100% In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael / Chapter 76: Hey! I am Spiderman?

章 76: Hey! I am Spiderman?

(Author's Note: Shoutout to MeowATron9000!!! Also Happy New Year to you all)


Raphael Pov

After having a nice sleep to clear my mind, just like a normal human I yawned and looked outside the window.

I could see that a few kilometers away, cars of FBi, and whatever agencies were patrolling the city.

Yes, my mass resurrection had caused a small panic as well, considering how I resurrected only 70% of the people.

I mean, even if I am a Cosmic being who cares barely about human life, what worth is it to resurrect some stupid, egoistic, lusty, and jealous people? It will be just a waste of my effort.

" Eh! I am back!!!", Spidey said as he entered from the window making a stupid pose. I just looked at him deadpan, and said," You know that someone might easily see you coming here right?"

He froze and then looked outside the window with panic and seeing there is no one he breathed in relief. " Eh, I guess I need to do something about it in future", he said making me sigh, despite being a person who has potential to be one of the greatest inventors in marvel and has an extremely high IQ, his EQ is extremely low.

We then talked about some small topics before we made our way to UA High*ahem* wrong Universe, I mean Horizon High and as expected there were reports all over my world about my identity as alien and being the preparator who resurrected them.

I just released a 'Heh' in response, after all this is Marvel, the very fact this Universe didn't blew up when I angered death and had to restart everything can be considered a miracle. Who knows if there is some shady guy attempting to destroy the entire Multiverse for the Umpteenth time?

" Damn it! How do they know?!", Pete meanwhile beside got nervous and panicked realizing my real identity was now a open secret. I wondered for a bit if I should just alter the reality a bit but in the end I decided to not to, after all I wanted to have fun and see what Hydra can really do.

I doubt that other than summoning some low-end version of Chuthulu which would tremble upon feeling my status as God of Void, Azathoth the moment it meets me, overall they can't do anything.

" Peter, and Raphael", said Max as he appeared before us followed by Gwen, Anya, Miles, Harry and even Doctor Otto Octavious, it was as if a scene was prepared for the main cast to appear here but since they were to only to have guts to talk with me after the great revelation by the Hydra which proclaimed I am an Angel of God

. " So, what to say? *Sigh* Peter did you knew about it?", he asked the darling of the world who was standing beside me.

" Me- Well I didn't knew till a few days ago", he replied after some quick deliberation.

Hearing their replies they sighed, meanwhile Miles quickly got toward me and asked," Are you really the Angel of God?!", everyone's eyes too fell on me waiting for my answer.

" Nope", I replied harshly and then started walking up the stairs.

" Uh- Raphael", Peter said as if he wanted to affirm something.

" Sir Max, and Doctor Otto Octavius, and well the brats of this school. I am legally an American citizen, secondly I am a Professor here in Horizon high, thirdly even if I am some super powered being does it changes anything? Also the thing they are showing on TV is exaggerated, I am indeed powerful and a God like Thor. But I can only resurrect people under certain conditions and I am no Angel, it is just my name coincides with the one from your mythology", I said.

They eased up hearing my words, Max laughed a little and patted my shoulders," I see, I should have realized that those guys are over exaggerating as always and it will be much more safer if a Super-Hero of your level were to be a professor here. Anyway, what you all waiting for?! Nothing much changes except that your Professor is a God like Thor", he said.

Others two eased up hearing his words, since the concept of Superhero was deep-rooted in this world by now and Thor's existence made the acceptance of Mythological Gods extremely easier, it was no big deal for them.

Afterall they were open-minded scientists and not some idiots who would commence the umpteenth witch trials after realizing I was different.

Except the condition of Mutants in this world, which was still better than most of the parallel worlds everything in this world leaned towards 'Good'.

Thus they easily accepted this sudden change, their attitude for the most remained same though the other students looked at me awe and a hint of worship even after Max explained them everything.

It was actually the situation of becoming a fan of the SuperHero, and well this wasn't new for me, after all the whole Asgard is my fan.

It makes me remember my older days when I used to blow up planets, and destroy star systems to punish those who dared to stand up against me when I was on the conquest of conquering the Universe, ah old good days!

Finally I finished my work on the Horizon High at the evening and when I got out naturally there was a whole crowd wanting to meet me.

Some random media reporter," Lord Raphael is here!!".

Another random guy," Lord Raphael is it true that you are an Angel sent by the God to help us?!".

Another Radom guy," Lord Raphael are you really the Archangel of Healing, Raphael?!"

" We were told by the Headmaster of this institution that you were a God similar to Thor and had no relation to the Old Testament and New Testament! Is that true?!", another Media reporter asked me while clicking my images furiously.

" Hey! Hey! Guys! What are you all doing?!", said Peter who was in his identity of Spiderman, he landed in front of me and said," Guys, C'mon! You shouldn't be this rude! Mister Raphael's private life is something we shouldn't barge in! Not to mention how about it? Instead taking of Raphael's photos you can take of my handsome self! How about this pose?", I face palmed myself seeing Peter being unable to stop his mouth for the umpteenth time.

