25% Hunter X Hunter (HxH): Voided Ambition / Chapter 8: Danger Of Neurotoxins And Cardiac Arrest

章 8: Danger Of Neurotoxins And Cardiac Arrest

Thousands of people gathered to watch a showdown, whether it was in the arena or in front of a television.

The crowd was eager and could not wait a second longer. Half of them wore crab masks that covered their faces and shouted Rex name repeatedly throughout the whole time.

About the other half wore green snake masks, the same as the mask that Snake Monarch wore.

"The wait is over, it's time! This entire arena is shaking with joy! Finally Snake Monarch enters the stage!"

Many fans shot roses and chocolates into the stage.

"Snake Monarch! You can do it!"

"Show the dwarf who's boss!"

"Please marry me Snake!"

"... The opponent is Rex Corystes! A rookie who has been fighting for two years on the 190th floor and rose to the 200th only half a year ago! There he fought against the elite of the arena and barely got the required 10 wins to fight a Floor Master! They say he wears a mask to hide his ugly face! Who knows? Maybe we'll see his face for the first time today!"

'What have I done to you?', Rex thought to himself as he listened to the female commentator.

He looked up at Snake Monarch. He was a tall slim man who wore a traditional red Chinese attire depicting golden dragons.

"Here with I announce today's epic battle! 3... 2... 1... Fight!"

In a split second Rex dashed to Snake Monarch and was going to give him a nen endorsed fist in the abdoben, as he himself was too small to hit the face.

But Snake just blocked the fist, took a knife out of his dress and tried to strip Rex's shirt sleeve a bit.

"Huh? Ryu? No... Shu", Snake muttered to himself. To his regret, his knife could only graze the shirt without causing any damage to it. "Oh, I see... You thought I was an easy opponent, didn't you?"

The reason why Snake thought this was very simplistic, in an urgent position where the opponent standing in front of you can strike any point of your body, you obviously don't guard your clothes with Nen, but your head and chest.

Before the fight, Rex watched a lot of fights of Snake Monarch, and also some before he developed Nen, so he could see his Hatsu and its conditions.

His Hatsu was to manifest Nen snakes, which he could control at his will. But they appeared only in clothes, where he made a cut. He can use any weapon to make the cuts, as long as he made it himself.

"Huhuhu! If you know my Hatsu. Why didn't you show up to the fight naked like my other adversaries? I mean, it's not illegal, is it?"

Rex stared at him without saying anything, but in truth he was trying intensely to keep his ryu focused on his eyes and legs upright, waiting all the while for Snake to unpack his key move.... and then it happened.

Snake jerkily threw thousands of glass pieces from his sleeve at Rex, each of them filled with Nen, but Rex had already prepared for it, and used Ko on his legs.

His leg muscles tightened intensely, it was like Pitou, but on a much much smaller scale, but with this power he jumped a considerable distance with a lot of speed to the ceiling.

He aimed at the lamps that illuminate the whole arena, and he also penetrated them with his arms, successfully destroying them.

The commentator was the first to speak, and she also wanted to calm the panic a bit, but she herself didn't see that it was Rex who had caused it. "What just happened? The lights suddenly went out! Dear guests, it seems that the power-"

"It was Rex who did that, take a look at the ceiling", A man who had suddenly appeared next to the commentator said.

The commentator tried to look up but it was hard to see anything because her eyes had not yet adjusted to the darkness, then she turned off the speakers and turned to face the man. "Who are you! What are you doing you Her-"

"I'm a Hunter", The man said, also having his card out as proof.

"What? Ehm...", the commentator quickly turned the speakers back on. "Dear audience, it seems that and a Hunter had visited us!"

"What, a Hunter?"

"You're kidding!"

"No it's true! Look, in the room! There's a big man next to Cona!"

"Dear onlookers, nice to meet you! I am the hunter Naiki! ...", The hunter introduced himself and began to comment on the rest of the fight in the microphone, why? Because he was bored and liked to draw attention to himself.

Rex threw his arms away from the lamps and jumped down from the ceiling. He landed on the edge of the arena so he wouldn't fall right into Snake Monarch, who was waiting in the middle.

'So, now watch this!', Rex again jumped towards Snake Monarch, who was in the middle of the arena, and gave him several blows.

Since Snake's eyes were not yet adapted to the darkness, he was very much surprised by Rex's attacks, even if he used EN, his aura radius of one mere meter was far too small to react to the blitz-like attacks.

The result was that Snake Monarch could do nothing but fall to the ground and spitting blood from the many kicks that followed.

"You! You son of a bitch!"

Rex dodged backwards as Snake pulled out a knife and swung it in Rex's direction.

Like a mole, Snake tried to dodge Rex's attacks, but couldn't do anything but get hit, so the fight went on for minutes, and every second Snake used up more and more aura to keep up his Nen attacks, as well as his En. But Rex did not have this problem, because his eyes were amplified many times by the ☆Spare Body☆.




But even that had an end.


It looked like a miracle.

