Luda was brought back to life,Kirigan was so happy seeing her again.Shehad brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.Kirigan took his time to explain to Luda everything that happened and Luda was forgave him.
Hadrian had shown him and Baghra his city,it was amazing experience for them and Kirigan was wanted Luda to stay their in the city were danger is less and he is able return every night through a port key.It was a good deal for him and Luda demonstrated powerful healing abilities. She was able to heal the Darkling from a distance.If she is taught correctly she may break the limit of Grisha and live as long of Kirigan himself.
Kirigan was now watching these mythical beasts flying around,he couldn't look at Hadrian and mutter"Maybe he could protect every Grisha from them."
Hadrian heard this knew having a peaceful relationship between Grisha ans Non Grisha is not easy,it may work for short time,but sooner of later the hate,jealousy or arrogance would cause a war between these two people.After all he had seen Wizards get hunted down in certain countries,while some accepted them.It was big incident,purebloods in Britain quickly learned the fact they are not all powerful like they thought.
Diagon Alley and other places where completely destroyed,since Muggleborns and Squibs sold them out,Hadrian could only think Karma was upon them after how they treated these people.
Now Hadrian was training Nina,who showed ability to be Tidemaker.Also Zoya would join in on the training.
Hadrian and Nina was hovering a single blob of water moving it back and forth among each other in a circular motion.
Hadrian was in teacher mode said"Water is the flowing element.The element of change,To master water, you must release your emotions wherever they may lead you.Water teaches us acceptance.Let your emotions flow like Water."
The fighting style for Nina was mostly fluid and graceful, acting in concert with the environment.Since each strike deals with the flow of energy,she let her defense become her offense, turning their opponents' own forces against them. Even when Nina does take an attack stance,her moves always appear to flow from one to the other, mimicking the flow of the water.
Flashback ended
The Dome as Hadrian called it is an expanded training ground,it had specific ground all Grisha from Tidemakers,Inferni....etc
While crowd was now going to watch a spar between Nina and Hadrian,also in the stand was Baghra,Kirigan and Luda.
Nina who was fighting with Hadrian was employs defensive techniques that can be transformed into attacks and counters, defense into offense.
Nina takes deep breath tightens her fist and sends water whips at him.Hadrian dodges and bends two streams of water from nearby pools and sends them both at a charging Nina, who falls back.
Hadrian pulls a ring of water around his waist and sends the stream of water at Nina,who halts it and sends it back to Hadrian. In a swift spinning motion,Hadrian sends the stream toward Nina again, who draws water from nearby trees, deflects the attack and sends a highly pressurized water jet at Hadrian.
But Hadrian uses his hands to block the attack, disintegrating the water into droplets.
Hadrian taking joins the two streams together launches at Nina,who quickly froze it.
Nina was getting tired quickly back away,as Hadrian melts the ice and directs the full blast at her. However,Nina plants her feet down and is able to direct the blast.
Nina knew she needed to get close,so she charges at him,Hadrian draws up a wall of ice, which she quickly liquefies. She attempts to land blows, but Hadrian ducks them all. He whips water and throws her into a pool, earning the approval of other members of the crowd.Many wanted to learn under Hadrian,after all of them saw how power each Grisha was in their respective element.
Nina getting out of pool,with wave of her hand dries herself and with pout said"You win again."
Hadrian grinned at her,while Bahgra and Kirigan were watching this was curious and awe,as Baghra spoke up"He is really a genius,he actually created a method to draw more power than any Griaha before did,not even by Juris was capable of anything close to this.
Kirigan nodded and whispered"We have much to learn."
Luda who was watching everything with awe,she had heard from her husband about the potions and was really interested in learning about them.
Next spar was between Zoya and Hadrian,as Zoya gave Hadrian flying kiss and the duo has readied themselves for battle,both Hadrian and Zoya standing in the middle of the arena, both taking on a their fighting stance.
Zoya, who has his hands stretched out in front of her,as Hadrian,starts to lower his arms, leaving a trail of fire behind as he directs a strong fire blast at Zoya .
Zoya quickly moves to the left, out of the way of the blast before moving back to the right to avoid another blast.
Hadrian shoots two more strong blast at Zoya,who crosses her arms in front of her and takes the blasts head on.She moves one arm up and the other down, dissipating the flames.
Zoya smirks at Hadrian, who smiles at seeing she progressed and performs a roundhouse kick, spraying flames towards
Hadrian, who creates his own flames to push away Zoya's blazing attack.
Zoya simultaneously shoot fire streams at Hadrian.Hadrian is engulfed in a ball of flames,but we soon see he dissipates the fire by moving his hands in a circular motion.
Zoya once again directs another powerful flame kick in Hadrian's direction,but Hadrian who holds his own fire ready. He launches forward. Shot of his feet, showing his strong stance as he swings his arms over the ground, severing the flame attack.
Hadrian now turned more serious ferociously attacks Zoya with a strong fire blast.
Who block the incoming blast of flames is thrown back a bit by the force of the attack while he diverts the flames to both of his sides.
Zoya panted takes a step forward and directs another powerful blast at Hadrian, using both his arms this time,but Hadrian still diverts the fire away from him.
Zoya takes another step forward and fires again with the same result on Hadrian's side.
Zoya firmly plants her foot down and holds her both wrists together and fires another strong blast.
Hadrian blocks slides back few meters over the ground. He lifts his head,as his expression turns to one of shock as he looks up and sees that Zoya
rushing towards him and thrusts her fist forward to deliver the final blow.
But Hadrian dodges of the way and in this swirl, swipes Zoya's legs from underneath her causing her to step back.
Hadrian then directs a powerful kick at his adversary. Zoya barely pushes it out of the way while staggering back ever further.He kicks again and this time he succeeds in knocking the Zoya over as she falls down and rolls over the ground, where she ends up on her back.