" C'mon Spiderman! Get out of the way! You are blocking the camera!", unsurprisingly a rude remark from a reporter came. If that wasn't enough, other people also started complaining and even started throwing out some eggs.

" Damn?! Where did you guys even get eggs from?!", complained Spidey who was bombarded with eggs, and not any eggs rotten eggs.

I was amused and got beside Spidey and all the eggs stopped in the mid-air, if that wasn't enough Spidey who was smelling like some two year old egg was now was completely clean.

He quickly ran and hid beside me looking at the people with wariness and displeasure, the people stopped throwing out eggs," C'mon Coward! Stop hiding behind the savior sent by the Lord!", said a woman.

" I will send you to Jesus you menace!", said a random man while holding a slipper.

" Hey look, Spidey there are those guys selling eggs ", I said pointing towards the back of crowd, where a few people where selling rotten eggs, they were holding a huge banner with the Bold words printed on it,' Help the New York City get rid of Spider Menace, Contribute in this cause by buying an rotten egg and throwing it at him- John Jonah Jameson '.

Spiderman who was equipped with latest technology and had a super eyesight was easily able to see it, anger appeared on his face as he said," You fucking bearded Reporter!!", oof he lost it, and I was laughing crazily at my mind while my face remained expressionless for the most part.

Of course, Spidey got hurled by abusive comments the moment he said those words, I decided to pacify the situation," Stop it guys", I said and so they stopped, still looking at poor Spidey hiding beside me aggressively.

" Listen me well, Spiderman is nothing like what that Reporter claims to be- I will admit as a rookie he had caused a lot of damage of property but his intentions were pure, and now he is training himself extensively so that he do not repeat the same mistakes as earlier ", I said, and they fell silent.

" Also what Max has said was correct, I am not Archangel, just a God like Thor who came on vacation on Earth, and my name simply happens to coincide with the Archangel of your Mythology", I said, and the next moment we teleported away.

" Damn, finally came out of there alive and thanks- for standing up for me", Spidey said as he took out his mask, and made himself comfortable on the bed. He soon took out his Spiderman Costume and we got down," Raphael!", I was greeted by a stern and nervous Aunt May, who glanced at me and Peter.

My poor fella quickly came out and started explaining everything to Aunt May, who finally breathed in relief," Fine, I understand it Raphael", she said, being the Aunt of the Kind-hearted Peter Parker she was naturally Kind hearted as well. After that I got a call from Tony, explaining about his idea which I obviously refused. Maybe, some other time but I can see that it won't be long before Thanos comes to Earth.


3rd Pov

In a huge spaceship that overshadowed moons by it's sheer size, sat a man upon the Throne. he was none other than the biggest Tyrant of the Universe, Thanos. He peacefully looked at the sight of the destroyed planet in front of me, a smirk appeared on his face as he glanced at the Infinity glove in his right hand embedded with three Infinity Stones.

They were Power stone, Mind Stone and Reality Stone. Loki fortunately knew where the Reality stone was hidden, thus it took him minimal effort as the master of the Illusion to Steal it and bring it to the Thanos, who took him as a general. After that he attacked Xandar and destroyed the entire planet not sparing even the half of the population and forcefully took the Power stone.

He could feel, as long as he wills it the entire reality of the Universe can be changed, but it was not his goal. He had only one goal, and that was to get the love of Lady Death and for he shall become the strongest in this Universe. " Thanos", a voice ringed in his mind as he was busy appreciating the Infinity stones.

The entire place seemed to become obscure, the reality of the entire place was separated and taken into another dimension-no in a different plane of existence all together. Thanos stood up in excitement realizing the woman who stood up before him was Lady Death herself," My love", he said as he walked towards her.

" Thanos, I have an important task for you", she said while her robe fluttered away revealing her hot body which wasn't the usual avatar of a female skeleton.

" As long as you command me, My Love I shall destroy the entire Universe for you", he said in a frantic voice. Death sneered inside,' You think you could get my love? Dream about it Thanos, only Deadpool shall be my eternal mate! '

She started explaining him everything, and how she wanted to use him to get the real Infinity stones and then give him a chance to kill Raphael, her enemy and bestow him with the gift of being his bride.

Thanos who was given such a promise quickly agreed, ready to become a chess piece for Thanos, one that would flip the entire board, when he finally returned to his Ship, his gaze became focused while he glanced at the Mind Stone in his glove. Death has given him the real Mind-Stone not many of the fake ones present through the multiverse, but one that could rewrite entire Multiverse.

But currently it's entire strength was being used to make sure that Raphael doesn't finds anything suspicious about Thanos, he knew that if Lady Death's words were correct then even the Strongest Infinity Stone could not effect Raphael, but it could hide or rather fake his thoughts without giving him any hints.

' I cannot make any mistake, as my enemy is none other than a Cosmic God, but to get my beloved's love, I shall trample upon destiny! ', he thought with an extreme obsession. For the first time, all-knowing Wisdom God was unaware of the hidden plan brewing between Death and Thanos.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I know my update is extremely late, it was on Hiatus, and it isn't officialy over, I thought I should drop a chapter considering how MeowATron was regularly giving this fic his powerstones. I will soon give this fic updates!)

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C76
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
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