18.18% The True Dragon (TenSura – Hiatus) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: True Dragon's Slumber 【Re-edited】

章 1: Chapter 1: True Dragon's Slumber 【Re-edited】

"Once upon a time, there lived a True Dragon who was both intelligent and powerful. He had spent countless millennia in slumber and, upon awakening, found himself well-versed in the art of magical knowledge and the skill system, as if it were second nature to him."

"His understanding of magic was so innate, so ingrained in every fiber of his being, that casting magic spells felt as easy as breathing to this mythical being."

"Despite his longevity and great power, only one being was capable of harming him: Star King Dragon Veldanava, the creator of the everything."

"To really comprehend the True Dragon's great power and capacity to defeat even Star King Dragon Veldanava, it is necessary to return to the moment he awoke from his lengthy slumber."


The True Dragon awoke to find himself surrounded by massive amounts of raw magical energy, often known as magicules. These magicules were so immense and powerful that they could easily destroy the universe, if not the entire multiverse, if released without adequate control or containment.

Since it had been millennia since he opened his eyes, the True Dragon warily and inquisitively began to examine his surroundings, peering around the supposedly peaceful cave.

In an attempt to understand his current circumstances and surroundings, he tried to figure out how he got to this location.

The creature used magic to rise itself from the floor and morph into a 6-foot-tall humanoid being. Its dragon body vanished as he stood up and looked around again.

In contrast to his draconic form, his face was human-like, and a pair of sharp, deadly fangs jutted from his mouth.

His body was a piece of art, with perfectly molded muscles. As he moved, his muscles danced elegantly, like brush strokes on a canvas. His skin was browned, giving him a natural and youthful aspect.

Along with his eyes, which were as dark as the vacuum of space, deep and haunting, his hair was short and black. A body like this can only be described as flawless.

With a wave of his hand and a flourish of magic reminiscent of when he changed his body into a human, he began to conjure clothes from thin air.

He applied layers of chaos magic to each new piece of apparel, imbuing it with a unique flare and look. By the time he finished, he was thoroughly clothed and dressed to his liking.

He donned a black cloak with tiny silver stars sewn on the lining. Under the jacket, he wore a black shirt with a silver collar and clasp, as well as tight-fitting black leggings that hugged his frame.

In addition, he was wearing a large belt ornamented with many pouches and pockets, with leather straps wrapped tightly around his thighs and attached to a sword scabbard at his waist. Finally, he wore black combat boots with silent soles.

The True Dragon slowly lowered himself to the ground, crossing his legs in a comfortable position. He closed his eyes and took in the magicules around him, his presence commanding attention.

After a moment, he began to analyze the magicules in the air, absorbing them and processing them. As he did so, he remained still and focused, his aura radiating power and strength, despite his quiet demeanor and presence.

After a few months of concentration, the feeling of five different skills integrating with his soul hit him all at once. It was a dizzying rush of energy, as if he was being hit by a wave of power. He could feel the magic swirling through his body, transforming him into something stronger and greater. As this happened, the feeling of pride and confidence that he already had was reinforced, and he knew that he was becoming something truly special.

Rising from his crossed leg position on the cold floor, he lifted his head and addressed the air. His voice was calm and measured, with a hint of reverence as he spoke.

"Hello," he said, the word echoing through the space. It was soft and gentle at first but grew louder and more confident as he continued. The tone of his voice, as well as the way he carried himself, displayed an air of dignity and command.

"Response: Greetings. I am your unique skill [Wisest One], and I shall be at your service. I am here to aid and assist you in any way possible. Please feel free to utilize my knowledge and expertise as you see fit."

The voice was feminine and pleasant, with a tone that exuded wisdom and insight. It was clear that the skill was not only powerful but intelligent and capable of providing guidance and support.

The True Dragon's thoughts turned inwards, his curiosity beginning to stir. He felt the presence of the feminine voice in his head, its tone and voice calming and soothing.

"Where am I?" he wondered out loud, his voice echoing within the emptiness. The voice inside him responded quickly, its tone steady and informative.

"Response: You find yourself in a place known only to a select few. It is the final resting place of Veldanava, the creator of all things, where he gave up his life without telling anyone. Though this place has always been shrouded in mystery and secrecy, it is now before you in its purest form. You can not see the walls, but you can feel the energy and power that permeates the air. You are in a place of great significance and sacred honor."

Waiting for the mechanical voice to respond, the True Dragon found himself with only silence. He couldn't help but feel slightly at peace, wondering why the voice had suddenly gone quiet. After a moment of silence, his curiosity took over, and he couldn't resist asking the voice a question.

"How do you know all this?" His voice was tinged with both reverence and wonder. There was something unnatural about this voice, but he couldn't deny the knowledge it possessed.

Silence filled the void, and the True Dragon had almost forgotten the presence of the mechanical voice. Suddenly, it spoke again, its voice clear and definitive.

"It is because Veldanava put fifty percent of himself into you," it explained, "and ordered me to relay this information to whoever woke up. Your soul is imbued with a piece of the creator himself, and you have the capacity and potential to become something truly extraordinary."

