

Present day

The wind whipped through my hair as I ran in the woods. I could feel the adrenaline rush through my body as I ran faster. I looked behind me and I could see a blur of grey fur and it was gaining on me. Without another thought, I took a sharp left, narrowly missing a tree branch that almost smacked into my face.

I was about to take another turn when I was suddenly attacked from behind and I tumbled into the snow, rolling with a grey wolf which soon had me pinned beneath it. I looked up at the wolf's blue eyes as it started growling at me and I just laid on the snow, awaiting my fate. I was still waiting when the wolf leaned down and suddenly liked my face sloppily.

"Ewwwww" I groaned as I pushed it head away, "Alright blue, that's enough" I told Blue who finally got off me and started jumping around. I'm guessing it wants to play some more.

I laughed as I picked myself up from the ground and dust the snow off my clothes. Blue came over and nudged me with it head, asking me to play with him again.

"I'm sorry Blue, but I can't" I apologized bending down to scratch the spot behind it's ear he likes so much, "I need to go home" I informed him and he let out a whine as it sat on the ground.

I smiled as I looked at him, he had grown so much since the last time I saw him. I had saved him from getting killed by poachers when had killed his family when he was a young pup. I had saved him when he was a baby and had him hidden. Ever since then, we got close and there was also another reason why I kept him around.

For some reason, I could understand animals. I know what language they speak and they could understand me as well. I don't know how it happened but I realised I could speak to speak to them ever since I was a kid. I first knew about this in school. The teacher had gotten a guinea pig for an experiment but it suddenly spoke in my mind in a terrified voice, asking me to save it which I did.

Of course, that didn't go well with the other kids because they started calling me a freak when I started speaking to the guinea pig and freed it from the cage. The news reached my father who reprimanded me me and took me to see a therapist. The therapist came to a conclusion that I needed to spend more times among people and that my lack of friends was what prompted me to speak to a guinea pig. He was right in a way, I had no friends. No one wanted to be friends with a red haired witch.

I learned to hide my abilities around people and that was when I met Blue. He was my only friend, we understood each other and we have one thing in common, we are both alone. I was stroking Blue's fur when I noticed time had gone. I needed to get going.

"Okay Blue, I need to get going" I informed Blue who let out a whine in respnse, "I'll see you soon, I promise" I said then placed a kiss on top of its fur.

After making sure Blue had gone to his hideout and he was safely hidden, I draped my cloak over my shoulders and started heading home. I got home just before they could serve breakfast and thankfully no one was downstairs.

"And where have you been young lady?' I was about to enter my bedroom when that voice stopped me.

I turned to look behind me with a sheepish smile on my face, "Hey Cruzita."

"Don't tell me you went into the woods again" Cruzita said in a stern voice.

"Whaaaat?" I drawled out in a high pitched voice, "Of course not, why would you thin that?"

Cruzita arched a brow up at me, "Because you tracked snow into the house and you've got a twig in your hair."

Shit! I mentally cursed as I reached up to remove the twig from my hair. Cruzita let out a sigh and I peeked at her from my eyelashes to see that she was looking at me with a tired look on her face.

"I'll never understand you Arianne" She said looking at me tiredly.

I looked down at my boots, "When has anyone ever?" I mumbled to myself.

"Because you never give anyone a chance to Arianne" Cruzita sighed exasperatedly, "When was the last time you sat with someone and have a conversation with them? You are always locked up in your room reading a book, or running into the woods doing God knows what!"

"I do have conversations with you" I pointed out with a smile.

Cruzita wrinkled her face at me, "I don't mean me, I meant people more your age!"

I let out a sigh, then reached up to remove my cloak, letting my hair tumble down my shoulders.

"Look at me Cruzita," I told Cruzita who stared at me with a look of sympathy, "You are the only one I know who isn't scared to sit down and talk to me or scared I would put a hex on them, kids take a look at me and think I would place a curse on them when they sleep. People think I'm a freak Cruzita! Does that answer your question why I can't have conversations with people?" I shouted at Cruzita who was still looking at me with pity and I hated it.

"Arianne, I..." Cruzita started to say but I didn't want to hear it.

Instead I went to my room and l slammed the door. Dropping my cloak, I walked towards the mirror and stared at myself. Different colour of eyes stared back at me, one brown and one green and my hair, still the same fiery red. I remember when I was sixteen I decided to dye my hair, just to fit in. I tried bleaching it into a brown colour and It worked! Only for a day though because when I woke up the next morning, it was back to the normal colour, red!

