Annabeth stared at the feed for a solid ten minutes before her mind finally snapped back into place.
She was numb, completely and utterly numb. Until her eyes landed on the leader of this operation. Her mind didn't need to work a thousand miles an hour to figure out what had just happened.
She stared at Mallory as she argued with Butcher. MMn noticed her and the murderous look in her eyes. "Butcher" nervously trailed off MM reaching for a discarded taser on one of the desks.
Hughie and Starlight came out of the elevator. Hughie had been hopeful to show his girlfriend how Homelander could be defeated.
Instead he found Annabeth sprinting towards Mallory like a horse.
"Mallory run!" Butcher screamed beyond angry at his old friend, he didn't want to see her die horribly at the hands of a blood thirsty teenager.
Naturally multiple agents tried to stop Annabeth.
Keyword being try.
One tried to jab her with a taser, but she easily angles him into one of his coworkers before slamming his head into a nearby desk. Clean throught the wood, that man might have to eat with a straw for the rest of his life, but she couldn't care less.
Grown adults were slapped around as they tried to wrestle down the heartbroken demigoddess. One nearly even flew throught a window before Starlight literally jumped in to catch before they were killed. She sent a helpless look at Hughie, she didn't want to hurt this girl, but she was given no choice.
Starlight grabbed her shoulder and spun Annabeth around trying to reason with her, but before a single word could slip out the daughter of Athena punched her in the throat.
Starlight stumbled backwards gasping for air. Annabeth raced back towards Mallory's general direction. Only for Butcher to press a gun against her forehead.
"Don't make me do this girlie. Trust me you and you're late boyfriend are the only supes I don't want to see in a casket." Before he could go on Annabeth disarmed him. Smacking him accross the face with his own gun before stomping into the hallway.
"Great now she's got a gun!" Exclaimed MM, "I didn't see you doing shit either." Butcher snapped back pulling out another pistol from his holdster.
The boys including Kimiko ran after Annabeth just in time to see her leap through the window. Butcher ran to the broken window and looked through it. Seeing the daughter of Athena landing on the roof of a car hard enough to cave it in.
She lept off the broken vehicle and opened fire on a black SUV causing mass panic as she tried to murder Mallory.
Butcher turned to Kimiko. "You think you could?" She nodded and carefully dropped out of the window. Falling on the same car Annabeth did. Only on the hood.
"Hope poor bastard's got insurance." Mumbled Butcher. Starlight came by them still rubbing her throat. "You didn't tell us Percy's girlfriend was also a supe." She accusingly stated with a hoarse voice.
"I didn't think she was much." Admited Butcher with his hands on his hips.
"Well what do we do now?" Frenchie demanded. "We wait for Kimiko to kick her ass and bring her back." Butcher shot back like it was obvious.
"What happened anyway!" Exclaimed Hughie throwing his arms in the air.
"It's Percy." Butcher began his tone somber. Like Frenchie and MM's expression. "Kid was beating the shit out of Homelander. Next thing we know there's a tall cunt appearing in a pillar of fire and..."
"Guppy got ran through with a giant sword." Quietly added Frenchie looking down.
"Then Mallory nuked the island. That was her damn plan the whole time. Get two of the most powerful beings on the planet and make sure neither of them can cause trouble in the future."
"So it's easy to understand why his girlfriend's out for blood." Added the leader of the boys as an afterthought.
"Well what are you just going to let her go on a murder spree?!" Incredulously demanded Starlight.
"We'll try to find her, but I got a feeling it won't be so easy."
Homelander was panting as he reached the tower. He landed on the helicopter pad and stumbled upon his hands and knees, accidentally denting the metal underneath him. His head was aching, breathing was hard.
Suddenly he retched sea water mixed with blood. Homelander shook his head in attempt to get rid of the sharp ringing in his ears. He fell on his side breathing raggedly. The mere action hurting him more than anything ever had before.
Never had the self proclaimed god felt so human.
MM was correct, Kimiko came back empty handed and disappointed in both herself and those she thought allies.
It took two weeks for them to finally track her down. In the meantime they could only follow her trail of crimes. Nothing too mean, a few crippled corrupted people and supes. Several accounts of theft, mostly electronics and weapons.
