30.67% Head-Patting in Marvel / Chapter 73: Chapter 73: God of Thunder (Final Part)

章 73: Chapter 73: God of Thunder (Final Part)

Thor's body is lying lifeless on the ground. Jane is sobbing over the body.

Shield encampment at the crater.

"Sir! A powerful electromagnetic surge is detected! It's coming from the Hammer!" A researcher yells.

In Thor's soul. He heard the voice of his father. 

[Whosoever holds this Hammer.]

*Boom!* Mjolnir breaks free of the ground and flies upwards to the sky. The clear sky becomes cloudy, with a hint of lightning.

[If he be worthy]

Thor's finger moves a little. Dr. Selvig sees the thing approaching them. Mjolnir just breaks the sound barrier, causing a sonic boom!

"Jane! We need to go!" Dr. Selvig drags Jane away from Thor's body.

[Shall possess the power of Thor! ] 

Mjolnir arrived at Thor's position. Suddenly, Thor's hand moves and grabs the hammer's handle. 

*BOOM* A huge lightning bolt strikes Thor's body. He is now back!

His armor was attached to his arm piece by piece. His cloak sways in the wind. The figure of the Mighty Thor reappeared once more in Midgard land. 

The mortals there are shocked. Lady Sif and The Warrior Three are extremely glad. Sif drops a tear of joy, but she hides it well.

"Oh. My. God. " Jane Foster exclaimed. 

"NOO!" Loki screams in Asgard! His stupid brother is now back!

"KILL HIM NOW!" He ordered the Destroyer.

[*Epic Drum Music* Aaaaaaaaa….Aaa] The brainbots are playing a bgm for Thor!

-Immigrant Song, Led Zeppelin.

"WHAT BATTLE SONG IS THIS?" Fandral asks. He feels his blood boiling because of the beat.

Thor flies upwards and creates a supercell cloud formation. He swings Mjolnir in a circle, causing a tornado that sucks the Destroyer into the sky.

The Destroyer can't aim as he floats around in the tornado. Thor took this chance to hammer the metal killing machine around. 

*THWACK* He hits the Destroyer's body. However, it doesn't do much. It doesn't even damage the Destroyer. 

'How can I destroy it?' Thor thought. Suddenly, a mirage appears next to him in the tornado.

Eclipse said to him. "Returns the concentrated energy to it through the Visor. It will overload its core. Only your hammer could do this." 

Ryan interfered as the song was ending. "No, I interfere because the fight doesn't go smoothly"  He mutters to himself, trying to justify his actions with a more noble cause.

*Zing* The Destroyer aims at Thor and shoots an energy beam. Thor took the phantom's advice and attacked the Destroyer at the time. 

Using his hammer, he blocked the energy beam and sent his hammer to the Destroyer visor. 

*Crack* The helmet broke into pieces, and so does the enchantment on the Destroyer. *Bam* it fell on the ground, making a cloud of dust. Thor dismisses the tornado and makes the sky clear again.

He lands on the ground slowly and walks towards Jane.

"So is this how you normally look?" Jane asks while smiling and admiring Thor's figure.

"More or less," Thor said while smirking. He then turned serious and said to his friends. 

"We must go to the Bifrost site." He ordered.

"I shall have a word with my brother." He said coldly. 

"Wait!" A voice sounded from afar. Thor turns to look at the source of the voice.

Coulson jogs to Thor's position. His SUV broke down on the road to the town. He arrived a little late, but he saw what happened when Thor fought the Destroyer.

"I don't think you…(take a breath) have been honest with me Donald." 

Thor told him. "Know this Son of Coul. You and I. We fight for the same cause. From this day onwards, you can consider me as your allies if…"

He got cut off as Eclipse appeared in front of him. 

"Thor Odinson. Can we have a word…in private." Ryan said to Thor.

Lady Sif puts on her guards. The man is strong. He said he is the guardian of the realm. She didn't know whether they would make thee responsible for the destruction, or else. A mysterious element is enticing, but it sometimes comes with danger.

"Calm down Lady Sif," Ryan said as he could feel her stare. 

"Here," He conjured a bottle of wine and threw it to Lady Sif. She caught it and waited for the explanation.

