4% Hades in Marvel / Chapter 1: 1- R.O.Bed
Hades in Marvel Hades in Marvel original

Hades in Marvel

作者: User_Not_Found

© WebNovel

章 1: 1- R.O.Bed

"Damn, that sucks" I replied to the ROB standing in front of me.

"I know right. I mean if you're gonna die, with a life like yours, die with some meaning." the being that looks like a blank, all white mannequin with no features what so ever says with an almost angry tone.

"Anyway, although we have unlimited time, I feel it's being wasted so hurry up and choose. Heaven, Hell, or my personal favorite, you reincarnate with a few wishes." his tone did a complete 180, becoming joyful.

"Fine, can you explain each option though, since it's my after death we're talking about?" Although Heaven is a tempting offer, reincarnating sounds much more interesting.

"Okay well, Heaven is Heaven, it's perfect, by definition.

Hell is a place for sinners, and by sinners I don't mean, didn't attend church or cursed, no, I'm talking about pedophiles, rapists, murderers, school shooters, animal abusers, politicians, and last but not least, YouTubers who use someone's death as a way to profit. Their souls are forced into something similar to a battle royale for all eternity. Usually you don't get to choose not to go here.

And last is reincarnation with only a few of your memories and 2 wishes I approve of, this is a special option available to only a select few such as yourself."

"I guess I'll reincarnate then."


{THIS MIGHT BE CRINGE. I honestly can't tell you why I wrote this, I just thought of it at 3 am. you can skip if you want, it's not important. its just showing how he got his world.}


"Good, good, now, let's play poker, your hand will decide which world you will reincarnate in, although it does limit the possibilities, its more fun than just spinning a wheel. Don't worry about me cheating, someone else will shuffle the cards and I won't use any of my powers.


"Ayo, what's Poppin dawg. How's eternity been treatin you mayne?" Snoop Dogg suddenly appeared and dapped up the R.O.B. Except instead of fingers he had blunts and instead of eyes he had weed nugs.

"Same old, same old cuz, watchu been doin?" The ROBs voice suddenly turned gangster out of nowhere.

"Hell yea mayne, just invented this new strain, unleashed it on a playground universe, and dayum dawg dat shit went wild bro. I'm talking whole new religion and species n shit dawg, dopeinators or sum and they eventually conquered the entire universe mayne so ya know, had to put em down."

"I be tellin you to stop with all that creation shit man, anyways bro the reason I called you here was because I need a dealer for some poker, you up for it?"

"course dawg, how you want em dealt?"



A green poker table with weed leafs all over it appeared and I was suddenly in a seat at it.

Snoop proceeds do to a few impossible shuffles and then starts dealing.

I get a 9 and an ace.

"We only play one round right?" I ask to make him think I'm nervous.

"Yes, only one, no more chances."

we simply do big and small blind, luck being currency, and get the flop, not betting anything.

"The flop dawgs." Snoop slaps three cards on the table. A 9 and 3 of clubs and an ace of spades giving me two pair of aces and nines.

"Can I bet?"

"Of course, you can bet years of your future life, your wishes, memories, luck, even limbs of your body, almost anything except physical currency's."

"Okay then... I'll bet... my sex. Wether I get to decide if im a man or woman."

"Raise, I get to choose your race."

"Call." Fuck. I'll be so fucked if I lose, but if I win I get to choose super strong species.

"The turn." Snoop says as he casually smokes a talking cartoon blunt.

another 9.

"I'll bet.... one of your wishes, if you win you get any wish, no matter the magnitude, but if you lose... no wishes"

"Not like I have much choice, I can't really fold can I?"

"Nope." it says with a grin in it's voice.

"And last but not least, the river." A king of clubs. The table looking like this: 9 3 A 9 K

"Check." I check not wanting to bet anymore.

"Why not, I think the stakes are high enough, check."

Both our cards fly onto the table, exposing our hands. He had two kings giving him a three of a kind.

My hand: a 9 and a king giving me a full house

"Hahaha... good job kid looks like you won."

"Wait I won... oh my God I won hahaha!" I just realized I was playing a game of luck against a literal god.

"Full house, three 9's and two Aces equals.... Marvel/Crossover's."


{End of the cringe}


"Wish time!" The ROB said excitedly clapping it's hands causing the table and Snoop to disappear.