Butcher's theory was that she was preparing something. That much was obvious, but he knew so little about her that he couldn't tell what.
He searched the name Annabeth Chase in every database he could get his grubby hands on.
Nothing, not even a mug shot. Or even a finger print anywhere. Butcher suddenly remembered something. In the raid of the prison he had found a box filled with recordings. Of course the CIA took it all, but Butcher had a sneaking suspicion that Mallory was in a bargaining mood.
"Hey love." He began when she picked up the phone "nuked any teenagers lately?"
"Fuck you, you think I felt good about it?!" Spat Mallory.
"No." He shot back taking a sip of black coffee. "I do think you did it without an ounce of hesitation."
"What do you want William." She sighed.
"You told Ryan yet?" Butcher asked the contemptuous tone in his voice growing more prevalent. "Poor kid practically worshipped him."
"I told him Homelander killed him." Mallory admitted sounding ashamed.
"Wow, that's low. Even for me."
"What the fuck, do you want from me Butcher." She hissed back.
"I want you alive. And with that poor girl hellbent on killing you're sorry ass, I probably won't have that for long. The recordings we snagged from that scientist dickhole. Send'em my way will you."
"Those tapes are-"
"You want that girl to turn you're skull into a fucking ashtray." Bluntly interrupted Butcher.
"You have one day with them."
"I'll have as long as I damn please." He coldly replied hanging up.
"You sound pissed off." Casually commented MM as he leaned down on the desk where Butcher was working.
"And you're not?"
"Oh unbelievably, poor kid was younger than me when I enrolled. Only difference is he knew what he was getting into and he still did it anyway." MM stated with some admiration in his voice.
Butcher remained silent for a bit.
"Gotta say I'm curious as to why you care? Not calling you heartless, but...."
"He hesitated." Butcher mumbled.
"What?" Asked MM confused.
"Kid had Homelander at his mercy, he could have just kept pummeling him until the bastard's skull was reduced to jelly. He could have made it last for as long as he wanted, but instead he went to drown him."
"Isn't that worse?" MM shot back with a raised eyebrow.
"Only if you struggle, or if you can control the water."
"What's you're point Butcher?"
"Kid was better than me."
"Excuse me?" MM quietly asked his voice weighed down with heavy incredulity.
"Looking back to it. Kid had a better heart and better intentions. If I had been in his place, with that amount of power."
"You would have lost you're shit a while ago." MM finished for him.
Butcher leaned back into his chair gesturing to MM. showing him he was correct.
"He's more powerful than the goddamn Homelander. Yet he was more human than me." Butcher quietly stated suddenly thinking back on the glee he found making supes suffer.
"Come on man."
"No." Butcher categorically shook his head. "Kid was the living proof I might be wrong about supes."
"What about Starlight? What about Kimiko." Demanded his friend.
"Don't take it the wrong way mate, but neither of them can summon a fucking hurricane or throw hands with Homelander. Tell me what would you, or they do with that kind of power?"
"Any news about him? He's been weirdly silent." MM answered with another question.
Butcher shrugged "bitch is probably somewhere out there licking his wounds. Won't have to worry about him for a bit, for fucking once."
"Yeah." Hummed MM narrowing his eyes at the map where Butcher had marked sighting of a scary blonde teenager.
"Wait a minute." He stole a marker of Butcher's desk and approached the map of New-York.
"So we found activity of hers there, there and here." Stated MM drawing a circle around each emplacements.
"Yeah." Butcher trailed off seeing where MM was going. "She wouldn't?"
"Unless she's as crazy as you, yeah I'm pretty sure she would." Stated MM tracing a line from each emplacement to the next.
Each lines passing over a specific emplacement.
The main building of Tek Knight industry.
"What could she possibly want there."
"Best not to wait and find out Yeah?" Butcher shot back making a few calls.
Annabeth didn't like the design of this building. It was a mess of squares and rectangles jumbled up together as a pseudo futuristic structure, but what she wanted was stored here.
She looked up at the gear symbol. Apparently this world also had an Iron Man reject.
