100% the great king with a quest system and chat group [English] / Chapter 70: fight, the resurrection of... and what have I done to deserve this?

章 70: fight, the resurrection of... and what have I done to deserve this?

[andrius point of view]

We were surrounded by treants. Alba, wutong, kanna, tsubasa, orobashi, and the weasel were on guard.


'Die' - orobashi spoke as 10 large balls of water began to form around him and began to divide into 100 small balls of water.

"Oh no, you will face my snake... now come, get closer" - the spirit of nature made a movement with her hands causing a root to shoot out of the ground and at great speed entangle itself in orobashi's body.


'Argh...' - orobashi site of pain as he was attracted by the root towards the spirit, his attack ended up shooting without thinking and most of the water balls ended up on the ground or in some tree, only about 20 fell on a treant, killing 12 and seriously injuring 8... I don't know if they feel pain yet but it will be difficult for them to fight.

"Tsk...go attack" - the spirit of nature clicked her tongue as he ordered the treant for the last time making them start moving towards us.


'Okay...it's time to fight' - I growled as he activated body reinforcement and used the breathing technique...it's better to save mana I don't know what the spirit will come out with later.


Kanna roared as a compressed ball of lightning began to form from her mouth and then shot towards some unlucky treant that ended up with either half of her body or her head.

'TO THE ATTACK...' - the weasel ran away as she raised her gun...it's smart isn't it?...she made a gun by herself...wait, that doesn't matter right now.

Alba, wutong and tsubasa didn't say anything and went off in different directions. Alba and wutong stayed together while Tsubasa separated.

'Ok...' - Seeing that I was left alone and surrounded by enemies, I concentrated.

the treant are starting to get closer while I prepare myself, I plan to make an attack that I haven't been able to try, the giants would have been a good opportunity to do it but I was a little impatient now I'm a little calmer... aside from this attack it works for me for this type of situation.

'3 2 1... NOW' - I counted as the treant and the moment they entered the attack range, I quickly finished gathering wind elemental mana in my right claw, then I jump while doing a quick turn and use my claws of my right paw to tear the air, creating three circular slashes that cut through the 9 nearest treant...killing them.

Not standing still, I stomp my hind legs hard on the ground so that two spikes of ice come out of it that end up sticking into the 2 treant that remained.

'Let's continue' - I thought as I ran towards another group of treant that were attacking alba and wutong using their roots as if they were whips, I think they are the ones that need the most help, because if it weren't for my passive mana regeneration I wouldn't I think I can do so many strong spells.

'Be careful behind you...' - I said as I jumped and grabbed one of the roots of a treant that tried to attack Alba from behind while I made signs of my intentions... which she understood.

"Thank you..." - Alba thanked me and then created an ice spike while I forcefully pulled the treant causing her head to fall into the spike and die.

'Take this...' - wutong was creating several balls of light throwing them towards the treant but they used their whip hands to block the attack.

'...' - wutong stared for a second before charging up one of his strongest attacks, gathering a large amount of mana, compressing it into a tennis ball-sized ball of light and firing it like a laser beam that the unfortunate treant could not block and ended up headless along with another one that was behind him.

'For them to learn...AAAHHH' - losing a moment in her world she almost ends up being hit by the attack of one of the treant, for which I had to attract her to me with telekinesis.

'Don't get distracted, we don't know when one of them will be able to attack...' - I told her as she put me on guard while 30 treant surrounded us.

'This will be a tough fight...' - I said as alba and wutong nodded.

[third person point of view]

While andrius, alba and wutong were surrounded by the 30 Treants.

Tsubasa and Kanna teamed up to kill the Treants.

With over 20 Treants burned and cut, he still had 20 Treants left alive.

His strategy is for Tsubasa to attack them with his fire to burn them and slow their movements while Kanna cuts them while using her lightning to increase her speed.

'...' - Tsubasa creates 10 fireballs and launches them towards the treant, burning some parts of his body, unfortunately they don't have a soul if not the attacks were more effective... they are just soulless puppets that can only follow orders directly.


Kanna roars as she blasts fire at the Treants burning most of them, causing them to move more slowly, while a few of the ones that escaped unharmed attack her with mana bolts.

'...' - Kanna dodges as he continues to use his claws to cut the most burned Treant.

After a few minutes, Tsubasa and Kanna had killed all 50+ Treants in their area, they were resting as they watched Andrius, Alba, Wutong and Orobashi fight...until they realized someone was missing.

Where is the weasel? - Kanna asked as she looked everywhere looking for Buck without finding a trace of him anywhere.

'…I think he went looking for silvi… let's take advantage of the fact that the spirit of nature is busy fighting with orobashi and try to find silvi' – after thinking for a moment he remembered seeing the weasel come out, but he was so focused on fighting that she forgot about him.

