85.89% Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage / Chapter 63: Clash of Reincarnators(Bonus Chapter)

章 63: Clash of Reincarnators(Bonus Chapter)


3rd Pov

There was a reason Sung Jin Woo was the leader of the guild and others didn't have any qualms about it despite being reincarnators. Many reincarnators don't like to be bossed around unless they are common CP or JP, but they weren't those idiots, at least the EX-Rank members and Sung Jin Woo was the most deserving of them all for the title of the leader. He was like a better version of the original, he truly understood what living a life meant and the complexities of the situation.

He wasn't the only strongest, but also the smartest and most sympathetic and empathetic of all of them. The moment Arthur invaded he quickly made the quick decision to teleport the entire headquarters to another Universe, Asura's world, as it was the most farthest safe universe from their current location, despite being the Monarch of the death, he didn't take the lives of his staff as a joke, another reason that their organization had become a powerhouse.

He had already understood what Gojo had done, and one could blame their lack of strictness on this, they were delusional of his personality which resembled much of the original. Sung Jin Woo knew about it but had thought that his future missions with other S-Rank members will wake him up to reality, unfortunately it was too late for him and now he had made an enemy.

" I apologize ", Sung Jin Woo bowed down and then looking at Minerva he said," I can understand, you were living a new life, you have a lovely wife and then some other reincarnators comes and tries to make her your slave, if it was me or anyone else in the situation, undoubtedly we would have killed him. As an leader I failed to make a judgement, thus I would like to apologize."

"Insect, do you think your apology has any weight? If you all are willing to be dear's slaves, then I shall leave you alive", Minerva said while Sung Jin Woo's eyebrows twitched he sighed before saying," Are you idiots? I am apologizing because the mistake was ours at first, but it doesn't mean we are willing to do whatever you want. Listen here, while I am bit confused on who the reincarnator is, it is probably you considering the way your wife talked. Stop thinking yourself as some Main Character in a novel or whatnot, it's real life and just the presence of us should be enough to break your delusions."

Arthur understood his words and the significance they held but he had no idea of having peace with him, and the next moment a sword condensed from space-time itself formed on his hands. Sung Jin Woo sighed and said," Fine, that's how you want it? Remember we will kill you now without any hesitation", the next moment a fist smashed at Arthur.

" Absolute Annihilating Punch!!!", shouted Asura as a force strong enough to destroy an entire Solar system was compressed and focused at Arthur," Well that's the result of suffering from protagonist syndrome", Naruto joked and everyone agreed with him but the next moment everyone became silent, " Are you shouting some Wuxia moves? Because your attack name doesn't lives up to it's name", Arthur joked nonchalantly while Asura got a Deja Vu seeing the scene, " The Fuck, are you Chakravartin's sister?!", he said.

In front of them the entire solar system should have been obliterated but nothing sort of like that happened, the entire force of his attack was stopped, his hand unable to move any further by the force exerted of a single finger of Minerva whose body radiated in a luminous glow, space quivered around her as if under her will. " Damn it!", Asura quickly got behind, still shaken by what happened after all despite not being his strongest attack that attack was no joke.

Technically it should have torn the entire space-time continuum in it's path completely obliterating whatever comes in hundreds of light years of it's way into nothing. But Minerva had stopped it completely using a single finger in a similar fashion to Chakrivartinan, the Creation God from his universe, and not to mention him even others couldn't understand how it happened. 

Sung Jin Woo's eyes narrowed and he said," We have encountered formidable enemies, this guild was formed to tackle such beings. Everyone no need to hold back, use your strongest moves!", others nodded and Naruto quickly entered Six Paths Chakra God mode, his body covered in yellow light he manifested a ball of the purest chakra possible," Rasengan!!!", he shot it at Arthur who didn't glanced at his attack and the attack simply vanished horrifying Naruto.

" Damnit!", he said expressing his helplessness, although his move seemed simple but that attack could have obliterated a planet with it's explosion, Naruto wasn't lying about his extra improved Dimension shattering Rasengan, the next moment his entire body was surrounded by thunder, and he used one of the most iconic Ninjutsu, Flying Thunder flash and the next moment his speed accelerated to speed of lightning.

" Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu !!", he quickly formed seals in his hand and thousands of Naruto clad in thunder appeared, each of them started unleashing different types of Ninjutsu one by one, some clones even unleashed space-time ninjutsu yet didn't vanished after unleashing such chakra consuming attacks. Minerva was quick to realize that Naruto had found a way to get realize the rapid regeneration of Chakra and had an extremely huge amount of it making original's look as dime compared to what he has.

But despite his efforts, all his Ninjutsu were rendered useless, under the effect 'Law Manipulation', the other's didn't rest easy with Sung Jin Woo's shadow beneath him covering the entire solar system he muttered," Arise", and hundreds of billions of monsters arose from his shadow and attacked them. " Divine Judgement", Minerva said as millions of spears, swords, halberds, etc. Each condensed of Holy Magic appeared in the empty space and were launched nearly at the speed of light at each monster, permanently killing them on hitting and then new weapons appeared to repeat the entire process.

Meanwhile Dozens of Rings floated around Tang San, his eye color and hair changing as he unleashed the strongest form of himself. " Thunder Sea Asura God!", he said as his strength which was previously barely a God King, rose above the rank itself. Entire Galaxy trembling in his mere presence alone, his Divinity made the concepts flutter.

"Spiritual Annihilation", Ichigo used his strongest technique using his Bankai, one which could destroy anyone's soul weaker than him and even harm the souls of being stronger than him. His attack aimed at Arthur unlike others didn't vanish and struck him, but much to his dismay the attack couldn't penetrate through his defenses.

" I get it's time for me to appear ", Saitama said as he flew towards Arthur nearly achieving speed of light, the next moment he teleported near him and punched him with all his might," God-Killer Series, Zeon Punch", the speed of his fist surpassed the limits of light, at this moment time and space started bending around his palm, his fists were fused with Divine Energy capable of annihilating God-Kings and was stacked with such pure might enough to create gaps between universes.

*Boom* *Crack*

'Huh?', Saitama thought surprised seeing Arthur completely unharmed, and then pain assaulted his mind," Aghhhhh!!!!!!", his scream garnered the attention of others, mainly Asura who was trying his best to breach Minerva's defenses. Saitama looked at his hand in disbelief, he was way stronger than Saitama who came back in time, he was someone who mastered the Divinity of 'God' himself and coupled with his limit breaking strength, he could even kill Tang San or even Sung Jin Woo if the battle was stretched.

But even then it wouldn't result in such situation, his hand with whom he had punched had all of it's bones cracked, his hand bent and twisted in such a way that could give chills to anyone seeing it. " God King's domain", with a trident in his hand, Tang San thrusted it at Arthur and just like always, the attack seemed to stop before reaching him. 

" Uhhh!!!!!!", Tang San used more of his power, space cracked around him as he used his full might, dozens of gold and red rings surrounded him and he unleased various attacks at him at once, but like before everything seemed to be nullified and he quickly retreated, but with his job of saving Saitama done he breathed in relief. 

" I can feel it, he is using some invisible force like telekinesis to stop our attacks and I won't lie it's very similar to your Ruler's Authority", Tang San said and Sung Jin Woo frowned, " Are you okay?", Tang San asked Saitama whose hand was already healed," He will pay for this, he is really strong but I am about 20% stronger as compared to me a minute ago ", he said clenching his fists, his body turning into the epitome of a muscular body.

" Cheater", muttered Tang San realizing how quickly Saitama grew again, Saitama's body could grow exponentially stronger in case of extreme emotional disturbance or when he is beaten nearly dead, the only reason he hadn't achieved their level of power because of their unwillingness to fight him till death. " So what should we do now? I haven't used my full power yet, but we know our weaker member attacks won't work on him", Tang San asked.

" Let them, including you Saitama focus on her, compared to her who is at least defending using manipulation of space, he is obviously more dangerous. Ichigo and Naruto will divide her focus as for Asura and Saitama, both of you- Smash", he said and Saitama grinned, " Well I got the reference", he said and vanished from his place.

