36.58% Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead / Chapter 30: Fachoo!

章 30: Fachoo!

"I can't believe i'm going to rate this place higher, compared to the apartment we were in a couple of hours ago...but i will..." Takashi looked at the sea, while sitting on the shack's steps...wearing his new uhh...'swimsuit'.

"Well Takashi, it all comes down to one simple fact." Kohta speaks up as he wiggled about in his own...'swimsuit'.

"Electricity." I add up as i follow the spinning table fan with my hand.

(Apparently, this place had a working generator...the fridges didn't work though, meaning the E.M.P obviously did have an effect on the shack. Still...i find it weird that the electrical grid here didn't get fried. While the generator was plugged out...and this place is obviously not connected to the main power grid...should it really be enough to spare it?...Hmm...well...i'm not an electrician...so i got no frigging idea...still...a working fan, means a working power outlet...so, if we find a working mini-fridge or an ice maker back in town? Fridge problem solved.)

"Yea...this place is like a paradise now, if you consider that most if not all of the apartments on the mainland got reverted back into the stone age." Kohta shoves his face in front of the fan as he speaks.

"Ahhhh, i missed technology..." He says right after, his voice getting 'cut' by the fan.

"Heh...true...so uhhh...Naier...i take it you won't change into a swimsuit after all?" Takashi asks as he turns to look at the two of us.

"If my choices are between, male stripper...and female highschool student?...Yea...don't take this the wrong way, but i'd rather swim with my clothes." I say as i chuckle and walk out of the shack, then lean my back against the wall that was next to the steps and turn to look straight ahead, towards the sea.

"Hey, it's not my fault that the only thing they had was...this." Takashi looks down at his poor excuse of a swimsuit as he speaks.

"You still wore it though. Then again...i guess your other choice was..."

"Female highschool student swimsuit!" Khota pops ups from inside while making a peace sign.

"Uhh...Well, you don't seem to be too bothered wearing it" Takashi adds up as he turns to Kohta.

"Well, i think it suits you, proves that you are the disgusting geek that you are" Saya, who appeared behind Kohta, throws a casual toxic remark as she walks down the steps...in her own 'not very safe' swimsuit. The same one she wore in the ova, double hair buns and all. She then turns to Takashi and raises an eyebrow.

"This was the only 'male' swimsuit in the shack" He replies as he glanced at her...she makes a silent 'hmm' and looks around.

"I see...so...uhh...whe...where is Naier?" ...Did i just sense...expectation in her voice?...Oh boy, she's going to be so disappointed...wait, did she called me Naier again?...And...how the hell did she even manage to fit her hair in these two buns?...They're way too frigging small...

"Uhh, right behind you..." Takashi answers.

She instantly turns around and...

"...You...didn't change..." She says in a low tone as she keeps staring at me...i think...her shoulders dropped ever slightly?

"Not going to wear 'that' thank you very much." I say as i point at Takashi.

"...You're at the beach idiot, you have to change to a..."

"Ahh, Having the chance to change out of these sweat-drenched clothes feels really nice." Saeko cuts Saya off as she also walks down the steps in her own 'ova' swimsuit...and...uhh...

(Keep staring Takashi...keep...staring, i won't strangle you in your sleep...propably)

She then turns to also stare at Takashi...

(...Great, and now they're staring at each other...)

"...Only...male swimsuit..." He says as his eyes start darting around.

"Hmm, is that so?..." She answers casually as she turns to look at Kohta...and then towards the sea...yet...she didn't turn around...in other words.

(She didn't see me either? Damn, my ninja skills are off the charts today.)

"Where is..."

"Naier is right behind you." Kohta cuts her off with a grin. Saeko then turns around and...

"...Aren't you...hot in these?" She asks as she looks at me.

(Ohh, taking the side road i see)

"Maybe...but i'd rather die from heatstroke rather than wear that thing." I say as i keep leaning my back against the wall and point at Takashi.

"At the beach, you wear a swimsuit idiot. That's the only damn reason they exist" Saya 'glares' at me as she puts her hands on her hips and leans forward.

"I do agree with Saya. Why be at the beach if you can't go for a swim?" Saeko adds up right after her as she tilts her head and folds her arms.

(Holy shit...they're actually working together for this?...)

"Uhh i 'can' go for a swim, my clothes won't explode after touching salt water...i think" I answer.

"But you'll ruin them, you should..."

"There's nothing to eat here..." Rei pops up and cuts off Saeko...just in time too...she was then followed by Shizuka, Alice and Asami...who by the way, was wearing a swimsuit much like Alice's, minus the frilly parts...though...i guess you could say it looked like more like Kohta's then? Except that hers was white.

The rest...went on pretty much like in the anime.

Shizuka started groping her chest, whining that there was nothing to eat and that her chest would start shrinking, Takashi and Kohta started staring...while i...

(Ok, what's with everybody walking down the stairs and turning their backs to me? I didn't know i was 'that' good of a ninja...huh...whatever...guess i'll just have to, OH holy shit keep eyes above waist level...way too many butts here)

Rei then got salty and started playing the damsel, followed by Shizuka...and shortly after Saya, Who also 'silenced' Saeko and Asami by dragging them along, as these two...didn't seem to have realized what the others were trying to pull.

(Well...i repaired for this)

I kick my self off the wall and walk back into the Shack.

"We will look for food!" The two guys respond not too long after.

"Oh! So dependable!...and...where do you think you're going mister! That includes you too!" Rei turns around and points at me as she speaks.

I open my bag and take one of the walkie talkies out along with a combat knife, then toss the bag over my shoulder and turn to her.

"Of course it does" I answer as i walk out of the shack and turn to Kohta.

"Kohta, with me, and grab a net." I say as i toss him the combat knife. He gets up and salutes.

"Sir, Yes sir!" And then runs into the shack.

"Takashi, i want to check the effective distance of these things, so if possible, start off by going in the opposite direction." I say as i toss him the radio, he catches it, gives it a quick glance and nods.

Less than a minute later, Kohta comes out of the shack, waving a small net he found.

"Perfect...so...let's go..."

Two hour or so ago

"So...we can use the boat to look at the nearby islands" Takashi looks at the group as he speaks.

"Do we have the time to waste on this?" Rei...then asked the most obvious question.

"My father should be at the Police station, we should go there first" She adds up.

"A police station...will either be evacuated, or it'll be a save zone, both don't have a real 'time limit'. I know that you worry about your parents, but if this trip is successful, we'll be able to actually help your father after finding him" I say after Rei...she...turns to look at me.

(I had to spend a couple of minutes thinking what words i should use...one wrong step here and Rei could blow up at my face)

"Your father is a cop right?...So that means he'll probably try to help survivors, being it a group, or a community. A safe spot from them will be exactly what they'll look for after they get their bearings..." As continue speaking i see Saeko nod.

"Also, knowing that you have a safe place to return can help a lot with moral" Saeko speaks up after me.

"And if we find nothing, then we would have wasted our time." Rei folds her arms and frowns slightly.

"As much as, if the Police station is empty and with no clues" Saeko answers back...and Rei narrows her eyes as she turns to glare at her.

"Rei, if we don't go now, we might never go, as we're not taking that boat with us...it's too bulky and won't be able to drive in reverse effectively if we are dragging the boat trailer along" Takashi finally speaks up.

"But Takashi!" Rei darts her head to him as she raises her voice.

"Rei, i know how you feel...my parents are out there too..all of our parents are out there...but, just think how better it'll be if we find a place that's actually safe from them...we'll have a home again..." As he speaks, Rei lowers her head...and after a bit of silence, she lets out a sigh.

"...If you...believe it's what we should do first Takashi...then...fine...let's check the islands first...having a home again...does sound nice..." She answers before lifting her head to look at Takashi.

"Island" I correct her, causing the group to turn towards me.

"We only have one island that is nearby and is big enough to have a chance of sustaining people...the others are too far...and as we can all see, time is something that we really don't have right now...so, if it's overrun...we'll be back before the day ends...if that's the case, we can head to the police station today...alright?" I 'ask' as i look at Rei, She just nodded.

"Ok...so...lets get ready then..." I say as i walk away from the window.

