42.85% Sky Harris / Chapter 3: Really in an alternate universe!

章 3: Really in an alternate universe!

A couple kilometers later, Skylar started to see some houses and various people walking about as odysseus' car finally entered a town. Odysseus drove a few blocks into the town before he pulled up in front of the local diner. Noticing that he was at his destination, Skylar opened the car door and got out.

"So where will you be going next?", Sarah asked.

Skylar wondered for a while before answering, "I'll probably head to a hotel. I'll be staying in town for a day or two and then head into the city".

"Oh if you're staying then you can stay at our house. It's only a block from here", Sarah suggested with her soft and seductive voice and sent Skylar a wink. Skylar immediately knew what the woman was actually suggesting.

Damn vampire cougar, Skylar thought. He looked to be around the age of 21 but he was actually a lot older.

"Oh no, I can't. Giving me a ride here is already enough", Skylar said, trying to seem humble.

"Don't be silly. It's not a big deal. And besides, there aren't any hotels in this town and the motels are just disgusting", Sarah made a face to show her disgust.

"So here's what we're gonna do", Sarah said as she scooted close to Skylar before looking right into his eyes. Her pupils dilated for a second as she said, "You're gonna stay over at our house while you're in town and maybe we can have some fun".

Skylar immediately knew what Sarah was trying to do to him. She just tried to use her compulsion on him. Little did she know that Skylar was immune to it.

Compulsion is a great way for a vampire to make people do their biddings. But it had some weaknesses. One being that it only worked on ordinary people and maybe animals but it did not work on other supernatural beings. Skylar was supernatural so he was naturally immune to it.

But he didn't need to expose himself so he just played along. He smiled and said, "I guess I'll stay with you then".

Sarah let out a squeal out of excitement and clapped her hands. "Then wait for us after you're done. We're just gonna run a little errand and we'll be back for you".

Skylar nodded and didn't say anything.

Sarah suddenly remembered something as she said, "Before you order, tell the server that you're a friend of Sarah Cohen's and you won't need to pay for a thing". Odysseus stepped on the accelerator and drove away immediately after Sarah was done talking.

Cool, free food, Skylar thought. He looked at the diner for a while before entering it. The people inside the diner all turned their heads to looked at him as he entered. From the guy at the bar, to the servers, to the workers in the kitchen, to the customers. Skylar was a little weirded out that everybody was staring at him as if he was he was a clown or something.

Is it because I'm not from here? Skylar asked himself. Everyone automatically knew that he was not from there.

Skylar brushed off the stares and walked to one of the tables at the window and sat down. Everybody when back to what they were doing but Skylar somehow had a feeling that there was less noise than before he entered.

A server walked up to his table with a clearly forced smile and said, "Hi, welcome to the Little Diner. What can I get you?".

"Hi, I'm friends with Sarah Cohen", Skylar didn't even waste time. He wanted the free food.

The smile on the server's face immediately disappeared and was replaced a shocked face. The whole diner became deathly quiet as everybody turned their heads to look at Skylar's table. Some of them looked at him with similar shocked faces while some looked at him with disgust.

Skylar wondered how everybody in the diner heard what he said. When he saw the faces they were making, it wasn't hard to figure out that Sarah didn't have a good reputation in the town.

"Uh, can I get a cheeseburger please, with a side of fries and two beers", he ordered. The server immediately wrote down his order and turned to leave after without even checking his ID.

"Oh and can I use your phone?", Skylar asked. He was still doubting whether he was really in an alternate universe or not. The server didn't answer and just left which made him wonder if she did or didn't.

Soon after she left, the server came back with her phone in hand. She handed the phone to Skylar but she didn't seem to like the idea.

"Thank you!", Skylar thank her as she turned around and left.

The first thing Skylar checked was the time and date. The date was February 22, 2016 and the time was 02:12.

2016, huh? Did he really bring me to and alternate universe or did he just take me back in time, Skylar wondered. It wouldn't be his first traveling back in time. Back in his original universe, it was the year 2071 when he accidentally travelled back in time to the year 2025. Now he was in 2016. He chuckled when he thought about it. Back in his original universe, Eugene was only in junior high school -also known as middle school- in 2016.

He search for various information he deemed important to see if he could find any differences to confirm whether he really was in an alternate universe. He searched for various historical facts, famous companies, holidays, public figure and any celebrity he could think of but everything was the same as what he knew.

That bastard with my face just sent me further back in time and tricked me, he internally roared. Since all the information he search for was the same as the things he knew, he thought that the man in the white robe had just sent him further back and time and was just playing with him.