"It is tradition for my people to drink together after a fight," Ryan explains as he conjured another one for Thor too.

"Any for me?" Barton interjected. 

"I don't think you can hold it. It is very strong," Ryan said.

"Don't patronize me. Tradition is tradition." Barton said while smiling. Eclipse stared at him before conjuring a glass.

Coulson is a little neglected there. He said "I will bring a car for you to get there faster. "

"You mean steal one, right?" Jane said. She knows he didn't have a car.

"Borrow. I will put it back." He goes to hijack the still surviving car in the town. 

Thor, Lady Sif, The Warrior Three, and Barton who Ryan poured a cup of, all drink their spirits water. Ryan drinks it through his mask and weirded out other people. 

Lady Sif can feel that her tiredness is going away. Even Volstagg's injuries get a little better.

"Thank you, Realm Guardian. I had misunderstood you. You have fought well. " Sif apologies sincerely. 

"It's okay. I'm used to it. Even these humans here believe I am a threat. " Ryan said dismissively. Darcy's mind starts to spin into a tale of the lonely guardian.

"Also Lady Sif. You're very gallant on the battlefield," Ryan complimented honestly. He thinks that Sif can go toe to toe with Kai in the cold weapon combat, provided that Kai didn't use his sword qi. 

Sif's eyes widened a little bit. "Thanks,'' She said while being bashful. It's rare for her to get complimented on her skill, rather than her looks when people first met her. 

"Thank you, Dragonborn. Do I have the chance to hear your name?" Thor said in a pure Asgardian language without All-speak, because he sensed that the man is hiding who he is from the mortals. It is also useful for them to speak privately this way. 

Other than the Asgardians there, the mortals are confused by the sudden change of language. Not Barton. He is dead drunk right now. He is latching on to Dr. Selvig, otherwise, he would fall.

"Maybe in the future. Not right now. I need to warn you before you go. Your brother had already taken a different path from you."

"You have to distinguish between love and responsibility. As you have passed your father's trial, I trust you to do well. " Ryan said what he needed to say. He can only hope that things won't go awry in Asgard as he can't interfere there. 

Thor becomes solemn. 'My brother is just lost.' He wants to mutter the word, but part of him feels that the Dragonborn is right. 

"Also, can you make this sign with your hand and hold up your hammer. " Ryan said suddenly while teaching Thor the peace sign.  

"Like this?" Thor did it even if he was confused.

"Great. " Ryan goes to Thor's side and takes a picture of them together. 

"I want in too!" Darcy said. 

Ryan eerily turns to look at her. "NO!" He said sternly. 

Jane thought that the Dragonborn is similar to someone she knows. 'But it couldn't be him,' she dismissed the thought.

*Honk* Coulson comes with a pickup truck. Dr. Selvig is also bringing his RV. It can hold more people in the desert. 

Coulson said to Eclipse before he drove Thor to the site. "What will you do now?" 

"I will watch how things go from here. Goodbye Coulson." He disappeared from the spot.

"Wait, I need…" The agent wanted an Eclipse contact number as he knew he got a smartphone. 

"(sigh)... And how did Barton get drunk? What did I miss?"  Phil mumbles.

The agent didn't know at that time, but all the alien bodies and the destroyer's wreckage were gone. It wasn't Ryan's work as he is there with the crowd at all times. 

The elf mutters in dissatisfaction as he stores the Destroyer's wreckage in a secret lab in Florida. " I just got back. Couldn't I rest one day before going back to work? "

 He didn't bring it back to the island as he didn't know if Odin could check things from the Destroyer as Loki did. 

The Brainbots pick up the combat drones' wreckage and fly back to the mothership. The 3 meters tall unmanned drone mothership then flies back to New York.

Blue goes to take Red's body to bring into the ship. But it is not there. "Bowg?" 

A sound was heard from Blue's behind. "Bowg!"

Turns out Red is alive all this time. It just turned itself off as it didn't want to do any work. 

Blue is mad. It chased Red all across town before they got to the mothership. 

Tony Stark is halfway to New Mexico when he hears a notification that says it is a false alarm. 

"What the hell Fury!" He said angrily. He could use his time to track down the bombs. He flies back to New York while complaining about the time wasted.

