33.33% Twilight? / Chapter 1: What are you?
Twilight? Twilight? original


作者: Master_Atlest

© WebNovel

章 1: What are you?

[??? P.O.V.]

There I was, in the afterlife, my existence hanging in a balance of cosmic judgement. I had lived by the Bible's teachings, its words etched into the core of my being.

Now, in this ethereal void, I awaited my fate, yearning for the sanctity and warmth of heaven. "Take me, Lord," I whispered into the nothingness.

[General P.O.V.]

In this realm beyond realms, a being of immeasurable presence hovered, attuned to the soul's silent contemplation.

"I hope for a swift journey to heaven's embrace," I mused inwardly.

"Fret not, child. You have earned your place in eternal tranquility," a voice, both everywhere and nowhere, resonated.

"Who speaks? Are your words the truth, O unseen one?" I questioned, my heart racing with a mix of fear and awe.

The voice chuckled softly, "Child, you cannot behold me, for your mortal essence would falter."

"Are you... are you God?" The question escaped my lips in a hushed reverence.

"Indeed, I am known by countless names across the omniverse. I am the One, the Truth."

"I have come to offer you a gift, the chance for reincarnation."

"Why, my Lord? Is my soul deemed worthy of such grace?" I inquired, humbled by the offer.

"Certainly, child. You have lived a righteous life, a rarity in the tapestry of souls. Thus, I extend to you, and all like you, the freedom to choose your path."

With a heart full of gratitude, I accepted. "I wish to be reborn into the world of Twilight, to experience a love I've never known."

"A wise choice, child. It shall be as you desire. Is there anything else you yearn for?"

"If I may be so bold, I wish to return as an original vampire, free from the curse that plagues their kind."

"I understand your wish. Fear not, for it shall be fulfilled."

"My deepest thanks. And perhaps, in this new life, I might even be blessed with children."

"Go forth, child, and live freely. The lessons you've learned will guide you. Live unshackled by the past. Go, my child!"

And with that, the soul, once adrift in the void, vanished, embarking on a journey anew.


[Forks, Washington]

In the shadowed forests near Forks, an epic conflict unfurled between supernatural forces. Vampires, their fangs bared in the moonlight, clashed fiercely with colossal wolves, each side demonstrating ferocity and ancient power. The wolves, guardians of their own enigmatic lore, fought valiantly alongside a faction of the vampires.

The battle, rife with primal roars and the clash of immortal beings, was a sight both terrifying and awe-inspiring. Many fell in this supernatural fray, but ultimately, one side emerged unscathed, their victory resonating through the dark woods.

As the dust of combat settled, the victorious vampires gathered. Their embrace, a symbol of their unity and strength, was a poignant contrast to the violence that had just transpired. They celebrated their survival and camaraderie, but the moment was short-lived.

Abruptly, the battlefield was enveloped in an ominous black smoke. It swirled mysteriously, weaving around the fallen like a spectral serpent.

Then, in a startling transformation, the smoke coalesced into a dense sphere, pulsating with an eerie energy. Gradually, it morphed into a crimson orb, a haunting representation of the blood spilt in battle.

The air hung heavy with the scent of iron and earth as the sphere hovered, a macabre testament to the night's events. The victorious vampires, their celebration cut short, watched in a mix of horror and fascination, unsure of what dark magic was at play.

The gathered vampires stood, transfixed by the bewildering spectacle unfolding before them. The pulsating sphere, now a vivid beacon in the night, continued to shrink, its glow intensifying with each contraction until it was no larger than a human head.

A sudden change occurred as droplets of blood began to seep from the base of the sphere, dripping steadily onto the forest floor below. It was as if an invisible pin had pricked the orb, releasing its sanguine contents.

The blood, defying the laws of nature, did not splatter but rather streamed purposefully into the earth, burrowing a path through soil and root.

Beneath the surface, something ancient and forgotten was awakened. A coffin, hidden from the world for untold years, became the focal point of this macabre ceremony.

The blood, with an almost sentient intent, wrapped around the coffin, coating it in a sheath of crimson. It was a mesmerizing, if not chilling, display of supernatural phenomena.

Then, as if compelled by an unseen force, the coffin began to rise. The earth above it split and crumbled, giving way to its ascent. The vampires, their initial shock turning to a mix of awe and apprehension, watched as the coffin, now bathed in an eerie red glow, hovered in the air.

It continued to draw the blood from the orb, each droplet seemingly absorbed into the wood, imbuing it with a life-like quality.

