
CH - 14 - Hedge Fund Homeboys - Part - 4


We see Noah standing in front of the Mirror drying his hair. He is for the most part naked with a towel tied around his waist. He looks lean and is packing a good amount of muscle. He then gets ready. Noah then as he is getting dressed hears "Breakfast is ready. "

Noah replies "Yes I am coming. Grams."

So he walks out of the room and at the kitchen table sees Alexis already eating a Sandwich.

So Noah says "Good Morning, Sis." takes a sandwich for himself and sits beside Alexis with coffee in hand.

Alexis replies "Good Morning. So... you excited?? First day and all"

Noah "Meh... nothing of that sorts. You already know that I find school to be a drag first day or not"

Alexis checking the time says "ya but try to enjoy it even still. And I will see you later, I need to go now or I will miss the bus."

Noah then remembers 'Ohh right even I have to take the Bus' checks the time and relaxes looks to Alexis and shouts "Take care, Sis. Call if you find any trouble"



We see Chuck and Nate are sitting next to each other, Noah is standing by them. Deep in discussion 

"So I went to the place Noah suggested . To my surprise I see my self standing in front of a huge office building, the name of the building <PEARSON HARDMAN>. I was like nah this can't be the place so just to be sure I called him up to confirm and he says Just go in. You are the right place." Chuck says recounting yesterday

Nate a bit surprised asks "I know that you were an Intern their for a while but what the hell did you do that they are willing to represent a company started by two teenagers. That to for free for the first 4 years.!!"

Chuck with the same surprise "That's exactly what I thought"

Noah smiling at their animated conversation says "Its nothing like that I helped them with their ledger while I was interning and apparently it saved them a load of money. Since then Jessica has been kind. Plus both me and my Dad are her clients so I guess that too played a part in her decision making"

Nate asks "Your Dad I get but what do you need representation for??" Chuck with a "Exactly"

Noah says "Ohh yea I forgot to tell you guys this. I am also now almost an author. My first book is gonna get released next month. Under the same publication as Dad's"

We see the school coming to view seeing that both Chuck and Nate get up from their seats while saying "Mannn that great news... what is the book about ...??" Chuck was about to ask but then notices a guy looking at them so he goes "You following us or something?"

Dan the man in question replies "No, I... I go to your school. Identical uniforms, that's kind of a tip-off?"

Nate chuckles saying "That's funny." and goes on to exit the bus with Chuck. Noah is stuck behind Dan but Dan not noticing this starts talking to himself "So you guys wanna sit together at lunch?"

Noah laughs seeing this and replies "Sure dude we can. " Dan surmised by this goes "Ohh sorry, I didn't see you."

Noah replies with a smile "Ohh please don't be. I will see you at lunch then... new friend who likes to talk to himself." as he gets off the bus.

Dan in a descending low voice goes "My name is Dan... what's yours???"



We Castle and Beckett walk with Mr. Chris Markum, the school headmaster.

Markum says in a solemn tone "When the Kendalls said they couldn't afford tuition, we put Donny on scholarship. The family had been very generous in the past, and Donny was one of our brightest. We thought he'd do great things."

Castle questions "Any idea what he would have been doing in Central Park at night?"


Mark replies "The truth is, all these kids are icebergs. We only see the tip. If you want to know the rest, you should probably talk to his friends."

Markum points out a cluster of five kids, all around 18 years of age, gathered around a table.

Markum continues "Amanda, Romy, Brandon, Spencer, and Max. It's strange seeing them without Donny."

Beckett and Castle "Thank you." and walks towards the students Markum pointed out.

[St. Judes, corridor - video from phone screen].

We see Donny, 18, Caucasian, model good looks, charismatic, in a school hallway, speaking directly to camera. "Breaking news, my parents are off to Abu Dhabi, so I'm in a 'rents-free zone. Come over tonight for the "Dancing with the Stars" results show. Betting opens at 7:30. My dad's cask-aged 16-year-old single malt opens next. "


Pulling back from the phone, we see the five kids with Beckett and Castle. Among the kids Brandon, 19, quiet, thoughtful, smiles and shakes his head as he closes the app on his phone which was previously playing the video.

Bandon goes on to add "That was before they moved and everything" reminiscing those days.

Beckett in search for answers asks "Were any of you with Donny last night?"

They all shake their heads. Spencer, 18, explains. "We hung out after school, but we all headed home around five."

