87.5% My Sheldon Cooper-TBBT (The Big Bang Theory) / Chapter 7: 7) The Pancake Batter Anomaly (S1)

章 7: 7) The Pancake Batter Anomaly (S1)

It has been two weeks since his failed date with Anna, she had been busier at the hospital too, so they haven't really seen each other that much, she was even to busy for lunch. They didn't really talk much on the phone either, to be honest he was working out a time to end the relationship, he didn't want to drag it out any longer.

To make matters worse he had been stuck hanging out with the guys, that was because Penny had been off to Nebraska to see her family so they were his only company. He wasn't a cheater so it wasn't like he could go out and just spend all his time looking for women at bars, though he did help Raj look for a girl.

After finding out that he could talk to women after drinking they went out more, Howard also followed along but tended to strike out more then finding someone. Leonard was with them too, but he was a little down since Penny was away, which made Sheldon roll his eyes when he heard that, he didn't see why the guy acted the way he did, it didn't make sense.

Since he was dumping Anna too, that means he was on the pursuit to find Alice again, he had hung out at Stewart's Comic Book store hoping she would show up. He wasn't going to date her or anything since he was still with Anna, but he was going to at least try getting her to like him, just so he could set the foundation for when he could.

Other then that nothing has happened really, he did go home for Thanksgiving though, his family was happy to see him, though he didn't stay long. He could only laugh when his MeeMaw kept asking him about Penny, they had called one another during the holiday's so she was all over him to talk to the girl too.

Sheldon could only shake his head and smile fondly at the thought of that, he loved his MeeMaw, it was also fun to see her play video games, the woman still found some of them fun to play. Even in her late age she still was able to keep up like when he was a kid, still being more into it then him on some parts.

"SHELDON!!!!" Penny screamed as she made her way into the apartment launching herself into his arms as he sat on the couch reading a book. He only had a little time to actually throw the book and catch the flying girl that was about to land on him.

Grunting he caught her as she snuggled her head into his chest, he only laughed while ignoring Leonard's pout on the side since he was ignored, "Hey Penny."

"Hey Penny, how was Nebraska?" Leonard asking trying to remind her that he was still in the apartment with him.

Sheldon heard her huff as she got out of his chest, but he also thought that he heard her sniff him as she pulled away though, "Oh, better than North Dakota! I guess that joke's only funny in Nebraska. Anyway did you get my mail?"

"Yeah it is right here." He said while walking over to his computer desk to grab the mail out of the drawer, Sheldon was gone too so he didn't get the mail for her.

"Boy it is good to be back." She said while snuggling into his arms, she hadn't bothered to move from his lap since she took her place there.

"Oh yeah?" How was your family?" Leonard asked while handing her the mail and taking a seat in his chair on the side, he did look really jealous that she was still in Sheldon's lap though.

"Ugh, it was the worst trip, everyone got sick this past weekend." She said.

Sheldon though froze at that moment, without thought he quickly pushed her to the side while rushing to the bathroom, he didn't even bother to go to his room. "Oh damn, you should have warned us before coming here. Sheldon has a really weak immune system, he would have made you wait two days before coming over here. Do you know what they had?" Leonard asked as he moved to head and get Sheldon clothes.

Penny looked worried as she saw that Sheldon had taken off like that, "Ahh the Flu I think. I didn't know about that, I would have stayed home if I knew that. I just really missed you guys and wanted to see you first thing when I got back."

Leonard waved it off, "It will be fine, well unless he gets sick. Then he will be hell he does not do sick well."

Meanwhile Sheldon was in the shower scrubbing himself down, though he knew that he was going to get sick, Penny was in his lap. He smelled her in the moment she got in his arms, there was no way for him to avoid it, the germs were already in his nose so he was going to be sick by later tonight or tomorrow, it was just something that happens.

The clothes he was wearing he had already put inside a bag so that the germs didn't spread, this was going to be hell, he hated getting sick it tended to hit him really hard. Plus he might be a twenty-five year old man but he loved it when someone sung the 'Soft Kitty' song for him, no one here would do it though.

After a ten minute scrubbing session he finally got out, Leonard had already set some clothes for him in the bathroom, he left it unlocked just for that reason. Sighing at the selection he put on a robe instead before going to his room and choosing something, it was like Leonard didn't know how to find matching clothes at all.