The scene was one of Gothic horror and fascination—a coffin suspended in mid-air, drenched in blood, under the watchful eyes of the undead. The forest itself seemed to hold its breath, waiting for what would come next.

A palpable sense of danger permeated the air, causing the vampires to instinctively retreat from the mysterious coffin. Their immortal instincts, honed over centuries, screamed a silent warning of an impending threat. Yet, as they created distance, the coffin's glow intensified—a beacon of ominous portent.

Among them, one vampire braved the unknown, driven by a curious ability. "Something is inside, I can hear its thoughts," he announced, his voice tinged with a mix of wonder and unease.

His declaration caught the attention of the others, especially when one of their own, a vampire named Alice, seemed entranced, her gaze locked onto the coffin. Her usually lively eyes were distant, lost in a vision only she could see.

The mind-reading vampire turned, his eyes widening as he observed Alice's trance. The others followed his gaze, their curiosity morphing into concern. Alice, known for her premonitions, was a barometer for the unseen and the unknown.

Then, as suddenly as she had drifted away, Alice snapped back to reality. With a newfound determination, she stepped forward, approaching the now-grounded coffin. The earth around it had knit itself back together, as if the land itself wished to forget the disturbance.

Her bold move was met with a mixture of admiration and fear from her fellow vampires. They watched, holding their breath, as Alice drew closer to the enigmatic coffin, her steps measured and deliberate.

The air around them thickened with anticipation, every eye fixed on the scene unfolding before them, waiting for the secrets of the coffin to reveal themselves.

A faint, almost imperceptible squeak broke the tense silence, drawing the vampires' attention. Initially, it seemed inconsequential, a lone bat flitting towards the coffin. However, the singular squeak soon multiplied, heralding the arrival of more bats, each converging on the coffin in a fluttering mass.

The vampires, already on edge, watched in bewilderment as the swarm grew. Bats, common in the night, were usually of little concern to the immortal beings. Yet, in this context, their presence took on an eerie significance.

The real shock came when the coffin itself began to disintegrate into bats, each piece transforming and taking wing, adding to the swirling vortex around them.

Confusion and alarm surged through the group. "What is happening? And why is Alice so close to it?" one of them exclaimed, their voice laced with concern. They were acutely aware of the unknown entity inside the coffin, yet Alice stood near it, seemingly unafraid.

Edward, the mind-reader, retreated from the unfolding chaos, his expression sombre as he re-joined the others. "Her mate," he said simply, his words heavy with meaning.

This revelation sent a ripple of astonishment through the group. Edward and Alice, with their extraordinary gifts, had sensed something profound about the entity within the coffin—something that tied it intimately to Alice.

The notion of a predestined mate, especially under such bizarre circumstances, was as startling as it was intriguing. The vampires exchanged glances, their eternal lives suddenly filled with a new, unexpected development.

"What but-" another vampire was about to speak.

Before the vampire could voice his concern, he was gently interrupted.

"Jasper, don't be selfish," an elder vampire, seasoned with wisdom and understanding, spoke up. His eyes, reflecting centuries of experience, rested on Jasper, whose emotions were a mix of apprehension and reluctance. "You've been blessed with your true companion. Shouldn't Alice have the chance to find hers as well? It may be hard to accept, but her happiness is just as important."

The elder's words resonated with a poignant truth, hanging heavily in the charged air. It was a reminder of their eternal nature, entwined with the complexities of relationships that transcended time.

However, further discussion was abruptly curtailed as the environment itself began to echo the intensity of the moment. The sky, which had been clear, now darkened ominously with gathering clouds, mirroring the deepening mood of the group. A gusty wind whistled through the trees, setting the leaves into a wild, frenzied dance.

Flashes of lightning cleaved the sky, followed by the ominous rumble of thunder, as if nature itself was responding to the supernatural events unfolding. It was a dramatic display of elemental power, acknowledging the significant and mysterious emergence of the entity within the coffin.

Caught in this maelstrom of natural and supernatural phenomena, the vampires found themselves on the brink of something extraordinary, their usual understanding of the world challenged by the unfolding events.

Amidst the swirling chaos of the bat storm, a striking figure emerged, standing with a serene poise that belied his youthful appearance. The teenager, seemingly no older than eighteen, was an arresting sight. His eyes were closed in a tranquil expression, as if at peace amidst the turmoil around him.