"Remember, the boat is rather small...so...no ammo boxes." I say as i turn to Kohta who instantly started going towards the garage.

"Oh come on..." He drops his shoulders without turning to me.

"Take a box of dynamite though" I add right after.

"Dynamite?..What for?" Asami asks as she tilts her head.

"In case something needs blocking off, and as they don't really take a lot of space, they won't set us back on anything...also, my five-year-old self likes explosions" I grab my bag as i speak and head towards the stairs.

(I could say that we can use them to check for corpses...but, with the cave open...using dynamite on the beach...not a very smart idea...

Ok...so...things i'll need...

A knife to bribe Kohta to work for me at the 'food' crisis.

A pair of extra 'Adidas' clothes...as i'm NOT going to wear a fucking speedo.

Some food...for fishing. Dynamite for the cave...uhh...some bullets for the shotgun...what else?...uhh...i think i'm good...Ohh, wait. I should ask Saya for a flashlight and the walkie talkies, we have to check how far they can reach, the island is perfect for that.)

And so, after going to my 'room' and getting some extra clothes, i went back down and packed some beef jerky from the fridge, then asked Saya for a flashlight and the walkie talkies, and finally, i got a combat Knife from the Humvee along with a handful of shotgun shells.

After that, we opened the back gate, let the silver SUV roll out of the way and brought the trailer with the boat on the cement dock.

And soon, we were 'sailing' the sea...i figured i would end up rowing with the other two...but...uhh...the group agreed with me when i said that i should be in the front to check the island with the binoculars that Kohta brought...which was good actually...as i know that there's a shack there, they don't...and in the end, i was able to spot the Shack from a relatively far distance...

Though, seeing that the island itself was one small beach and then nothing but tall cliffs...it wasn't too hard to spot...and the fact that it had only one 'sea entrance' meant that once the cave was blocked, corpses would have only that one beach as an entry point. If they somehow ended up in the open sea and drifted towards the island that is.

Now, after the reached the island? We instantly went to the shack...as the group had enough sun to last them...for the next couple of days...me?...Balaclava and mask for the win.

The shack itself was the same as the one in the anime, a small staircase that led the front part of the store. To the left, a 'room' that didn't have walls on the side that faced the sea and the adjacent wall to its left, a railing was placed there instead of the walls. Inside, a couple of seats and tables. To the right a register, two fridges and some hangars with swimsuits. Behind that register was a door that led inside.

The building it self started with a small room that had hangars with various swimsuits...and to the right, a door that led to the changing rooms. To the left, a kitchen...that was also linked to a bathroom...well i say kitchen, but all it actually had was a sink, a table next to that sink that i think...was to act as a kitchen counter? and a fridge...and that's about it, no actual stove to cook anything...or cupboards...hell, it didn't even have chairs.

Now, left to the shack, was a relatively wide sand path...and i think...it was the path that led to the cave..other than that. Behind the shack, after about twenty meters, started the greenery, trees, bushes, you get the idea...there was a wannabe fence set around the perimeter where the 'forested' area started, made out of cut tree branches and rope...flimsy looking, was probably set there before the outbreak, as i don't think it would stop a corpse if it decided that it wanted to pass through.

And finally, the jackpot...a working generator...and a working electrical grid, i nearly teared up when i saw the lights turn on after we plugged in the generator...and...another funny thing...i didn't expect it to be so...quiet. That alone made the group agree that this place was worth staying, even if corpses were on the island. And...speaking of the little shits, i didn't manage to see a single one so far...but sadly, i do know that as long as that cave is open...corpses can get here...now...if there 'are' corpses on the island?...i don't know...

In the anime, the group got quite...'noisy'...and then they all passed out...yet no corpses appeared near the shack and the ones that did appear, were near the cave where Takashi passed out...so, i think our chances are pretty good...not that i will leave it on chance mind you...i am trying to blow up the cave after all.

I could also say that i have mixed feelings about settling near a plantation of hallucinogenic plants...but...ehh, i'm indifferent.

Present time

"There's a rock formation nearby. Saw it while we were closing in to the beach. It can act like a natural staircase to instantly dive in deep water..." I say as i point towards the 'cliff' to our right while we walked through the trees.

Kohta nods and turns to walk towards the direction i pointed, while i kept staring at the radio in my hand.

(...This thing...is...crap...i have been getting nothing but static ever since we passed what...a hundred meters?...I do hear a 'click' sound, which signifies that the radios still connect...but instead of a voice, all i hear is static...)

I press on the 'talk' button two times in quick succession as i tilt my head and narrow my eyes...and shortly after, i get two quick 'clicks' as an answer...

"Hm, Hm...yes, this place can work perfectly" Kohta nods with his hand under his chin after looking around the rocks...i...could actually see the girls and the shack from here...not clearly though as it was not what you'd call...near.

"And uhh...how are you going to hunt?...You're not gonna start...throwing dynamite in the water...are you?" He asks as he turns to me.

"Sounds fun...but no, that would ruin the ecosystem and in turn, any future food source from here." I say as i take off my bag, open it and toss the radio inside.

"Then?...Wait...don't tell me you can catch fish bare-handed..." He says as he attaches the knife to a branch and warps it with some vines.

"Yea, no...i'm not diving, you are..." I say as i take the jerky pack out of the bag, get up and hand it to him.

"Huh...you had food? i didn't know..."

"Don't eat them, use them as lure...no idea if it'll work...but uhh...worth a try." I cut him off and grab his hand before he could bring the slice to his mouth.

"As for what i will do? I gave you the equipment and the location, i can't do everything now can i? ...Also, i don't want to give certain people the pleasure of seeing me with my clothes drenched..." I say as i turn to glance towards the direction of the shack.

"Uhh well...the equipment is half the work, so i guess we can share the spoils." He responds as he starts walking down the rock formation.

"I, i captain" I answer as i throw the bag over my shoulder and walk behind him.

"Hey...if i'm the captain...then why am i the one doing the dirty work here?" He asks.

"The crew needs to see your faith...otherwise...it's the plank" I say with a slight chuckle as i keep walking behind him.

"Huh, when did we become pirates?" He asks as he stops on the lowest rock, which was a relatively long and flat boulder that looked somewhat like an arrowhead.

"The moment you decided to become Rambo" I point at the red bandana on his head.

"Uhhh...fair enough...so...bombs away!" He shouts as he runs over to the corner and jumps to the sea.

I sit down on the edge and look at Kohta as he starts swimming around.

(Ok...so...let's go over the plan one more time...

For starters...i don't know how i can stop the whole hallucination thing...i have no idea how the leaves look, i have no idea where Zeke found them...as apparently it was him that brought them in the anime... so i can't think of a good way to explain this...'Hey, this place has hallucinogenic plants, i don't know where, i don't know how...i don't even know how they look. But i know that somebody will get them and we will end up fantasizing about weird shit'...heh.

I could, hypothetically, make Shizuka notice them before we start the fire, as she was the one that knew them by name...but that would create another problem. If the others won't get knocked out, then i won't be able to instantly storm off with the dynamite towards the cave...so it actually works in my favor for the group to fall asleep. That way they won't complain that i went by my self...or ask why i wanted to take the dynamite on a date with me around the island.

I will just have to make sure that the smoke won't affect me as much as the rest...Hmm...it's smoke so... i can detach the balaclava from the mask and submerge it in water, then put it over my mouth and nose...and hope that it works on the sort term...plus...i can just leave the moment i see the smoke rising...as once i move away from the campfire, i should be safe. As long as the wind doesn't decide to be a fucktard that is)

"This is no fun, i need a challenge!" I hear Kohta shout.

"Then go find an octopus or something!" I answer back without looking down.

"Ohh good idea!...Now i want to eat octopus! I hope somebody knows how to cook it properly!" The moment Kohta finished speaking, i heard the should of splashing...and then, silence.

I lie down on the rock, put my arms behind my head and cross my legs.

"Shame i can't let my self get used to this...tomorrow we will be back to 'run from the flesh-eating corpses' after all " I close my eyes as i speak.

