72.34% Masquerade of Madness / Chapter 33: Bullet Hell

章 33: Bullet Hell

[Attempt 5: Failure]

[Completion Rate: 20%]

[Reason for Failure: Death]

This was the first time Sebastian managed to kill 5 people. The trick was to aim for the leader first. He was the soul of their team. The chaos gave him enough time to take three more kills.




[Attempt 13: Failure]

[Completion Rate: 20%]

[Reason for Failure: Death]

Sebastian collapsed onto the floor panting hard.

Things were going both better and worse than he had expected.

The multiple attempts had made him better at predicting the actions of his enemies… but it didn't necessarily make him a better shot.

By now he could kill 7 of them without worry

While the pistol was specially modified to have a long-range and high penetration… he still hadn't managed to kill two people with one bullet…




[Attempt 17: Failure]

[Completion Rate: 20%]

[Reason for Failure: Death]

He finally managed to get the trick of killing two people with one bullet.

Right after killing the leader in the midst of the chaos. There was a moment of time when the heads would align.

After a few tries, he finally managed to get 8 kills.




[Attempt 22: Failure]

[Completion Rate: 20%]

[Reason for Failure: Death]

Damn It! Damn it! Damn it!

It was always the last guy.

He always ran out of bullets by the time it got to the last guy.

He had managed to get 10 kills in, but that was his limit.

His first bullet hit the guy who approached him, the second one hit the leader, the next two were double shots, then there was a single shot followed by another double shot.

At this point, he would have only one bullet left but two enemies, and there was no way they would stick together.

Unless he managed to get one more double shot before coming to the last 2, or perhaps a triple shot…




[Attempt 35: Failure]

[Completion Rate: 20%]

[Reason for Failure: Death]

Getting another double shot was impossible, but he finally managed to get a triple shot for the first time.

It was a neat little trick.

He would first have to shoot the guy next to the leader, then the leader himself and when they all panicked, the opportunity for the perfect shot opened up.

Though he didn't get any more double shots this run, his skills had drastically improved.

He always hit what he wanted to hit.

Almost every action comes naturally.

There were no more wasted bullets.

It shouldn't take him much longer before he could clear the area out.




[Attempt 50: Failure]

[Completion Rate: 20%]

[Reason for Failure: Death]

Have you ever played Tetris?

Or perhaps matching games like candy crush?

Especially the extremely hard levels?

Because that's what Sebastian felt he was going through now.

Of course, he had long stopped recognizing the gangsters in front of him as real people.

They were just moving blocks that he had to push into the right position to get the perfect shot.

Time seemed to have lost all meaning.

The only thing that mattered to him was to clear the level.

But no matter what strategy he tried, he always kept on falling one bullet short.

Many times he thought that trying another strategy would perhaps help him get rid of the people in a faster way.

But it was a matter of pride.

He would clear this level even if it took him forever.




[This is your 69th attempt]

Sebastian had a feeling.

He felt it right in his gut.

He was going to defeat them all this time.


Because he had finally discovered what he had been lacking.


He had always been too focused on the movements of his enemies that he had completely forgotten that he could change positions as well.

He didn't have to stay in one spot and snipe them all.

He could move around and find the angles needed while avoiding all the bullets.

By now he basically remembered their firing patterns in his muscle memory.

This would be it.

Not just because 69 is a funny number but because he would MAKE this the last attempt.

At least for clearing out the warehouse though.

No promises for once he gets out though.




After killing the first guy who approached him, Sebastian immediately shot the leader without moving from his seat.


He carried the corpse and moved to the first pillar while the gangsters started to panic.

Firing another single bullet at one of the lone mobsters the rest started to line up for his triple shot.


With this, there were 5 left with 3 bullets to share

He threw the corpse in his hands at them and rolled to the right and into the open.


Looking at the window of opportunity he managed to get another double shot.

By this time the gangsters that had usually calmed down had gotten even more restless.

So restless that by the time I reached the next pillar, two of them were lined up for another double shot.


Finally, all that was left was one bullet and one gangster.

Luckily for him, he didn't need to share it.





Sebastian looked at the bloody mess around him.

He did it.

He had finally done it.

All 11 mobsters, dead to his gun.

Using only 7 bullets.

It's a legendary achievement that deserved its own spot in the hall of fame, even if he had used unlimited respawn haxx.

Pure unadulterated satisfaction.

That was what Sebastian was feeling right now.

He felt unstoppable.

He even felt a little scared of how powerful he was.

What if someone could actually use such broken abilities in Purgatory?

Even better, what if he could find a way to keep it?

Taking a moment to calm himself down Sebastian decided to take a good look around.

He was now all alone in the room.

Ronnie's body lay dead on the table, now riddled with a few extra bullet holes from when the gangsters were panicking and firing all over the place.

Speaking of which watching Ronnie kill himself over and over again should have been a very shitty experience but because he was so focused on killing all the mobsters he had just zoned out during everything else leading up to that part.

After searching the corpses, Sebastian managed to find about 8 more completely filled magazines for the M1911.

That meant 56 bullets.

It should be more than enough for him to wipe out the rest of the Bratva should he decide to do so.

But that was just a waste of time.

He had already satisfied his immediate bloodlust by killing everyone in the warehouse.

What he needed to do right now was find Damien.

And the best place to start was looking for the sniper.

Based on the contradictory actions and perfect timing of the sniper, Sebastian had a feeling that the sniper might be taking orders directly from Damien.

Perhaps Damien was at the vantage spot as well.

Either way, it was a good place to start.

Picking up a fresh cartridge, Seb slid it right into the gun and cocked it ready.

*Click* *Clack*

As for the rest of them, he put them in the various pockets in his clothing.

Feeling that he was ready for war, Seb took a deep breath, held his pistol up and burst right out of the warehouse door.

ThePotatoKing ThePotatoKing

Hey Guys I AM BACK!

First of all sorry for the long break. I will now be uploading chapters to Masquerade of madness regularly. While I won't guarantee I will do it every day, I will guarantee a consistent schedule.

Also, it's been a long break so there might be some inconsistencies in the tone for a while. Please point them out and I will try my best to get the story back to track as quickly as possible.

For those of you still here, thanks a lot for waiting!

In other news, I have started another book, so do check that out as well!

It's called Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake.

Unlike this one, it has a much lighter tone. Not because of the surroundings but because the protag starts out pretty capable and doesn't get abused as much. He is a cunning snake that will go to any ends to achieve his goals.

That's all for now. See you guys in the next chapter.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C33
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