So seeing that the spirit of nature is busy trying to stop Orobashi from killing her, she climbed on Kanna's back as she told her what to do.

'Okay...' - Kanna nodded as he began flapping his wings to rise into the air and go in the direction the nature spirit came from.

Meanwhile... with Orobashi and the spirit of nature they were having a close fight.

Orobashi is making use of his magical aura to increase his physical prowess. Making him difficult to hit and damage, giving the spirit of nature a headache every time he gets close because he has to dodge the bite Orobashi tries to give him.

The spirit of nature, being inexperienced with the magical aura, only had to make use of its affinity to attack, also giving orobashi a headache since from one moment to another a tree comes out of the ground or if they are not roots or a plant grows trying to eat it. Leaving him defenseless as the spirit of nature stays away from him and all he has left is to attack her using his water magic, but it doesn't help much as the spirit of nature blocks or dodges them.

"ARGH... SO ANNOYED..." - the spirit of nature without realizing that buck, tsubasa and kanna left, was annoyed that he couldn't hit orobashi that would seriously damage him.

Then, in a moment of rage, he waves his hands causing several roots to come out and try to catch orobashi.


Orobashi tries to dodge them as best he can but a root ends up grabbing his neck entangling him and immobilizing him giving him enough time for more roots to entangle him immobilizing him completely.

"Fufufu now you won't be able to do anything…" - the nature spirit began to laugh as he snapped his fingers and more roots began to absorb the orobashi's mana.


'AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH' - orobashi began to writhe in pain as he tried to escape the bonds of the roots, as the more they sucked the mana out of him, the more the roots tightened on his body.

"Fufufufu now where are your companions? ... WHAT, MY LITTLE ONES AND WHERE ARE YOUR COMPANIONS" - the spirit of nature laughed mockingly as he looked around him looking for his orobashi companions but what he found were all the bodies of the orobashi. Dead treants since burned, with an ice pick through them, cut into several pieces, frozen... and he didn't find Andrius or the girls either.


'Heh... you got so trusting you didn't check your surroundings... AAAARRHHH" - orobashi gave him a quizzical look as he handed it over, but then ended up hissing in pain as the roots tightened around his body and tightest

"Tsk… Wait… hehehehe looks like I won this one" – the nature spirit clicked his tongue and then got annoyed at this, but then noticed something in the distance and then started laughing while giving a victorious look.


"HAHAHAHAHA IT SEEMS THEY WERE LATE AND MY MASTER HAS REVIVED HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" - after hearing an explosion followed by the appearance of a column of green fire, she laughed while a clear happiness was seen in his eyes.


'... AAAAAHHHHH' - Orobashi, resisting the pain, looked towards the place where the green fire pillar is located before an immense pressure appeared causing him to lose control of his magical aura a little and the roots ended up crushing his body more for losing. the physical defense of the aura.

"haha HAHAHAHAHA my teacher, my teacher is back hahaha" - he kept laughing after the magical pressure appeared while she seemed to have gone crazy.

"I have to get there quickly to see him, I have to see my teacher" - as fast as she could, she moved in the direction of her teacher, leaving only Orobashi with a body too damaged to move.

[half an hour earlier] (at some point I ended up writing a merger of the third point of view with andrius's, just to let you know, sorry for the inconvenience)

Buck after separating, seeing how most of the treants were totally focused on each other and how the spirit of nature was not looking at him, after killing 2 treants close to him, he decided to sneak away.

He then started to go further into the forest as he headed towards the place where the spirit of nature came from.

After a few minutes he reached the place where Silvi and the nature spirit clone were.

He saw Silvi weak with roots tangled all over her body, the roots had a sheen that could be said towards a strange circle that was made of what appears to be blood... Buck deduced.

He also saw the clone who was sitting on a log looking at Silvi with a quizzical look.

Annoyed but still rational, he hid while she looked for an opportunity to free Silvi.

Moving in an attempt to get as close as possible, she watched as the clone rose from the log as she approached the circle with her back to them...Buck saw the opportunity.

With quick but silent movements he approached where Silvi was and almost nothing to get there... he stepped on a twig.

"Who's there..." - the fast clone turned to see Buck cutting the roots that were holding Silvi prisoner.

"YOU..." - the clone got angry seeing him but when a root came out of the ground to try to grab them, Buck had already jumped away with silvi held like a sack of potatoes.

'Hello, clone, how are you?' - Buck trying to kill time, he began to speak while he surreptitiously looked to the sides looking for some way to escape.

"...hehehehe, I'm fine, weasel, although what you did annoys me, but you're late... the magic circle is already loaded and it won't be long before my master comes back to life hahahaha" – the clone stayed for a while moment in silence to start laughing as he mocked Buck.