(Still...how long till we finally find a safe place to stay?...In the manga the group headed towards the elementary school...their initial mission, which was to find their parents...will come to an end there...as both Rei's dad and Takashi's mom 'should' be there...Then what?...they get extracted and get sent to god knows where? It was mentioned in the police station that there would be an evacuation in the elementary school...well...in the manga, Shido managed to get there first...meaning there is a possibility that they didn't get extracted because...reasons...)

I open my eyes and glance around to see that nothing had changed, so i closed my eyes again.

(But now, i have another 'personal' problem to deal with...that being that we are close to the manga's end...after we return from here...we'll go to the police station...then head towards the elementary school...and find Rei's mother on the way...after that?...after that...i don't know...and that's the fucking problem here...i got too used to knowing what's going to happen...i'd be lying if said that i think that everything will go just fine)

I shake my head and let out a sigh.

(Still...we have one more member...we have the Humvee..and Shido is dead, so we won't have to deal with his shit in the elementary school...plus...the estate is still standing and even if they did leave and set base elsewhere, it's still an obvious positive...i would like to believe that all that will boil down to less crap coming towards our way after i no longer know what up to come...but that is just wishful thinking...ughh...best i can do...is be 'prepared'...)

And so...time passed like that...'that' being...me doing nothing, not that i'm complaining mind you. I did keep whining that i wanted a break after all...Until...the sun started to paint the sea in an orange color.

(Well...about time we return)

I get up and start looking at the sea below me, until i saw Kohta surfacing.

"Alright cap, it's about time we returned, it's starting to get dark" Kohta turns to look at me as i speak, and nods.

"I will swim to the shore from here, too high to climb up" He responds and dives back down. I nod, get up and start going back on foot.

The forested area i was in was rather small, so it didn't take too long until i was on the beach again, with the Shack being a straight line from me. The big forest, in other words, the deeper part of the island was actually to my right at the moment...not that i had any interest in going there though.

On my way to the Shack, i found Kohta waiting for me, so in the end, we ended up reaching our destination at the same time...right when Rei was chewing off Takashi...for not finding anything...i guess some things can't change...

"Sorry for being late!" Kohta shouts as he walks into the shack, making the group to turn to him...or well...us.

"Dinner is served!" He shouts with a grin and lifts a net full of fish...and after the girls were pretty much left with their mouths agape, he started explaining how he had special training the seventh grade with a member of SAS...you know...casual stuff...

"Wow...Fish!" Alice shouts.

"Heheh, good job Kohta!" Asami giggles right after.

"Well...at least somebody is useful..." Saya turns to look at Takashi as he lowered his head...and then turned to stare at...me?

"You two useless idiots are going to eat after we're all done." She says as she folds her arms and looks at Takashi again.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize who these...'two' were...

"Uhh...i'm staying in the corner because?" I tilt my head.

"Sleeping on a rock doesn't count as hunting" She says as she turns to me and narrows her eyes.

"I provided the tools and location, also...you were spying on me? " I say as i also fold my arms.

"I..i wasn't spying!...i...just had to make sure you weren't..."

"I already agreed with Naier to share half my catch, so half of what i'm holding is actually 'his'." Kohta cuts hers off.

"Hey! I wasn't finished talking fatso!" She shouts as she snaps her head to him...yet, he stayed as giddy as ever.

"My, look who turned out to be quite the shrewd businessman" Shizuka puts her finger over her mouth and tilts her head as she giggles.

"Indeed, half the catch and you didn't even get wet. Rather impressive." Saeko adds right after in a casual tone.

(...Why every time Saeko says the word 'wet', i'm getting the wrong kind of flashbacks?...)

"Well, no point wasting time about it, let's get the fish ready!" Rei jumps off her seat and walks up to Kohta.

"We'll clean the fish, you can wait outside, the sink inside still works, shame it has nothing inside to cook them with though. So, you can wait outside by the campfire." Rei takes the net as she speaks.

And after the girls disappeared into the shack...

"Thanks for the lure" Kohta throws me the remaining jerky. I grab it and leave it on a table next to me.

"If they see it now...ehh whatever, still got the fish because of it" I shrug as i look at the pack...there was still plenty left inside...though i don't know how to would taste after getting submerged in saltwater.

(Still, i wonder where this place gets its water from...too far to be connected to the mainland...and this place has no other buildings...sea water?...Or the island has a natural underground lake or something?...hmm...well, we haven't tried drinking the water from the shack's tap...just to be safe...as nobody can figure out if it's drinkable or not)

"Ughh...maybe i should've joined you guys..." Takashi says as he lifts his head.

"You were really getting chewed on...good thing we came when we did" Kohta responds...Takashi lets out an awkward laugh, gets up, comes over to me and extends his arm, the walkie talky in his hand.

"Let me guess...nothing but static and clicks after a short distance?" I say as i take the radio and put it in my bag. Takashi just nodded.

And so, while the girls were dealing with the fish, we went outside. Before following the others i also grabbed a small towel and left my backpack on a chair.

(Now that i think of it, i would like to avoid tossing the balaclava in saltwater...so i'll use a towel instead.)

After some time passed, the girls also started to come out, with a couple of fish already skewered on sticks.

"We'll have to figure out a way to preserve the rest...we really need to find a way to make ice somehow." Saya starts talking as she walks up to us and sits on one of the rocks that surrounded the unlit campfire...i don't have to mention that her seat wasn't anywhere near mine do i?

"A working ice machine would function here, as long as the generator keeps running" I answer as the rest of the girls also started to sit around the campfire.

"Well...go find one then" Saya responds with a grin.

"Sure...that would mean i have to go back in town though, so, do i take somebody with me...or i go by my self and get yelled at after i return?" I chuckle as i speak and turn to look at the boat.

"I could come with you, to save you from the yelling part" Saeko, who was sitting next to me, responds with a smile...causing Saya to turn to her as she puffed her cheeks and narrowed her eyes.

"Uhh...how are we going to light up the fire?" Rei asks as she looks at the campfire.

"Oh, i know a couple of ways! We can..."

Before Kohta could even finish speaking, i pulled the lighter that Saya's dad gave me and flipped it open

(Funny thing is...i actually forgot about the lighter when thinking of the stuff i needed to take with me...good thing i always have it on me)

"Or, we can use this" I cut him off as i turn on the lighter.

"Or...we can use this..." Kohta looked kind of...dejected as he responded...guess...i just stole his thunder.

"Huh, so aren't totally useless after all." Saya raises an eyebrow as she looks at me with a slight smirk.

(...ok, now you're asking for it now princess...)

"Yea, i don't remember where i found it though, i just remember having it one morning, after i woke up...i think...i might have...moved in my sleep..." I answer casually...

Saya's eyes go wide as her face turns red...she opens her mouth...but says nothing. She just...turned to look at the campfire.

"J...just shut up and light up the fire already idiot" She says she keeps looking at the campfire, her arms folded to the point that you'd think she was actually hugging her self.

I nodded, took a silent deep breath, lit up the fire...and held my breath.

(Too mean?...uhh...nahh, things like picking on her about how i carried her to her mom is what would be mean...)

"Good thing we didn't capsize...Rika would be really mad if we ruined her guns...umm...are you going to eat with the mask on?" Shizuka asks as she tilts her head, jumping from subject to another like it's going out of style.

(Perfect, thank you Shizuka)

"Right, i'm going to the shack for a sec...don't want to leave it on the sand" I say as i get up and walk towards the Shack.

I go up the steps, grab my bag and go inside the main room, then close the door behind me...and take a deep breath. I then look around and grab another small towel before going to the sink in the kitchen.

"Better not touch the sink with the towel...lest i want to smell fish for the rest of the night...even if the sink looks 'clean'..." I nod to myself put the towel under the faucet and open it.

"Ok...i will wait here for a bit...then move out...i could also take Saeko's sword with me...or...not...last thing i want, is to ruin it." I turn to look at the shotgun that i still had on me...let me tell you, these three-way slings...real godsend.

"You will do as fine i suppose" I then went back to the main room and next to the door that led outside, where Kohta had left the dynamite box, i opened it and started filling my bag.

"Don't know how many i'll need...but, better safe than sorry" After the bag was full i get up and put my hand on the handle, yet before i could even open it, I hear Shizuka shout about the leaf's properties...and Takashi shouting shortly after for everybody to run...i nod to my self and open the door slightly...