Robert Vernon, self proclaimed visionary who graduated university at 16 years old. At 26 he was flying around in his own mechanical suit solving international crimes and supporting the US military by providing many weapons, but looking at his armor Annabeth knew for a fact this bulky mess couldn't possibly run on fossil fuel.
His weapons or armor wasn't necessarily what she needed. All she needed was it's power source.
She fished her Yankees cap from her bag and promptly disappeared under it.
Annabeth never tested her hat in conditions under different spectrums of light. She could only hope that her mother was thorough in her enchantment.
Thinking of her mother Annabeth wondered if Athena was satisfied now. Did she expect Annabeth to instantly move on? Did she have insults for her dead boyfriend, the love of her life.
The daughter of Athena was filled with so much rage at the thought of the theoretical conversation that she imagined herself slapping the goddess of wisdom accross her smug face.
Annabeth adjusted the strap of her duffel bag as she confidently strolled through the building. Finding the nearest elevator she stood in a corner waiting.
She had a hunch about the building. Looking at its emplacement it was strange for such a prestigious company to build it's main tower right next to the river.
The entire spot she was standing on was man made. Including the small land mass where the foundations stood. Which was a bit too convenient to her, especially for an alleged super hero.
It took whole hours of the demigoddess dutifully standing there until the man himself finally stepped in.
Robert Vernon had blonde hair and green eyes. A somewhat muscular build and stood a bit taller than Annabeth.
Both waited for a few minutes. The doors slid open revealing a gigantic laboratory. The room was dark and shaped like a giant T.
The hallway ahead of Annabeth was filled with displays of various suits. Some were made for stealth underwater and even space.
Annabeth looked around on her left there was a large computer. On her right was her objective. A dismantled armor hung from the ceiling near a workbench.
Luckily Tek Knight chose to march towards his oversized computer. Annabeth expected some sort of research or a schematic.
But she clearly overestimated this man. Disgust welled up inside her as several different feeds of women changing appeared on seperate screens.
At least he was distracted.
Annabeth quietly set her bag on the workbench. The armor was mostly form fitting outside of articulation and extremities. The forearms were especially bulky, most likely to store more weapons.
Hours of research told her much about how the armor worked. Tek Knight's first mistake was make it obvious the energy came from the back of the suit. The most reinforced part of the suit with an obvious path to the various weapons.
Annabeth frowned, she would need more than a screwdriver to dismantle the rest of the armor.
Grabbing a wrench Annabeth casually marched towards Tek Knight. Swiftly knocking the pervert unconscious.
Now she could get to work.
The armor was a very dark blue with grey highlights and a strangely circular helmet sporting a T shaped visor.
Considering how volatile the energy of the suit seemed to be. Annabeth needed to do this carefully. By the looks of it the outer layer was made of tungsten while the other layers were made from carbon fiber. Giving the suit a great flexibility and rigidity ratio.
She hated to admit it, but that dipshit was smart. Very smart, although she was more curious about the energy source.
Two industrial drills and one cement saw blade later. Annabeth was holding a blue glowing cylinder the size of a ruler.
She carelessly shoved the other pieces off the work bench and opened her bag. She couldn't match most of these supes physically.
That didn't mean she couldn't make herself one.
First she pulled off two silver and copper twines carefully woven together by Annabeth's expert hands.
Next she pulled out two rectangular magnets the length of her forearm. One sporting a plus sign and the other a minus sign.
Next came the black crossbow. She removed the limbs of the weapon and carefully welded the magnets to each sides of the weapon.
Next she wrapped the long twines around both magnets and moved them around the stock of the crossbow.
Now came the dangerous part.
Annabeth wasn't sure if she needed protection to handle this energy source, but she didn't have time nor the strength to care. She used duct tape to stick the cylinder to the roof of the stock. Meaning the power source would rest against her shoulder at all times.
Annabeth wouldn't admit it, but that was a bit of a design flaw and a massive healthy hazard. She approached the wires to the charging part of the cylinder and simply brushed them against it.
The result being a spark so powerful and so loud it was almost like a lightning bolt. Sending Annabeth flying off her back into a metal wall hard enough to dent it.
