38.09% Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse. / Chapter 23: Chapter XXII: Even if you tell a lie long enough, it won't become the truth

章 23: Chapter XXII: Even if you tell a lie long enough, it won't become the truth

-Somewhere in the omniverse.

"Hahahaha, those fools finally made it, they made my cute Yozora angry," Aqua said while holding her stomach as it started to hurt from how hard she was laughing. "They seriously thought that they had a chance against him, those idiots should know their places."

But a young man beside her didn't miss her words and a grin creeped out of his face. "Oh~ Your Yozora you say, so you are finally accepting your feelings, congratulations!"

After hearing that Aqua stopped laughing and a big blush started to appear all over her face. "Wait, Kazuma is not what you are thinking…. When I say my Yozora I mean as my…. employee… yes that's right he is my employee so there is nothing wrong with that." Aqua said trying to save some face, but looking at Kazuma's smug face, he didn't buy it at all.

"Is that so? Well, if that is the case maybe I should ask Fuga to give him a mission about conquering a girl's heart, I've seen that he gets along especially well with Hermione and Daphne so maybe we should help him to get things faster~"

Aqua froze at Kazuma's words. "Ka-Kazuma, you are joking, right? Both of them are just kids." Aqua said with some hesitation in her voice.

"Not at all," Kazuma said with a wide smile on his face. "Even though they are kids now, it doesn't mean that they would remain as such forever."

"But, but he won't take a mission like that!" Aqua said while panicking a little bit. "He wouldn't play with anybody's heart like that."

"Who knows? Maybe he will fall from them in the future and getting something for doing it will just be an extra and on top of that." Kazuma said while taking out a book apparently out of nowhere. "Recently I got in my hands this pretty rare book, and as you should know Yozora is something a kind of a bookworm, so that would be very tempting from him."

After hearing what Kazuma said in less than a second Aqua grabbed Kazuma's shirt and started to violently shake him. "Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san you can't do this to me, it's not fair." The goddess said with tears dripping from her face. "They can see him every day and I am stuck here doing boring work when I want to be with him. I also want to eat his food, I want to play with him and listen to his stupid bad jokes, I miss him a lot you can't do this to me Kazuma." But Aqua realized that her tongue slipped and froze solid.

Kazuma looked weirdly at the goddess. "You miss him? How can you miss him if you never meet each other in person?"

At his questions, Aqua started sweating profoundly as she couldn't find the right words to express herself. "Aaaa, no you misunderstood me, I mean-uh?" What Aqua said didn't make any sense which caused Kazuma to start to suspect something.

"You know what you just said doesn't make sense at all?" Kazuma said while deadpanning at her. "Aqua what did you do?"

"I-I don't know what you are talking about, I just got confused." Aqua tried to fake ignorance but Kazuma didn't buy it.

"Aqua this is important," Kazuma said rather seriously for the first time. "I found it weird that you started to suddenly show interest in someone after all these years, while he to my disgust is a bishonen even before reincarnated he is not exactly the most handsome man you have seen but when you see him is like he is the only one for you." Kazuma took some air before continuing. "And just now I noticed it, but there have been many times that you have talked about him as if you knew him at a personal level. So please tell me Aqua, I am not asking to annoy you or to make fun of you. I am asking you as your friend."


November 23rd of 1991. Hogwarts Castle, Room of Requirements.

Mission: Ye,re a wizard Yozora.

Description: Since most of the events of the plot occur in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding you MUST enroll in the school.


Enroll at Hogwarts.

Make a good impression on Minerva McGonagall

Open your vault in Gringotts


300 store points

1 random mystic code

1 random book.

Mission: The Downfall of the Magical Hitler

Description: The so-called Dark Lord had been a nuisance for too long. Help the boy who lived to end his life.


At any moment given, make a declaration against Voldemort in front of people with political influence (1/1)

Destroy at least 3 Horcruxes (0/3)

Have at least 2 direct confrontations against Voldemort (0/2)


100,000 store points.

1 random Noble Phantasm

1 random Skill.


Note to the user: Voldemort's death is linked to destiny itself so by any circumstances the user must not kill him

Unknown consequences will happen to the user and the world if this happens.

Mission: Mayhem In The Wizarding World.

Description: Yo! Do you think that it was Dio but it's me Fuga!

To be honest, I am quite bored with this world, but nobody wants to change with me so as you may know after all the background that I gave you I want you to make this world more entertaining.