He was just cursing the man in the white robe in his head when he realized that all the things he search were only about America. If he didn't find anything different about America, then he just had to search for information about other countries. So with this new idea, he decided to search about Ghana, since that is where he's originally from. Sure enough, a whole bunch of things were different from the things he knew.

Apart from being a little bit technically advanced, there was a whole bunch of minor historical details and other facts that were vastly different from what he knew. These tiny details finally convinced him that he really had been taken to an alternate universe by the man in the white robe. He wasn't as shock as an ordinary person would be, since he had time travelled and been through a lot of mind boggling situations before. This was just one of them.

He had been so immersed in his research that he didn't even realize that his food had been brought to him.

"Can I have my phone back now?", the server demanded, her annoyance clearly showing in her tone.

"Oh, sorry. And thank you", Skylar immediately gave her back the phone and thanked her. She yanked the phone out of Skylar's hand and turned to leave.

"Hey, please wait", Skylar stopped her. The server rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned around. Skylar glanced at her name tag that said "Jenna".

Skylar gestured towards the seat opposite him for Jenna to sit. Jenna let out a sigh of frustration but still sat down.

"I saw the looks everybody gave me when u mentioned Sarah Cohen. Why is that?", Skylar asked.

Jenna was visually alarmed by Skylar's question. "I'm not allowed to talk about her in here", she said and immediately got up to leave but Skylar stopped her again.

"Please wait", he said. "I can tip you extra"

Jenna immediately sat back down. "Thought you were friends with her", Jenna said.

"No, she just gave me a ride her", Skylar told her.

She nodded her head and suddenly said, "100".

"Hundred what?", Skylar was a bit confused.

"Dollars, obviously", Jenna said.

"What? No", Skylar immediately refused.

Since Skylar refused, she immediately got up to leave but Skylar stopped her once again.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait", Skylar said.

She sat back down opposite Skylar. Skylar brought his wallet out of his pocket. He opened it and almost vomited blood. The cash he had didn't even sum up to 50 dollars.

"I only have 45 American dollars", Skylar told her. He expected Jenna to try to leave again but she surprisingly didn't and stretched out her hand for the 45.

Skylar sighed. He took out the 45 dollars and handed it to Jenna. In fact, since the money he had was from 2025 in his original universe, he wasn't sure if he would be able to use it. That's why he just gave them all to Jenna. Jenna didn't even bother counting the cash and just put them in the back pocket of her short jeans.

"Folks around here say that she's not a normal person", she immediately started talking. "At first we thought she was just some whore since she changed boy toys every month. But townsfolk started to noticed that all her boy toys had strange bite marks on their necks. We didn't really think much about it but one person did. His name was Joshua Writhe. He was Sarah's nextdoor neighbor. He used to complain that he saw her do strange things. He even said he once saw Sarah drinking the blood of one of her boy toys with her sharp fangs.

"We all thought he was crazy so he went to confront her but he didn't came back. A week later, a couple of campers found his body in the woods".

She leaned in and whispered, "They said that there was a bite marks on his neck, just like all Sarah's boy toys and his body had been completely drained of blood. The local popo started investigating. They went to question her since Joshua disappeared right after going to confront her. Nobody knows what happened next but the police just stopped the investigation after. And guess what?".

"What?", Skylar asked.

"Ever since then, she gets anything she wants without even having to pay for them. Some folks including my boss say that it's like they are being mind controlled by her, which is why you are getting your free food", she said as she dipped one of the fries in the ketchup and put it in her mouth.

It was only then that Skylar noticed that Jenna had been eating his free fries all along. He would have been mad if he had paid for the them but since he didn't, he didn't get mad and let her continue.

"I think she's not human", Jenna continued as she ate more fries. "She drinks blood and mind controls people. If you ask me, I think she's a vampire, like those in the TV shows which is insane 'cause vampires don't exist and even if they did, they burn in the sun, right? Everybody knows that. Sarah Cohen certain doesn't burn in the sun", she finished.

Skylar nodded. "She is a vampire", he said. "The only reason she's able to walk in the sun is because of her daylight ring. You know? That tacky ring with the blue stone on her finger?", he explained to her as took a big bite from his cheeseburger and let out a moan.

Jenna looked at Skylar with some skepticality evident on her face. "And how would you know that?", she asked.

"I've encountered a lot of vampires. I'd like to say I'm an expert when it comes to them", Skylar said.

Jenna just hummed and suddenly got up. "Well, I'm gonna leave you to finish your food. I've got to get back to my job", she said as she started to walk away. She turned around without stopping and said, "A piece of advice, stay away from her unless you want to be her next boy toys. You certainly fit the criteria. Young and hot".

I'm not that young, I just look young. He thought to himself but still, he was quite flattered when he was called hot.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


