It's already morning, around 7:00 AM to be exact. It's a time where Miyako would barge into Yōta's room without permission to look at his sleeping face before waking him up.
But today's slightly different.
That is because when Miyako entered Yōta's room, she saw something that shocked her to the bone that she unintentionally lets out a loud shout.
The shout surpised the whole tenant in the dorm as they charge to Yōta's room hurriedly.
"Miyako! What happened!?" Cookie wheels his way to Miyako as fast as he can do.
"That was loud scream! Did something happened!?" Shōichi asked in worry and excited manner at the same time.
"Don't worry! Justice is here!" Chris shouted gallantly as she arrived at the scene.
"Are you alright, Miyako-san!?" Yukie rushed out in hurry while hoding a fry pan in her hand as she looks at Miyako worrieldy.
"The hell you're shouting at in morning like this?" Tadakatsu grumbled under his breath as he scratches the side of his hand, looking quite annoyed.
"Yeah, Miyako. What happened? Why are you screaming like that?" Yamato asked in calm manner while holding his hips.
Instead answering their questions, Miyako moves her shaky finger to point at Yōta, who slowly open his heavy-lidded eyes.
The group look at what Miyako just pointed at and they can't stop themselves from widening their eyes and mouths altogether in shock.
And just with that, the whole dorm is filled with panicked and surprised shouts first in the morning.
"Okay, glasses. Spill it out." Yamato demanded with a serious expression on his face as he crosses his arms.
The others are also look at the sight in front of them in wonder or curiousity.
They mean, how couldn't they?
In front of them are sitting Yōta in his casual outfit, eating some cereal with soft smile on his face.
He looks slightly different too, his pupils are different than usual and there's white tuft on his hair as well for some reason.
No, scratch that.
The thing's that makes them freaking out the most earlier was because there's an unfamiliar presence of a young girl who's currently sitting on top of Yōta's lap, getting fed on by the said man in very comfortable position ever.
Judging by her appearance, they could see that she's about 12 or 14 years old. She has this shoulder-length beautiful, slightly fluffy white hair and ocean blue eyes with unusual pale white star pupils, the same as Yōta's.
She's currently wore a white puffy short dress and black thinner tiara on her head.
The girl looks so cute, but, her looks is quite concerning to other people with how emotionless and lifeless her eyes are.
"I found her alone in the forest, so I picked her up and bring her home with me." Yōta answered Yamato's question with a very straight face as if he doesn't say something so ridiculous right now.
The others across the table stumble on their chairs when they heard that.
Is this man serious!?
"Can't you please do not say that so casually like you're picking some strays or something!?" Yamato retorted while smacking the table in front of him.
"Yeah, dumbass. Be more serious." Tadakatsu clicks his tongue in annoyance, "I know that you're a good person. But the situation you're in right now are ruining that image. Depending on your answer or intention, I think we'll have a problem here."
"You're not doing something downright criminal right, Yōta?" Miyako asked in worry manner as she looks between Yōta and the young girl in his laps.
Shōichi, Yamato, and Tadakatsu are giving the look to Miyako when they heard what she just said.
This is so ironic, knowing that she and Yōta are basically members of famous criminal in Japan.
Yōta stares at his friends for a moment before he sighs as he wipes the milk that spills out from the young girl's mouth with handkerchief on the table, "I'm serious. I really found her alone in the deep forest, you can ask Momo-senpai if you're doubting me."
The others are still looking skeptical at that but they then look at Yamato who nods his head before whiping out his phone to call Momoyo.
It doesn't take long for the Goddess of War to pick up the call.
["The hell you need, lil' bro? I'm still sleepy here..."]
"Nee-san." Yamato greeted her with wry expression, "I'm sorry if I disturb your sleep, but I just want to ask something important."
["What is it...?"]
"Is it true that you and Yōta found a little girl in forest?" Yamato asked seriously.
This matter is quite serious for them after all. They couldn't let their friend to become a criminal who kidnapped a little girl, you know?
They need some closure and proof that their friend is still walk in righteous way and not stray far from it.
["Oh, do you mean Lu-chan?"]
"Lu-chan?" Yamato parroted in confused manner.