First thing i saw?...Kohta in a white bandana...screaming something about Vietnam?...

"Alright..." I close the door, take off my headgear and put the balaclava in my bag. Then i press the towel against my mouth and wear the mask again...

"Ughh i can feel it dripping on my neck...this shit better be worth it" I wipe my neck with my hand...and turn to the door.

"Alright, no pressure, just get out, turn right, jump over the Shack's railing and then go right again, then follow that path...Takashi managed to get to that fucking cave while sleepwalking...so it can't be that far...ok...let's go" And the moment i opened the door.

"VICTORYYYY, FREEEEDOOOM!" Kohta screams as he keeps running around on the beach...behind him.

"Stop! Resisting arrest is against the law! Stop!" Asami, chasing after him with a...stick...

Shizuka was on top of Takashi along with Rei doing...stuff...i...couldn't see Saya or Saeko anywhere though...bad, because i have no idea where they went...good, because they were not on top of Takashi...i would probably get triggered really bad if i saw them going after him now...and i guess...Alice went for water as per in the anime?

I nod to my self and start running to my right, glancing at Saeko's sword as i run towards the railing.

"Yea, better if i don't..." I jump over the railing and turn right while i was still in the air...and the moment i touched the i ground...

"Ehehe...gotcha~" Something violently pushing me forward and to the left...thankfully, i was able to keep my self from falling...but now...i had somebody clinging on my back...

(...Well...that went south fast...WAY too fast)

"Uhh...Whatever it was...i didn't d..." Before i could finish, a hand lands on my shoulder and spins me around...and i end up face to face with Saya...or you know...face to shoulder...being it that Saya is well...a bit short...

She grabs my shirt's collar with both hands and tries to pull me to her hight...i grab her hands and start walking backward...while she kept moving forward.

(At least...she didn't wander off...)

"And...where do you think you're going?" She asks with a sly smile.

"Ohh...you know...around..." I say as i keep walking backward, slowly trying to pry her hands off me.

(Why is her grip this fucking strong?!)

"It's...not fair..." She lowers her head...

"Takashi...kept ignoring me all these years...yet the moment his stupid girlfriend comes back to him, even after she dumped him for his 'best friend'. He instantly runs after her like a stupid dog! And now, even Kohta is acting all lovely dovely with Asami in front of me to rub it in!

And you...why is Saeko staring at you all of the time now?!...You...you said that you find Saeko interesting...but...you also said that you find me interesting...you said that in the estate...and yet...i'm the only one being left in the corner again..." She keeps her head lowered as her grip on me tighters...

"Why...why do i have to be the only one that's left out again! Why can't you pay more attention to me!" And...she starts shaking me as she lifts her head.

"Saya...you're...being affected by whatever this smoke is and uhh...yea...you need to go somewhere safe...and go to uhh...go to sleep? Please?" I say as i put my hands on her shoulders and try to keep her off me...and...i'm having the weirdest mixed feelings right now...

To my surprise...she stops trying to latch her self on me...and lowers her head again...yet, she doesn't let go of me.

"Ughh...I...do feel rather light-headed, so i maybe you're right...the smoke...must be affecting me..." She shakes her head...before lifting it to look at me again...with a...grin?

"So...it'll be fine...no matter what i do now...is fine...right?" She narrows her eyes and smiles seductively as she 'asks'.

"Uhh...i don't think that's how it wo..."

Before i could even finish speaking, she had taken her hands off my collar...and grabbed my mask...which she then yanked off without too much trouble...at least...with her hands on my mask...i was now free...though i lost the towel...along with the mask.

"Finally...i can finally see your face again...why do you keep wearing this stupid thing anyway..." She says with a smile as she casually tosses the mask behind her.

(I...really...REALLY want to sit down and explain to her how awesome my mask is...but...Shit, got to go, right now.)

I turn around...and...i didn't even manage to take two steps...before...I came face to face with Saeko, who came running from behind the Shack...three to four meters away from me...

(Really now?!)

"Naier!Thank God i found you! Come on! We have to get out of here, quickly!" She extends her arm to me. I just...stared at her hand...

(...If...if i take her hand and go with her...then...ughh, fuck, no, focus...)

"Hey! i got to him first, don't butt in!" I hear Saya shout behind me.

"It..it's the smoke, come on Naier...we have to move...Now!" Saeko starts leaning towards me. Her eyes looking at me almost as if she was...begging...

"The smoke is affecting you too Saeko, we...must not go deeper into the woods, we don't know what might be in there, both of you should go back inside the shack and rest" I respond.

(Why...am i even trying to reason with them?...)

"...Y...yes you're right...going...out there is dangerous in our current state...let's...go back inside the shack..." Much to my surprise, Saeko lowers her hand and calmly nods.

Yet...before i could react, i saw her eyes go wide...and then...she charged straight at me.

(The fuck?!)

I jump to the side and turn around to look behind me...only to see Saya as she ran past me...and straight towards Saeko...


That...was all they managed to say as they end up crashing into each other, with Saeko pushing Saya back a couple of meters, going well past the Shack and into the beach before falling on the ground...with Saeko on top of Saya...

I run towards them, only to hear...uhh...moan..ing?...Shortly after, i also notice that they were...hugging each other...

(...I just realized...Saeko's body is actually visibly more toned compared to Say...Arrghh! Fuck! Focus! No! Don't fuck! Just focus!)

Saeko, with her eyes still closed, then brings her lips close to Saya's ear and whispers something...then lowers her head and nuzzles against her neck.

"S...stahh..." Saya, despite her...'protest'...wraps her hands around Saeko's head and...uhh...

(Ok...get the fuck out of here...right now...before my eyes fall out...or i lose what little self-control i got left)

I turn around...only to see my mask...on the ground...and i quickly put my hands to my face.

"Shit!, forgot that Saya pulled off my mask!" i quickly grab it and wear it...

"Uhh...did i breath it?...ohh who the fuck am i kidding...of coursed i breathed it! I always breath!" I shake my head with a groan and start heading towards the cave...yet...i didn't get too far, as i started feeling sluggish a couple of steps later...and ended up on one knee not long after.

"Shit...the wind blowing from the sea towards me? Oh...of course it fucking is...Still, i need to do this before i pass out...corpses could have heard all this...they might be moving in the cave as i speak" I shake my head and get up. Yet...i fell to the ground again...two steps later...As i looked up this time though...I saw...a blurry figure?

"Do you want power?"


"Do you want power?"

"Uhhh, i want to stay awake...does that count as power?"

"yes or no"

"Wait for real?"


"Fuck, yes, fine, yes, i need to stay awake"

"Your desires shall be granted"

"My desires actually just fell sleep after bumping into each other...and they are now uhh..."

"Will you shut up for a second please, i'm trying to concentrate here"



"Call me dick again and i will kill you off before the end of this chapter"

"What?!" And Naier, suddenly felt a new power coursing through him, he gets up and looks around.

"Ok...this...was weird, this smoke...is way weirder than i imagined...did i fall alseep?...i don't feel sluggish any more..." He says as he ponders what just happened.

"Uhh...wait... something...is definitely...weird" Naier tries to think as...

"Wait...who the fuck are you?!" Naier sh...

"Don't avoid my question! And why do you keep saying my name!" ...Well...shit...it's going to be one of those...

"What? One of what?...That's it, I've gone nuts...i'm hearing voices in my head!"

Oh by the way, you all must have realized how this is going to go now, If don't like this type of thing...skip to the end, to the next set of bold letters...actually you can just skip this chapter altogether...though...you will miss out the poll and whatever story is in here.

"And who in hell are you talking to now?!" Nobody, don't mind me.

"I...must have fallen asleep...shit...ughh...how the hell do i wake my self up? " Naier pinches him self...yet to his surprise, he felt pain.

"Please don't tell me that you are going to do this every time i do something..." Naier groans in displeasure as he...

"Ok, ok , i get it...now please...be quiet for...one second...i need to think" Naier sh..


"Ok...ok...i felt pain...weird considering this is a dream" Naier then presses his hands together.

"...If you know that they are supposed to pass through...then it is possible that they won't...right?"...You're...not dreaming.