What made him particularly captivating was his long, silver hair, cascading down to his lower back. It shimmered ethereally, creating a stark contrast against his smooth, caramel-brown skin. The sight was like a painting come to life, a blend of old-world mystique and youthful vibrancy.

As if responding to an unspoken command, the bats encircling him began a transformation. In a mesmerising display, they morphed into threads of fabric, weaving themselves into clothing that adorned his form.

He was clad in an elegant overcoat that fell gracefully to his shins, its style reminiscent of a bygone era. Paired with the coat were form-fitting black jeans, their modern cut adding a contemporary edge to his attire. Completing the ensemble were black boots, their tops ending just below his shins.

The overall effect was spellbinding. His appearance was anachronistic, a fusion of medieval charm and modern flair. It was as though he had stepped out of a different time, a bridge between the past and the present, embodying a timeless elegance. The vampires, already in the grip of the evening's surreal events, found themselves further captivated by this enigmatic newcomer.


Alice, inexplicably drawn to the mysterious teenager, stood closest to him, her eyes alight with a mix of curiosity and excitement. This unexpected encounter seemed to resonate with her on a level deeper than mere fascination.

As the teen slowly opened his eyes, they revealed themselves to be of a striking crimson red, so vivid that they appeared to glow. This intense colour only served to enhance his otherworldly allure, adding an aura of mystique to his already mesmerizing appearance.

"I see, so that is what happened," he murmured, his voice a soft echo that seemed directed more at the air than any particular listener. His tone carried a weight of understanding, as if he were piecing together a puzzle only he was privy to.

Around him, the other vampires instinctively gave ground, their movements hesitant and cautious. Despite the enigmatic and somewhat intimidating presence of the newcomer, Alice remained steadfast, her gaze never wavering from him.

Finally, the teen's attention shifted, taking in his surroundings with a discerning eye. It was then that he noticed Alice, her gaze locked onto him with an expression of longing and fascination. To his own surprise, he felt an inexplicable pull towards her, a connection that seemed to bridge the distance between them.

In that moment, amidst the backdrop of supernatural occurrences and the gathering of ancient beings, a silent understanding began to form between the two, hinting at a profound bond yet to be explored.

__________??? P.O.V___________

After what feels like an eternity, I find myself roused from a deep and timeless slumber. "What year might it be now?" I ponder, my eyes sweeping over my surroundings. Familiar faces, though somewhat blurred by the passage of time, come into view.

It's been an age, a very long one indeed. Living through centuries, I recall making a choice to sleep, having grown weary of the mundane spectacle of watching early humans. I was born into this existence, unique and solitary, without a kin of my own.

Aware that the narrative of the world was far ahead of my time, slumber seemed the only refuge. Little did I know that I would be awakened like this, seemingly late to an event mirroring the conclusion of a well-known film series. But that's of no consequence now.

There's a connection, an inexplicable one, that draws me to her - Alice. She's captivating, almost enchantingly so. Her black hair, short and seemingly soft to the touch, yet styled in a somewhat spiky manner, adds to her allure.

Her skin, pale and flawless, complements her enchanting eyes, which are so deeply intoxicating. She possesses a beauty that's almost surreal, with lips that seem as though they were made for the tenderest of kisses, and a figure that could only be described as divine, as if sculpted by the gods themselves.

Caught in a mutual daze, we both seemed lost in the moment. It was Alice who broke the spell first, her voice slicing through the tension with a cheerful, energetic "Hi." Her smile transformed the atmosphere, turning what was tense into something wonderfully pleasant.

Compelled to respond, I moved swiftly towards her, closing the distance between us with a few graceful steps. Taking her hand gently in mine, I gazed deeply into her eyes, searching for the words to match the sudden intensity of this unforeseen connection.

"Thy beauty astounds me. Pray, grace me with thy name," I found myself uttering, the words flowing from a bygone era. My speech and mannerisms, shaped by centuries of existence, echoed a time when I walked as a king, a noble, never once a commoner. I hope my archaic way of speaking does not perplex her.

Her response was laced with a cheerful buoyancy, "My name is Alice. I have been waiting for you. What might your name be?" Despite the brightness in her voice, there was an undercurrent of solitude in her words, a subtle echo of loneliness that I recognized all too well.

"I am Azrael Lazarus," I replied, my voice carrying a note of apology for the time lost. "My sincerest apologies for keeping you waiting." Without a moment's hesitation, I drew her into an embrace, a gesture of shared solitude and understanding. In that embrace, it felt as though two solitary souls had finally found a semblance of belonging.

Master_Atlest Master_Atlest

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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