After an unknown amount of times passed a groaning Annabeth rose to her feet. A near sadistic smile splitting her face when she saw the result of her hard work.
The cylinder faintly pulsed. Sending energy through the wires and into the magnets.
Her edge.
She grabbed the rifle and raised it.
Just in time to get shot in the shoulder. Annabeth fell down dragging the workbench down with her by reflex.
A bullet flew through the bench grazing her hair. "You really think you could just waltz into MY LAB! I'm Tek Knight you little skank! No one outsmarts me!"
Annabeth didn't bother acknowledging him. She hooked her foot around the stock of the crossbow and pulled it towards her.
She hurriedly patted the ground finding an arrow tipped cylinder and stuck it where a full on arrow would have went.
Tek Knight's steps echoed around the room. Something was wrong with her gun. Annabeth turned it around finding one of the twines was out of place.
The self proclaimed smartest man alive appeared above her, just in time for Annabeth to get her weapon operational.
The daughter of Athena leaned her back against the floor aiming her weapon upwards. Without aiming much she pulled the trigger.
The sudden magnetic force blasted the cylinder that fell apart letting the spear shaped projectile fly at mach 7.
Tek Knight fell backwards as Annabeth accidentally blew a hole in the ceiling.
Hissing in pain Annabeth rose to her feet. Admiring her homemade Railgun.
Sadly she had missed the bewildered scientist. Who stared at the ceiling wide eyed as water started leaking down.
"How did you." He brokenly began only to be knocked unconscious by Annabeth.
The demigoddes let out a soft pained noise as she realised she just punched the billionaire with her injured shoulder.
"Always the damn shoulder." Annabeth growled to herself.
Putting her cap back on Annabeth dissapeared once again. She looked down at the gauntlet mounted gatling gun around Tek Knight's forearm and promptly stole it. She could always use the extra firepower.
If Leo were there it would have been much easier to build this weapon. The son of Hepheastus could make wonders with actual trash.
Annabeth walked out of the building, the only proof she was ever there being the droplets of blood in her wake.
But she wouldn't be the last to bleed.
Her temporary abode was an apartment building ready to be teared down. Apart from a few hobo's who minded their own business and one or two drug addicts Annabeth was alone.
She stumbled into a run down bathroom with a wince. Checking her shoulder in the dirty mirror she cursed through her teeth as she noticed the lack of exit wound. Rummaging through her bag she found a roll of bandages and steeled herself before hitting into it.
Sadly the smallest and thinest thing she had on hand was her celestial bronze dagger. That she found to be useless against supes after her short encounter with big game. Despite being super human he was still only human in nature.
Taking in a deep breath through her nose Annabeth plunged the tip of her dagger in the wound. Her eyes momentarily widening so fast she swore they nearly popped out.
After a few grueling moments of moving the blade around, the deformed bullet clattered on the wooden floor.
The daughter of Athena sighed letting the roll of bandages fall in her hand.
Now all she needed to do was stop the bleeding. In other words the easy part was just done.
She had no lighter, so yet again she improvised. Taking a wire from her improvised railgun Annabeth put it against her blade. The energy quickly transmitting inside the metal.
Celestial bronze could be comfortably dipped in lava for extended periods of time.
As she raised the now white hot knife. She thanked the gods for the fact that she wasn't all human.
Otherwise this would cause permanent damage.
Pressing the heated metal to her shoulder, Annabeth choked back on a scream. Instead she opted for kicking the sink, accidentally shattering it to pieces.
Pulling it away Annabeth panted pushing back the tears gathering at the corner of her eyes.
Of course she was smart enough to know this wasn't over yet. She needed something to treat the wound since the gods couldn't be bothered to send her here with ambrosia and nectar.
Luckily there was a drug store not far from here. When she got there she wished she could buy the right antibiotics, but that would have been too suspicious. Luckily as a young woman nobody would bat an eye at her buying pain killers.
Now all she needed was some petroleum jelly, which could easily be found in vaseline.
The Sikh man behind the counter sent her a worried look. The TV hung behind him blaring the newest news report.
Annabeth's blood boiled as she recognized Homelander. There he was giving a statement to a crowd like nothing happened. He seemed to have healed from the beating Percy gave him.
