45.45% Marvel's Brightburn / Chapter 5: Secrets

章 5: Secrets

"He really rubs off on ya doesn't he?" Bruce quipped, after having seen what Loki was willing to do to humanity. Brandon felt a bit of a similarity between he and Loki, finding the whole plot of him wanting to conquer Earth being what he would have done. Though the difference was that he was suppose to do it alone. As well as shedding far more blood than Loki may be willing to spill.

After having tasted Thor's might, he knows that Earth is protected and wonders if he would have actually been able to beat Shield and everyone else. With his scarlet eyes having returned after meeting up with everyone else. Brandon watched the group converse with each other, unsure if he had any input to add to the conversation. He wasn't as smart as Stark and Banner, he never did go to college to get a PhD, only a Bachelors in Geometrics. Other than that he was a good cook, an ok mechanic, and a first rate genocidal alien refuge.

While the others spoke, Brandon decided to take a backseat and just watch everyone speak. They all seemed focused, trustworthy of one another. Is that what it was like to socialize with humans? Hell Thor was able to socialize better than he could, then again he probably wasn't as genocidal as Brandon was. As he watched everyone speak, he felt envious of what they had. The ability to socialize as if they were normal. Just them being human to each other. That was when Stark decided to put the spotlight on him.

"So Kiteman, what do you think Loki's got stored for us?" Tony asked, getting all eyes to fall on Brandon. The man still wore the suit that was made for him, the mask keeping his lower jaw and mouth hidden. His eyes were as red as blood still, making most of them nervous to look into his eyes. Those scarlet irises locked onto Tony, as if he were glaring at him. For a moment he thought about sending his fist into Tony's chest. Mainly because Stark had decided to bring Brandon out of his comfort zone. That said, it was a valid question and he was being pretty silent. So with a silent breathe leaving him, he spoke.

"I think that this is a trap." Brandon stated slowly, adding his piece. This was Brandon speaking from having watched too many movies and TV shows with situations like this. The bad guy gives in prematurely, has everyone on edge just because of it, and seems so confident. The first to respond was Steve, wanting to hear more from Brandon's perspective now.

"So you noticed it too?", Steve questioned, "How easy he gave up? I had thought at first that he didn't want to get smacked around by you like a piñata. But after even leaving him with Agent Romanoff, he stuck around rather than trying to get away. No offense."

"None taken..." She uttered, then looked over at Brandon.

"Loki is confident, too confident, he has us right where he wants us to be", Brandon intelligently said, "As far as what he has planned, it'll probably have something to do with one of us."

He was referromg to himself, Tony, Thor, and Bruce. The group looked at each other, considered his words, then looked back at him.

"You know what, for a second there I thought that you were gonna say something stupid." Tony quipped, then was met a glowing scarlet gaze directed his way.

"I ain't the one Stark...play with someone else." Brandon warned, catching everyone off guard with his quick turn to bloodlust. A rustle against him got him to look down to see Cade with his ears peeled back. He stared into the beady eyes of his only friend. Then realized what had happened. Brandon slowly calmed down, then let out a deep breathe.

"I'm going to get some fresh air.."

Brandon turned, then walked away from the table that he stood at. Cade followed after him, leaving the assembled group alone.

{Steve Rogers}

Steve watched as Brandon left, his eyes remaining on the man's back as his cape hung behind him.

"You gotta tell us Fury, what the hell is he?" Bruce asked with a hint of nervousness. Steve looked back to find a serious look on Fury's face. The African American male inhaled, then exhaled. Looking as if he were trying to find the right words to say.

"Tweleve years ago, there was a massacre", Fury began to explain, "Said massacre was called the Bloodbath of Brightburn. Whatever happened in there nobody knows, because every single person who stayed there was wiped out. Every man, woman, and child...dead. They looked as if a train ran them over or a truck came by and hit them. The only living person there just walked out that door. We don't know what he is, but we've got an idea that he may not be human. Just be careful around him, we're already on thin ice with him as it stands now. That goes doubly for you Stark, he's fast enough to rip your throat out and make you eat it. We've already seen some of the footage when Captain Rogers and himself were in Berlin."

