92.59% Hunger Games - He saved us / Chapter 25: Chapter-25

章 25: Chapter-25

A/N: This chapter has a sexual scene in the middle, so once she runs to Peeta's room, skip it if you aren't comfortable with that. Otherwise, enjoy!

Chapter 25

When night finally comes, Peeta and I cross the street to his house, and lie in bed, holding one another. Sleep is impossible, but it doesn't matter. We need this together.

The next morning, Prim and Peeta come up with a meal plan for Peeta and I. We offered to have Haymitch join us, but he told us his meal plan is hard liquor and to leave him alone.

Our training is hard. Peeta pushes us to the limit, and after a few days, I start to resent him for it. I know he's just trying to help prepare us, but I miss my boyfriend. I miss his kisses and touches. I miss his jokes and smile.

Peeta trains everyday. He gives me Sundays off so I can go to the woods with Gale, which I appreciate. But it doesn't make me miss Peeta any less.

I know Peeta feels the same way, because on the third Monday after Snow's announcement, I wake up to Peeta making bacon and eggs, and not Peeta training. His shirtless back is even more defined than before, and he's probably put on twenty pounds of pure muscle. I miss Peeta, but I know it's the right choice to train like this. If there's even a chance the other can come back, we're going to push each other to have the chance.

"Good morning," Peeta says without turning around.

"Good morning," I say. "Why aren't we training?"

"What's the point? We train six days a week and spend no time together at all. If you go into the arena and die, I don't want my last few months with you to be us training. And I bet you feel the same," he says.

"I do. I miss you, but whoever goes in is coming out," I say. "Neither of us is dying."

"I know. But if it's okay with you, I think we should take Mondays off, and you take Sundays off so you can go to the woods," he says. "We're training so hard so we can come back to each other, but we're together now, and I don't think we've ever felt so apart. I think it'll be good for us. We'll stick to the meal plan, but training can wait a day. We've already built up the muscle we'll need."

"Okay," I say smiling. I've missed him so much it hurts, and now we can have our Mondays off so we can be together. This is almost the happiest day of my life.

We spend the day cuddling and watching weird Capitol movies, flirting and kissing, talking and touching. It feels amazing, being this close with Peeta again.

Sundays can't possibly go by any faster in my eyes now.

The weeks go by, getting easier and easier. Peeta begins taking it easier on both of us, telling me that we've done enough training. He wants us to maintain our bodies, but we don't do any crazy training like before. We barely trained the last couple weeks, just simple exercises in the morning. I have more time to spend with Prim and Peeta, which makes me happier. Of course, until the night before the reaping.

That night, my mother locks herself in her room. Prim, Peeta and I all hold one another, crying and laughing and joking. We never let go of eachother. I never want to let go of them again, but I'm going to need to.

Prim sleeps next to Peeta and I on my bed. She told us she wanted to stay with us, and Peeta offered to sleep in the rocking chair but she said that as long as he can keep his hands off me, she doesn't mind him being there.

I hold Prim, while Peeta holds me, and together, we fall asleep. It's my last night with Prim, and I'm so glad Peeta let me have it.

In the morning, I woke up to my mother crying. At first I'm confused, until I fully wake up and see Prim and Peeta on opposite sides of each other holding me. Both of them protecting me from nightmares. Now I want to cry too.

We get dressed, but not in dresses and button down shirts. We wear casual clothes, as another small act of rebellion. If Snow's going to punish us, we're going to make sure we get the most out of our deaths.

I say goodbye to Prim and my mother. I say goodbye to Gale and Hazelle and Posy. I say goodbye to my home, in case I don't come back.

Peeta and I walk hand in hand to the Justice Building. Haymitch behind us, talking to my mother and Prim. It saddens me that Peeta has no one to say goodbye to that is actually his family. Of course he said goodbye to Prim and my mother, but they're not really his family, no matter how much he treats them like it.

When we get there, we're directed on stage by the peacekeepers, and placed behind Effie, in her gold wig and gold heels, is already there.

Peacekeepers are everywhere. Guns trained on the crowd in case things get rowdy, and guards in watchtowers above the Justice Building.