"The infamous super fugitive now known as Percy Jackson as been detained by myself and various authorities. While of course he seemed to have good intentions, this boy is a criminal that assaulted several heroes. It is my hope that this young man can he rehabilitated and—"
Homelander was cut off as the cashier turned off the television. "I can't handle this nonsense." He stated shacking his head in disgust.
"Believe it or not." He began as he scanned Annabeth's products. "He saved my life that boy, one of my regulars who happened to be a racist. He came in here with a gun spouting nonsense about my eyes glowing, called me a supe terrorist."
Annabeth stared at the random man almost as if in a trance.
"Kid knocked him out and actually paid for his drink without asking for a single thing." He let out an incredulous chuckle "if you ask me that's a real super hero, there you go." He finished handing Annabeth the bag.
The daughter of Athena tried to grab it her fingers slipping the first time before grabbing the paper bag tightly.
"I believe you." She replied in a small voice before leaving. Feeling like her heart was about to split in two once again.
She stopped in an alleyway not far from the apartment building. Collapsing against the wall from something much worse than a bullet wound.
A shattered heart.
She slid down as tears started dripping down her cheeks.
He was gone, her seaweed brain was gone. She'd never hear his voice again, his bright smile his kindness, his love. It was all gone and for what? A problem of the gods they didn't even bother telling him about.
"Get up daughter." Sternly began a familiar voice.
The form of Athena shimmered into existence before her.
"You have faced much worse obstacles before. You are my daughter, you—."
Annabeth's hand closed around a glass bottle. She wasn't even sure this apparition was real. She just wanted it to be silent.
The bottle flew through her shattering against the wall.
"Shut up!" She snapped fiercely. The goddess looking genuinely taken aback.
"Haven't I given enough to you! My blood my sweat my tears, my WHOLE DAMN LIFE!." She screamed her head falling back against the wall.
"And now my whole world is gone." She whispered brokenly.
"No, you have the goddamn audacity to try and ask more of me!? You turned deaf when I begged for help on the run, you acted like I never existed until I started gaining attention on Olympus. You disowned me FOR NOT WANTING TO SATIATE YOU'RE DAMN PRIDE!"
Athena looked down at her daughter, a mix of anger and outrage twisting her usually neutral features.
"All of this disrespect over one boy?" She coldly demanded. Only now did Annabeth compute how this apparition was real.
"I'll get it through you're thick skull how much he meant to me." She responded with even more coldness.
"If getting him back for just one day, meant my entire work on Olympus being destroyed. Have my name whiped out from history. I'D DO IT!"
Athena tried to open her mouth again.
"You do not get to ask anything from me, never again. LEAVE!"
"You are making a grave mis—."
"Damn you! Damn the gods damn you damn vultures! When this is done you fix you're own damn mistakes!" Barked Annabeth forcing herself to her feet.
"I don't want you're advices or you're lies! I'm going to do this my own damn way. Fuck the traditions and fuck you!"
"Better hope you're mind becomes clearer soon daughter." Coldly stated Athena dissapearing as quickly as she came.
Now all she could think of was how Percy would have loved hearing about this.
Taking a deep breath Annabeth turned around the street corner. Just in time to see Butcher and the boys pull up in front of her apartment building.
She narrowed her eyes at the mortals. Thankfully she went nowhere without her bag. She didn't need to go back inside the building. Fishing her invisibility cap from her bag Annabeth dissapeared back into the city.
She had a few stops to make before.
Victoria Neuman was many things. A politician, a mother, an occasional assassin for Vought, but at the moment she was just tired.
Hughie, the best of her employee had yet to check in. She blew an old friend's face off and her daughter was suspended from school.
A small fight nothing more, it wasn't even her fault, but it didn't matter to her school principal.
She sat down behind her desk going through a half assed report. A supe had broken both legs and hips of their partner mid devil's tango. Of course the wronged party pressed charges, but it was never that simple.
God she hated those cases, it was almost always impossible to tell who was in the wrong, or if it was an accident.
"How many people did you kill for them?"
Victoria nearly jumped out of her skin at the intruding voice. She pulled out a handgun from her drawer.