Beckett continues "Do you know of any reason he'd be in the park?"

Silence. Beckett senses they know something so she continues "Look, you guys, I went to York. I know all about honour codes and protecting your friends. "

Amanda stunned hearing this asks "You went to York Prep?"

Brandon questions "How's a Yorkie end up a cop?"

Beckett replies "Things happen. Things like this. The point is, is that if you're trying to protect your friend's memory, I get it. But eventually, the truth comes out. And the faster it does, the easier it'll be for us to help find who did it."

Brandon with a bit of hesitation says "His family had lost everything."

Amanda adds to this "Not that we cared. But we go out, you know?"

Romy also says "We always offered to cover him, but he couldn't handle it. "

Spencer "Yeah, he just kind of fell apart."

Beckett asks "Fell apart, how?"

They all look away. As if ashamed to reveal it

Castle sensing this reassures them "Guys, he can't get in trouble."

Amanda replies "He kind of got into drugs."

Castle not quite following asks "If he had money problems, how'd he support a drug habit? "

Amanda clarifies by saying "He started dealing, in the park."


Castle and Beckett walk out of the school and are walking on the path way to the exit. As they are walking we a students walking by and in the background.

While walking Castle asks "Classic tragedy. Prominent family falls into disrepute, scion spirals downward."

Beckett as if reading his mind completes "And bad things happen."

Castle says "Of course bad things happen. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a tragedy. Did you know in the original Greek, "tragedy" literally means "goat-song"?"

Beckett shoots Castle a look. That shows 'How the fuck do you know that' , Why the fuck do you know that' and a 'what the fuck is the point'

Castle being Castle continues his train of thought "I know. Doesn't make any sense to me, either. Whatever that first story was, I can't help but think bad things must have happened to that goat."

[Beckett's cell rings.]

Beckett answers "Mmm-hmm. Yeah." Castle curious about the call leans in close to hear the call, their heads almost touching, intimate. Still on the phone, Beckett reaches with her free hand and grabs Castle's ear, pulling his head away from her.

BECKETT (CONT'D) (into phone)

Okay. Of course. Sure, I'll be right there.

Beckett releases him. Castle rubs his ear. But then hears from the side "I see you are having fun, Father".Both Castle and Beckett turn towards the voice and see the owner of the voice Noah along with four others.

Castle says "Hello Son...." then in a low voice says to Beckett "Next time, put it on speakerphone."


[CUT TO - Few minutes earlier.]

We see Noah,Chuck, Nate and Blair by the stair to the school talking. Blair with a bundle of Cards in a box beside her.

Blair "So boys there is a party at my place tomorrow night, this one is without the adults. Mom is away with a business trip. So I thought why not."

Nate goes "That's good, with all that is happening, the murder and all, the party might help."

Chuck "Ohhh then let's make it grand even I will pitch in. Celebrate the registration of our company and the launch of Noah's new book....What say Noah??" he asks looking at Noah.

Noah replies "Sure, but for the Book I will throw a party after its Launch next month."

Everyone agrees to this. Then Blair at a distance notices a supposed ruggedly handsome man and a lady wear a Red top walking out the School and asks "Hey Noah, isn't that your Father??" 

Noah looking towards the direction goes "Yes, that is" with a mischievous smile on his face.


[CUT TO - Present]

Castle says "Hello Son...." then in a low voice says to Beckett "Next time, put it on speakerphone."

Noah asks "You guys here about the murder aren't you??"

Beckett Nods and Castle replies "Yes, kiddo. But don't you guys have classes...?"

Noah ignoring the question says looking to his friends "You guys already know my Father, Richard Castle, (Castle smiles and waves)..as for the beautiful lady beside him She is Kate Beckett, Detective NYPD." with a smile on his face.

Noah continues as he now turns to Beckett and Castle and says "These are my childhood friends Nathaniel Archibald, Blair Waldorf, and Chu..." just as he was about to introduce Chuck he gets interrupted

Chuck with all the rizz he could muster goes "Chuck Bass, it a pleasure to meet you " and goes in for a hug but is immediately pulled back by Noah from behind

"Great intro buddy" Noah comments everyone laughs and Beckett replies "It's lovely to meet you all." with a smile on her face.

Beckett then continues putting her detective hat back on and asks "Do you know anything about Donald Kendall?"

Noah replies "I don't know anything about him, but...." Looks to his friends specifically Blair and Chuck.