The Asgardians arrived at the Bifrost site. Thor calls out to Heimdall, but he doesn't respond. Heimdall was still frozen at the time.

But the Gatekeeper breaks out of the ice and kills the Jotuns around the Bifrost. Then, he opens the channel back home to Thor and his friend.

Thor can feel the channel opening. He pulls Jane close to her.

"I must go back now. But I promise to come back for you. Deal?" Thor said while kissing the back of Jane's hand.

"No," Jane said, surprising Thor. Then, she pressed their lips together while invading Thor's mouth with her tongue. 

Thor is a bit stunned. His etiquette versus the progressive mind of a 21st-century woman. His etiquette was lost. He returned the favor and invaded Jane's mouth. 

It goes on for a few minutes. "Thor…" Fandral called out hesitantly. The channel won't be open for long. 

Lady Sif is forlorn seeing the kiss. When it got very long, she became disdainful instead. 'We have work to do,' she thought. 

Thor snaps out of his state. His unfocused eyes returned to normal. He can feel something mighty rising from his body, but it's not his hammer. 

"Wait for me.." Thor said before he steps into the channel. Then, the Asgardians disappear from Midgard. 

Jane waited there for a while for Thor to return. But he never did. 

In Asgard. Thor fights with Loki after he realizes his scheme. 

He confronts him in Odin's Chamber, where Loki foils Laufey's plan to kill the king while he is in Odin's sleep. 

Little did Laufey or Loki know that if Laufey gets the chance to kill Odin, then he will die there by Odin's wrath. The old man had already woken up a long time ago. 

The old man just wants to see the drama that he stages play out. 

Loki assassinated Laufey who is attacking Odin with Gungnir. Frigga hugs Loki in appreciation. However, Thor returns at the time.

"Why don't you tell mother? How you send the Destroyer to Midgard? To kill our friends. To kill me!" Thor said accusingly. Odin's bed was in between the two brothers. 

"Why, it must have been enforcing Father's last command. " Loki said while getting in a defensive stance. 

"You are a talented liar brother. Always have been" Thor said.

"It's good to have you back. But if you'll excuse me. I have a Jotunheim to destroy." Loki said before he blasted Thor with an energy blast from Gungnir. 

Thor flew backward and was thrown from the building because of the impact. He is falling from great heights!

Loki rode a horse to get to the Bifrost. He inserted the Hofund, the sword that controls the Bifrost into its key, and let the energy dig deeper into Jotunheim. He is planning a genocide. 

Thor arrived to stop him, but Loki told him it was too late. Thor had no choice but to destroy the Bifrost bridge, the energy supply channel of the Bifrost. 

He knows that when he does this, it will be a long time before he can get back to Midgard.

"Differentiate between love and responsibility. I guess that's not only for my brother. " Thor mutters. 

"Forgive me, Jane," Thor said as he hammered the bridge one last time to shatter it.

"No!" Loki said while jumping and trying to stab Thor using the Gungnir spear. *Boom* The bridge shatters, causing an explosion. Both Thor and Loki are caught up in it.

The duo almost falls to the edge of Asgard, into the void of space, when Odin catches the falling Thor who is clasping on to the Gungnir that is connected to Loki by the leg.

"I could have done it, father. I COULD HAVE SAVED US!" Loki yelled to Odin. All the things he did were only to make people acknowledge him as the true king.

Odin looks at Loki sadly. "No" he muttered only a word, but it strikes Loki harder than all of Thor's attacks had.

Loki is despondent. He eases his grip on Gungnir and lets himself fall to the void.

"LOKI!" Thor screams as he watches the brother that he loved dearly to fall into the void. While Loki is falling, he gets sucked into the remnant pathway of the Bifrost.

Ryan arrives at his home. "(Yawn) Aaaa. " He is very sleepy right now.  He had been up for almost 2 days because of the incident. Finally, he got the readings that the Bifrost channel had disappeared.

"So he made it. " He mutters. He removed his magic suit. It retracted back into his body. He stored the gauntlets in his storage rings. When he checks the gauntlet, there are cracks all over it.