"Her name." Yōta chimed in from the side while patting the said girl's head, "Luciela, or Lu in short. Say hello to everyone, Lu." He said in soft tones as he smiles at Lu who's staring at him with empty gaze.
Lu stares at Yōta for 10 seconds more before she turns her head to the group across the table, "... Hello..." She waves her hand at them.
Shōichi, Miyako, Cookie, Chris, and Yukie waves their hand back at the young girl while Yamato and Tadakatsu simply stares at Lu with critical eyes.
They just don't know how to react agains that. Her eyes are creeping both of them out for some reason.
It seems the others doesn't really think so, judging by their reactions against the little girl.
"Good job." Yōta praised the girl with big smile while stroking her head, Lu hummed and unconsciously leans her head into Yōta's palm, enjoying the pat.
The group are looking at the scene with conflicted gaze.
["Yeah, we found her 5 hours ago in the forest when I went on a night date with Yōta and Aki-chan. *Yawn*"]
"Wait, what? 5 hours ago?" Yamato asked in perplexed manner, "Just what are you guys doing..."
"Night date... Jealousy..." Miyako bites her handkerchief in frustration.
"And with two girls too? You scored big, Yōta-boy." Matsukaze remarked from Yukie's palm while the said girl are blushing.
She's not imagining something dirty like 3P or something like that, okay!?
["If that's all, I'll hang up then. Since today is holiday, I'm gonna sleep for second time. Give my regard to everyone. Bye"]
And just with that, Momoyo hangs up on Yamato.
Tadakatsu who heard that simply shakes his head and stand up from his seat. Now that he had proof that Yōta didn't kidnapped the girl, he doesn't have any intention to stay in the room any longer.
"Where are you going, Gen-san?" Shōichi asked.
"To my room." Tadakatsu replied while closing his eyes, "Since Yōta already proved his innocence, there's no need for me to be here anymore. I'm going to rest now."
The male groups look at Tadakatsu with a smile on their face. This friend of them could be such tsundere at times.
"Thank you for looking out for me, Gen-san." Yōta bows his body to show his appreciation towards his friend.
Tadakatsu stares at Yōta for a moment and he can see that Lu in Yōta's laps, looking at him in curious gaze.
He then face away from them and clicks his tongue, "Whatever." Saying that in very tsundere manner, he goes to his own room.
"What a shy man." Shōichi playfully remarked when Tadaktsu leave the living room.
The others are chuckling at that statement, knowing how true it is.
Lu look at the interactions between the group and couldn't helped but to grasp Yōta's arm tightly.
She's envy them.
The gesture caught Yōta's attention as he gazes down, looking at the girl in his laps, his eyes softened at the sight.
She maybe lack her own emotions right now, but Yōta could still feel the change around her through their connection.
He reaches his hand out to Lu's head and tussle it in playful manner.
Lu raises her head and look at Yōta who's smiling brightly at her right now, she tilts her head in confusion.
She doesn't understand why he smiles at her right now. The connections between them is telling her something, but she couldn't understand them at all.
As Yōta looks at the girl with empty shell in front of him, he couldn't helped but to remember what happened 5 hours ago when he, Momoyo, and Aki encountered this girl in the forest after they successfully defeated the Dead Apostle Ancestor.
("Okay... What is this? Why a girl suddenly appeared in here all of a place?" Momoyo asked while crossing her arms below her ample chest.
She looks at Yōta, or more like to Merlin inside his soul, searching for answer from the Magus of Flower who definitely know about this.
Merlin hummed when she peers at the figure of unconscious Lu in front of the trio, ["She's what you called Demon, a Demon Lord in this case with how extraordinary amount of magic power she exudes right now."]
"Demon Lord...?" Aki parroted while looking at the sweet girl, "So, that's why she has those horns, wings, and tail...?"
["Mhm. Demons are those existence that, while being of the Laws of Nature, distort the flow of such by the exercise of unnecessary powers."]
Yōta widened his eyes when he heard that, "So she's the reason why the flow of magic around here is rather high?"
Merlin clapped her hands with big smile, ["Ding ding. 100 points for my dear Yōta. You're right, she's the reason why that Ancestor's attack sometimes feel off, the flow in this area are messing with his magic."]