The warning was shared by the gathered group, though Steve frowned. He couldn't believe that someone as young as Brandon to be capable of slaughtering so many people.

"Sir, how sure are we that he's responsible for Brightburn?" Steve questioned, gaining Fury's attention. The man narrowed his eye on Steve before responding.

"We don't have any physical or hard evidence to suggest that he's responsible."

"So what you're basically saying is don't trust Kiteman because he could have done it cause I said so?" Tony half mocked and half asked. This got Fury's ire pointed at him, but compared to Brandon's, Fury didn't scare him. Though Brandon was easily a better reason to be scared of.

Thor spoke now, his voice uncertain about Brandon.

"When we fought, he came at me originally as if i were an opponent.", he revealed to all, "Then suddenly he changed from wishing to beat me, to wanting me dead. Many of my enemies have done the same, though for him it seemed as if wanted to see me bleed. I had hoped that you all would know what he was, for Asgard has no stories of him. Not that I know of for that matter, my brother may have some idea however."

After Thor was done speaking, Tony turned to Bruce and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Let's get to work, all this doom and gloom is starting to make me feel emo." Tony joked as he and Banner walked out of the briefing room now. Steve watched them leave then looked to Natasha, she returned the look. The two just stared at each other for a moment before Steve stood up, stilled suited up in his Captain America Regalia.

"We should talk", Steve proposed, "Alone." With that, Steve walked out of the room, and was eventually followed by Natasha.

When the two of them were far enough away, Steve turned to Natasha and folded his arms over his chest.

"You got any idea what kind of person Breyer is?" Steve questioned, giving Natasha a serious look. Natasha placed her hands behind her back before replying.

"He's a ticking time bomb", Natasha answered, "He could snap at any moment and kill each and every one of us. This isn't me speaking on surveillance information, this is me speaking on being in close proximity of him. To me he feels like someone who's gotten rusty on how to kill people. All he needs is to get a taste for it and once he does...there's no telling if he's gonna care about helping us anymore or not.."

After saying that, Natasha internally frowned. She remembered what Brandon had said and how he acted. Despite having said that, she doubted that he was actually as threatening as Fury explained. Then again, she wasn't so sure. Brandon was uncharted territory, something that she wanted to unveil. Yet no matter how she tried or what she did, he was a stone wall to her. Not willing to reveal any sort of information about his past to her. For some reason, she felt as if she didn't want to know. Yet she still wished to know, her curiosity was peaked.


Brandon and Cade walked through the halls of the Helicarrier. Both not heading to the hanger bay, but instead heading for Loki's cell. When they arrived, Loki perked up and smiled once he saw Brandon approaching.

"Ah, it's you." Loki greeted, causing Brandon to narrow his eyes on him as he and Cade came to a stop several feet from the God of Mischief's cell.

"You talk like you were expecting me." Brandon replied, watching as Loki started to slowly pace back and forth around his cell.

"I was expecting someone to come, but you are not here for a to talk are you? You are here to ask questions...what questions do you have for me?"

Brandon looked down and found Cade beginning to growl at Loki. He reached over and caressed his dog's head to comfort him. When he turned his attention back on Loki he gave the God of Mischief an odd look.

'Kill-' A suggestive voice whispered, but was mentally silenced by Brandon.

"Have you seen anything like me before?" Brandon questioned, and got a shake of the head from Loki.

"Unfortunately no, if I had then this conversation would be much different." Loki answered coolly.

"Why's that?"

Loki watched as Brandon begun to walk around his cell, a devilish smirk on his face.

"Because you are fascinating." Loki stated matter of factly.

"I doubtfact lying. Brandon denied.

"Oh but you are! Never have I seen something like you, you are like a foreign God with power unlike any other. For that reason, I must ask....why do you allow them to reign free?"

