Robert: Well since we are all present, I have an advance announcement, Ned with the death of Jon I need a hand from the King.
Ned looked at Robert in a daze: Robert you know I can't be, the Starks aren't doing well in the south, and you have more capable lords like Adrian.
They all looked at me and I sighed: I can't, Lord Stark, if Robert came to propose me as the hand of the king, the Septs would burn me alive and I would start a religious revolt, and if I go to disembark, I would live being harassed by the Sorrofull Men, along the way he opens murdered about 10, they are very annoying murderers. They always go in pairs
Robert nodded to that almost every day he had the high Septon insulting them and threatening that house Trant should be purged by tree worshiping heathens, Robert wanted to beat him to a pulp with his sledgehammer but Jon Arryn and Stannis had stopped him.
Worried Robert: You know who put your name on their murder list, according to several they are murderers who say "I'm so sorry" when doing their job, I'm surprised you killed a faceless man.
Andrew sighed: Too many names, commercial rivals but the cost was high, Braavos I went to the black and white temple I asked my price, Literally "Priceless"
Everyone was surprised by those words, in the end, Robert asked Ned about his proposal
Ned asked to discuss it with his family first and announce it at lunch tomorrow.
Robert and Ned said their goodbyes, leaving only Jamie and Tyrion with me.
The three of us talked for hours playing various card games, Tyrion would then go to visit the Wall.
Adrián then spoke: Jamie, one thing doesn't seem strange to you about Jon's death,
Jamie sighed and replied: The truth is that it is an extremely strange death, that man was strong as a bull.
Tyrion took his glass of wine and said: He was still quite an old man, at least his family was there for him in his last moments.
Jamie looked at him and said: Not really, you know now that you say it Lisa Arryn and her Son Robin left in a hurry from King's Landing.
Adrián: Between us gentlemen, due to rumors that Lysa Arryn has heard, she is not well, some gentlemen call her the Crazy Trout, she went on a landing without having her husband dead for an hour.
They have even told me that she still breastfeeds her son and he is 8 years old, he is a sick and weak thing, that he could die at any moment and if he dies he will blame all of Westeros, declaring war
Tyrion laughed at this as did Jamie.
Adrián continued: Tyrion be careful if you return from the wall avoid Freshwater as much as possible, who knows what that woman will do with the power of the house Tully and Arryn, especially the inns between the north and freshwater
Tyrion snorted: Great a King Aerys with boobs what was missing.
Adrian laughed a little at this, remembering the phrase Aegon the conqueror with breasts.
That night at Winterfell Castle, Ned had called Arya and the rest of her family.
Ned stared at Arya remembering the past the girl was identical to Lyanna but had learned manners and behaviors Catelyn was surprised by her table manners and the refinement she displayed but hated the fact that she was taught to fight, wore armor, and carry a sword and not least one of Valyrian steel.
Ned finished looking at Arya and sighed: You look so much like your aunt Lyanna, he said with sad eyes.
Arya looked at him and found it funny that she had been with her aunt a short time ago.
Arya: Thank you father, he said quietly.
Ned sighed and said: I'm old my daughters have changed so much in a year, Arya I have to ask you something during your stay on the island, you trained with Lady Elentary, at some point she showed some strange things.
Arya raised an eyebrow and said, By strange things, father means Crystal Flowers or Direwolves, Lion Lizards or Lady Lyanna Mormont's Armored Bear.
Ned was amused by a witty response: No Arya I mean the use of magic or something special with relevance to the Old Gods.
Arya knew her father would ask her that, and Adrian had given her permission to answer honestly: The truth father, if Lady Elentary can wield powers, she can make flowers or grasses grow so green just by asking the Old Gods, She can heal wounds and bless the earth.
Catelyn was horrified and screamed: Ned is a bloody blasphemy, magic is an aberration the faith of the seven forbids it and you know it's wrong it's heresy, it should be burned at the stake.
Ned saw his wife and trembled: Catelyn for, is a priestess of the Ancient Gods, the religion of the North that we follow since the first Men. From what Arya has told, they have never done anything wrong, those blessings helped their land, they have made it fertile, abundant, and rich.
Catelyn shouted: I care very little if it is a blessing or not from your Gods, as long as I am here my children will not be involved in those heresies, Arya will not go back with those Monsters and I want them out of these lands.
Ned got angry and shouted: Enough, You are talking about my Gods, I respected your religion all my life, but you do not respect mine, a single blessing from Lady Elentary could be useful in the north, and whole families will not starve anymore that person you called Monster, has helped further north than your father or the Lords of the South.
He gave us seeds and farming methods that allowed us to spend more comfortable winters, while the other houses sold us food at a higher price, he brought trade and businesses that gave us a little more gold
Catelyn gave Ned the most terrible look she could and left the room, she went straight to the Septon and the septa to tell him about this heresy, she was going to drive those monsters from the lands at all costs.
The next day at the trant camp.
The camp woke up with several shouts, Adrián quickly left his tent, they had arrested the Septon and septa of Winterfell, and they had poured boiling oil on a soldier from my house.
Adrián was extremely furious and shouted at the top of his lungs: Quickly call Ned right here, this is the fault of the people of his land. A Winterfell soldier ran to tell his lord this.
Adrián yelled: quickly, Doctor, you have to submerge him in ice water.
A man in green robes ran with a first aid kit and yelled My lord has third-degree burns, we need to Sedate him fast the pain is unbearable.
Adrian quick: let's save this man we take him with great care and submerge him in water that they summoned with magic.
Meanwhile, Ned was having breakfast with Robert and his family, and when the soldier ran in and approached Lord Stark, Ned turned pale and saw Cat.
Ned with a dismayed face spoke: What did Catelyn do.
Everyone noticed his face, white as snow, and in horror.
Catelyn puffed out her chest: What had to be done, I will not allow those heretics in my house to share my bread.
Robert approached Ned and asked: Ned, what happened, everything is fine.
Ned looked at Robert and spoke quietly: No Robert the Septon and the septa attacked a Trant guard they threw a pot of boiling oil on him, and the man is seriously injured.
Robert started cursing faith again and ran out with Ned to the Trant camp.
Tyrion was with them when they saw the man, his face was frozen, he had been burned all over his body by the oil, it was a very serious burn, they were immersing him in ice water.
Ned and Robert were the same, they approached Adrián and asked him what happened.
Adrián looked at them and said: What happened to your dear sept and septa, they broke the laws of hospitality, they attacked a man who was guarding my store, the attack was directed at me, but he stopped them
Ned and Robert froze sharing the "bread and salt" was one of the most sacred traditions that protected the guests and the host, it is a practice that is taught by all religions.
Ned and Robert turned to the Septon and septa were held by Adrian's soldiers
Ned enraged yelled: Because they broke the old laws of hospitality you know that will doom us all.
The Septon only said between stutters: My lord those laws only apply to believers he is a pagan, he practices magic and sorcery, and our laws do not apply to them or their men.
Adrián glared at the sept, He held the wounded soldier in the water, his soldiers stopped him and shouted: Both the faith of the seven and that of the ancient Gods are compromised by the ancient laws, once invoked the laws prohibit the guest to raise arms against his host and vice versa for as long as the visit lasts.
The sept growled: We never raised our weapons, we only brought oil that was accidentally spilled.
Adrián and Robert glared at both of them, Adrián wanted to slice them directly, but attending to his soldier was more urgent.
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