"Bullshit, if i'm not dreaming...them i'm hallucinating" Maybe...but you're not asleep...so try to avoid killing anybody from your group if you want to test it out.

"...Can i kill you instead?" Nope and trust me, you don't want me dead.

"Why?" Because i'm here to help.

"Huh...help ehh? You know, this is weird enough as it is...how are you going to help me...voice in my head?" By making sure you survive this night.

"...You know what...i don't care, i'll bite...the main point is still the same, i need to blast that fucking cave" Naier shakes his head and turns to look at the path that led to the cave.

"...The sooner i finish this, the sooner it will end...before i go insane" Naier then starts w..Ahhhhh! Wait wait wait!

"Huh, what now?" You can't go there...yet...this path does lead to the cave...but you can't go there yet.

"...Because?" Because...You...need to go in the opposite direction...to the right of the shack...towards the big forested area.

"...Because?" Because the cave ain't a place you want to waltz in like this.

"...The longer i take, the bigger the chance of corpses coming here, and the rest of the group is...uhh..." Naier looks at the other members of the group as they were...uhh...

"...Can you not copy me?"...Sorry...it's just...i can't say that crap out loud...

"Why? Takashi is just groping..." STAAAP! Forest! Forest first!...The group will be fine, trust me.

"...A voice in my head is telling me to trust it with the lives of my group...you nuts?...i'm nuts..." Well, you can go to the cave then, but you WILL end up backtracking, i'm trying to save you time here...

"Yea, that sounds like a perfect plan" Naier turns around, and foolishly continues towards the cave, shotgun in hand, dynamites in bag...you didn't forget to take ammo right? or the lighter? Not that you will need it right now.

"Yes Dad, i didn't forget anything" ...i detect sarcasm.

"I detect a sarcastic voice in my head" Touche.

By the time Naier got near the cave...it was already dark, as he insisted on ignoring the directions of the handsome voi...

"The fucking hell that you sound handsome, you sound more like a squeaking rubber duck...i do admit that i took a wrong turn though..." Four...

"What?" You took four wrong turns...all of em being turns that you took after ignoring my directions...anyway...the cave should be here.

"Yea looks li...uhh...the fuck is this?" And Naier stops in his tracks the moment he sees the cave...or well...what was in front of it...that being corpses...a lot of them...like...twenty? thirty?...

"Why there's a corpse party here?...That's...not how it's supposed to go..." Corpse party?...I don't see any vengeful spirits or old schools anywhere...uhh anyway...i warned you...forest first...cave second...or you are going to try to deal all of them now?...let me warn you...dynamite will attract even more of them from the cave...so i advise against it. Same deal with the shotgun...

"...Uhh...fine...forest first..." Ohhh, you're going to listen to me now?

"So far, everything you said turned out to be true, both the turns i needed to take and the fact that i would not be able to pass..." At least you now realize it...so...have fun backtracking...

Ohh hey look! There is a small sign next to the cave...uhh...'Underwater pass - this cave is connected to the mainland, under construction, please wear a hard hat before entering'...

"..." And so Naier, starts running back towards the Shack, totally ignoring my totally amazing find.

And once he returned...he..

"...They're...still going at it..."He IGNORED...Saya and Saeko as they...uhh... yea, Naier just kept moving...He kept his face straight and ran past the shack before turning left. He then went straight...and seconds later, he saw Kohta, who had his face on the sand, his hands behind his back and Asami on top of him.

"Aaaahh, Asami can't find her handcuffs! where are her handcuffs! Y...you stole them! Didn't you?!" She shouts at Kohta.

"We will prevail! We will prevail! Freeeddooom!" Kohta kept shouting under her. Either...Asami knows how to hold down a dude twist her size...or Kohta just doesn't care.

Takashi was...uh...elsewhere...not around here...

"What? Takashi is over there with Shizuka and Rei...and he's..." HE. DID. NOT. SEE...Instead, he ran past the Shack, and kept going straight, the forest to his right. Now.

"...uhh...So...i need to keep going straight?" Yes, the target destination is further away, going into the forest now will just slow you down.

"I see..." And so, he kept going straight...

And...Several minutes later...

"Ughh...Out of all the things i could 'see'...why am i getting...this?" Naier ponders as he keeps running down the beach.

"Hey! It's you that i'm asking!" Naier screams at nobody.

"...for-fucking-get it" Naier pouts like a little princess as he keeps running.

"What?! i did not p...Gahh, i'm starting to sound like Saya now"...Naier sighs and keeps running in pure defeat.

"This better...be a one-time thing..." Yea i hope so too...this shit is exhausting.

And so, Naier soon reached the entrance to the forest. Entrance as in a slight opening between the trees, no real roads, path or what so ever...but...he could make out tire tracks that led deeper...a lot of them...so i guess that could be considered as a path.

"Why do i need to come here again?" He asks himself.

"No, it's you i'm asking, not my self" Naier went inside to find his answers.

"...Oh for fuck's sake" And he walked into the forest.

Said forest was eerie enough as it is, being it night, didn't really help, at least there were no corpses to be seen...

"So...what am i looking for?" Naier kept walking straight as he spoke...and kept walking straight even after he finished speaking following the 'path' created by the car tracks.

"...You know if you are going to help, then just tell me 'go straight'..." Naier felt like talking to himself again for some reason.

"...why did i even bother?"

A couple of minutes later, and after seeing only trees and bushes for a while, was the first change...among some trees in the distance, next to a couple of giant boulders...a large open cage, big enough to fit two or three big horses next to each other. It had a thick metal plate for a floor and another same plate as a ceiling, the 'walls' of the cage consisted of metal bars.

"Uhh...please don't tell that's the reason i'm here..." Of course not.

"Huh. So now you awn..." You're here for what was inside the cage.

"...And i should have figured that the only reason you answered...was to fuck up my night even more..." Naier stared at the cage for a couple of seconds.

"So...i... just walk around?" Naier left the cage, but he kept walking while keeping an eye on the car tracks, so he wouldn't end up getting lost in the forest.

"...Ohh...right...uhh...it's the smoke...otherwise...yea..."...Naier thanked the handsome voice in his hea...

"Don't push your luck." ehh...worth a try...

And so, Naier kept following the tire tracks.

"Corpses better not be anywhere near the group..." Don't worry Saya and Saeko are fine.

"I said group" And i know that these two are the only ones you really care for.

"Hey, I might be more worried about these two, but that doesn't mean that i don't care about the rest...i mean...come on i don't want to let Shizuka or Alice get killed. Or Kohta and Asami, when they finally just got together...plus the trouble i went through to save her ass...and uhh...Takashi and Rei...after they...got together...again" After Takashi bashed his 'best friend's' skull in with a bat.

"Uhh...shit's complicated" I know that it's really not...but...let's say that it is...Ohh, by the way. we're here.

Naier then stopped in his tracks as he noticed...something...sleeping...straight ahead of him...

"...It's a...gaint ass wolf" Yep.

"This thing was in the cage wasn't it?" Yep.

"It's lying down...Yet i think it can still reach to about my waist..." Yep.

"Please don't tell me this is what i need to find" Yep, it is.

"It can probably kill me with one bite" Yep.

"And you want me to fight it?" Yep.

"Ok...giant or not...a shotgun should still" No guns.

"...What?" No guns, no swords, no other pointy and, or deadly objects.

"...You for real?" Yep

"Why?" Well...how the hell are you going to tame it if it's dead.

"...uhh...you want me to do what with the how now?" Tame it obviously.

"...I'm leaving" As Naier turns around, the wolf wakes up, notices him...and growls.

"...You...didn't just..." Naier turns around to see the big gray wolf staring at him, now that i was up...its head reach to about the hight of his neck.

"...How the f..." Before Naier could think of stuff that he need not think the wolf changed at him!

"Hey what the hell?!" Ohh don't a sourpuss, this will be fun!

"Fun!? You're fucking nuts !" As Naier keeps whining, the wolf leaps at him. Yet...The moment it got near, He grabs it by the lower jaw, turns around and tosses the wolf forward. The wolf spins around in the air and lands on its feet, sliding a few meters as it stared at Naier with an angry expression.