After finding a set he went back out to the living room, "Where is Penny?" He asked while walking over to the closet and getting out some disinfectant so he could clean the couch.

"She went home to take a shower, after I told her about your weak immune system she took off to go have one before she came back." Leonard said but his eyes hadn't left the door the entire time that he had said that to him.

Nodding Sheldon started to clean the couch scrubbing it, he put all his force into it while wearing a white mask, "I am more then likely going to be sick tomorrow, you might want to find somewhere to go. You know how I get when I get sick."

Leonard was already nodding in agreement, "Yeah I have already talked to Raj and Howard, we are going to sit at a planet of the ape's marathon tomorrow so I will be out all day."

Sheldon was fine with that, he knew how he got when he was sick, although it was bad it wasn't as bad as the old Sheldon, at least he didn't force anyone to take care of him. He did get to the point where he always felt as though he was going to die though, so he never liked being around anyone, he tended to have a low tolerance to any medicine used on him.

Shaking those thoughts away he looked to the door as it opened up to Penny walking in, "I am so sorry Sheldon, if I knew before hand then I would have not come over right away." She said while looking at him with her pouty expression and puppy dog eyes.

He sighed while pulling down his face mask, "It is fine Penny, you didn't know. You will know for next time though so it won't happen again. We will just try and not make it happen again."

"Are you sure that you will get sick though? We only hugged for a little." She said while trying to sound optimistic but she didn't believe it herself as she was saying it.

"I/He will!" Sheldon and Leonard said at the same time as they both looked over at her from her position on the couch, which was just her usual seat.

Penny looked between the two but only shrugged her shoulders as she didn't see a reason to argue with them, this was the first time that she had been around them with one of them sick. Sheldon didn't say anymore either, instead he sprayed the disinfectant before putting everything away, he was already satisfied with what he had done.

For the rest of the day the three of them were hanging out while Penny told them stories about her time in Nebraska, Sheldon also mentioned his family too. Leonard was the only person who didn't go home, not that his family didn't celebrate it but he just didn't want to be compared to his brother, who in their mother's opinion was better then him.

Sheldon wasn't close to the woman, not like he use to be, he cut off being close with her when he transferred over, she was just really dull to him so he didn't want to being close to her.

He did laugh at her jokes though, he enjoyed listening to the antics that she got up to why she was in Nebraska.

She was a actually a walking cliche, she was a girl from a small town looking to come out to California in order to make her dreams come true as an actress. He was glad that she hadn't done any porn yet, the way her career was going he thought she might have done it, but he was glad to know she hadn't.

And yes he did ask her, he wasn't shy about it.


8:45 a.m

Sheldon was sweating hard, he woke up around six in the morning calling into school for his illness, since the school would be open again tomorrow and he didn't know how long he would be sick he needed to. Though he did know that he currently had the flu, which made him ache.

Since this morning he has had constant chills and had been burning up, he hated this a lot since he didn't like how his body would keep changing temperatures like this, it was annoying. Leonard had left around seven, he looked it up last night and knew the marathon was starting the moment the movie theater opened.

Crawling out of bed he groaned, his whole body was cold but hurting at the same time, he really didn't want to be out of bed but he needed to make his own food. Since he was going to take care of himself he also needed to do this, though he would only make simple foods so that he didn't need to worry about exhausting himself.

Moving into the kitchen he started to make oatmeal with peaches, it was simple and delicious, it was also something that would fill him up so he didn't think it was a bad idea. He was only drinking water though as he had been throwing up too, he didn't want to eat or drink anything that would leave a bad taste in his mouth.

After it was finished he moved to the couch while groaning as he took out his phone to see who was calling him, "Hey MeeMaw." He said weakly into the phone as he took a bite of food.

"....Moonpie? Are you sick? You were just fine when you left here, did you catch something on the train on your way back?" She asked after a pause sounding concerned for him since she knew that he always caught the worst colds.

"I'm fine MeeMaw you don't need to worry about me." He said with a small smile while only eating half the oatmeal, he left the rest in the bowl while leaning back on the couch.

"Moonpie I will always worry about you. Do you need me to fly out there and take care of you? You know I will do it." She said while already sounding like she was about to start packing her things.