" So it's up to us to tackle him huh?", Tang San said as his aura grew stronger, Sung Jin Woo's entire body morphed into darkness as if he was the embodiment of concept of darkness itself. " Yes, though a Chinese Protagonist and a Korean Protagonist working together, world sure is funny", Sung Jin Woo joked as both of them lunged towards Arthur.


" Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!", Asura shouted crazily as his massive arms which were at the size of moon attacked at Minerva crazily. His fists becoming faster each second, the might containing in them manifolding with each successive one. The Spatial barrier she had made started cracking slightly as she pondered,' Ichigo's, Naruto's and Asura's ability had been deciphered ', she thought.

" Big guy? Need any help?", Saitama asked as he appeared beside him and unleashed a furry of God-Killer punches, meanwhile the billions of shadow monsters fell repeatedly under the barrage of her continuous holy-light made weapons before they rose again though the two of them remain unaffected under their onslaught. Naruto and Ichigo attempting their best to attack her with a distance but under the relentless assault of two muscle-brains they couldn't even come near lest they die due to the terrific force of aftermath.

*Crack* *Crack*

Space started cracking and seeing this both grinned and then glancing each other they nodded.




The space cracked and an entire portion of Galaxy behind Minerva vanished into nothingness, the space cracked like glass before it weaved together again in a second. Though the aftermath had resulted in complete annihilation of billions of celestial bodies. But even then there wasn't a single scratch on Minerva's body, whose emotionless face suddenly showed emotions. A smile formed on her lips dazzling both of them for a moment

[Probability of stronger enemies, is zero, Dear~], she quickly informed Arthur and hearing this he breathed in relief, their goal had been to lure out any hidden powerhouse and Minerva had been working tirelessly making terrifying calculations, a single of which could even fry a supercomputer as she was basically attempting to turn the probabilities of something accurate to minute details.

She had barely invested a trillionth of her focus to deal with the reincarnators, and the army of billion strong headed by the commanders like Beru. With the conclusion she had came there were no strong enemies and Sung Jin Woo who was infinitely close in ascending to a Multiversal being was the limit they had.

[Dear, according to me other than Shadow Monarch, Saitama and Asura none possess any threat.], she informed him of his analysis and he understood her judgement, Shadow Monarch was on brisk of breaking through the limits of an Universal being though the chances of it were very low even as they fought, while Asura was someone who rose from a mere demigod with his special ability similar to 'Wrath' to strong enough to kill a creator god, that threw literal red-giant stars as projectiles.

As for Saitama, well he was Saitama, he basically grew stronger than the enemy itself while battling without any limits, and the strength he had achieved was permanent, and with this version of Saitama mastering supernatural abilities that original neglected made him more dangerous. ' Then there is no need to hold back any longer ', Arthur thought as he fought against Shadow Monarch and God King Tang San.

Suddenly he teleported completely crumbling through their anti-teleportation measures, and appeared near Minerva. " Huh?!", Saitama and Asura closest to them reacted, and Arthur pointed his arm at him and knowing that he was going to attack, both of them became defensive. " Devour him, Beelzebub", he said and purple-black smog came out of nowhere and engulfed Asura.

" I refuse to die!!!!", Asura shouted as an red aura equal to what Shadow Monarch was releasing erupted from him, his anger seemed to manifested itself in the world. But in the end it was fruitless, Beelzebub was capable of devouring anything ignoring the constraints of time and space itself, and thus under it's fierceness Asura's entire body crumbled into small pieces and was devoured by Gluttony and a voice rung in his head.

{Unique Skill: Wrath has been acquired}

{Unique Skill: Faith Energy reactor has been acquired}

Everything happened a few seconds making everyone stunned, while the eyes of those who were quick to realize the ability Arthur used horrified. " Ultimate Skill: Gluttonous Lord Beelzebub, it is an ability from a Forbidden verse!!!", Ichigo said horrified, they knew very well the horrors of forbidden verse, where the prowess of character broke all imagination, even knowing the locations of these worlds none of them dared to venture in it.