"Peace homie" he throws up a peace sign and fades away.

A paper and pen appear in my translucent hands. "Write it down in detail so you don't make mistakes. I once had someone tell me to give them super adaptability which inevitably turned them into a tentacle monster." it said in a casual tone, like we weren't talking about tentacle monsters.

"You get 2 wishes and since you won the bet you get an extra unlimited wish." it said amused




Wish One- I want near unlimited potential to grow stronger physically, magically and supernaturally with no bottle necks.

Wish Two- I want a system with an inventory and multiverse shop

Unlimited Wish- I want to be the Olympian god Hades, God of the Underworld, Dea-

"Stop right there bud." My mind went blank and my arms went stiff.

"You have no idea what your asking for. Unlike what you'd expect being a god is not all fun and games." It spoke in tone of absolute seriousness. His sudden shift in mood stunning me a little.

The white room turned black and then we were inside a field of the most beautiful tulips. The only thing was that I could not feel the wind or smell the flowers.

The mannequin shaped being shook is head sadly and held his head as if remembering a sad memory.

"A god has responsibilities, and duty's you can only imagine.." A herd of Struthiomimus(ostrich looking) suddenly ran out of the Forrest surrounding the field scared of something behind them.

"A god must fulfill these duty's till their death for if not the entire world may collapse." A meteor the size of England suddenly burst through the clouds covered in fire, creating a trail of black smoke in it's free fall to the ground.

"What do you mean?" I wasn't worried about it since I could tell it wasn't real. I could also tell this is the scene of the earth being hit by an asteroid, killing all dinosaurs.

"This... annihilation event, was caused by a God. Of course not deliberately, but due to his death. He was a god of the sky and constellations; however he could no longer keep the stars in their place, resulting in.. well this." All manner of dinosaurs from Compys, to tyrannosaurus rexes burst through the trees surrounding the field, desperately trying to escape their pending doom.

They trample each other, too scared by an overwhelming threat to fight. The ground starts to shake and tremble, the air vibrates with heat and the flowers wither as if in a timelapse as the world seems to scream.

The meteor collides. The air stills, the rumbling stops and the dinosaurs look up. For just a second.

*VBOOM* The earth fragments, and shatters, a massive shockwave cascades through the field within an instant, vaporizing the animals and all foliage around us. I stand there stunned by the overwhelming destruction. All that is left of the surroundings is a black, charred, molten hellscape stretching on around the world. Ash and dust rises to the sky, choking the sun. Birds fall from the sky, having been drowned in ash and sulfur their bodies boiling from the inside. From the broken earth magma rises, it flow unstoppable as it lashes into the air adding to the Hell surrounding me.

"As hades, god of the dead, you will have responsibilities of similar magnitude. Ensuring mortals live, ensuring they die, ensuring they are judged fairly, and ensuring good and evil is where it belongs. You will be judge jury and executioner to billions of souls each having a likeness to your own right now... are you sure you want that? Chosing this path will make you no longer who you were." The R.O.B has a tone to it's voice I'm not sure I like. Although this is truly cataclysmic, as long as I do my godly duties everything will be fine. Though seeing the repercussions it does cause a shiver down my spine.

"Based on all that you said, that God was probably killed by something he did to some very angry person who gained enough power to kill him. He was most likely arrogant and egotistical. I am neither. Responsibility is nothing new to me, and as soon as I discovered the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me, so I doubt I'll miss anything about it.

"I knew you would still chose to be a god, but I still had to show you this. If not for yourself then do it for the billions of souls that would be destroyed lest you renege on your duty. It doesn't matter how, just do it and everything should be fine. Now, time to grant you powers."


The scenery changes to a grand white and blue throne room, a row of statues of anime mc's on either side with R.O.B sitting on a massive ornate throne at the end, its body now several times larger than mine. It sits up straight and it's hands start to weave through the air, almost as if it was typing on a very large keyboard. Was it?

"You will grow without limits!" He presses enter.


The very world shuddered at it's voice.

"Your reach will span the multiverse!"


The world started to crack and warp and it felt as if reality itself was bending to it's words.

*And You Shall Be A God!"

*crackle, BOOM*

User_Not_Found User_Not_Found

release schedule is whenever I feel motivated enough.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