"No don't worry MeeMaw, I should be better by the tomorrow or the day after. I am just going to tough it out today." He said back quickly with a fond smile on his face as he laid on the couch, he took medicine before eating and it seemed like the drowsiness of them were kicking in.

"Are you alright Moonpie you sound....sleepy?" She asked not sounding sure about her questions.

He nodded but then said it out loud, "I am fine. I just took some medicine and it is making me really sleepy, I might end up falling asleep soon though." He let out a huge yawn as he finished that sentence though.

"Oh! Well then I will let you sleep then, call me later Moonpie, let me know how you are doing. I will call your mother and siblings and let them know that you are currently out of commission."

"Alright I will talk to you later then MeeMaw, I love you."

"I love you too Moonpie." She said he could hear the smile in her voice as she was saying it.

As the other side of the line went dead he let his head fall to the side, he really couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, he wanted to just let the sleepiness take him.


Penny POV* 12:30pm

Penny stood just right outside apartment 4A, she couldn't hear anything from the inside and was worried about waking Sheldon just in case he was asleep in the room. Gaining her courage she walked into the apartment without knocking, she tip toed her way inside before lightly closing the door behind her as to not make much noise.

That was the right idea though as she turned around and saw Sheldon asleep on the couch, on the table was a half eaten bowl of oatmeal that seemed to have gone cold. He must have been sleeping here for a while if it was this ice cold, without waking him she picked up the food and took the bowl to the kitchen.

After washing it and putting the dishes away she went back to the living room and stopped in front of him, he looked so uncomfortable since his neck was bent at a weird angle. Smiling at the cute expression on his face though she walked over and lightly shook him, "Sweetie? Come on Sweetie, you shouldn't sleep here, especially with your neck in that angle." She whispered to him.

"Penny?" He asked but she could tell from his eyes that he wasn't full focused, she knew that she was even more right as he leaned on to 'her' spot with his head.

"Come on Sweetie, let's get you to bed." She smiled down at him while running a hand through his hair, he was nothing like her family who didn't sleep at all but complained the entire time she was there.

"Sleep." He said groggily as he closed his eyes again pulling the throw cover even more over his body, though it only went to his knees, his feet were hanging out the end of it.

She giggled while moving his head into her lap as she sat in her spot, she let him sleep on her but she didn't plan to leave, she didn't understand why Leonard left either someone should have been here to take care of him. As she was thinking that she heard his phone go off, looking at it the caller read 'MeeMaw' she tried not to awe reading that.

"Sheldon's phone." She said with a smile answering it for him.

"...Who is this?" An aged voice asked from the other side sounding confused.

"Oh I am sorry, I am Sheldon's friend Penny."

"PENNY!?! Oh Sheldon has talked about you a lot in our conversations, he told me what a great friend that you have been to him ever since you moved in across the hall." She gushed as she spoke really fast.

Penny looked down at Sheldon as her heart and chest felt really warm knowing that he talked about her, she knew how important his family was to him. They talked about how he had to make up to the whole family and how he didn't plan to fight with them anymore, but she knew how close he was to his Grandmother.

If someone was to look into his call logs then they would see that seventy percent of the calls were between them, with either her calling him or him calling her.

"What does he say about me?" Penny asked feeling excited.

"Oh no my lips are sealed, I won't be spilling my Shellies secrets like that." The woman said sternly but she could tell that she was smiling as she did though.

Penny pouted but she was still happy since it did seem that Sheldon had been talking to his grandmother about her, though she didn't know what it was at least it was good. "Oh well that sucks. Sheldon is asleep right now and I really don't want to wake him up." She said while looking at the man who was laying in her lap.

"That is fine dear, I just wanted to check in on him. If he is sleeping at the moment then don't wake him, when he is sick he is horrible. Though you might want to wake him soon so he can take more medicine, I know that he hasn't had any since six this morning." she instructed as she could hear someone also telling her something in the background.

Penny smiled loving how much his grandmother seemed to care about him, "I will do just that, I also think I should make him something to eat. It seems he fell asleep earlier while eating some oatmeal."

"Well aren't you a dear. I will let you get to it then, call me later when.... oh sorry I almost forgot, do you know 'Soft Kitty'?" She was about to go but it seemed someone had said something to her right when she was about to hang up.

"Umm no?" Penny said confused as she heard that weird name.