Declare yourself as the heir of Lucis Caelum to the Ministry of Magic (1/1)

Raid at least 5 Death Eater's Houses (0/5)

Slap the face of Umbitch (1/1) Note: Extra rewards will be given if it's in a public place with a lot of people.

Create mayhem in the Ministry of Magic (1/1) Note: Other than declaring yourself as an heir and the rewards will be based on how much mayhem you do.

Note: You must finish this mission before you end the mission "The Downfall of The Magical Hitler".


1,300 store points

1 magic-related skill.



'Well, this hearing was a productive one,' I thought with a big smile on my face. 'It even helped me to locate a lot of Voldemort followers besides the ones I already knew.'

"Hey gramps anything new about Quirrelmort?" I asked as I wanted to get rid off him as soon as possible, but I didn't want to make it obvious with the other professors as they been good with me.

"No, he stills in bed after your "little" prank," Gramps said trying to act serious but it seem that he found the situation hilarious. "Honestly, how the person that was considered the greatest Dark Lord in this country be so pathetic."

"It was because he feared dying gramps. The idiot divided his soul into so many pieces that he didn't realize that he became weaker." I said mocking the bald dark lord. "After seeing him parasitizing Quirrell for the last couple of months I noticed that his soul is many times weaker than a regular one, I cannot fathom the idea of a mortal surviving like that, my best guess? Since his existence is important to the world's will so he could survive tearing his soul in seven fragments, but he got weaker doing that."

"So basically, if he wasn't so afraid of dying, he would be more powerful and maybe be capable of accomplishing his goal?"

"Exactly, honestly, I am rather frustrated that our first final boss to call him in some sort of way, is an idiot." I couldn't help but sigh at the memory of me being afraid with that idiot. "But on the bright side, that gives us more leeway on the things that we have to do before going to the DxD world, like becoming stronger!" Even though this world was like being on the easy difficulty I shouldn't get confident with just the strength that I currently have. "But that's for the future, today will be a special day." I said with a big smirk in my face.

"Today is Dumbledore's announcement, or else he goes to Azkaban" Gramps said with a big smile on his face. "If that old fox wasn't an idiot maybe he could have lived the last of his days without a problem, but in the end, his self-confidence got the best of him." But his expression suddenly changed as if he was remembering a bitter memory. "Learn from this little Yozora, no matter how strong you are, even the most insignificant being can end you if it gets you by surprise."

I took gramps words to heart as I know that he speaks from experience, he being the greatest martial artist of his era found his demise being poisoned by a person that apparently couldn't harm him.

"I know gramps, I will try to not make that kind of mistake in the future," I said seriously.

Gramps nodded at my words as he could see that I took his words seriously "Very well little Yozora, let's go or we will miss your big event."


November 23rd of 1991 Ministry of Magic

It was the time for the big event, one that will bring an amount of joy that could not be described with simple words. Sure, Levi kicking Dumbledore and stealing his wand was satisfactory, but this would hurt him more than just a kick. After all, he expended most of his life building an image of being a man that never in did a single wrongdoing but that ends now. Of course, this won't make his reputation crumble, but it would sow a seed of doubt in the whole of magical Britain as they would question if this was really the very first time that Dumbledore did something wrong.

Gramps and I stood near the podium where a lot of people from the press were nearby as the Ministry of magic said that today the famous Albus Dumbledore had something to declare, something strange from their perspective since the man avoided all media for the last decade after Voldemort's fall.

Their presence didn't surprise me at all, but what I could notice was that there were a lot of Aurors "hiding" around me. With most of the Magical population being wizards/witches one would think that it would be difficult to discern them from the masses, but there were a lot of minute things that made them easy to locate. At first, I thought that they were trying to put some vigilance on me to stop me from doing something, but to my utmost surprise was the opposite they were here to avoid some obnoxious idiot from trying to make a move on me.

"Greetings Heir of Lucis-Caelum, Mr. Lee, I hope you had a pleasant week." Madam Bones said to me with a rather polite compared to the last time we talked.

"Hello Madam Bones, so far everything has been good for us." Replied Gramps

I looked at the woman and even if she tried to hide it with makeup there were signs of exhaustion on her face, but I decided to ignore that for the moment. "You can address me by my name, Madam Bones, I am not a big fan of formalities," I said trying to make her a little bit less tense around me. "But I have been fine, after what happened in the hearing no one has been annoying me to my surprise."

"I would be rather surprised if they did, but one can never know with those stubborn people." Madam Bones said half joking.