Brandon's face contorted into confusion, before slowly understanding what Loki meant. He was referring to humanity as a whole, why he chose not to take over when he had the chance. Why he didn't just rule over humanity. It wasn't like that Brandon dreamnt of doing that in some of the most creative ways. With each dream whether it be nightmare or not ending in him covered in blood.

Brandon was rather disappointed that a supposed god didn't know what he was. It meant that asking Thor wouldn't prove to be helpful either.

"You don't want to know." Brandon stated, getting the ever curious Loki's eyes to gleam with curiosity.

"Oh but I do, your power is only equal to the monster and he requires time to transform!" Loki spouted with excitement.

"If you don't know what I am, then you should be worried about if there are more of me..."

Brandon's words seemed to get Loki to stop pacing, his body fully turned in Brandon's direction. It was as if the conversation had just gotten a tone change, one that Loki found peculiar.

"What I am, is something meant to wipe out entire civilizations", Brandon began to say with a cold voice, "What people I come from aren't friendly, they aren't good, and they most certainly aren't looking to team up with anyone. They don't fight for glory or honor, they fight to see you dead at their feet. They fight for dominace. I haven't seen anyone else like me on Earth, so you had best hope that they don't find out where you live. You've only seen what I can do, and I am still trying to figure out what all I'm able to do."

Loki's eyes widened a bit, beginning to realize the implications of what Brandon was saying. Asgard was mighty across all the realms, yet for he to not know what Brandon meant two things. Either Odin has no knowledge of Brandon or his people, therefore meaning that there is a powerful new race. Or, it meant that Odin fears Brandon's race and had erased any knowledge of them.

'Curiouser...curiouser...' Loki thought, then watched as Brandon was beginning to leave.

"Wait, is that all you wished to speak of?" Loki questioned, wanting to try and extort any more information from Brandon or at least manipulate him. Brandon stopped at the door and glanced back at Loki. His scarlet eyes looking as if they were glaring at him.

"I came for information, information that you don't have", Brandon stated, "It means to me you're useless."

With that said, Brandon walked out of Loki's cell chambers, leaving a scowling God of Mischief. Loki didn't like being called useless, it was like being in Thor's shadow once again. Except, having someone say it right in his face.

As Brandon walked, he thought upon Loki's words. The man was odd, he wasn't sure if Loki even seemed like himself. It was as if someone was speaking for him or something like that. The thought didn't last as he turned his attention to Cade, whose tail wagged happily. After some time, Brandon and Cade walked into the hanger bay to find Thor. The God of Thunder turned to them and smiled before walking over.

"Brandon Breyer, I was hoping to speak with you." Thor greeted, though Brandon held a risen brow.

"What about?" Brandon asked, watching Thor with little curiosity.

"I have been curious as to what you are, I cannot see any Midgardian as yourself being capable of what you can do. Your strength is equal to my own, and speed even exceeding it! You must be a god of something, you must tell me. For I wish to spread the tale of our battle across Asgard."

Brandon was a little taken aback by Thor, he was the exact opposite of himself. He was a battle junkie while Brandon was a super powered serial killer. Thor was an extrovert while Brandon was an introvert. Thor was a light to Brandon's darkness, he was what Brandon wanted to be when he was younger. A man who could smile, but not because he wanted to see blood. With a slight shrug, Brandon didn't know what to tell Thor.

"Sorry, I've got nothing for you besides alien." Brandon revealed, getting a curious look from Thor.

"You do not know what you are?" Thor questioned, causing Brandon to shake his head and began to walk around him.

"Don't even know why I was sent here..."

Brandon's answer was a lie, a lie that he hoped that Thor didn't catch on to. For he didn't want the God of Thunder to be wary of him. The man liked Thor, he was a fresh face with an interesting personality. Someone that Brandon could honestly relate to.

Just as Brandon was about to walk away from Thor, a firm hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked back to find the God of Thunder giving him a beaming smile back at him.

"Worry not friend, I am sure that one day you will learn why it is you were sent here." Thor stated cheerfully, then patted Brandon's shoulder before walking off. Brandon watched Thor leave, fearing that single yet heartwarming word ring in his ears.