The Square is filled with people, all angry and sad, waiting for Snow to take away their Victors. Knowing the odds of us coming back twice are not good.

Effie genuinely looks sad, like she actually cares about us. It's definitely not the same Effie look I'm used to.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, shall we see who will be District 12's tribute for the Third Quarter Quell?" Effie says in her usual Capitol accent. "Remember, there will be no volunteers!"

She reaches her hand inside the glass bowl with three pieces of paper on it. I wouldn't be surprised if all three had my name or Peeta's on it. I'd be more surprised if they didn't.

"The tribute for District 12, selected for the 75th Hunger Games, is…" Effie pauses for dramatic effect. Just say the name already!

"Peeta Mellark."

No. It can't be. I prepared myself for this, and it still feels like getting shot through the heart, having it yanked out of my chest and being stomped on repeatedly.

He steps forward looking… happy? Probably because it wasn't me. He just got reaped for the second time, facing probable death, and all he's worried about is if I'm okay. Sometimes I hate how caring he is.

"Please give a round of applause for our tribute for the third Quarter Quell!" Effie says.

The Square is silent. Nobody says a word, nobody makes a sound. The people of District 12 raise their hands, holding up the symbol that says goodbye to someone you love. I find myself doing it too, along with Haymitch.

"Thank you," Peeta says as he raises his hand up too.

"To the train!" Thread yells as he kicks the back of Peeta's leg out and drags him through the Justice Building. Haymitch and I are grabbed and escorted to the train too.

"Oh, feisty! You don't have to be so rough though, I'm coming," Peeta says as he stands back up and walks next to Thread.

Haymitch laughs at Peeta, saying something like, "God I love that boy." So do I Haymitch.

We're thrown onto the train, not very gently at all. I'm surprised Snow allowed so much force to be used on his Victors.

Haymitch drags us to his room, and into the bathroom. He turns on all of the faucets and the shower, and flushes the toilet as he speaks quickly.

"I have a plan, but you need to know nothing until the night before Peeta leaves. Act normal around anyone. Peeta, I'll give you a list of tributes you can trust with you life. They will not kill you, no matter what. And you will not kill them, no matter what. Got it?" Haymitch says rapidly.

Peeta nods, and leads us out of the bathroom. I follow him to the living room, where Effie is sitting reading a magazine.

"Did you bring them?" Peeta asks. Bring what?

"Of course," Effie says. "They're in your room already. Now, let's watch the other tributes and see who you're up against so we know which you need."

"Alright, thank you," Peeta says. He turns on the

television and switches to a channel with the reapings airing. We all sit down, me on Peeta's lap while he combs his fingers through my hair.

"District 1, Cashmere!" Claudius Templesmith says as her reaping is played behind him. She's a blonde woman, with almost the same build as I have, but with more defined curves. She's pretty, but I'd imagine she's pretty deadly too.

"District 2, Brutus!" Brutus is a bald man with a huge build. He's a giant, made of pure muscle. He's a tribute I'm worried about for Peeta.

"District 3, Beetee Latier!" Beetee is an odd looking man. He looks weak to me. Peeta could definitely beat Beetee in a fight, but something about him makes me wonder how he won his Games. No way he won from pure strength alone.

"District 4, Finnick O'dair!" Finnick is someone I'm worried about for Peeta. Finnick is very handsome, but not as handsome as Peeta. Maybe I'm biased. But Finnick's body is almost the definition of perfection. He is strong as fast, something Peeta will have difficulty against. I'm worried but not counting Peeta out.

District 5 and 6 are both districts I'm not worried about. The District 6 woman looks like she's heavily on drugs, and has no clue where she is.

"District 7, Johanna Mason!" Johanna is from District 7, the lumber district, so she has plenty of experience with an axe. She looks small but fierce, and looks like she has no problem killing anyone.

"District 8, Cecilia!" Cecilia is pretty, but doesn't look too deadly at all. Peeta shouldn't need to worry about her.

District 9 and 10 are both small, and if it came down to it, Peeta should be able to kill these two men without a problem.

"District 11, Seeder!" Seeder doesn't look too dangerous for Peeta, but you never know. Rue didn't look dangerous either and she made it to the final eight.