I stared deep at myself in the mirror trying to see if I resembled my dad in anyway but I just don't see it, well maybe my right brown eye I guess. Cruzita says I look like my mother, not like I remember her though. Her memories were starting to fade and Christine already took down pictures and paintings of my mother in the house so there were no traces of her in the house.

I wish I could remember her though, what she looked like. Maybe if I did, I'd feel more human and less like a freak, I thought to myself as I stared at the mirror.

'You should come down for breakfast, your dad wants you there" Cruzita interrupted my thought from the other side of the door.

I let out a sigh as I began to shred out of my clothes to change into something more appropriate. Papa would have a stroke if he caught me putting on shirts and trousers.

"A lady is supposed to act with poise and grace, that's how she gets respected in the society" Papa always says but I think he got me mixed up with Rissa who finds any excuse to play dress up in expensive dresses.

I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a black flared dress. I wore it and it fell down all the way to my legs. I draped a black scarf over my head to make sure my hair was well hidden. Even when indoors, I needed to cover my hair, papa's orders. I guess that way, I'd seem less like a freak to him and more normal.

When I was done, I opened the door and climbed down the stairs. I went into the dining room just in time to see Cruzita set my table but the rest of my family had already begun eating.

"Good morning" I greeted as I made my way to my seat and they all mumbled a greeting back at me.

I picked up a scone and I was halfway buttering it when my dad asked a question. "Where have you been Arianne?"

"Um, you know, nowhere in particular just around" I gave a jumbled reply then shoved the scone into my mouth.

My dad decided to look up from his food and at me, "That's not an answer Arianne, where have you been?"

I cocked my eyebrow up at him, since when did he care about where I go? I mean he barely notice it when I'm in a room with him, let alone step out if the house.

"How about we just leave her alone my love?" Christine suddenly spoke up and I turned to look at her, "Cut her some slack, she is after all already of that age where she makes her own decisions and is finally ready to start getting the call of suitors?" Christine finished waggling her eyebrows at me while I gripped my fork tightly as Rissa busted out laughing.

"A suitor?" Rissa asked amidst fits of laughter, "Who'd marry her?"

"Alright that's enough Rissa" Dad chastised but I looked away and instead focused on finishing my breakfast.

I heard my dad sigh, "Listen Arianne, I just don't want you to get hurt and we can't protect you if you don't stay with us and talk to us, I...I just want you to be safe is all" My dad finished looking at me with those brown eyes of his.

"Is something happening Papa?" I asked because he was acting strange.

My dad perked up at that, "Nothing, nothing, I'm just a little worried about the selection is all."

Oh right, the selection ceremony! I thought to myself wryly. Today was going to be the night of the full moon, a day the werewolves worship their moon goddess and come into our town to select a girl to take along with them.

No one really knew where the girls are been taken to do and no one bothered to ask because it cannot be anything good. While some of us are terrified at the thought of being taken to serve the beasts, there are some girls in this town who looked forward to it.

They think of it as nothing but something out of a fairytale book, the beauty who tames the beasts and they look forward to it. They even go as far as dressing themselves up just to be selected. I think it's stupid though and I'm glad I'm too much of a freak for anyone to choose me as their mate.

"So what do you plan on doing today?" Dad asked but before I could answer Rissa dropped a huge announcement.

"I'm engaged!" She squealed in excitement.

What? I thought to myself as I stared at her in shock.

"Oh my heavens! Really? To who?" Christine squealed sharing the same excitement with her daughter.

"Thomas Kirby!" Rissa announced and the cup of water I was about to drink stopped midair.

"Thomas Kirby?" I asked and everyone turned to look at me.

"Wow sis, I didn't think you'd know anyone in this town, I'm shocked" Rissa said with mock surprise and I rolled my eyes at her.

Just because I didn't associate with the people in town doesn't mean I don't keep my eyes and ears open. Besides everyone knew who Thomas Kirby was. The most eligible and handsome bachelor in the whole town. He had dirty blonde hair, eyes as blue as the ocean with a smile that could charm the panties off a nun. He was also the mayor's son, but the thing about Thomas was that he was a bit of a man slut and this wasn't news to anybody. I don't understand why Rissa suddenly wants to get engaged to him.

Rissa could get any guy she wants without much stress. Rissa has always been beautiful right from childhood. She had fair porcelain skin and her blonde hair was so full it cascaded down in golden waves all the way to her waist. I could remember the first time I saw her, I was so captivated by her beauty I thought she was an angel, but clearly she wasn't because she exist to make my life miserable. I still don't get why she wants to marry Thomas Kirby though.

"That's great honey, I'm proud of you" Dad said beaming at Rissa who grinned at him.

I cocked my head to the side, "You can't be serious" I spoke up looking at my family.