Blair with a alright look says "I don't know much just that a senior named Brandon is currently dating Donalds previous girlfriend, what was her name again..."

Castle says "Was it by any chance Amanda??"

Blair immediately goes "Yes, that the name, Amanda. that's all I know" then looks to Chuck.

Who with a corporate air around him says "You see, everything has a price and....Whatt thee....."as he was about to continue both Nate and Noah smack in the back of his head 

Nate says "Just tell them what you know."

Chuck in a defeated tone says "Smart guy, used to be rich, family in some financial trouble as far as I know. Hangs around with a close knit group of friends, Brandon is on of them. That's all I know. Also they all supposedly hang around at Central Park near the lake most of the nights."

Beckett turns to Caste and gives him a look seeing which he goes "got home by Five my ass... ohh sorry kids" smiles sheepishly 

Beckett says "Thanks for the information, you should go now it was nice meeting you all.

They all say bye and leave Castle and Beckett to the car parked outside while Noah and the others leave of classes.



Beckett and Castle walk towards another crime scene, on some grass behind a park bench, which sits along a paved pathway. Ryan stands by the bench, which is surrounded by red cones.

Castle says "I'm gonna wanna see the pictures of those plaid skirts and knee socks."

Beckett chuckles and says "Excuse me?"

Castle knowingly says "I've seen those York school uniforms."

Beckett bemused says "Okay, I want in on your poker game. I went to public school. I just told them that to make them feel comfortable. "

CASTLE gapes and says "Well played, Ms. Streep."

Beckett enquires "Which Meryl? Out of Africa or Mamma Mia! ?" to which Castle chuckles 

Ryan greets the two "Hey."

Castle and Beckett say "Hey."

Ryan informs "So, a 9-1-1 call comes in last night, about 50 yards from here. Esposito's following up, but we found this." A Closer look reveals a semi-dried, gelatinous pool of blood. Red cones surround it."

Ryan continues "Looks like mud. It's actually blood. Figured, he was sitting on top of the bench, takes one to the chest, falls back over here. And then he's dragged to the lake"

Beckett "So, what's he doing sitting on a park bench at night?"

Castle "Well Chuck Noahs friend did say that the kids used to hang around this place at night and the kids did not reveal this to us when we asked" but Beckett says "True but we don't have proof and questioning kids based on hearsay could back fire really quickly"

Ryan adds "During my narc days, this area was pretty much an open bazaar, especially at night."

Beckett adding a possibility "A drug deal gone bad."

Ryan comments "Fancy private school education don't mean you aren't stupid."

Castle counters "Neither does a career in narcotics."

Beckett asks "What are you talking about?"

Castle shares his observation "This is a very large pool of blood."

Beckett remembers "Lanie said he was shot with a large-caliber bullet."

Castle continues "So, if this kid is dragged when he's a fresh kill, wouldn't there be more of a blood trail?"

Beckett understanding the meaning behind it says "He was lying here for a while."

Ryan confused asks "Why would someone come back and move him?"

Castle not so sure just gives a possibility "If it was a drug dealer, then he's gonna realize the cops are gonna think a drug dealer if we find the body here."

Beckett adds "Increasing his chances of getting caught."

Castle narrates "So, he drags the body over there, just to try to throw us off."

Ryan not sounding convinced says "I don't know, Castle. A smart drug dealer?"

Castle grabbing at straws says "Well, everything evolves. Why not criminals?"



Margo Falcigno, 50s, tough, lifelong New Yorker, sits at Esposito's desk flipping through a book of mug shots. She's more than halfway through the book and looking bored. Esposito sees Beckett returning, goes over to her.

Beckett asks "9-1-1 caller?"

Esposito replies "Yeah, Mrs. Falcigno. Was walking her dog when she heard the shot last night. A few seconds later, said she saw a white dude run past her. I got her looking through mug books of dealers arrested in that area"

Falcigno yells "Hey, Detective, get over here!"

Esposito asks "You see someone you recognise, Mrs. Falcigno?" to which Mrs. Falcigno quips " No, I miss your sparkling personality. Yeah!"

Esposito a bit embarrassed looks towards her point at the mug shot of an Eminem wannabe.

Falcigno says "That's the guy I saw, right there." Esposito to confirm asks "You sure."

"What? Do you wanna give me a lie detector? That's him!" says Falcigno.


