<[Agnas] is a movie that's in the making for a few years already and from a movie that's been in pre production hell for a long time, you would expect that the chances of things going wrong would be significantly higher but fortunately, it's not the case with [Agnas] at all. The movie is like fine wine and Aiden Silvereye might get an Oscar nomination for this role. He's just very effortless in the skin of Agnas. The climax is the heart.
-Hollywood Reporter.>
<For bipocs, you can go a lot of ways. Either showing the person's highs or the things that he achieved but [Agnas] focuses more on the mental aspect of a superstar. Something that's rarely done in cinema and at the end of the movie, somewhere in my heart, I was glad I have decided to review movies not make them. The final song would probably make people cry. A must watch!
-Vanity Magazine.>