This was a chance... an opportunity I had. And I blew it. Maybe if I had ran fast enough or maybe if I had tried to get out or knock out the maid... maybe I would've gotten out of here. Tears ran down my face as I laid my head against the door. I blew it.
"Turn around little one." It sounded like Dom. I wiped my tears away before turning around slowly. I didn't want to seem like a coward. I had to stand up for myself. As I looked at Dom, he had a sense of accomplishment written all over his face. He seemed happy that I followed directions.
"Come eat." A part of me wanted to defy him but I knew that wouldn't get me no where. So I had to think smart in order to come up with a plan. With everything I've seen on movies and shows, defying your captor or captors gets you no where.
He looked at me and waited till I started walking toward him. I paced myself.