"So she still doesn't want to see me?" Trevor's mother asked in a sad tone as Trevor came to pick up some of Emily's things before going to the rehab facility to pick her up.
"I'm sorry Mother, I tried talking to her but she…."
"It's all right." She took a deep breath. "I understand, just make sure to take care of her for me."
"I will, and I will continue to talk to her until she changes her mind."
"Thank you, Trevor. You should get going now, we don't want to keep her waiting." Trevor gave his mother a peck on her cheek before he left.
Emily was wearing a wide smile when she came out and found her brother's car parked outside and him leaning against it waiting for her.
"Hey little Sis," Trevor spread out his arms and hugged her. "I'm so glad that you are finally getting out," He said against her hair.
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