Snake Monarch, who all the time was protecting himself from Rex's attacks and could only block every other attack, held Rex's fist and cut Rex's sleeve with his knife.

Rex then jerkily wanted to take off his shirt... But something inside him told him it was time. And when the Nen snake manifested, Snake Monarch suddenly laughed.

"Kihihihihi... Hihihi... Ha




'?', Rex couldn't help but look at him in confusion. "Don't tell me-"

"AHAHA! YES, I WAS JUST PLAYING! DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT SNAKES SEE INFRARED? YOU MUST KNOW THAT I LOVE WATCHING PEOPLE DESPAIR!", Snake kept laughing and tried to cover his face with his hands, but his grin was so big that it was impossible.

After that, he made a hand gesture, which controlled the snake, and the snake subsequently bit Rex on the neck without a moment's delay.


HUN-DERT-PERCENT!", Snake went to Rex and tore off the mask.

But to his expectation, behind the mask was not a terrified face looking at death, but a face that wore a smile full of determination. And with that smile, Rex first fell to his knees, and then laid on the floor, his left hand pressing against the bite mark, while the other hand fiddled at his leg.

But this reaction frustrated Snake Monarch, who then kicked Rex out of the arena with a Nen Kick, so that he hit the wall, in front of the audience, and made a crater there. The people quickly ran out of their seats, not wanting to be involved in the fight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Rex is outside the arena... Which means nothing else than 1 minus point for Rex! He has 10 seconds left to enter the arena again!!"

In the shouting of the cheers, Snake got closer and closer to Rex, until he was standing in front of him.

"What's wrong with you?", Snake was confused by Rex's face, it was a face of a winner. But then Rex's muscles started to tense more and more. "Hah, now you feel the pain of the toxin, huh? That's one of my favorite Neurotoxins!"

Snake Monarch glared at Rex and opted to kick him again.

"Ugh...", Rex couldn't help but gasp in pain.

"Huh? Don't you want to know what this baby can do? HA! This baby blocks the certain Acetylcholinesterase enzyme in your synapses, this enzyme that is no longer functioning is supposed to split the neuron transmitter Acetylcholine after its use, but since it is no longer there, there is now a lot of Acetylcholine in your synapses and this leads to a permanent stimulation in your nerves!"

Rex was still lying down, suffering several twitches and cramps, yet still secretly trying to do something to his legs.

But after an intense sudden sweat, his pupils began to contract, causing Rex to suffer massive pain in his eyes. He stared at Snake Monarch, wanting to know what exactly he had done to his body.

Snake Monarch looked Rex in the eye. "You idiot! That doesn't mean anything other than your body is tensing all its muscles right now! Not much longer and it will affect your lungs or even your heart, both of which will lead to death!"

Then Snake Monarch began to stroke his long beard. "But you know, there is a so-called antidote, the so-called atropine!", Snake Monarch slashed his own attire with the knife, which caused a Nen snake to appear there, he put his hand in the snake's mouth, and took out a syringe from it.

"But it won't be cheap.... You know, I love to look at the agonized faces of my victims, but money brings me more pleasure! Give me your credit card with the code and the antidote is yours. Blink twice and it's yours!"

Rex closed his eyes. "Y... You b... Bi... BITCH!"

"Oh, I see... have fun dying then!"

"Wa... Wait...", Rex said, who had to swallow his spit with every word, as this toxin caused him to salivate profusely.

"Huh? What do you want?", Snake Monarch said as he walked back to Rex.

In his last few moments, no logical thought came out of Rex's head, but rather an overwhelming feeling. A feeling that he could not currently release with his body, which is why it was manifesting in his Nen.




But when Snake Monarch saw Rex, he realized that he was dead.




A bomb had gone off, shredding Rex including Snake Monarch's body away to obliterate any trace of their existence.

The hunter, Naiki, who was applying Gyo, ignored the shouting of the spectators, and looked at the dissolving dust. 'Shit, I originally went here to recruit that Rex kid... Oh man, somehow these misfortunes always have to happen around me.'

Then he noticed something very strange. "This... Can't be!"


Oh man, long time no see...

And yes, Snake Monarch was able to see Rex, because he made a small slit on his attire, manifested a Nen snake, and looked through its eyes.


I will never create a Poison-Enemy ever again.

-> Make a poison opponent.

-> Don't know anything about poison.

-> Research for a couple of hours to find a suitable poison for the situation...

-> Complicated words everywhere... :(

Well, with the mention of atropine I made it pretty obvious, but do you know the name of the Neurotoxin?

Anyway, Rex made this plan because his eyes are much better than average, and chose his opponent not because he is weak, but because he would give Rex a slow death. (For a quick death he would have chosen a cool samurai guy, but his Hatsu benefits from rather longer events).

Haha, let me know if I forgot something or if something is wrong, I'm just a human and humans make mistakes...




Are you mad at me for leaving you alone for such a long time? 🥺 (I'm sorry, but I have felt soooo tired in the last few days. Zero energy to do anything, do you know the best way to cope with it?).

HxHEnthusiast HxHEnthusiast

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