"And also one of the reasons why he never used his Reality Marble in the fight, I'm guessing?" Momoyo raised one of her eyebrows.
["It could be. Who knows~?"]
Momoyo scrunches her eyebrows in dissatisfaction at that half-assed answer.
"But... Why a Demon Lord like her in here?" Yōta asked as he apporaches Lu's unconscious form carefully.
["Because she was trapped inside the Ancestor's Idea Blood."]
["It seems like that Ancestor was about to make this Demon as his successor, but failed."]
"So, what would happen if you failed?" Aki asked while crouching down beside Yōta.
["They will be 'crushed' by the Curse of the Idea Blood itself. As result the Curse will overwhelmed them and erase any emotions and sanity remain in them, turning them into a mindless monster who only seeks destruction in their wake."]
Yōta and the others doesn't say anything to that, and Yōta nods his head understandingly, he understands the threat of this girl now.
"So... What are we gonna do with her?" Momoyo finally asked the important question.
Aki simply hummed at that question before she turns her head to Yōta with Momoyo's doing the same as well.
Both of them look at Yōta in anticipation.
["You need to kill her."] Merlin suddenly chimed in with an amicable tone in her voice despite her suggestion.
Yōta already anticipated her answer which is why he's not that surprised unlike Momoyo and Aki who couldn't helped themselves to open their mouth wide in surprise.
Yōta knew Merlin for long now, through his stay in the Dream World, he understands what kind of creature Merlin is.
Despite her friendly and sweet outer personality, she's pretty much a woman with the biggest don't-give-a-fuck attitude.
She's somewhat apathetic and uncaring towards another. She just preserved her content mindset, never concerning herself with anything except for the world's safety.
She needs the world to amuse her, after all.
"I'll bring her with me." Yōta finally decided as he looks at Lu with determined gaze.
Momoyo and Aki smiled when they heard that. They already expected the answer knowing how Yōta couldn't ever leave people who in needs.
Merlin on the other side stays silent, she doesn't say anything and simply looks at the sight of Yōta carefully picking Lu up.
But as just as he touches her shoulder, Lu opens her eyes with bright light emitted from it.
She reaches her hand out to Yōta's and grab him in tight manner, "I don't... want to... die..."
Yōta's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the desperation in her voice, he then grabs her hand with his other, giving a soft smile to the girl, "It's okay. I won't let you die, I promise."
Lu stares at Yōta dead in the eyes, looking for any deceit within those brown orbs. Upon seeing nothing, she reaches her hand out to Yōta's cheek, caressing it slowly before she closes her eyes and Yōta could feel something burning on his chest.
He unintentonally let out a pained shout as he grasp his gray shirts and gasp for air.
""Yōta/Yōta-kun!"" Momoyo and Aki shouted in panic.
Merlin on the other side looks very happy at the turn of events. She happily twirls around the garden with big smile on her face.
Another amusement just appeared! Ah how nice~!
Demon Lord with Power of ID within is trying to connect herself to a Excalibur wielder.
This is why she couldn't helped but feel attracted to Yōta. After all, he's the most interesting Excalibur wielder she ever made.
And as Momoyo and Aki were about to take Yōta away from Lu, he shakily half raises his arm up to stop both of them.
"I-I'm fine... Don't worry..." He wheezed out while giving his senior a smile, "She's... just trying to make a spiritual contact with me..."
True to what he said. Lu just established a spiritual contract with Yōta by connecting their soul and energy together.
Momoyo and Aki look at each other for a moment before they sigh at the same time and back away. While they feel still skeptical about it, they will respect his choice.
And as the process continued, a symbol of four-pointed star appear on both of their foreheads, as well as takes the place of their pupils in their eyes.
The color of Yōta's hair also slightly changed with white tufts appeared here and there.
The contract sigil further embellishes the star with a ring and a set of diamonds passing through it. The sigils were engraved on Lu's back and Yōta's chest, with the ring split in half, with Lu having the top half and Yōta the bottom half.
Yōta then felt immense demonic energy course through his body, and it took the form of a powerful white lance.