"...Did i...just do that?" Naier blinks a couple of times before looking at his hands...See, fun.

"Ok, this is weOAA!" Before he could finish, the wolf was charging at him again, this time trying to bite down on his leg. Seeing the wolf's lowered head, Naier steps on it and jumps forward, turning to look at the wolf while he was in the air.

"Ok...i know i got some parkour skills...but shit is insane, how am i doing this?!"...Naier then remembered what he always said...don't question a good thing...

"Touche...so...i'm fist-fighting a giant wolf...seems legit..." And fistfight...he did, as the moment the wolf charged again, he slid his left leg back along with his left hand, while extending his right hand forward. He narrowed his eyes...and the moment the wolf got near he brought his left hand down, flat on the wolf's face, before using his right Knee too kick the wolf back and quickly jump back. The wolf whines for a second before sneezing and turning to look at him again.

"I'm normally against animal violence!" Then get this thing done already, the poor thing can feel pain you know.

"And on whose fucking side are you!?" The side that gives free cookies obviously...

The wolf charges, and realizing that trying to 'wrestle' the beast would be suicidal even now, he focuses on evading it. He sidesteps as the wolf jumps past him, and takes a few steps back. The wolf then turns around and charges at him again.

The next couple of minutes went on with Naier evading the wolf as it kept charging at him, each time faster and with more aggression...

"This shit getting out of hand..." As the wolf charged at him again, Naier, instead of sidestepping, crouches down. Once the wolf got in arms reach, he puts his left hand to the ground behind his back, and with his right hand, he grabs the side of the wolf's head then turns his upper body around and yanks the wolf towards the direction it was already charging at.

The wolf, being unable to stop after getting the extra momentum...and you know...being in the air and not having air brakes. Ends up crashing into a tree that was behind Naier...and with a whine...it stops moving.

"Uhhh...I didn't kill it!...The tree did!" Naier quickly gets up and runs up the wolf, only to see that it was unconscious.

"Ahh...it passed out?"...It passed out...

"I just fought a giant wolf with my bare hands...and won?..." Naier tilted his head as he looked at the downed wolf.

"Ok...that...just happened...probably. Maybe it's all a hallucination and i was actually fighting against air...that...would look really weird from a third party perspective..." Naier takes a deep breath and drops his hands to his knees.

"Ok...now what?" Now you...feed it.

"Uhh...excuse me?" While it's down, you feed it. Until it understands that you're a friend.

"...Are you retarded?" Feeeed iiiit...but yea...got the beef jerky?

"Uhh...yea" Naier takes off his bag, opens it and starts looking inside...

"Uhh...no..." He responds shortly after...



"Thanks for the lure" Kohta throws me the remaining jerky. I grab it and leave it on a table next to me.


"...Did you have to act this dramatic?" Yesss.

"Why are you suddenly so hyper?" I always wanted to have a giant pet wolf.

"Uhh...Ok back to the shack...hope the wolf won't wake up until i'm back" Ohh don't worry, its torpor is still very high.

"It's what is very what?" Uhh...nothing...just go to the shack.

Naier shakes his head, gives the wolf one last glance and starts running towards the Shack, using the tire tracks to exit the forest. After that, he then followed the same path he took on the beach until he reached the Shack. Once there he jumped up the steps and went to the table that had the meat jerky.

"Hope you don't mind, I'm permanently borrowing this." Naier snatches the food and turns around. As he runs down the steps he turns to look at his group as they were...uhhh...as they were...AAAA...I CAN'T FUCKING READ THIS!...

Uhh...as they were...showing their affection...for each other...Don't worry, they were all still...dressed.

"Except for Rei and Takashi..." THAT'S IT, IM WAKING UP THE WOLF.

"What! NO NONONONO WAIT! I meant...they were...ahhh...patting?...Each other...on the head...vigorously...Takashi mostly..." He turns his head as he speaks...and ends up seeing Saya and Saeko...

"Can i...leave now?...this is...uhh...making it insanely...hard...for me...to concentrate" You can leave...

"Thank you..." Yet, he did not move...

...I said...you can leave...Naier.

"..." ...

Suddenly, Saeko and Saya felt a huge urge to fall in love with Takashi an...Naier then turned around and left with a quick pace...

...Still...i didn't know Saya can be this...aggressive...i mean Saeko..sure, but Sa...

"...Let's focus on the wolf ahh?" Naier nods to himself and starts running towards the spot where the wolf had been knocked out...

"The wolf...better still be out cold" Don't worry, it is.

And, after running back to the forest's entrance and following the tire tracks again, Naier ended up on the spot with the downed wolf.

See, the wolf is still here.

"...Ok...now what?" ...you feed it.

"...You're...not kidding...are you?" Nope, you can actually tame dinosaurs like that too. Just go next to it and feed it...oh and it might take some time so...

"You can tame wha..."


...An hour later...Naier, was standing in front at the now awake wolf.

"...This...is so fucking weird..." Naier keeps staring at the wolf at it tilts its head at him...Hey, hey give it a command!

"...Uhh...a command? How it's supposed to even..." Just give it!

"...Sit." The wolf jerks its head and instantly sits down...Naier blinks a couple of times before.

"...Roll..." The wolf lets out a loud bark, drops to the floor and rolls...

"...Explain to me...how the fuck this whole thing even works..." The wolf stops rolling around, gets to a sitting position...and starts barking...in different volume and speed with every bark.

"It's actually trying to explain it ?!" Naier leans his body back as he stares at the wolf.

"Ok...you know what...i don't care...friendly giant wolf is better than hostile giant wolf" The wolf barks affirmatively.

"And how the hell did you know it was an afferm...uhh...fuck it...never mind...i don't care...not the weirdest thing that happened to me today" Naier turns around and leav..HEY!

"Huh, what, i got the wolf. So that means i can go to the cave now, right?" Uhh...yea...but...ain't you gonna name it...err her...also...how to say this without making it sound weird...you can ride this wolf...like a horse, no saddle needed...

"...I can do what now?..Uhh...i don't know if it's good or bad...but for some reason, i'm not even surprised anymore...but yea...name...i do have to name...ehh...her, right?..." Yea, her, so don't name her Jacobs, please.

"Uhh...ok...hmm" Naier thinks for a bit...and.

"Ahh, i got it. Wolf!" The wolf tilts its head and focuses on Naier.

"Your name from now on will be..." As Naier spoke...his nose started itching...

"Ughh, F..." Naier puts his hand to his face to stop himself from sneezing...but you know...mask...

"FACHOOO!" And the wolf then howls to the sky acknowledging her new name! Her new title!

"WHAT?! NO, I SNEASED, YOUR NAME IS NOT FACHOO" The wolf, upon hearing the name Fachoo howls again.

"FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCKKK!" In a fit of rage, Naier kicks a rock...Fachoo barks excitedly as she runs after the rock.

"STOP...calling her...that" ...

Naier takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down...whipping his tears away, as the wolf comes back to him.

"First, i didn't tear up. Second, I'm wearing a mask smartass, how the hell am i supposed to wipe my tears away?" ...




"...Uhh...focus...the cave...i need to blast that fucking cave...and this nightmare will...hopefully end"

And so, burning with a newfound passion...that i have totally no idea where he got from by the way...Naier mounts Fach...


His wolf...Naier mounts his wolf...

"Can this night...get any weirder..." ...Uhh...maybe?...

"...Oh boy..." Naier then rides the wolf back to the shack.

With his new friend, Naier managed to reach his destination in a fraction of the time, and once there.

"Ok...i should take the path next to the Shack, it leads to the..." Wait...

"...What...am i going to tame a dragon by stealing its eggs now?" Uhh...sounds fun...but no...go to the Shack and take Saeko's sword with you.

"Dude...or whatever you are...i'm NOT taking her sword...if i end up ruining it she w..." Don't worry. You won't, trust me.

"...Uhh...i must be going mental..." Naier gets off the wolf and runs to the Shack, he climbs the railing and grabs the Katana from the chair it was on, then jumps off the railing and runs back to the wolf.

"Ok...last check" Naier takes off the bag, opens it and...

"A...ahh!...T...there!" A female voice...'shouts'...Naier turns his head towards the sound to see Saya and Sae...Focus!