"I mean I saw the videos, each people you made direct contact with had their heads imploded. That's a hard ability to get around."
Victoria's heart pumped wildly as she turned around not finding the source of the voice.
"Unless my theory is true, which seems to be the case. Can't blow my head up if you can't see me. I'm guessing it's a psychic ability tightly connected to you're nervous system. If you can't process it you can't blow it can you?"
"What do you want!" She hissed trying to say calm and quiet.
She was suddenly pushed back into her chair. "I want answers. What do you know about Vought's illegal activities?"
"It's what I'm trying to find out!"
Her head was promptly slammed into her desk. Breaking her nose with a sinister crack.
Victoria bit back on a scream as tears burned her eyes. Her hands shackily hovered over her bloody nose.
"I have little patience for murderers and even less for liars. Now you're going to tell me everything I want to know."
"Fine, just please don't hurt my daughter."
"You tell me what I want and you both live."
Just like that Victoria spilled the beans. She had no political nor forceful leverage against this mystery assailant. It didn't help that there was no other famous supe with the power of invisibility. Nor one smart enough to figure out how her powers function so rapidly.
"Homelander kills at least several dozen innocent people a week. Vought buys nearly everyone and everything. A large majority of their crimes are also staged."
"And do remind me of you're relationship with Vought?"
"Stan Edgar is my adoptive father." Shackily stated Victoria, "he gave me compound V as a child. The ability to telekinetically implode people's head. When he needs someone mysteriously gone he calls me."
"And like that we're done."
"R-really? What do you even want from me? Blackmail, money?"
"Miss Neuman there is only one thing I want."
A small metallic click later, a flashbang appeared on the desk before Victoria's wide eyes."
Annabeth turned her head away from the bomb plugging her ears. A loud bang and bright flash later Victoria Neuman was on her back howling in pure agony.
The daughter of Athena looked down at her with cold satisfaction. Percy had mentioned the many people murdered by her. The confirmation of Hughie that she was responsible for this while taking a moral high ground made Annabeth sick.
Although she found an entirely new reason to feel sick when a terrified little girl in pajamas bathed inside the study.
Annabeth didn't really regret it, the flashbang wouldn't kill her. Just permanently damage her sight so her powers would be rendered useless.
At least she made sure Victoria could see the face of her daughter clearly one last time.
There was no sympathy to he had here. So she left by the window the way she came. One last target on her list.
Then she could focus on a way to kill Homelander.
Billy stared at the recordings feeling frustrated. Despite following the trail of blood of the teenage supe the apartment building was empty. At the exception of the bloody bullet Frenchie found in a bathroom. Along with a freshly broken sink.
All of the recording revolved around failed experiment. Some nasty stuff he'd never be able to erase from his memory.
Hughie was the only one there in the building with him. Trying to reach Neuman, he didn't like that he was still in contact with the head popping skank, but he needed to sell an impression.
He pressed the start button of the latest recording.
Log 381, subject C-73, this young woman's body is quite impressive. It's bone density is at the very least ten times denser than that of a normal human. It's skin while stronger than even many normal supes has a strange peculiarity. It acts more like a bulletproof vest than an armor like most subjects administered compound-V.
As tested it's skin is vulnerable to piercing and cutting trauma as much as fire, but despite having one of the androids hit her in the stomach with a sledgehammer; with enough force to knock down a brick wall. It barely made it react.
The sedatives administered keep fading away faster than the last. It's body seems to gain immunity to toxins far faster than any registered supe or human.
It's senses also seem much sharper than most. Which led me to give it an MRI scan. Finding my second greatest discovery from the subject.
It seems that it's mind works at tremendous speeds. Which explains the reports of the special forces sent to take it down. It apparently evaded bullets like they were softballs while crippling five soldiers. Thinking at such a tremendous speed must be horrible in day to day life. Truly keeping it asleep is a gift.
Butcher was glad to have found that bastard with a bullet in his foot. As if humans didn't dehumanize each other enough.
But imagine my surprise when I didn't find a single drop of compound-V in her bloodstream. It doesn't even seem to inhabit her DNA as a whole. It is truly a biological wonder, perhaps both parents were enhanced. Or another country managed to create a similar substance that's completely undetectable.
