5.88% In DC with Will system and a chat group / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Prologue
In DC with Will system and a chat group In DC with Will system and a chat group original

In DC with Will system and a chat group

作者: MynameJeff

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1 Prologue

"Ugh! where am I?" says Darwin as he stands up,all around him, he can see blackness filed with countless stars

For a moment , Darwin forgets where he is, that he is somewhere unknown, somewhere no man has gone before, He is in the Gateway, a gateway to different realities , Omniverses,

He looks around him, taking in the beauty of the stars that shine with beautiful light, slowly the light starts to become bigger and bigger

"Oh shit! it's coming towards me" Darwin starts run , but who can run away from a speeding star thats coming at you"

As the star is about to collide with him, which is actually a blidning object, not actually a star, Darwin closes his eyes, the next moment he falls inside a water surface , plunging into the depth if the water

"Faa! where the heck am I, was that a dream" Darwin says as he looks around ,it's night time, he looks above, although it's not as beautiful as before, the stars are shining brightly in the sky

He looks ahead and sees a city, it doesn't look anything like his city...'Wait a minute, what's the name of my city' he freaks out

perhaps something did happen, cause he sure as hell never drank any alcohol or even a cigarette, this was something else

'Why can't I remember anything' Darwin curses in his mind as he shakes his head in denial, trying to remember something

All he can see in his mind is a hazy memory, a beautiful , small but beautiful house, consisting of a family of four, a child ,him and his parents, but he can't Remembwr their faces or names, only his own face is not covered in a haze

The sudden despair of losing his memories causes him to feel mortified, a deep chill travels down his back, the feeling of unknown grabs at his heart, the only thought keeping him from drowning at this moment is his own survival instinct, the instinct of ever man,women or child, the instinct to survive no matter what happens

After four minutes of staying afloat, and trying to remember what has happened to him, he gives up and decides to swim to the shore.

*Peoooo, pareaooooon*

he hears the sounds of sirens as he finally reaches the shore, a giant light shines on him immediately causing him to go on guard, remembering all too well what happened to him before.

Though after looking carefully, it was a patrol boat,

"Kid you alright!" a man quickly runs towards him, dressed in a uniform that seems familiar enough

After the man checks that Darwin is fine, he scolds Darwin a good deal , until it becomes clear fo him what happened

"Kid! are you out of your Goddamn mind, how could you do something so dangerous, we have been looking all over for you since morning, your friends reported that you suddenly jumped off the bridge, what were you trying to do huh!"

'The heck,I only remember being in water, what is happening to me' Darwin starts to worry, no memories, No idea where he is, Only knowing his own name, suddenly being scolded puts him in enough pressure to feel stress

Luckily the guy notices this and calms down, deciding it's best to bring the kid to the police station and be done with it,

"Come on! I will be taking you to the police station, we also have to report to your family about this" the man says as Darwin looks back up at him excitedly,

'Family! Oh thank God...But...i don't have my memories' Darwin thinks to himself while being escorted by the patrolman.

It takes them twenty minutes as Darwin finally reaches what looks like a Police station, Getting out of the Car , Darwin looks at the Signboard

"Central City Police station"

'Central City..is that the name of the city I live in,I highly doubt that,I am pretty sure it was not this city,hmm' Feeling depressed, Darwin finally walks in through the door being led by the man who had already reported Darwin through the Body Comms

'For a 16 old ,I am doing pretty fine' Darwin thinks to himself, if it were the him from before, he would have probably cried his eyes out, maybe it was the loss of memory that brought upon this change.

"Hello! officer,I reported about finding the missing kid fell inside the waters a day ago, me and my partner found him swimming towards the shore, we also found this bag along with him." The man said as he winked at Darwin

Handing the bag over to him, this Confused him as he had no bag with him.

"Alright, thank you for your help, we shall immediately notify the family of the child"

The officer talked a bit more before he brought the boy in to sit down,

Darwin watched as the man entered the elevator, as the door closed, Darwin freaked out, nearly shitting his pants

The man looked like a freakin devil, a burned face became visible as the man smiled at him and disappeared


Darwin finally screamed like a girl, gathering the attention of everyone present,

"Calm down , kid!"

"What happens, Hey look at me, look at me kid" The officer gave Darwin water to drink as they asked him what happened

'What the frick was that man!' thought Darwin

The officer helped him calm down as he told him that he was going to contact his parents to which Darwin nodded

As the officer went away, he said something that finally sent a spark through his brain, although he didn't remember much if his previous memories, he did remember one thing to a degree, just like other hazy pieces of memories,there was another one

Marvel and Dc, the two most beautiful comic franchises in the world, to him at least,

"Joe, keep the kid company while I do the work" the officer said and Darwin looked up at the man who had coffee in his hands, trying to talk himself out of the duty before he noticed Darwins gaze and decided to give up

This name and the name of the city was the reason that Darwin had the absurd idea that he had somehow arrived in a totally different world.

"Hey kid! how you doing!" greeted Joe

'Lame, definitely checks out, is this really the arrow verse'

{Ding! Mission completed 'Find out where you are' you have been rewarded with reading glasses}

'Oh! holy shit! I got transliterated Darwin yelled in his mind as he gave himself a fist pump

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


