80% Starwars: The Terran Republic / Chapter 40: chapter 39

章 40: chapter 39


Exiting slipspace multiple Terran and mandalore ships arrives over Felucia. Ahead of them there was roughly over thirty venators as well as a few support vessels around them.

After the republic had defeated the separatist navy near Felucia, they had sent more ships to defend the planet since the increase of their military budget was allowed because of the terrans presence in the war. Not only were they increasing the amount of ships they were able to operate, but they had also ordered a new batch of clones that were almost ready for combat.

They were getting ready to start a big counterattack on the terrans and try and regain the systems that they had lost from them. They wanted to have better influence over the terrans once negotiations was held between the two again. But right now they were currently losing that battle.

Back in space the new mandalore ships had taken point since some of them were specifically made to get close and personal to any enemy ships. They didn't have the MAC guns like the terrans, but their shields made up for it along with their weapons.

As the republic forces and mandalore ships start to fire on each other the terran ships make a screen around the spirit of fire since the ship was going to be the main one doing the ground assaults.

The mandalorians had tasked each class of ships with different missions during the battle and they were so far working for them.

The crusader class Corvettes were tasked with taking down any fighters, bombers, or any other small vessels that came towards it's ships while it's two other class of ships tries to do damage to the venators.

The Keldabe class battleships was heavily upgraded with the help from the terrans technology and was outfitted with stronger turboblasters as well as a few sanghelil lasers. Not only this, but the ship was also able to drain another ships shields and apply it to their own.

Just like the rest of the ships the mandalore's new class. The kandosii type star destroyer was outfitted with the terrans latest tech. Also outfitted with stronger turboblasters and a few sanghelil lasers. The ship also had anti-captial ship torpedoes as well as missile batteries that can hold concussion missiles and can also hold nuclear weapons if loaded. Even further it held hundreds of the mandalorians fang fighters as well as transports.

The biggest change for them though was that none of the ships would use hyper lanes as a way of transportation, but instead used slipspace just like the terrans.

To put simple the terrans had greatly improved the mandalorians military power and their navy was now able to go toe to toe with both the separatist and republic if they needed too.

As the battle in space continues. One of the mandalorian battleships opens up numerous silo doors that were located on the top of the ship. Moments later twenty large missiles were shot out of the ship as they went towards different republic ships scattered in space.

Some of the republic ships seeing the missiles heading towards them fire at the incoming missiles. Those that were lucky were able to shoot them down with a big explosion engulfing parts of the area. A few fighters that were near the explosion were destroyed instantly with any capital ships by it shaking from the force of the explosion.

Those that did get hit didn't have a chance of surviving the aftermath. The explosion not only destroyed the ship, but tore it into peices as parts of the ship flew everywhere.

The mandalorians were also suffering loses as well, but only with their corvettes. Even though their shielding was upgraded it wasn't able to withstand numerous attacks for too long before it would give out. But even with these losses they were still hitting the republic hard as some of the damaged venators fell towards the planet.

With the mandalorians spearheading the republic forces creating a gap in their lines. The terrans had made the decision to start their land invasion with some of their ships being in the planets atmosphere, while the rest stayed behind to clear the rest of the republics forces out of space.

On the planet below the clones were getting distress signals from their fleet that they were being attacked from both the terrans and the mandalorians and they were going to send troops towards them.

In one of the clone battalions a Jedi was currently taking out the last few remaining droids that were in her area before her and her commander's comms started to go off before they answered it. What followed was the sounds of explosions going off with yelling in the background.

"General we are currently being attacked by the terrans and mandalorians. We won't be able to defend the planet for much longer!" The clone says as tries to regain his foot as he sways forward after an explosion went off.

"Send a distress signal to any nearby fleets and get out of there." She says as the hologram starts to flicker.

"We're trying, but they are jamming us. We were only able to send out parts of our transmission before it was cut during the beginning of the battle." He says.

"We'll try and hold out as long as we can, but we are losi-" the clone didn't finish his sentence before all signal with him and the fleet was gone.

"Commander bly get the men ready to defend the area." The Jedi says.

"I'm on it." Bly says as he along with some other clones head towards the rest of their men to set up defenses for the incoming attack.

As bly runs off the Jedi looks up in the sky to see a burning venator crash into the ground as numerous small little dots starts to appear heading towards them. It wasn't going to be long until they landed and their ground assault would start.

"We won't stand a chance against them until help arrives. We could use the environment as an advantage but how long will that last?" She mutters to herself before running off towards her men.

As they prepare to defend themselves. Red team was currently going towards the planet on a pelican along with hundreds of others. The mandalorians had also started to deploy their troops on the ground and the sky over Felucia was soon filled with their transports and fighters.

While they were going to secure an area on the planet as their forward base, red team was going to try and go after the Jedi that was said to be down below.

They wasn't going down to kill the Jedi, but to capture. Captain cutter made it clear that he wanted the Jedi alive. He wanted to know exactly who he was fighting against and the Jedi could possibly give them more information about the planet.

Inside a mandalorian transport a handful of mandalorians were checking their weapons and jetpacks. A few of them were using the blasters that they originally had while others were using the weapons that the terrans had brought them. What really made some of the mandalorians stand out was that a handle of an energy sword was on the waist of certain individuals. They were only given to the leaders of different houses throughout mandalore and if their armor didn't give you the hint that they was a leader of a house. The weapon they had on them certainly did.