"Don't worry dear I will teach you, it is something that we always do for him." The older woman said with a smile in her voice.

Penny set his head down before going and grabbing a pen an paper, "Alright what do I do?" she asked.

After telling her everything his grandmother hung up the phone, she smiled seeing what she had written down, looking back to the sleeping man she smiled even more softly at him.

Setting the paper down she went to the kitchen where she proceeded to make Grilled cheese and tomato soup for Sheldon, it was a comfort food she at when she was sick. This was also something she knew how to make really well, so she knew that she wouldn't burn it, though she actually was a pretty good cook with simple food.

Dancing around the kitchen she finished the meal before going into his room and grabbing the medicine, she was hoping that he would move there after eating but she wasn't sure. "Sheldon? Sweetie?" She said while shaking him trying to get him awake.

"Penny? When did you get here?" He asked as he sat up, his sick voice was deep and throaty which sent shivers down her spine as she heard it.

"Earlier Sweetie, I need you to wake up now I made you some Grilled cheese with tomato soup, we don't want those to get cold now do we?" She asked with a smile while walking over to get said meal.

When she went back to him he was already sitting up while wrapping the throw cover over him, she smiled at his adorable pout before setting the food down in front of him, "Alright eat this then you can have another dose of your medicine, we can also get you into bed since your Grandmother told me that you would sleep right after this." She said sitting down next to him.

"You talked to MeeMaw?" He asked as he brought the sandwich up to his mouth to take a bite.

She held back her squeal at his nickname for his grandmother, it was just a cute thing to do, she didn't even know that he could be that cute. Compared to the rest of his friends he was more of the closest thing to a bad boy that they could get, so she loved seeing these small parts of him.

"Sure did. She said she would call you tomorrow to check in on you and left you in my hands." She said with pride while bring the spoon to his lips so he would drink some soup.

Sheldon looked as though he was about to say something before he rushed to the bathroom without warning, from her spot on the couch she could hear him retching in the toilet bowl. She felt bad for him but there was nothing that she could do, walking to the bathroom she crouched while gently rubbing his back as he let out more red oatmeal, obviously some soup was in there.

"I am sorry sweetie. How about we get you some medicine then back into bed yeah? You can sleep this all away." She said trying her best not to hug him while he was still letting out the contents of his stomach.

He nodded while leaning back gasping, "That sounds like a good idea."

They moved out of the bathroom and while he went to the room she went to get his medicine, it was actually killing her to see him sick like this. She couldn't change it though so she just helped out, plus she was feeling guilty since it was her fault that he got sick, though they both should have to each other in advance.

Penny walked back to his room and saw him laying in bed, the dehumidifier was already going when she went in, he turned it on cause it wasn't on when she was in there earlier. "Alright here you go." She said while handing him some pills and a glass of water which he took quickly.

She was amazed at how fast the medicine worked on him his eyes went a little hazy and there was a silly smile on his face as he laid there looking at her, "Thanks Penny, I love you!" He said while smiling fondly at her.

Penny was stunned hearing that, she knew it was out of gratitude for her helping him, but she couldn't control her heart as it beat quicker hearing those words. She just wished that he was on drugs at the moment as he said them, it was just him having a loose tongue since he was loopy at the moment.

Before she could say anything she looked down to see that he was passed out from the medicine already, smiling she brushed some hair out of his face while leaning over and kissing him. Pulling back she traced his face with a finger while sighing, she was really wondering why he had to be with Anna and not her.

"I know you can't hear me at this moment but I love you too Sweetie, you have been a great friend ever since I moved in across the hall. I just wish though that you would see me like you see other girls, and not just like a sister." She said sighing as she brushed more of his hair out of the way.

Clearing her throat she smiled opening her mouth, "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr." She sung softly to him as a smile took over his face as if he could hear the words that she was singing to him at the moment, he moved a hand taking the one that had been rubbing his chest as she sung it.

Penny didn't leave cause he was asleep though, instead she went and cleaned the uneaten food before going back into his room, she looked over his book collection choosing one before sitting next to him in bed. Sheldon feeling her turned and leaned his head into her side, she only smiled softly while opening the book that she had chosen to read.

The soft setting of the sun made the room look really beautiful at the moment, anyone would have wanted to take a picture of what seemed like a happy couple in bed together.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