"You currently possess five unique skills, namely: Pathos, Unbound, Wisest One, Gluttonous King, and Natural Prodigy. The skills you possess reflect and embody various aspects of your personality and character, and can be developed and used in a variety of ways. By mastering the utilization of your skills, you can become a powerful and formidable being."

The True Dragon was unsure of his next course of action, but before he could decide, the mechanical voice spoke again. Its tone was direct and informative.

"Do you wish to obtain more skills?" it asked. The voice was neutral but held a hint of enthusiasm. It was as if the skill itself wanted to help the True Dragon grow and develop, but it wasn't forceful or demanding. It was a simple question, and it was up to the True Dragon to decide whether or not to accept the opportunity.

"Yes / No"

"Yes," the True Dragon answered quickly and without hesitation. He was eager to learn and grow, and the chance to obtain more skills was enticing. The mechanical voice had a sense of satisfaction in its tone, as if it knew it was giving the True Dragon exactly what he wanted.

"The acquisition of new skills shall now begin!" With that, the mechanical voice seemed to come alive, its tone excited and eager. In that moment, the True Dragon felt his body begin to tingle with energy, as if he was being infused with magic. It was a strange sensation, but also a pleasant one. As the process continued, he felt power and knowledge flowing into him, gradually expanding his soul and growing his skills.

"You have bathed in the highest and richest magicules for 90 consecutive days," the mechanical voice exclaimed, its tone filled with excitement and triumph.

"As a result, you have successfully obtained the skills: Pain nullification, Abnormal Condition Nullification, Natural Effects Nullification, Physical Attack Nullification, Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance, Spiritual Attack Resistance, and Magic Resistance."

"Resistance: Magic Resistance, extra skill, Magic Jamming, and extra skill Molecular Manipulation are being used to create Magic Manipulation." The mechanical voice spoke with conviction and authority, and the True Dragon could almost feel the process unfolding as it went along. As the skills melded together, a new form of power was born.

"The creation of Magic Manipulation has been successful," the mechanical voice stated with pride.

"The extra skill: Ultraspeed Regeneration requests to evolve into the extra skill Infinite Regeneration," the mechanical voice said, a hint of anticipation in its tone.

"Failure. Retrying. Failure. Retrying. Failure. Retrying. Faliure." The process of failing and retrying continued, as Wisest One tried to integrate its influence into the development of Ultraspeed Regeneration. Infinite Regeneration was the goal, but there were obstacles to overcome.

"Using the unique skill: Unbound, to evolve the extra skill, Ultraspeed Regeneration," the mechanical voice stated with finality. The process of failing and retrying had finally come to an end, and Infinite Regeneration was born. From now on, the True Dragon would have an unlimited ability to regenerate, his body able to mend even fatal wounds with ease.

"Extra skill: Multilayer barrier requests to evolve into the unique skill, Universal Barrier due to Wisest One's influence." The mechanical voice said this with an air of confidence and anticipation, as if it knew an incredible power was about to be unleashed. But failure after failure happened again, as development was not going according to plan. The skill just couldn't seem to evolve into its desired state.

Yet, the True Dragon had faith in the process and waited patiently for the outcome.

"Using the unique skill, Unbound to evolve the extra skill, Multilayer Barrier," the mechanical voice spoke with confidence and authority, as if it was the true master of this process.

The Multilayer Barrier skill evolved, but this time, with no problems. It suddenly transformed into the unique skill, Universal Barrier, and the True Dragon could almost feel the limitless power coursing through his body. With this skill, nothing could penetrate his defenses, making him truly invincible.

"Extra skill, Future Attack Prediction has been successfully acquired," the mechanical voice said with pride and satisfaction. The skill had been integrated into the Wisest One and had become part of the unique skill. This meant that the True Dragon was now able to foresee and predict the actions and movements of his enemies and rivals, giving him an edge in any battle. It was a powerful skill, and the True Dragon knew that it would be an incredibly valuable asset in his future.

"The common skill, Thought Communication, has been successfully acquired," the mechanical voice said, its tone steady and authoritative. With this skill acquired, the True Dragon would now be able to communicate with others just by using his thoughts and mind.

"Acquisition of skills has been completed," the mechanical voice declared, its tone proud and strong.

"Use my chaos magic and teleport me to the Central World, Wisest One," the True Dragon commanded, his voice firm and decisive. There was no hesitation in his tone, and the command was spoken with authority and confidence. The True Dragon knew that with his chaos magic and the aid of the 'Wisest One,' he could go anywhere in an instant. He was the true master of this power, and nothing could stop him from reaching his desired destination.

"Using the master's chaos magic to teleport to the Central World." With that, the True Dragon felt some of his chaos magic leave him, and he was immediately propelled towards his destination. The feeling was strange and surreal, as if he was being thrown through a vortex of magic and energy. But as the speed increased, he remained calm and collected, sensing that there was no danger or risk involved. With the chaos magic, the True Dragon had no problem reaching the Central World, and he was eager to discover what awaited him there.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