'Friend...' Brandon thought, unsure how to feel about that. He hadn't been called friend before, actually he hadn't been called anything nice besides "gift". A whine was heard beside him, causing him to look down at Cade. The dog had his ears peeled back again, saddened for some reason. Brandon smiled behind his mask, he knelt down and caressed the dog's head.

"Hey, you're still my best friend", Brandon reassured, "Don't you worry about that alright? Nobody's gonna ever replace you."

Cade smiled and licked Brandon's face causing him to let out an audible chuckle. The heartwarming moment between them ended as Natasha came walking over. She had a blank look on her face, one that Brandon was unable to read. Though by the rate that her heart was beating, she was either nervous or scared.

"Mr. Breyer." Natasha greeted, watching as Brandon's scarlet eyes stared up at her.

"Can I help you, Agent Romanoff?" Brandon addressed, the look on his face a bit cold and neutral.

"Well, I wanted to ask you something." She said slowly and cautiously.

"Is this an interrogation?"

"No it's not an interrogation, just wanted to understand you better."

Brandon considered her words for a moment, pondering on if he should speak with her. After weighing his options, he rose to his full height and sighed. That was the only answer that Natasha was going to get.

"You've been pretty hostile to me ever since we've met at your house.", Natasha pointed out, "I was wondering why that was, what about me makes me different from everyone else?"

Brandon slowly folded his arms over his chest, his scarlet eyes on her and unmoving. He raised a brow at her, then began to narrow his eyes upon her as if he were starting to glare at her. Natasha felt like she had struck a nerve and hoped that he wasn't about to retaliate. However, Brandon threw her off once he responded to her question.

"Because you're scared." He simply said, making Natasha process that answer for a few moments.

"What?" She asked a bit dumbfounded.

"You're scared, scared of what I am, what I can do, and if I'm about to do it. I can hear your heart thumping faster than normal human heartbeats. I can see it in your eyes as well as everyone else on this ship. You're all scared of me, you all want to put me down in some way or even control me. So why should I associate myself with any of you?"

Natasha felt her eyes widen, having been revealed to that Brandon could see and hear them speaking from possibly miles away was shocking. Meaning that no hidden words goes without him hearing it. No secrets could be hidden from him unless one was texting it. He had always been aware of how uneasy everyone has been. That was when a frown came to her face once she started to understand what he meant. Brandon felt alone, and didn't want to talk to anyone who didn't necessarily want to talk to him. Hence why he lived alone for so long without having any human interaction for years.

Natasha could only imagine what happened at Brightburn, a part of her wants to believe that he wasn't responsible for it. Yet her natural instincts told her otherwise, that he was responsible and he didn't feel remorse for it. Just as Natasha was going to speak, she got a call from Fury. He wanted her to go and interrogate Loki, she let out a soft sigh before giving Brandon a comforting look.

"I'm sorry..." She apologized, a genuine apology coming out of her lips. Then she turned on her heels walking away, leaving Cade and Brandon alone once again. When she was far enough awag, Brandon looked down to Cade and saw the dog simply staring at him.

"No, I'm not interested in her", Brandon suddenly denied, "She's a spy and most likely a lying sack of shit. I am not falling for something like that. Now come on, we gotta get something to eat."

With that, he and Cade walked off together. The both of them walking as if that whole conversation with Natasha hadn't happened. Though one could argue, that he had made a new friend in the form of Thor. Unfortunately only time will tell if that will still remain.

"Breyer!" Came the calling voice of Steve Rogers. Brandon turned and gave Steve a curious look, he and the Captain hadn't really talked longer than a minute or so. They didn't have anything to start a conversation before.

"Need something from me, Captain Rogers?" Brandon asked.

"Steve is fine, and no just wanted to have a word with you."

"Can it wait?"


Brandon frowned, then turned fully to Steve. He gestured for the Captain to start talking, knowing that it must be that important if it couldn't wait.

"Back in that forest, you were... somewhere else." Steve began to say, causing a grimace from Brandon. It looked as if he were hoping that Steve wouldn't have noticed that.