"Something the matter Arianne?" Dad asked as he stared at me.

"Yeah, Rissa can't marry Thomas Kirby!"

"And why is that?" Rissa asked blinking at me.

"Because he's a slut that's why!" I said getting angry.

"Language Arianne!" Dad chastised me dryly as he drank his wine but I ignored him and turned to look at Rissa.

"And engaged? You guys just started dating two weeks ago, you barely know each other!" I pointed out still not believing the news.

"Awww, well thanks for the concern sis but Thomas and I love each other, something you clearly have no experience with" Rissa cooed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Love?" I scoffed in disbelief, "Is that what he told you?"

"Okay enough Arianne!" Christine said sternly, "No need to be bitter about your sister's happiness."

"I'm just looking out for her, what's so wrong about that?" I asked in disbelief.

"Rissa is a grown woman, she makes her own decisions!"

"Yeah right!" I scoffed at Christine who narrowed her eyes at me.

"Besides, the only person you should look out for is yourself" She said in a stern voice, "You are not getting any younger Arianne, very soon you are going to need to bring home a suitor of your own and if you don't have one we will marry you off!"

What? "Okay, you can't be serious" I scoffed at her but Christine wasn't laughing at me which told me she was serious, "Papa?" I called looking at my dad for help but he just looked at me with a tired look on his face.

"Your mother's right Arianne" Dad agreed with Christine and I shook my head at them as I stood up from the dining table.

"And where do you think you are going?" Dad asked me.

"To my room" I answered not bothering to look at him.

"Alright but we are having important guests this evening, I'll need you there" My dad announced stopping me in my tracks.

"Important guests? Who are they?" I cocked my head at him.

My dad averted his gaze from me and picked up the news paper that was on the table beside him, "Just some important people from next town."

I frowned at that, my dad was clearly hiding something. Looking at my whole family now, I think they are all hiding something from me but the most important thing of all was who are the important guests and why does my dad need me with him?


It was night time already, time for the important guests to show up. New clothes was sent up to me by Christine and a pair of new shoes, heels. It was strange to see Christine get me a dress, especially one as expensive as this. It was a white Satin gown that had green embroidery design at the top. When I tried it on, it hugged my body, tighter than I would have preferred. It was also cut so low, my breasts threatened to spill out of it if I breathed too much.

Another strange thing was that Rissa came into my room to do my makeup and style my hair. I had protested of course, but Christine came in my room and instructed me to sit still to look presentable for our guests. I didn't put up much of a fight after that, I sat still and allowed Rissa to paint my face. I had expected her to pull a prank and use too much makeup to make me look ugly, what I didn't expect was the perfect way she did it.

"Wow" I breathed out when she was done.

"Of course, I have outdone myself" Rissa praised herself but I wasn't listening to her, instead I was staring at the woman in the mirror.

She looked like me but felt different. The makeup was too much but I managed to pull it off. The dark pencil Rissa used to colour my eyelids made my eyes pop. She had also painted my lips a red colour, they were as red as the colour of blood. Rissa also managed to pack my massive red hair into a bun and pinned it at the back of my head.

"Alright, time to go" Rissa announced.

I looked up at her, "Aren't you going to get ready?"

"What do you mean?" Rissa asked arching a brow up at me, "I am ready."

I stared at the dress she was putting on. It was a white flared chiffon dress that fell past her knees. Rissa of course looks beautiful in the dress but it's just what not I had in mind she was going to wear for the important guests. I turned to look at the mirror to stare at our reflection, Rissa looked plain compared to me and it was strange.

"We need to go now" Rissa suddenly spoke up, "It's not polite to keep the guests waiting" She said and I nodded my head at her.

I walked towards my bed and reached for my scarf. But before I could grab it, Rissa reached for my hand, stopping me.

"Leave it" She says.

"But my hair..."

"You don't need it" Rissa says, more firmly this time.

"Um, okay" I agreed and together we went of my room without the scarf.

I walked down the stairs with Rissa following closely behind me. My father and Christine were already downstairs. Christine was dressed the same way as Rissa. A plain yellow dress, her face void of any makeup and it was the first time I would see her without any. She looked beautiful but with guests like this, I had thought she'd try and make herself more beautiful, not plain like Rissa.

Something was wrong! I thought to myself as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Rissa left my side and went to stay with Thomas, who was looking fine as always in a dark green suede coat and black trousers. I didn't know he was invited, I muse as I looked at Thomas who was smiling at me and I was about to return it when I realized it wasn't me he was smiling at, he was smiling at my breasts.