Just like Excalibur Genesis, this lance is an ancient artifact with powerful energy reside within, but it's very demonic by nature, the total opposite of Excalibur Genesis.
And just by touching the lance, he able to learn its true name and its power.
Tyrannus, the demonic artifact with the Power of Ego primarly manifested as a lance.
"Luciela R. Sourcream..." Yōta suddenly called out to Lu's true name as her memories are flowing inside him when he felt the connection between the two of them.
They both appeared as spirits inside the mindscape full of stars, looking at each other.
Lu approaches Yōta and touch his bare chest where the contract sigil engraved, she looks quite sad for some reason, "I'm sorry for dragging you into this..."
"I have already lost everything. Status, honor, power, memories, and even my emotions... everything..."
Lu raises her head to stare Yōta dead in the eyes, "You are all I have left."
Unfamiliar memories started seeping into his head once again as she trails her finger on his chest.
The memory of when she was betrayed by her most trusted aid.
The memory of when her magic was sealed and her abilities, territories were taken from her.
The memory of when she fell into despair.
The memory of when she spent so many sleepless nights pierced by cold chans, with only thought of regret and hatred.
The memory of when Sans the Blue Skeleton annihilated everyone in her territory just to get her.
The memory of when Sans integrated his Principle and Idea Blood inside her.
The memory of when her memories and emotions been eaten away by the Curse.
All of it. Yōta could see everything that she'd been through.
Upon witnessing that, he couldn't help himself but to bring Lu into his arms, embracing the girl while stroking the back of her head in comfort manner.
Their contract sigils lit up in bright blue as they soul finally emerged as one, representing the succession of their spiritual contract.)
(Flashback End)
Looking at Lu right now, Yōta leans down and stick their forehead together, ["It's okay."] he stated through Mental Link between the two of them, ["Now that we're connected together with the contract. You are not alone anymore, I'll be always together with you from now on, Lu. I'll help you to recover your emotions and memories back too, I promise. Or we can simply make a new one together from now on."]
["Always together...?"] Lu hastily asked as she stares into Yōta's new eyes with cross pupils in it.
["Always together."] Yōta parroted without hesitation as he smiles brightly.
Lu's empty eyes gains a glimmer of light for a second before it vanishes as she turns her body to Yōta and circle her arm around, hugging him in tight manner.
["Fufu."] Merlin giggled inside Yōta's head as she heard what Yōta just said earlier, ["I hope that the moment she recovered her emotions, she won't be the Demon Lord we afraid she will be."]
'I hope so too... But, I think she'll be fine. No, I'll make sure of it.'
Merlin hums and twirl happily inside the garden of Avalon, ["Oh, human~ So optimistic as ever~"] She sang in a playful manner, ["I hope you won't regret your choice for saving her."]
'I won't.' Yōta replied instantly with resolve laced in his voice.
Merlin peers at Yōta for a second with a very serious expression on her face before a smile forming up on her lips.
["That's just like you, Yōta. What a selfless creature you are."]
And just like that, her voice is gone together with the humming wind.
The others are looking weirdly at Yōta when he suddenly sticks his forhead against Lu's and stared at her without saying anything.
It feels off for some reason.
"Hey man..." Yamato called out hastily, "Are you sure you're not following Inoue's footsteps right now?"
Yōta who heard that question doesn't look impressed at all, "I don't know what you're talking about, but just in case you starts assuming things, Lu is older than us."
1, 2, 3...
""WAIT, WHAT!!?" They yelled in surprised at that statement.
"Are we dead serious right now?" Yamato asked as he scratches his head.
Meanwhile Chris and Yukie are currently speechless upon receiving that shocking information.
They thought she's about 12 or something! They didn't expect that she's older than them with that appearance of hers!!
"Hahaha, now that's very interesting!" Shōichi on the other side laughed merrily.
"Legal loli. That's the first time I saw them in real life." Matsukaze remarked in wonder.
"Just like the 4 girls that we know..." Miyako murmured as she looks at Lu, especially her hair, "What's wrong with legal loli and their white hair? Is it a trend?"
Cookie simply laugh at the liveliness in front of him. The morning in Shimazu Dorm is rowdy as usual.
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