"Right..." Ignoring the...voices...Naier turns to the bag.

"Dynamite, check...shotgun, check...bullets, check...lighter, check...Sword...check...moaning that is permanently getting recorded into fucking my brain...fuckin triple check.."Naier closes the back, throws it over his shoulder and gets back on the wolf...

"Let's go...now...please..." The wolf barks affirmatively and starts running down the path that led to the cave.

"So...animals are immune to this after all?" Uhh...don't know...guess we will find out now.

"...Are you for fucking real?!" Naier shakes his head as he asks himself.

"Ohh, now you ignore me"

And a couple of minutes later...they were by the cave...the corpses...still there.

"So...now what?..i let the wolf charge in or something?" ...You'd let the poor thing charge in all alone? show some compassion! The wolf whines at me as the voice in my head keeps speaking.

"...So i..." CHAAAAAARGE!

"Wait whaaaaAAAA!" And the wolf charges forward, Naier grabs on to her to keep himself from falling.

"AAA You know what! FUCK IT!" He draws the Katana and lets go of the scabbard.

The moment the wolf gets near the corpse group, she jumps. While in the air Naier lets go of the wolf and puts the sword over his shoulder, and right before touching the ground, he swings horizontally towards the nearest corpse, taking its head off with a clean cut.

The moment he touched the ground he grabs the now decapitated corpse and tosses it to the left on a couple of other corpses, he then leans towards the right as he follows up with a stab, passing the blade right trough a corpse's head that was to his right. With the tip of the sword still inside the head, he turns around grabs the sword with both hands, bringing the sword over his head.

He then follows up with a strong vertical slash as he takes a step forward, blood flying in an ark as the sword went from the corpse head that was behind him, to the corpse head the was in front of him. He glances to his left and then twists the sword to the left before lowering his posture, slamming his right shoulder into the corpse that still had the blade in its head, sending the twitching body tumbling backward. With his left-hand folded he then passes the sword over his head and grabs it with both hands.

He then takes a large step forward as he brings the sword down in a sideways slash, cutting the last nearby corpse in two. All the way from its right shoulder, to its left lower side, and once the corpse's upper torso fell to the ground, he tosses the sword slightly on the air, reverse grabs the hilt and lands the blade on the back of the corpse's head before pulling the blade back out, tossing it in the air again and grabbing it normally.

He then takes a deep breath and looks at the dead corpses around him...

"Holy shit...did i just...do all this?" As he ponders, a corpse charged at him from behind.

He sidesteps and grabs it by the arm, then with a quick motion, he kicks it on the back of its knee while still holding on to its the arm, as the corpse falls to its knees he cleaves both its head and arm off.

He then turns around and walks to the nearest lone corpse, he shoves the 'extra' arm in the corpse's mouth before grabbing by the neck, and as he turns around, he throws it towards the declining corpse group.

"...I...don't remember being...THIS good..." Wish Saeko was here to see you?...I do wonder...how would she react if she saw you...

And so, while Naier was busy dealing with the corpses on his side and wonder whether Saeko would get all hot and bothered by his actions...

"Hey! It was you who wondered that, not me!" Fachoo was tearing everything a new one, hands and legs flying left and right, whatever corpse managed to get a hold of her, got shaken off by the constant jumping and running, or, it ended up getting bitten in the neck first...

"Ignoring me huh...and her name is not Fachoo..." Naier whines in a low tone, yet the moment he uttered the name, the wolf turns towards him, barks and runs up to him, all covered in blood...from head to toe...wonder if i should change her race from 'gray wolf', to 'red wolf'.

"Uhh...does it matters...but i do admit...you were right...having her here made this...way easier" Naier pats the wolf on the head as he looks at the remaining corpses that were shambling towards them...then at the corpses that were stuck under the bodies that he tossed around...

"Well...let's finish this huh?" Fachoo barks loudly before running a circle around him and back into the fray.

"You're...going to keep calling her that...aren't you?" Naier asks something obvious as he casually walks up to a corpse that was reaching out for him while it was still stuck under and unmoving body...and stabs it on the head...

"...Figures" He then looks around until he spots the sword's scabbard. He then runs up to it and picks it up.

"Uhh... better if a certain somebody doesn't learn that i just tossed this to the ground" He says as he dusts off the scabbard with his hand before sheathing the sword.

He turns around to see that the corpse group had all but disappeared...With Fachoo sitting in the center while wagging her tail.

"...How...did i even survive fighting that wolf?" He tilts his head as he looks at the bloody mess.

"Uhh...no matter...cave..." Naier takes a deep breath and walks towards the cave, with Fachoo following behind him.

"Alright...You ready?" He says as he turns towards the bloody wolf...which replies with an excited bark, as energetic as ever.

And so, with a nod, Naier charges forward. Deeper into the dark cave, dete...

"Hey did anybody bring a torch? i forgot mine!"

God damn it Naier, i'm trying to narrate here!


...And so, Naier charges forward. Deeper into the dark cave, dete...

"Never mind, i found a flashlight!"


"Ohh...and by the way!...The dynamite...how can i blow up the cave without burying my self under the rubble?"...You're the hero...figure it out...

"Oh, come on! just help me out for once!"

You mean twice...Ughh...you'll find some gasoline canisters in there...you have the lighter...use the gasoline to make a line after dousing the dynamites...after you go far enough, light up the fuel line with the lighter.

"Thanks" You're welcome, Now try not to die off-screen.

"Hardass till the end huh..." What was that? All the girls in the team like Takashi now?

"...I said nothing..." Thought so...

Ohh by the way, bolt text here, craziness stops...somewhat...


Several hours later

Saya slowly opens her eyes, a smile on her face as she kept hugging the person that was resting on top of her.

She moves her hands to her head and rubs her eyes before touching around her face, trying to find her glasses, which she found resting on her forehead. She lowers them until they were on her eyes and then turns to look at the sleeping person that was on top of her...and...blinks...several times.

"Uhh...wait...S...Saeko?...why...why are you on top of me?...Hey." She shakes the sleeping girl with a confused expression.

"Hmm...Naier..." Saeko responds by tightening her grip around Saya's waist, snuggling up to her.

Saya's expression...then instantly turns into a frown...her eyebrows becoming...somewhat of a straight line as she narrows her eyes...She slowly brings her fingers around Saeko's sides...and pokes...hard.

"YIAAA!" Saeko yelps as she squirms. She then springs off Saya and ends up sitting with her hands behind her back.

"W...what happened..." Still half asleep she stares at Saya who got up and fixed her swimsuit.

"You...wouldn't let go of me..." She responds.

Saeko blinks a couple of times.

"Of...you?" She falls in though for a couple of seconds as she keeps staring at Saya...and then her eyes go wide as her face goes red.

"Yes...me...why?...Who did you think you were hugging?" Saya raises an eyebrow as she stares with a sly grin...her face...still flushed none the less.

"N...nobody...we...we need to make sure the others are alright..." Saeko responds as she starts getting up.

Yet before she could even get up...

"REVOLUTIOOOOOOON" Kohta jumps out of Shack and starts running...waving a broom around like a flag.

"Stop! You can't escape! The more you resist, the longer your sentence will be! Stop right there!" Asami also jumps out of the Shack shortly after, waving a stick in the air as she chases after Kohta...

"Are they...awake?...Their eyes were open..." Saeko asks as she gets up and stares at the unfolding event.

"Uhh...They better not...be awake..." Saya responds with her mouth half-open.

"Hmm...wait...is that?" Saeko walks towards the hut, next to the railing, on the sand, her sheathed sword. She picks it up and partially draws out the blade.

"Why...is my sword here...i'm pretty sure i left it on one of the seats..." She asks as she looks around.

"No idea, maybe Kohta or Asami took it during their...uhh...adventure" Saya responds as she keeps staring at the two while they kept running around.

"We...should probably wake them up" Saeko says as she walks up to Saya, her sword in her hand, Saya turns to look at her and nods.

Yet, before they could even get to them, they notice that Shizuka and Rei laid flat on the sand...both with a...uhh...'happy' expression...and as they got close.

"...Rikkaaa...what's taking you so long...come back here alreadyyy..."