"My blacksmithing skill still isn't enough." He mumbles. There are many things that he was dissatisfied with during the incident.

For example, when fighting the Jotuns. He could use the buff first. But he is too restless as some things happened outside of his knowledge. 

He thought he had already removed his dependence on his previous life memory, but not completely it seems. 

He had to work extra hard in fighting the Jotuns. He got some injuries, but it's only superficial like fractured knuckles or bruised organs.  

He is very sweaty right now. "But I'm too tired. Let's take a bath after I wake up."

Getting into bed, he spoons with Gwen. She got distracted and woke up a little bit. "No, too sticky." She pushes him away.

Ryan didn't care and he hugged her even harder. "Stinky too," Gwen said before falling back to sleep. 

While Ryan is sleeping, many things have happened.

In Shield Base. "So they are from Asgard. Does that mean God exists?" Fury asks solemnly.

"It might be a different concept from God. All we know is that these people are from a different civilization. " An analyst said. 

When they got to the Jotuns and the Destroyer, Fury slammed his hand on the table.

"Gone!? All of them are gone?" Fury yelled at his subordinate. Coulson is taking the brunt of it even if he is on a call line.  

"Only agent Sitwell was on the site at the time. He said that the remnants suddenly disappeared. And also, he had lost his arm before it happened" Coulson reported.

"How did he lose it?" Fury asks.

"Well, he dipped his hand into the blood of the blue aliens, but it freezes his hand instantly. It had to be cut off before it freezes his entire body." 

Fury mourns the loss of a potential weapon. Coulson also had an additional mission, to negotiate with the Sitwell faction to achieve support for the Avenger program. However, it had to be pushed back because of the incident. 

Fury looks at the video of people evacuating. "Has Stark explained about the robot drones yet?"

"No sir, he said he keeps them all in his storage. They definitely haven't been to New Mexico. He is also pretty mad you wasted his time, so he had shut down communication for now," Maria Hill reported.

"These robots are very important at the start of the battle. Find out everything about it from Stark. He can deny all he wants, but we all know that the thing is his." Fury ordered. 

Coulson will return to New York to continue monitoring Stark. All the agents get to work, except Barton and Coulson. Barton was still drunk at the time.

"Did you find out anything about Eclipse?" Fury asks in private.

"He claimed to be a guardian of the realm. He possesses power comparable to the Asgardians. When I asked Lady Sif, she told me that the Jotuns are the sworn enemy of the Asgardians. "

"Eclipse can kill them off easily. I guess he was only playing when he first confronted them. " Coulson said.

"So he is an ally?" Fury confirmed.

"At least for now. He didn't interfere with human infighting, but he protected us from outside threats. Even the Asgardians treat him with respect. "

"Try to find out his identity. If the Asgardian knows him, maybe he is mentioned in the Mythology."

When Coulson asked about Eclipse and the Asgardians, Darcy was the one who answered the questions. Of course, extra details were added. 

Coulson attended the team that was with him in the desert. He complimented the young logistic agent who had performed exceptionally well in the mission. 

"Anthony Master, you have been promoted to a level 4 Shield agent. Congratulations" Coulson patted the young agent's shoulder.

"Thank you, sir!" The young agent bowed suddenly. He is very happy. Coulson smiles and leaves.

While he is bowing, a ferocious glint appears in the eyes of the young agent. 'Closer to target,' he thought. 

Ryan wakes up at night time. Gwen was already up for a few hours. She is watching the battle of the gods. 

"Who is the guy in the hood? He is very cool." Gwen said. It automatically lifted Ryan's mood. He hugged her from the back and kisses her all over. 

"Hey, you're still stinky. Go take a bath." She commanded. 

"Why don't you come with me?" Ryan said. Gwen smiles and says teasingly. "I just got out of one. " 

Ryan picked her up in a princess carry. "Another then." 

Suddenly the mood is broken as Tony calls from the holographic line.

"So, you wanted to tell me how you get my drones?" Tony asks seriously in the call. 

"Later," Ryan said only one word and cut the line. He blocks it too. Tony at home curses him with every possible bad word he knows.

"Did you do something bad?" Gwen asks curiously.

Ryan stays silent. He is pleading the fifth.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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