"So I was." Brandon confirmed.

"Any idea why that was?"

"No not really."

"Are you absolutely sure?"


The two stood there at an impasse, neither one giving in to the other. Steve kept his blue irises glued onto Brandon's scarlet ones. The two men seemingly at odds until a sigh left Steve.

"Look, I just want to make sure that you were alright." Steve suddenly said.

"Well....I'm fine." Brandon tried to ease, but found that the Captain wasn't convinced.

"That dog ain't gonna hunt. Look Brandon, I don't know why you're not willing to open up to us. But know that I'm here to listen to whatever you've gotta say."

"You don't know me."

"Yet I'm still talking to you."

Brandon was taken aback by that response. He wasn't excepting Captain America of all people to be the first person to try and befriend him this way. Of course Thor was more straightforward, that seemed to fit his personality. The man was a warrior. But Steve Rogers, America incarnate, and the most innocent man to live.

"Just remember, no matter how dark your past is, we all have a dark past." Steve said with finality, then gave Brandon a charismatic smile before turning and walking away. Brandon stood there, staring after Steve with astonishment. He didn't know if he should feel angry or inspired. A frown began to form on his face, guilt marrowed itself in his heart. Not because of what he has done, but that Steve didn't truly understand what he was saying. The man may have fought Nazi Germany and possibly did dark deeds while being in World War Two, but Brandon wiped out an entire population. The worst part about that? He enjoyed doing every single bit of it, because while he may not have been aware of doing it. His dreams shows him vivid details of each kill he made...


Thor was confused about Brandon. On one hand, he is told that Brandon is a mass murdering psychopath. On the other, he sees Brandon as a misunderstood individual who has no ties to his humanity. He didn't know who was right and who was wrong. The small talk that he had with Brandon did little to deter his thoughts on the issue. Here, he stood on the bridge of this mighty Midgardian ship. Staring off into the clouds from behind the safety of glass, pondering on Brandon. He knew Brandon was strong, but why was that the case. Were there others like Brandon? If so, where were they? Why did they send him to Midgard alone?

Those questions started to give Thor a headache just as Fury was walking over to him. The man had a serious look on his face once more. Fury leaned on the railing beside Thor, staring off into the clouds before speaking.

"Your brother has made me a very desperate man," Fury began to say, "I've brought together a group of remarkable people. Some of which who don't get along with others, and others being more like gods to us. Only one of them is a wild card, one that I'd have like to have a leash on if I could."

Thor looked at Fury, wondering if he meant himself. Then he started to realize that he meant Brandon, a frown came to his face as he stared at Fury.

"What are you asking of me?" Thor slowly asked him, causing Fury to turn his eye on Thor. The look that he was giving the God of Thunder was as if he were about to order him to do something against his own personal beliefs.

"I'm asking you what you're prepared to do...to keep us safe?"

The God of Thunder continued to stare at Fury, finding the man both shrewd and untrustworthy. Yet he was one of Midgard's protectors, just like Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and himself. Brandon seemed like a good fellow who needed a helping hand down the right path. That wasn't to say that it was a facade to get his guard down. He remembers how Brandon looked at him back in the forest, how he didn't seem to be fighting to incapacitate. Thor almost suffered more than a kick to his ego. Brandon did not fight with remorse in mind, he fought with such a bloodlust that it almost couldn'tbe hidden. He wondered why that was, who put such thoughts into the man's mind? Thor closed his eyes, taking a deep breathe. When he opened his eyes, he had come to a decision about Brandon, one that he hoped that he wouldn't regret.

"I am willing to do many things Nicholas Fury..", Thor began to say, "But I am not willing to murder another based off of your words alone. I am no assassin, I am a warrior, the God of Thunder. Find someone else to shed blood for you."

With that, Thor turned and began to walk away. Against what his friends would think, against what his father would think. He believed that Brandon was not as evil as others made him out to he. He was doing something that he had a hard time in doing. Placing his faith in someone else, someone whom he believed to be like himself when he was far younger and more brash....brasher than he now anyway.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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