Even if they wanted they couldn't, as the Multiversal wall that separated the verses was far more stronger than anyone to breach, otherwise Tang San who once had the idea to acquire dozen of Unique Skills had ventured into Tensura verse long ago. Saitama froze in fear as he realized the prowess of enemy they encountered," Damnit! He is a True Demon Lord!!", Sung Jin Woo said in fear as he withdrew his army.

For a moment he looked at Tang San and others before gritting his teeth,' Forgive me, everyone ', he thought as he tried to teleport away. Tang San noticed it and he looked at him betrayal, but like him, he too tried to teleport away into his Universe but they were unable to. " You think you can leave?", Arthur mocked them and Minerva appeared beside them to keep them busy, while Saitama quickly knelt before Arthur and said," Leave me alive!! Please!! I-I will give you Fubuki!!"

They were truly reincarnators, but unlike those JPs who while retarded, usually truly loved their women, even Arthur loved his wives in an his own insane way, but they didn't love their women truly, even if there was love it was superficial, at least in Saitama's case. Arthur ignored his plea and used Gluttony on him, the moment the attack engulfed him Saitama tried his best to resist the Ultimate Skill.

His strength ushered in a rapid progression he became extremely strong in a few seconds, but in the end his body crumbled before it could reach the level where he could even resist the attack, his soul was devoured by Gluttony and he died.

{Unique Skill: Limit Breaker has been acquired}

Again the voice of the world rung, bringing joy to him and then focusing back to the battle, he attacked Ichigo who died even faster than former, while disappointingly not giving any skill. Then he moved to kill Naruto, the man hysterically attacked him in fear, throwing attacks that matched the power level of Asura and Saitama's attacks, but again, useless.

" No! No!! I cannot die!! Please!! Spare me!!! I will give you my harem!! I will let you cuck me!! Just don't kill me!!", Naruto begged but he was devoured as well without any mercy from Arthur and then, he came at Minerva's side and looked at the half-dead Tang San and suppressed Sung Jin Woo who tried his best to break free and looked at them with despair.

"Devour them, Beelzebub", Arthur said as Gluttony engulfed both of their bodies simultaneously and killed them.

{Unique Skill: Chakra Reactor has been acquired}

{Unique Skill: Ninjutsu Records has been acquired}

{Unique Skill: Asura Divine Core has been acquired}

{Ultimate Skill: Shadow Lord Ashborn has been acquired!!}

Arthur grinned at his battle spoils, and Minerva knowing his wishes quickly got to work.

[Unique Skill: Chakra Reactor, Asura Core, Faith Energy Reactor has been sacrificed]

[Unique Skill: Mana Reactor has evolved into Unique Skill: Magical Energy Fusion Reactor]

[Unique Skill: Ninjutsu Records has been sacrificed]

[Unique Skill: Magic Records has been strengthened]

[Ultimate Skill: Magic King Hecate has been strengthened significantly!]

[Unique Skill: Limit Breaker has been sacrificed]

[Ultimate Skill: Evolution King Ancient Doomsday has been acquired!]

He took Minerva in a hug and kissed her, their lips touched each other's, his tongue invaded her mouth and he started tasting her saliva while his hands explored her behind sensually. Their kiss continued for a few minutes before they separated," My wife, you truly know how to please your husband, even outside of bed", he said and she smiled happily from his praise.

The rewards of this clash has been extremely sweet, he acquired a new Ultimate Skill, one of his Ultimate skill was strengthened significantly and other evolved from the 'Lord' rank to an 'King', rank. They had avoided a possible disaster, though things weren't done yet. " Now only destroying their leftover organization remains- well we should destroy their world as well ", Arthur said and Minerva nodded ready to comply to her husband's wishes.

After that, they rained hell on the Multiversal Reincarnator's guild completely killing all of the reincarnators, and then destroyed the worlds or the timelines from which the reincarnators hailed without holding back. It was Minerva who mostly destroyed those worlds, though she made sure to leave alternate times so if Arthur ever wished, he could visit them and possibly fuck any characters he would like.

Like this an Organization that might have rivalled the might of Multiversal entities one day vanished without any trace.

To be continued...

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C63
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


