73.33% A Song of Ice and Fire: Raenon Targaryen / Chapter 55: Return To Highgarden

章 55: Return To Highgarden

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~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Resting In Rainwood, The Stormlands, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

The tent we've set up for the night is being hammered with rain. It's been one week since we left Meereen, and we finished crossing The Narrow Sea yesterday. Rhaenys and Raevor are surrounding our tent. Keeping guard.

While the outside is wet and soaking, the inside of our tent is dry and warm. Not a single drop of water. It was sold to us by some merchants in Meereen. The fabric is of Valyrian origin, not much of an explanation. But it stays dry and warm on the inside.

Dany is snuggled up against me. Our bare bodies warming each other further. This is the first time we've experienced rain together. There were plenty of times I was drenched by rain in The Shadow Lands. But this is much nicer than that.

It's actually relaxing... When it rained back where I grew up, certain predators started hunting. Don't know their names. Doubt they have any. But they were nightmarish and only came out when it rained.

"Do you think we'll reach Highgarden in time? We've covered a great deal of distance, but I don't know how fast an entire army moves..."

My Dragoness has a tired voice. Sleep will take her soon. Being a little over a month-long into your third pregnancy takes a toll on the body. The energy she had once before seems to have dwindled.

All of which is understandable. Riding on dragonback isn't as relaxing when the wind blows hard, and the temperature isn't what you're used to. It's made me tired, and I'm not even pregnant. My hand runs up her shoulder, and she presses her body against mine.

She does so harder at the sensation I caused. The closeness we have isn't something I thought I'd ever experience back in The Shadow Lands. We're alone out here in The Rainwood. Besides, Rhaenys and Raevor being here. It's like the old days... Before we were King and Queen.

"Oberyn told me moving such a large force onto The Reach takes time. Around a month, at the most. But knowing how efficient Tywin has been said to be. It'll be a few days after we get there. No way to be certain, though."

That's what Oberyn relayed to me before Dany, and I left. It was hard saying goodbye to our children, but they're in good hands. Nothing will befall them in Meereen.

The soft and smooth body of my sister-wife glides up my body. My defined muscles grind against that same soft and smooth body. She takes a deep breath at the sensation, and her legs wrap around my waist as she takes a dominant position on top of me.

She cups the sides of my head and runs her fingers through my white-gold hair. Looking down at me with a smile. Her eyes look into mine. My hands run up her thighs, and this is leading to a familiar ending.

"We've been doing it every night since we left Meereen... Are you sure you're up for it? I know how tired you are, and you're already uncomfortable from the swelling."

There are certain parts of her body getting bigger since the pregnancy started. Her breasts are sore, and she walks around with a limp sometimes.

It doesn't take much to silence my worries. The lips that I've come to know and love start to fall down on my own, and the passion youth has is flowing through both of us. I don't know how many children we'll end up having, but our dynasty is indeed being rebuilt.

"Worry not for my body, Rae... Only my, and your, desires... No longer cooped up in a place that isn't home..."

Her fingers interlock with mine as she breaks kisses to speak, and once done speaking. Going back to kissing.

"We're dragons, brother... We're not meant to be kept inside such places... Now, are you going to prove your love, or do you wish for me to do so?"

This is something that I miss about being just the two of us. So, why not enjoy it while I can? My hands find their way to her most sensitive areas, and our nightly pastime begins.

~~~(POV: Margaery Tyrell)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Patio, Highgarden, The Reach, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

Grandmother and father have been up since the crack of dawn. Loras has been with them as well. My brother informed me of what is to happen. Tywin is marching his armies into our lands. While I'm not as adept in politics and warfare as my grandmother and father.

I do recognize that Tywin is trying to get rid of his strongest enemy and take everything they have. Since we haven't aligned ourselves with The Iron Throne, it's no longer passable; we remain in our seat of power. Not with Raenon winning in Essos.

"It's not up for debate, Mace. Margaery and Loras must be sent somewhere safe. Tywin is coming for our house and everything we've built."

Their constant arguing is putting my mood in a damper of sorts. I'd never wish to be anyone else, but sometimes. I do envy a sliver of The Smallfolk. They don't have to deal with this.

My attention turns to the patio's edge, and I lean against the stone railing. The Mander flows as it always does. Never ceasing and never changing. Except during the times of winter and summer. It rises and falls as all rivers do.

The sun is just high enough in the sky not to shine into my eyes directly. It gives me a clear view of the clouds and horizon. As my eyes rest on my favorite spot, my stomach sinks.

There, in the distance, are two massive dragons. Rhaenys, Raenon's she-dragon, has grown even larger since I last saw her. I don't know what to compare its size to anymore. Perhaps almost the same size as a keep, maybe even a castle.

"Grandmother... Father... Loras... We have visitors."


As I say that, the monstrous roar from Rhaenys breaks through the sky. Everyone on the patio stands up and makes their way over to me. They're not here to hurt us, leaving only one other option. They're here to help us.

The massive dragon next to Rhaenys belongs to Daenerys. Raevor, named after her brother-husband. It's a little larger than a Braavos Warship now. A size Rhaenys once held. Their dragons have only gotten bigger.

I notice they've only brought two out of four. Meaning they've left two behind for a show of power in Meereen.

Grandmother stands up and makes her way over. Taking a spot next to me. They'll be reaching the courtyard any moment. We should greet them properly.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Courtyard, Highgarden, The Reach, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~


The heavy landing of our dragons in The Highgarden Courtyard shakes the ground and some dust and dirt off the walls. Rhaenys takes up even more room than last time. Her body spreads to every building surrounding the courtyard. Crushing some areas.

Raevor has the same effect, and he's hissing at any guards looking too closely at us. We've already caused more damage to their home since the last time we were here.

Rae is the first of the two of us to get off. He pats Rhaenys's head and reassures her in Valyrian. The biggest of our dragons raises her head and looks down on the courtyard. Rae looks over at me and holds out his hand.

Lifting me from my spot with his magic and bringing me to his side. As I wrap my arm around him, he does the same. Using his right hand to summon Fate Breaker and shoving the tip into the ground.

"Raenon of House Targaryen wishes to speak with House Tyrell."

The simple command to the guards looking at us from across the large courtyard is heard, and a couple of them rush off.

Time passes slowly as we wait, and I enjoy the company of my brother. His arm around me, and mine around him. The height difference makes for a displacement problem, but I rather like that problem. It makes me feel like a woman.

After a few minutes pass, Lady Olenna and Mace Tyrell come out to the courtyard. Margaery and Loras Tyrell are behind them, and they're surprised to see us here. Olenna isn't surprised, but everyone else is.

"It's good to see House Tyrell hasn't fallen to The Lannisters yet."

This time, it's me who speaks. There is an apparent hostile undertone to my words, but nothing more than that.

My focus is solely on Margaery, and hers is on me. But for the briefest of moments, her eyes dart to look at Rae, and that pisses me off. I contain my rage, but feeling all this while I'm pregnant is no good.

"The Lannisters aren't going to take our House out easily."

Loras is the one to respond to my words. And I can see The Tyrell family is ready to start talking. We need them to tame The Smallfolk, and that means we're helping them.

As much as I don't want to.

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Word count: 1552

https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread Head here if you want to read more than what I post on webnovel.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C55
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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