"Nope, and even with the "contract" I don't have a single ounce of doubt that they will try to find a way to either break it or avoid any penalty," I said nonchalantly as if it wasn't my problem. "But let's forget about those idiots for a moment and focus on the idiot of the day," I said to Madam Bones as Dumbledore was walking to the podium to start his declaration.

Taking a second look at the man he looked tired as if he hasn't slept for the past week and he even looked older. I couldn't help but smile at that sight, one could say that I was being evil to the old coat, but I couldn't care less about that, the fool tried to use me for his stupid crusade, so he got what he deserved.

"Good evening to all the present people, my name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, current Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards." Said the man flexing all his titles, trying to dampen what is to come. "And the reason for this press conference is because I was ordered by the Ministry of Magic to say the following."

'This old fox is trying something.' I thought to myself as his way of phrasing made it as if he didn't want to or he was being obligated, that it's not a lie.

"The past October 31st I used legilimency with two of the students of Hogwarts." The man said making a pregnant pause to let the people in the audience make their conclusion. At first, some of them thought that it was a joke, as the "perfect" Albus Dumbledore wouldn't be capable of using that with kids, some others noticed how he said that he was "ordered" and started to think that the ministry was blackmailing Dumbledore while the minority started to yell at indignation.

"One of the affected parties noticed this and without trying to hear my explanation demanded legal repercussions to be followed and since he was in his full right to do that, I allowed him to contact the Ministry without a problem," Dumbledore explained. There was a subtle indignation tone in the part where he wasn't allowed to explain himself but didn't last long as his following tone changed to a virtuous one as if he was a law-abiding citizen. "But I must assure you that everything I did was for the safety of the students!" Dumbledore declared. "That night by unknown means a Troll invaded the confines of Hogwarts and one of the students and handled the situation with a frontal confrontation with the Troll. If the student in question was a senior year, I wouldn't have thought a lot about it, but the responsible person was only a first-year student, something that he shouldn't be capable of by normal circumstances. And when I asked the students how he did it, he stubbornly refused to answer even if the safety of his other classmates were in danger so I had to do something that until the day I die will hunt me down." Dumbledore said to the audience with a sorrowful tone as if he really believed his own words.

'Well, at least he is right in the part that this will hunt him till the day he dies…maybe beyond.'

"The day of the hearing said the student used his status as an heir to make the whole ministry to abide by his words, so here we are, I having to expose my 'wrongdoing' by someone trying to discredit my name" Once again Dumbledore made a pause to let everyone digest his words. "I can't ask for your forgiveness as what I did is inherently wrong, but at the very least I hope that you can understand that the only reason for what I did, was for the sake of every student's good."

The whole ministry of magic fell into silence after Dumbledore finished his speech. Soon some murmurs could be heard cursing the ministry and the "heir" that tried to sully Dumbledore's name. Some others had glints in their eyes as they fully believed what Dumbledore had said from the very beginning and listening to his "determination" made them more engrossed with him. Some others still gave hateful gases to the old man, as their own children were students and even if he had a "valid" reason, intruding into someone's mind is a despiteful thing from their perspective. And the people that were present at the hearing were livid at Dumbledore's audacity of using them as scapegoats, they wanted to say something about it but since they were bound to the contract, they had to be careful in their use of words, or else they could risk being punished. Madam Bones looked at me with some hesitation as she was thinking that I would put something like the last hearing but….




"Bravo Albus Bravo!" I said with a mocking tone while clapping. "You exceed my expectations; I knew that you would try something but to think that you would be this well-versed twisting what really happened without breaking the rules you should be a politician instead of a teacher. But seriously what is with you trying to always be the good guy?"

At my words, all the people around me started to look at me, and obviously, most of them were not happy that I was mocking Dumbledore, but I don't care at all about it. But the man of the day had a different reaction to everyone else, his face turned pale, and hatred was evident in his eyes. "What are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked with a lot of confusion and a well amount of hate hidden.

"What do you mean Dumbledore!? Of course, he would be here, the ministry sent him a letter to inform him!" Madam Bones said quite annoyed as she could infer what was happening.

"Is that so?" I said with some "confusion" in my voice. "I didn't get anything at all, but now that you say so something strange happened in the castle," I said trying to hide my smirk with my hand. "For a couple of days, no one had received any letter or newspaper, I thought it was strange but luckily for me a little bird informed me about today's event."

"Dumbledore interfering with the mail of anybody is a serious crime!" Madam Bones started.