More invasive tests will need to be performed. End of log.
Butcher narrowed his eyes, it didn't help much, but at least now he knew more about her.
She was hard to reach, but bullets could hurt her. Butcher didn't want to kill her, but at this point he wasn't sure he had a choice.
"What are you thinking Butcher?" Came Hughie's nervous voice.
"I'm thinking Mallory might be screwed if we don't find that girl soon."
"And we'll do what when we find her? I'm not sure I'm an expert, but. She loved him Butcher, it's a lot more than puppy love or a school relationship. Reason won't throw her off."
"Yeah." Butcher agreed "afraid you might be right on this one."
He was about to add another thought before the room rumbled. An explosion rose not far, a fire ball rising in the sky.
"Get you're coat on and call you girlfriend Hughie. I think we just found her."
"How can you be so sure?" Wondered Hughie already dialing the number.
"Just a feeling."
Annabeth groaned as she straightened behind a flipped car. Time Square, that idiot was attacking her in the middle of time square of all damn places.
Tek Knight hovered not far from her. The wings of his jet pack blazing with blue rockets.
She felt dumb, of course he'd have a way to track an extra specific source of energy if stolen.
Home made rail gun in hand Annabeth ran from her hiding spot. Firing a single shot, taking a good chunk of the shoulder piece, but no actual damage was done to the armor.
Annabeth cursed herself again. She saw too big, she was tired and by extension sloppy.
Luckily he didn't shoot her. Instead he laughed mockingly, as if he hadn't just come inches away from dying.
"You shouldn't play around with things you don't understand girlie. You'll hurt yourself."
Annabeth bit back a curse as she loaded yet another projectile. She only had four left including the one loaded. Missing again was no an option.
She shackily raised her weapon, Tek Knight raised his gauntlet a small harpoon shooting straight through Annabeth's calf. She cried out as she was dragged accross the ground by the grappling hook.
The only thing she could hear being the screams of people all around. Along with the whiring of the grappling hook.
Annabeth pulled out her dagger and was about to slice the cable, but something stopped her.
A metallic blur pierced the gauntlet effectively stopping the wire.
Tek Knight stare at the projectile in masked bewilderment.
A silver arrow.
Let's speak of a few feats of Annabeth for those who think what I'm writing isn't accurate. (Although I'll admit I'm taking a few liberties here)
She once threw a javeline hard enough to knock someone into another camper hard enough to send them both back flipping off their chariot. Meaning she can exert a force of 300 pound at the very least in just a throw.
She fell off the 200 feet tall lava wall and got away without much damage. While being younger and weaker than in future books.
She went toe to toe with Kellie, whom Percy considered extremely fast at that time. (Keep in mind at the time Percy perceived a bullet as slow. Looking at the Mexico state police the skeletons were impersonating in that year I found out what kind of side arm they used. Each have an average muzzle velocity of mach 1 to mach 1.2 meaning that Annabeth like Percy at this point has low super sonic reaction time and battle speed. If not a little higher considering even Percy had trouble keeping up with kellie. (Although now she's fodder to him as shown in house of hades.)
Annabeth consistently wrestles down superhuman creatures. Like a fury or the strange dog lion crab wolf hybrid in the staff of serapis. Assuming it's as strong as a regular adult lion (which by all means it should be since it's a magical creature) then Annabeth wrestled down an animal of over 400 pounds capable of moving over 2000 pounds. While it's magical aura continuously weakened her.
She was also able to trade some blows with the giant Mimas, but he doesn't have many feats, but he should easily be large building level on principle.
Annabeth is also pretty durable since she wasn't teared apart when a giant spider attached herself and a fiat 500 to her broken ankle. Seriously there's over 2500 pounds dangling off her and she wasn't feeling pain from it even with the dark gravity pulling down. Which supposedly should double that weight. Meaning her body can easily handle a force of over 2500 pounds.
She also survived many point blank explosions. One of them while being weakened considerably. She survived a train crash and should scale if not be superior to Piper who survived falling several hundred feet through a metal roof.
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