Fucking pervert! I thought to myself as I glared at Thomas who winked at me. I would have flipped him the bird if Rissa didn't choose that moment to look in my direction, so I settled for a small smile which she didn't return but instead, wrapped her hand around Thomas who placed a kiss on her forehead. I decided to look away before I lose my cool and turned my focus on my dad who was looking at me.

"Papa" I greeted, "I was told the guests have arrived."

My dad nodded his head at me, "Yes, they are waiting outside."

Outside? Why couldn't they come in? I asked myself and was just about to ask him when I was interrupted.

"Let's not keep them waiting anymore, we should go" Christine said and my dad nodded his head in agreement.

Together, we all went outside the house. On getting outside the first thing I noticed was the carriage and the men standing next to it. I couldn't see their face because they had a black mask draped over their mouths, so the only thing visible were their eyes but I could hardly make that out too.

They were four in number and each of them were dressed in long black coats with cap on their heads. They stood next to the carriage and the horses. They didn't move, nor did they acknowledge our presence at all, I'm guessing they were the guests!

My dad then suddenly stepped forward and bowed at the men. I arched a brow up at that, wondering what was going on.

"I, Massimo Fernandez, hereby offer my daughter, Arianne Rosalia Fernandez to the almighty Midnight pack!"

WHAT? I thought to myself in horror as I stared at the man I call my father. He was offering me up for the selection! He was offering me to the beasts of the Midnight pack!

"Grab her!" One of the men suddenly commanded and I looked up to see that two masked men were already making their way towards me.

No! I moved backwards as the men approached closer but I was suddenly being held still and I looked up to see Thomas and Rissa holding me still, they know! They both knew about it! Before I could question them, my arms were seized by the two masked men.

"No, no, no, Dad!" I screamed but my dad didn't say anything, instead he averted his gaze away from mine.

No! "Dad! Please!" I pleaded as I struggled against the men who were already dragging me towards the carriage.

"I'm sorry Arianne, it's for your own good" Dad said finally looking at me.

I shook my head at him, "No it's not, Dad please don't do this! Please!" I sobbed.

"Quiet girl!" Christine hissed at me and I turned to look at her, "This is for your own good, no one wants you in this town anyway" Christine said with a stern look on her face and I finally knew what was going on.

"You!" I spat at her, "It was all you! You put him up to this!" I accused her still trying to free myself from the men.

Christine scoffed at me, "I didn't have to put him up to anything, your father was happy to be rid of you, I mean who did you think we would offer? My daughter?" Christine asked in disbelief but I was looking at my dad now.

"Papa, is this true?" I asked looking at him.

They somehow knew our household was going to be selected and instead of offering Rissa, they decided to offer me to the beasts. They decided to give me away because I didn't fit in the town. No one would miss me if I was gone or ask about me. I was too much of a freak and Rissa was the perfect normal one, not to mention she was already engaged.

"I'm asking if this is true papa?" I asked tears welling up my eyes as I stared at my father who still couldn't look me in the eyes, coward!

"I'm sorry Arianne, I didn't have a choice" Dad said and I snapped at that.

"YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE!" I yelled at him and at this time I could see people peeping from their windows, no one dared to come outside but I didn't mind them and instead focused on my dad.

"There's always a freaking choice and you know it!" I yelled at my dad who closed his eyes as if my words hurt him but I didn't care though. He could have chose to protect me or keep me hidden! Instead he chose to protect Rissa. He chose Rissa over me, his own flesh and blood!

"Mom wouldn't have given me away" I sniffed with tears streaming down my face and that was when my dad snapped.

"WELL SHE ISNT HERE IS SHE?" Dad yelled at me surprising me, "She is gone and it's all because of you! You took her away from me!"

"Dad..." I gasped as I stared at my dad in horror.

My dad just shook his head at me, "Just leave Arianne, take her!" He ordered and the men began dragging me.

No! No! No! "DAD!" I screamed as I struggled against the men which was pointless because they had a strong grip on me.

I continued to scream for help as I was being taken to the carriage. I was still struggling when suddenly one of the men was whacked on the head, causing him to stumble to the side.

We all turned to see who it was and I smiled when I recognized who it was. A determined looking Cruzita armed with a torch and a stick stood next to the carriage. I smiled in relief as she began waving the torch around causing the men to let go of my arms and move backwards.

"Cruzita" I breathed out sobbing in relief.

"Cruzita! What the hell do you think you are doing?" I heard my dad yell from behind me but Cruzita ignored me and instead turned to look at me with wide fearful eyes.

"RUN!" Cruzita ordered me, I tried to speak but she cut me off. "Run Arianne, please!" She pleaded and I didn't need to be told twice. Hiking my gown up, I turned to the woods and fled!

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