'It is? Well, another common thing that they have with the magical side.'

"Sorry for interrupting Madam Bones, as much as I would like to see him going to another trial, I think that first, we should make some corrections to Dumbledore's previous statement," I said to Madam Bones, in all honestly, I didn't have the energy or the time to lose time with that sort of things. My main goal is to humiliate the man and destroy everything that he worked hard for. So such a trivial thing wouldn't help me at all.

When I reached the podium, I used a "sonorous" spell to be sure that every single person present would hear my words. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Yozora Hoshimura, most of you must be wondering why I am here, so let's make things short. I am the heir that Dumbledore has been talking about." I stated to the public and I noticed that many people didn't like that I addressed him without honorifics, but I decided to continue my speech. "Dumbledore stated that everything he did was for the well-being of the students, but is that the truth? Yes, I was the one who put down the troll, something I am aware is surprising for a first-year student but how I did it, is part of my family secret, something that I am legally allowed to keep for myself unless a crime was committed, and as far as I know, defending oneself and a classmate from a creature classified as XXXX by the Ministry of Magic is not a crime."

"Furthermore, he first used Legilimency with my classmates, getting to know how I put the beast down, but not satisfied with that he tried to prove into my mind, probably to get the secrets of my family," I said trying to incite hate towards the old man as nobody would like for their secrets to be revealed. "So once in the hearing, like here he without a pound of shame admitted what he did for the safety of the students, but I will ask to all of you, what danger is he talking about?" I said seriously to the audience.

"The beast was subdued, and nobody was hurt, if he was referring to me as the so-called "danger well he must be getting old for fearing a well-abiding citizen like me," I joked at this, earning a couple of laughs from the audience, but the people of the Wizengamot looked at me as if they were about of vomit blood at my statement. "So, at the end with the help of my lawyer and my VERY convincing arguments." That's the name of my fist by the way. "The majority of the Wizengamot declared Dumbledore guilty of his charges, and I didn't ask for him to cease his functions in any of his position nor a monetary compensation, I just asked him to make public what he did, something that I could have done myself easily, but I want to allow him to search a little bit of redemption, but it seems that I was wrong in thinking that he deserves some of it, as he immediately tried to change the blame the members of the Wizengamot that were just doing their jobs and to me who was one the victims of his actions," I said trying to make everybody to sympathize with me and getting a good public image from their perspective as I was "magnanimous" enough to give the man a chance.

"To finish my declaration, I just want to tell you that as much as I would like to think that this was the only time that Dumbledore did something like this, who says that is so? Just think about it, my classmate didn't realize what he did, and one could say that I was lucky, so who says that he didn't do the same with your sons and daughters or even to yourselves in your younger days when you studied at Hogwarts." With those words everyone made a concerned expression as some of them did have some important family secrets, of course, I am sure that Dumbledore really doesn't care about most of them and there is a limit to how much a kid knows about their family secret, but the seed of doubt was sow in the public now.

"So thanks for your attention but I will retire for now as all this mess made me tired, so if you want to ask questions, please make them to Dumbledore, as I am sure that he WILL answers them." And with my last sentence I sent an order via his sla- I mean contract making it impossible for him the contrary.

'And this is how you manipulate public opinion, dumbass' I thought to myself mocking the old man as gramps and I left the place to continue with our other plan.


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

So, I want to apologize for not updating the chapter this couple of days, but my last couple of days were pretty bad and stressful in the real world. Believe me when I say that as much as I would like to make more regular updates it's been hard for me, but I do what I can. Leaving my boring life aside, this ff almost reaches 400K reads and over 2K collections!!! Let's go for the 500K!!!! Thank you, everyone. *The author bows a little bit*

So Aqua spilled the beans huh? Well, that's a story for another day. So Yozora gives once again a metaphorical slap to the face to Dumb-ass-dore since he can't give him a real slap every day, wait he can but if I write about it every chapter it would get old pretty soon hahaha. But with this chapter, there are just 2 more chapters before we finish the first year and from there on the story will move a lot faster since the canon it is pretty much fucked up. But fear not, there will be pretty interesting things in the future. What are your thoughts about the chapter? Leave a comment with them. Also, if you like this ff so far please leave a review, that will help me a lot (And cheer me up) so more people start reading it. Also, leave a stone or two hahaha. (They taste pretty good btw)

So, with anything else to say, see you again in the next chapter. (Also, in the comments)

*The author leaves because it is late in his country and has to sleep to go to his boring job in the morning. *

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