"And finally, District 12, Peeta Mellark!" I watch Peeta step forward with a slight smile, and the screen cuts off. It's honestly perfect. Peeta looks comfortable and kind of happy to be here, and not scared like he did last year.

"Brutus and Finnick look tough," Peeta says. "Johanna looks a little scary too."

"You don't need to worry about Finnick or Johanna. Those are your allies," Haymitch says with a wink.

They're part of whatever plan Haymitch has. They won't kill Peeta no matter what.

"Any other's I should be worried about?" Peeta asks.

"Well, I think you should watch it for Cashmere. She's a Career, and she's deadly. Her and Brutus will be teaming up without a doubt," Haymitch replies. "Beetee is your other ally. Johanna, Beetee, and Finnick will be your allies. Got it?"

"Yeah, sounds good. But Beetee?" Peeta says.

"He's a genius. Trust me, you want him on your side. He won his Games by electrocuting the remaining tributes," he says.

"Alright, thanks Haymitch," Peeta says.

Haymitch and Effie leave Peeta and I alone, which I won't complain about. "So, what do you want to do?" I ask, hoping to sound sexy. I don't think it's working at all, because he ends up laughing at my failed attempt. "Quit laughing!"

"Sorry, the way you said it was just so funny," he says. "But I don't know, we have an hour before dinner…"

I get up and run to his room, with him close behind. We're laughing the whole way, which feels wrong considering Peeta's about to be in another Games, but I don't care. He needs this and I need this.

When I get in his room, I jump in bed and lay under the covers. He gets inside a couple seconds later, crawling up to me in the most obnoxious way possible, saying it's his "sexy crawl."

Right before he reaches me for a kiss, I decide to mess with him a bit. "Peeta, I'm really tired, maybe we could just lay down?"

"Yeah, of course," he says as he gets off me. He lays next to me, staring at the ceiling. He's not mad, but I can tell he's confused. But this was all a part of my plan.

Now that he's on his back, I can do my "sexy crawl." Mine is even funnier than his, to be honest. Both of us have no clue what we're doing, but it's just too funny not to. I want to make him feel good, like he always does for me.

I crawl over until I'm over top of him, straddling his waist. He looks even more confused now, and I have to hide my laugh when I see his face.

I kiss him, and he automatically reacts to my lips, deepening the kiss instantly. He somehow always tastes like sugar. I gently rock my hips, causing Peeta to groan. I can feel him hardening beneath me.

"I thought you were tired?" he asks sarcastically.

"Shut up," I say as I jokingly push his shoulder.

I continue to rock my hips, getting more groans from Peeta, telling me to keep doing it. I can't lie and say I'm not enjoying this too. Every movement sends a jolt through my body starting at my core, and I have to stifle a few moans of my own on his lips.

After a couple minutes, I slowly slide down his body until I'm between his legs, and ease his pants off until his penis comes out and slaps against his stomach. Determined to make Peeta feel good, I grasp him in my hand gently and rub his tip with my thumb, getting more moans from him.

"Do you like this?" I ask, knowing he loves it just as much as I do.

"Oh God, yes," he says breathlessly.

I start to stroke him slowly, licking my palms occasionally and spitting on them to make sure it doesn't hurt Peeta. The first time I did this, he almost cried because my hands weren't wet enough.

After a couple minutes, I lean my head down and lick his tip, staring into his eyes while I do so. I know how much he loves to see me looking at him while I do this. I wrap my lips around his tip, sucking slightly, getting another moan from him.

With new found confidence, I begin bobbing my head, using my tongue to pleasure him. Increasing my speed, his moans begin to pick up. I've never been able to get him fully in my mouth, but then again, I've never tried.

I try to fit him fully in my mouth, but fail the first time, having to come up for air. The second time though, I do it, and have to focus not to gag at how far in my mouth he is.

"Oh fuck," Peeta says, and I moan in agreement. Peeta loves it when I moan with him in my mouth. The vibrations give him even more pleasure.

I continue bobbing my head, and Peeta looks like he's struggling to hold on. I increase my speed and pressure, which gets him on edge.

