name, big brother?" The little girl raised her head, her red eyes curiously fixed on the handsome boy's eyes.

Upon seeing her beautiful and inquisitive red eyes, the handsome boy playfully pinched her plump cheeks and replied with a smile, "My name is Zayn, Zayn Welston!"

The girl's eyes sparkled like stars as she softly murmured, "Brother Zayn, brother Zayn~"


"Ahh, Brother Zayn, it seems you've forgotten about me, my hone~" Charlotte murmured as she swung open the door of her red Ferrari, her gaze fixed on the entrance to Zayn's private mansion.

"We'll forever be together, my love~" With a smile gracing her alluring lips, she stepped inside.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