The sanghelios had gave them a limited amount of the energy swords as a gift, so they decided to give them our like this to their people. But the highest honor would still be holding the dark saber which only the Mand'alor was able to use and hold.

The transports wasn't going to land, but fly over the battlefield before they all jump out. Once they start to near the zone the doors open as they look out to see blaster fire coming from the ground shooting at them. It wasn't a lot of blaster fire coming at them, but it was enough to make the pilots be cautious as they flew under fire.

One of the clones down below scores a hit on one of the mandalore transports behind them as it quickly descends toward the ground. A few of them inside it can be seen jumping out at the last minute using their jetpacks as they fall down.

"It's been a while since we had a fight like this. Think we'll be able to handle this?" A mandalorian in red says.

"We have the terrans behind us, so we have nothing to fear. This time it will be the republic who will fall. And mandalore will rise up like it once did before." Another says as he looks over the edge before letting himself fall down.

Following his lead the rest jumps out of the ship as they activate their jetpacks as they fly towards the ground. Once they near the clones positions they fire a barrage of missiles from their jetpacks impacting the clones down below. It wasn't long before one of the mandalorians followed by a dozen more landed directly on top of the clones and started to take them out.

There was even a few mandalorians who had landed directly on a clone trooper and if they wasn't killed by this. A few bullets or blaster bolts to the chest made sure of it.

More and more mandalorians were landing on the ground as the clones were starting to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of troops coming at them.

"There's too many of them! Fall back! Fall back!" One of the clones says as they start to get overrunned.

The remaining clones quickly abandon their positions as some of them get shot in the back. As they run towards the rest of their lines, a group of pelicans fly overhead before landing next to them. Some of the pelicans drop down warhogs as well as a few mechs. They wasn't sure if the environment would be nice for the tanks yet so they didn't bring most of them down and those that did was mainly for defense.

But even without the tanks they were still going to be able to break through because of the two gunships that Isabel had made which was basically a flying tank.

A few miles from where the main fighting was taking place a lone pelican had made it's way near the rear of the clones known position. As it hovered over the ground it dropped a warhog down as three Spartans drove off to complete their mission.

The real battle on Felucia hadn't happened yet, but before that they were about to find out why Felucia could be a nightmare for those that wasn't careful enough. This wasn't going to be the first time that some of them were going to face a situation like this. But for some of them they were going to see why Felucia could be a dangerous planet because of it's environment and wildlife that lives there.

Jedi temple

The Jedi were speechless after hearing what Obi-wan had said to them. They never thought that something like this would happen so soon and from a youngling at that.

"Kenobi do you understand that what you say could end with her being executed if she is caught?" Mace windu says.

"The problems with Kenobi's padawan can be dealt with later. What I'm afraid is that we may have more traitors among us." A random Jedi quickly says.

"Waneta was here for a while way before we were at war with the terrans. Who knows if they planted more just like her in the order."

"That is a good point, but we can't watch every single youngling all at once. And besides it's not guaranteed that there is more like her. She was the last one that was around her age that was admitted into the order." Another Jedi says putting his input in.

"Was there any other reasons why she betrayed the republic other than her being a Terran?" Shaak Ti says while in hologram form.

"From what I seen and heard from her. She seems to despise the republic and even blames us for dragging them in this war. She even said that she born on Zeridian which confirmed that she was a Terran all along." Obi-wan begins.

"But another reason is that she thinks...she thinks the order is failing to bring peace to the galaxy."

"That we're trying to help people that we don't truly understand about and that they would fix it before us. She thinks we could have done better."

"What does a child know about bringing peace to a galaxy. She must think it's as simple as swinging a lightsaber to think that peace will be that simple." A Jedi quickly responds.

"We've been doing this for centuries and this war could have been close to ending if it wasn't for them showing up."

"They killed millions and for what? A single planet. They're just like the mandalorians. A warmongering faction. It's no wonder the two are joining forces together." He says.

Obi-wan hearing this slowly looks down seeing what Waneta meant. She was right. They were changing and he was turning a blind eye to it just like the rest of them.

A good amount of the people in the room had agreed with what the Jedi had said, but unknown to them a few others hadn't. There was even a few that were slightly agreeing with what Waneta had said about the order and the republic. They were slowly turning into the very thing that they were fighting against and many of them were starting to see the corruption.

While the republic was slowly changing into something else. The order was removing themselves from protecting the galaxy like they were meant to do. They were instead to busy in a war to notice it and some were starting to spot it.

It wasn't just those that were currently in the room, but a few outside of the planet as well as a few padawans were seeing how the republic was changing. It wasn't going to be long until they wanted this to change.

With or without the orders help.

While they were about to end the discussions a Jedi rushes into the room in distress.

"Sorry to interrupt master's, but the terrans are attacking Mygeeto and an unknown faction had arrived along with them. We think it's the same one's who had attacked the separatist not too long ago." He says shocking a few of them.

"All communication with them are lost for now, but the terrans and separatist were currently fighting with our forces down below before an unknown faction arrived. That was when we lost communication with them." He says.

"We'll have to get any nearby fleets to go as reinforcements for them. We cannot allow them to take another planet from us." Mace windu says as all the Jedi start to disperse from the room.

As the Jedi leave some of them can't help but think.

'Are we really peacekeepers like we all thought we were.'

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