"Katniss, I'm- I'm gonna come," he says as he tries to pull out of my mouth, but I'm not having it. I want to taste him. I've never done this before, so Peeta's looking confused.

"Katniss," he groans, but I keep going. I reach a hand around his legs to cup him sack and massage them, trying to get him to let go.

"Katniss, what- ughh," he says as he finally releases into my mouth. He tastes salty, but it isn't bad. I wouldn't mind doing that again.

"Katniss, I'm sorry, I- I couldn't control it with you doing that," he says. Is he really sorry for that? I enjoy it as much as he does.

"Oh trust me Peeta, you don't have to apologize for that," I say as I come back up and lay down next to him, deciding that we need a nap before dinner. "And Peeta?"

"Yes?" he replies.

"You owe me," I say with a laugh.

Dinner is sad. Haymitch is sobering up, so he's cranky and angry. He promised he'd be sober long enough to help Peeta get sponsors. It's been decided that Peeta needs no training from us, since we've been training and we've been here before.

I need training. Haymitch is going to teach me how to talk to sponsors, and how to get them to like me. I get the feeling I already know how I can get them to like me, but if it's for Peeta, I'll do it.

Peeta's actually the happiest one out of all of us. It's like he's glad to be going back in. Well, he is glad, but for reasons not similar to Brutus and Cashmere's. Brutus and Cashmere actually cheered and danced when their name was called.

We all relax and talk about random things in the living room. I love being so close to Peeta again, but hate the circumstances that caused us to drift apart.

The couple days it takes to reach the Capitol are great for Peeta and I. We really don't leave each other's side for any reason other than using the bathroom.

The Capitol is odd this time around. They aren't cheering when we show up. It's kind of quiet, actually. The citizens look… sad. Haymitch says it's because Victors are like their celebrities, and seeing them about to die is hard for them.

Some actually cry when they see Peeta and I holding hands. Peeta told Haymitch he's not playing Snow's game, and if he doesn't like the way he handles the crowd, to look away. I didn't understand what he meant by that then, but seeing him not interact with the people answers my questions. He's acting like he's too good for it all. I think it's a perfect strategy.

When we get into the Tribute Center, his prep team is already there waiting. I don't want to leave his side, so I start taking slower steps and shorter strides. Peeta notices, and does the same.

"Portia, it's nice to see you again," Peeta says as he hugs her.

"I wish I weren't seeing you again Peeta," she says sadly. I decide I like Portia. She seems to actually care about Peeta.

Peeta is taken to his prep room, where he'll be waxed and shaved, and put on his costume. I'm wondering how he'll look. I know he'll be handsome, he always is, but I'm still nervous.

"Come on Sweetheart, let me show you some of my friends," Haymitch says.

I follow him, not really wanting to leave where Peeta is but I need to know the other tributes, and see who Peeta is up against and who will be helping him.

Haymitch walks up to a man and a woman from District 11. I remember her name, Seeder, but do not know who the man is.

"Seeder, Chaff, meet Katniss," Haymitch says.

He whisks me around, greeting people all around.

"Finnick, Johanna, meet Katniss," he says for the hundredth time it seems.

"Katniss? The girlfriend of blondie?" Johanna asks. I nod. "Oh, your boyfriend is cute. I wouldn't mind letting him in my pants."

"Johanna," Finnick warns. "Finnick O'dair, nice to meet you," he says as he reaches his hand out to shake mine.

"Katniss Everdeen, boyfriend to 'blondie'," I say back. This gets them both laughing.

"I like you. I'll go easy on you from now on," Johanna says.

"Thanks?" I reply. I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult to be honest.

Haymitch brings me back to Peeta's section, where he's standing with a horse, petting it.

"I named her Snowflake," he says. Her white fur does look like a snowflake, I guess.

"I met your allies," I say with an eye roll.

"Oh yeah? How were they?" he asks.

"Come find out yourself," I say as I drag him back to Finnick and Johanna.

"He's hotter in person, wow," Johanna says. I have to fight another eye roll now. "And smells like cinnamon. Turn around?"

"What?" Peeta asks as he turns around. I watch her look at his butt. She's really looking at my boyfriend's butt in front of me.