[INT. - St. Judes, AUDITORIUM - DAY]

Romy, Amanda, Spencer, Max and Brandon sit in the theater seats. Beckett sits in front of them. Castle sits nearby.

Beckett says "You guys lied to me. We questioned a dealer their and he placed you guys at the crime scene. You were all with Donny when he got shot, weren't you? Anyone know what obstruction is?"

Castle raises his hand and answers "I believe that's when you deliberately give false information in a criminal case."

Beckett "You go to prison for it. "

The kids look concerned.

Beckett continues "Max? Amanda?" pressing them for answers

Amanda "Yeah. We were there."

Beckett "You were at the park?"

Romy narrates "Donny was out of control. We were just trying to stop him."

Castle says "Why don't I believe you? "

Brandon says "Guys, just tell the truth. "

They all shoot daggers at Brandon.

Brandon continues "Sometimes we'd go to the park, too."

Spencer adds "We'd tell our parents we're hanging out at one of our apartments, but we'd actually go to the park and party. And Donny would..."

Castle asks "Would get you whatever you wanted. "

Beckett asks "So what happened?"

Brandon answers "We're all just hanging out, having a good time, partying. And this guy came over, and he's all messed up, and he's got this gun. And-- and he's yelling at Donny, "Where's my money? I want my freaking money!" Donny owes him two hundred bucks.

Max continues "And Donny didn't have it."

Amanda says "Then the guy points the gun."

Romy also says "And there's this loud pop, and you just see Donny's body crumble."

Beckett asks "What did you guys do?"

Max with a terrified face says "We ran. We just ran."

Beckett doubtful asks "You didn't think to call the police?"

Spencer answers "He was dead. I mean, we knew he was dead. Calling someone..."

Castle completes by saying "Would've just gotten you into trouble."

Beckett asks "Did you get a good look at this guy? Do you think you'd be able to identify him?"

Spencer replies "It-- it was dark. Donny was at the end of the bench."

Beckett "Who was the closest?"



Romy, her mother behind her, stands with Beckett in front of a one-way window with the shade down. Castle's off to the side, with Montgomery. Romy's scared.

Beckett says "Okay, Romy, this will be easy. When we raise the shades, they won't be able to see you."

Romy asks "Are you sure?"

Beckett giving confidence says "I promise. They have no idea who's back here. You just let me know if you recognize anyone, okay?"

Romy, looking scared, steels herself and nods. Beckett presses the intercom.

Beckett says "Raise the shades, please."

The shade is raised, revealing Ryan and six white guys, approximately the same age and height, holding numbered placards facing the glass.

Beckett says "Number one, step forward. "

Ryan repeats "Number one, step forward."

Number one, steps forward. Romy shakes her head, no.

Beckett continues "Step back, number one." 

Ryan says "Step back."

Beckett says "Number two. "

Ryan says "Number two, step forward."

Scoville steps forward. Romy hesitates. Beckett sees it.

Beckett asks "Do you recognise anyone?"

Romy nods and answers emotionally "Number two."

Beckett "Where do you recognize him from?

Romy answers "The park. He shot Donny."

Beckett says "Okay."


(Skip to Blair's Party - Kiss on the lips)

Narrator - A lot of things have happened behind the scene before this party. Dan and Serena met each. Serena decided to go out with Dan rather than go to Blairs Party. Castle figures out that that the story the group of Kids are telling do not make any sense. Those kids are filthy rich they could easily have give Donny share of the money and saved his life. So why didn't they. They decided to question that girl Romy again. This time isolated for her friends. She broke. They see a Video of Donny's death. Nate confesses to Blair that he cheated on her with Serena. They have a fight but decide to burry the hatchet, at least for now. 

A lot of things at play right now. Where is the MC in all of this. How will he come into play. To find answers to all the above questions and more. Please.... read the next chapter. Pretty sure it's released by the time you read the note below as well. 

------------------- To Be Continued -------------------------------

So, guys this chapter was lengthy. Hopefully it was not boring. Still shaking the rust off. Do comment about the things that you would like to see improved. Note it's a long story with a lot of characters. It's gonna be difficult having the MC in every scene. In fact I am pretty sure in the future there are gonna be chapters with the MC completely with how the story is going.

I am also not decided on how MC's romantic life is gonna go. 

But please do Comment, give reviews, and also shower power stone on this pic if you loved it so that other people also read this.

Thank you. See you next chapter. Happy Easter to all my readers. Have a blast.

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