'...' - buck after listening to her was silent while inside her mind was at 1000 trying to find a way to stop her.

"Mmmm?... bastards" - suddenly the clone turned fast and then raised his hand very quickly as the roots shot out of the ground joining together and creating a wall to stop the imminent attack.


Kanna's compressed lightning breath landed directly on the wall of roots causing an explosion while Buck took the opportunity to escape with silvi.

"You will not escape, weasel..." - the clone who was looking at the wall of roots now almost burned and with fire burning in what was left of the wall, turned his gaze to Buck as he raised his hand and a strong root came out of the ground trying to cross it.

But then a blue fireball intercepted the root, causing it to start burning and stop, giving Buck time to flee.

"Tsk": The clone clicked his tongue as he watched the dragon and cat descend.

'... you know what you're doing, that's a forbidden spell'- Tsubasa said after seeing what the clone was doing.

"Fufufufu it doesn't matter if it's forbidden or not, the only thing that matters is that my teacher comes back to life" – the clone simply laughed seeing Tsubasa annoyed.

Tsubasa and Kanna decided not to talk anymore and rushed to attack the clone, but in the middle of the way they had to change direction because 2 sharp roots came out of the ground trying to cross them.

"Getting here won't be that easy" -said the clone while he kept manipulating the two roots to entertain Tsubasa and Kanna.

Buck had walked away from the battlefield with silvi on his shoulder. Silvi very weak and has almost no mana in his body, it is a miracle that she is still alive.

'Silvi... are you awake?' Buck asked as he watched her.

Silvi didn't speak, she just nodded her head with difficulty.

'(sigh) if you want to rest you can do it, you just have a serious weakening due to having low amounts of mana in your body' - buck advised her while silvi simply kept watching the fight.

'(sigh) do what you want' - seeing that silvi doesn't want to rest, buck just sighed while he watched tsubasa and kanna fight against the clone.

"AHHHHHH !!! ... DON'T DODGE SO MUCH" - the clone yelled in frustration as she controlled the roots more sharply, even though she only wanted to slow them down, the fact that she couldn't land a single blow annoyed her a lot.

'Spiritual flame' - tsubasa thought as he gathered a quantity of flames in her mouth and shot it towards the root that was trying to attack her head on, burning her without much problem.

'Breath of fire' - kanna thought as a great blast of fire came out of her mouth and just like the previous one it burned without problems.

It's easy when you have one item countering the other and even more so when the enemy loses his head.

"YOU..." - the clone was going to yell at him but without warning an ice spear pierced his heart or rather the nucleus that maintains it.

'Hello clone of the unfortunate...' - Andrius greeted while he felt a little better after killing the clone of the spirit of nature... since he couldn't kill the original himself, he will settle for the clone.

"YOU... it doesn't matter, it's too late, it's too late, the magic circle has finished charging..." - the clone widened his eyes when he saw the wolf that managed to attack her by surprise, but he doesn't care now which had already fulfilled its purpose.

'...' - Andrius wanted to say something but a bright green glow came out of the magic circle making it difficult for him to see.

'Andrius, alba...create a wall of ice...FAST' - heard Tsubasa's voice, commanding him to say that he did it quickly...he doesn't do it often and if he did it, it's important.

A large double wall came out covering the flash of green light, his sight adjusted a bit and what she saw was silvi and the weasel about 20 meters from them unprotected sight of the magic circle.

'ANDRIUS QUICKLY BRING THEM OVER HERE' - tsubasa said while the quick one used all the control he had with his telekinesis and attracted silvi and the weasel towards them.

'What's going to happen?...' - Andrius asked, but before they answered, an explosion was heard followed by the appearance of a column of green fire over 30 meters high.

As soon as he appeared, the temperature of the place changed completely, causing the trees to start burning, the wall of ice that he could feel starting to melt.

Andrius and Alba had to lower their body temperature to withstand the heat created by the green fire pillar.

Then a great pressure was present that made everyone end up on the ground, even Kanna ended up completely on the ground without being able to move.

None of them could move and they could only watch as the wall of ice melted away completely, giving them a full view of the pillar of green fire...until.

The pillar began to shrink in size as the aura grew stronger and the green fire began to take on a humanoid shape, about 3 meters tall, purple body with green markings on some parts, long black hair, green eyes . pointy shiny ears, backward curved horns, bat wings, with old ripped pants but somehow they give it a scarier touch.

I mean... we're all dead.


'IT'S ILLIDAN... HOW' - Tsubasa shouted still lying on the ground while she looked surprised at illidan, who clenched his fist apparently measuring her strength.

'Seriously... what have I done to deserve this?... have I ever insulted any god or higher being to have such bad luck?' - I wondered while he was having a little (big) problem.

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C70
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