"Cinnamon Buns," she says. Finnick starts laughing, and I'm just as confused as Peeta. "I like your ass, and you smell like cinnamon. Cinnamon Buns. That's your new nickname."

I start laughing too, because I think it's actually hilarious. I'm going to steal that from Johanna.

"Those buns are for me and me only," I say as I kiss Peeta. I realize that if you don't get offended by Johanna's remarks, she "likes you."

"Gross, nobody wants to see that. We saw enough last year," Johanna says.

All four of us start laughing until the trumpets blare, signalling the start of the ceremony. We all hurriedly go to our spots, Peeta and my hands together tightly.

Alright Katniss, I'll see you in a couple minutes," he says as he leans in for a kiss. "Now help me get on this thing."

I help him get on the chariot, and watch as the other horses begin moving. Soon, it's only Peeta left, and his horse begins moving. I watch him press a button, and his suit lights up in smoldering smoke, looking like burnt coals. He's not on fire anymore. He's the aftermath of a fire.

It's a direct message to Snow. Your Capitol will burn. He's lost everything, and Portia still managed to make him more powerful than Snow.

I watch him look straight ahead, not smiling or waving. He looks carefree, like every other tribute in their chariots aside from 1 and 2.

President Snow's speech is the same as last time. Thanks for being so brave, thanks for your sacrifice, thanks for being forced to kill other people for my pleasure. Oh, he didn't say that last part, but I imagine he thought of it.

I could feel President Snow's stare on Peeta, but Peeta kept his cool, and didn't even acknowledge Snow. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know yet, but I'm hoping it was good.

I wait for Peeta's chariot to get inside before I relax. I'm tense all around, seeing Snow again, and not knowing what Haymitch is planning is stressing me out. I need to know how we are going to keep Peeta safe.

Peacekeepers start shoving us in elevators, so Peeta and I willingly go into one together. Before the doors close though, Finnick and Johanna burst through.

"Hey guys, we missed you," Finnick says before standing next to me. "Did you miss me, Katniss?" He's waving his hands over his torso, and if this were Peeta, I'd be kissing him right now, but it's only Finnick.

"Maybe if you were blonde and a little more handsome," I reply. "Here, look, this should be your end goal if you do decide to change things up," I say as I point to Peeta. This gets them all laughing again.

"I hate to break it to you but I'm team Cinnamon Buns over here Finn," Johanna says.

"Oh please, no offense to Peeta but nobody is as handsome as Finnick freaking O'dair," he says.

The elevator door opens and lets Finnick out. I actually like Finnick and Johanna, although Johanna's sense of humor is a little blunt. She's tough like me though, so I can relate. I get the feeling something happened in her life that has haunted her ever since, and she keeps her guard up now. She's just like me.

Johanna's floor is next, until it is just Peeta and me. "How does it feel to be more handsome than Finnick?" I ask.

"Cinnamon Buns enjoys it," Peeta says back laughing.

"Well, I'm a little hungry," I say sexily. "What do you say I have some Cinnamon Buns?"

"Oh this elevator could not go any slower," he says laughing.

The second the door opens, my lips are on his. We get as far as getting his shirt off when the door opens again, and I see Haymitch and Effie gaping at us. We quickly part and I throw Peeta's shirt to him.

"Manners! It's been one year and you already forgot your manners?" Effie starts yelling. "Seriously, in the living room? We sit out here!"

"Sorry Effie, it won't happen again," Peeta says.

Training starts tomorrow for Peeta so we decide to go to sleep early. As Effie always says, 'we have a big, big, big day tomorrow!'

I actually don't have a big day at all. In fact, the whole time Peeta's training, I'm sitting in my room bored. I could go talk to other Victors and mentors, but I don't know any of them, and the only two I like are Johanna and Finnick, who are both with Peeta right now.

Peeta's training days go by slowly, but we get through them. Peeta says he's made friends with almost everyone but 1 and 2, which was expected.

Peeta's training score was a 12. He told me he painted a picture of Rue on the training room ground, and the Gamemakers were not happy.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even want to fucking live? Go, get out of my face. I don't want to look at you for the rest of the day!" Haymitch yells.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C25
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