"Takashiii...where did you go...Takashiiii..."

Both Shizuka and Rei were talking in their sleep...

"Let's...wake them up..." Saya speaks up in a monotone voice as she stared at them.

"Y...yes..." Saeko responds.

After some time of shaking, both of them open their eyes, a smile still plastered on their faces.

"Huh...Takashi?...Where is Takashi..." Rei started asking the moment she opened her eyes. Shizuka just got up to a sitting position without speaking, she stretched with a yawn and just stared 'forward' with a sleepy expression...

"Takashi...was not here when we found you" Saeko responds.


"REVOLUTTIOOOON!" Before she could even finish, Kohta crashes into the group like a cannonball, knocking Saya down under him.

Several screams, slaps and idiot nominations later...the group was sitting by the sea...all of them hugging their knees as they stared at the ocean.

"Hallucinations...it was nothing...but hallucinations..." Saya says with a deadpan voice.

"...Yes...none of it was real...everything was an unfortunate accident" Saeko answers with the same deadpan voice.

"But we were still moving around...what we did...was probably real" Kohta responds.

"Shut up Fatso...i don't want to hear any of it" Saya answers without raising her voice.

"We still need to find Takashi..." Rei speaks up after her.

"And Naier..." Saeko says right after.

"And Alice..." Asami adds up.

And...speaking of the devil.

"H..help! Takashi! Takashi is in trouble!" Alice comes up running to them with a couple of bottles in her arms.

The group turns to her before looking at each other...and they all nod before getting up. They then follow Alice to the cave's entrance...and stop dead in their tracks...

"What...the..." Saya was the first one to speak as she looked at the corpse group that was in front of the cave...or...well...what remained of it...

"Eheehe...girls...stop it...we mustn't..."

Their sight then gets drawn to a voice...which ends up being Takashi...who was lying on top of a couple of 'dead' corpses.

"Did...he do all this?" Shizuka asks.

"I...don't think so...some corpses have clean cuts...like a sword cut them apart...the others looked mauled...like an animal attacked them..." Saya turns to look at Saeko as she speaks.

"...Wasn't me...not from what i remember at least...and...i definitely didn't do...that" Saeko responds as she points are the mauled corpses.

"Ahh...Saeko...that apron is...ehehe...very naughty..." Takashi speaks up again...causing the group to turn towards him again.

"...Rei...could you please...wake up Takashi...right now" Saeko 'asks' as she keeps staring at the corpses.

"...Ohh...i will more than 'wake him up'" Rei responds as she walks up to him, her eye twitching as she moved closer.

"Ehehe...Saya...you look really cute with your hair down...Ahh...S...shizuka wait, don't be greedy!" As Takashi kept on dreaming...Saeko looked near the cave's entrance.

"There's a toppled gasoline canister there." She says as she walks up to the canister. After she got next to it she lifts it up and gives it a shake.

"Empty" She then looks around...and notices a sign next to the cave...she goes to it and reads it.

"Underwater pass - this cave is connected to the mainland, under construction, please wear a hard hat before entering" After reading the sign she turns to look at the cave only to see that it was actually blocked off by rocks a little deeper in.


And shortly after...a male shout...Saeko turns around to see Takashi up and about, rubbing his head as he stared at the corpses...

"Huh...what...how...wasn't i...why?..." As Takashi keeps asking half-finished questions, Saya walks up to him.

Before he could even respond, he was hopping on one leg, as Saya stomped off after kicking his shin.

"Wh...what was that for!?" He shouts as he looks at her.

"Ohh you know very well what was that for...pervert!" Saya shouts as she turns around and stomps her foot...then turns around again and continues walking...followed by the rest of the group.

"Huh...what did i do ?!" He then turns towards Saeko, who had taken the canister in her free hand and was walking back towards the rest of the group...she stopped...and stayed quiet for a bit...

"...Maybe...you should learn how to dream without talking in your sleep..." Saeko walks past Takashi after giving him a quick glance...

And several minutes later, the group was sitting by the shack's tables.

"...Why i'm not surprised that the only person we're missing is a certain masked idiot..." Saya looked towards the sea as she spoke, her arms folded.

"I just hope he's alright..." Shizuka speaks up right after.

"Good god, not a single day has passed...and he disappears again?...I swear, we need to put a short leash on him" Saya groans as she shakes her head.

"Maybe he wandered off like Takashi?..." Shizuka asks as she puts her finger on her mouth and looks on the table.

"...I'm worried about that too...we found some of them on the island...we don't know if there are more of them wandering around...i will go look for him" Saeko gets up as she finishes speaking...

"We can't just aimlessly wander around the island, we will never find him like that...Is there...a reason Takashi ended up by that cave? Maybe we can use it as a clue for our search?" Kohta responds.

"Actually...What did you do with that gasoline canister?" Asami asks as she turns to Takashi...

"Uhh...gasoline?" He asks as he lifts his head.

"The empty canister that Saeko found near the cave..." Saya adds up.

"I don't remember why i ended up there...and...i...don't remember doing anything with a gasoline canister..." He answers as he tilts his head...seemingly trying to think.

"Yes, you were to busy fondling a group of female them while fantasizing about...things" Rei responds with an angry frown.

"I uhh..."

"We should focus on finding Naier." Saeko cuts off Takashi before he could speak.

"...Yes...we need to find that idiot before he ends up doing something...stupid..." Saya stares at Takashi with a frown as she speaks.

"Alright...i'll check our equipment" Kohta responds as he gets up and walks towards the door.

"...If he's still sleeping...i wonder what he's dreaming about" Shizuka casually asks as she tilts her head, making both Saya and Saeko snap their heads to her and...


(...Ughh...why i do i feel like crap...)

I shake my head and i slowly open my eyes.

(...What...happend yesterday?... I feel like i got hit by train...)

I close my eyes and try to think.

(Saya and Saeko...went nuts...and then i...uhh...i...did...what?)

I open my eyes and stare at the sky...

"W..well...for his own good...it better not be something weird!" I hear a female voice...from...under me?

"So...we will split up in teams and look for him?" Another female voice asks.

"We would cover more ground by going alone...but...it won't be as safe" A male voice answers.

I lean to my right to get a better idea of what exactly was going on...and...in retrospect...a bad idea...as...the moment i realized that for some frigging reason...i was on the fucking roof...i was already falling...

"WHA?!" Was the only thing i managed to say before falling face flat on the sand...I also think i heard a couple of yelps?

"Uhh...The...actual...fughh..." I shake my head as i stay on the ground.

"...We found him!" I hear an excited female voice shout.

"Y...yea..." I hear another female voice answer.

"Did he...just fall from the sky?" I hear a different female voice ask.

"...I think he was just on the roof Shizuka..." I hear a male voice answer.

I then felt a hand on my back...

"Naier...are you alright?" I lift my head to see Saeko kneeling next to me...i nod and slowly get up.

"Why...was i on the roof?" I ask as i look up.

"How are we supposed to know that you idiot?" I turn to look at the annoyed voice to see Saya staring at me with a frown.

"True..." I respond.

"Umm...hey guys?" Kohta speaks up as he exits the shack.

"Did anybody use the dynamites?...we're missing some..." He says shortly after.


I look around to see the gasoline canister.

"Uhh...did we bring gasoline with us?" I ask.

"Umm, no...we found it near a cave...That's also where we found Takashi" Saeko answers.

(...Cave...right...the cave)

"You...know something about it?" Saeko, seeing how i didn't respond, asks as she puts her hand on my shoulder and brings her face to my field of vision.

"Yes...I think..." I answer.

"You think?...Don't tell me you also don't remember what you did yesterday...ughh...idiots" Saya brings her hand to her face and shakes her head.

"You...do?" I ask...and her face instantly goes beet red.

"T...that not the point!" She shouts.

"Uhh...but you're the one who asked m..."

"...F...forget it! J...just say if you know what's the deal with that canister already..." She looks away as she speaks.

"Uhh...yea...right. The cave...was it...open? Or caved in?" I ask.

"Caved in" Saeko answers shortly after.

"Then...i think...i blew it up" I awnser...and the group just...stared at me.

"You...think?...That you might have blown up a cave?...And why...would you do that in the first place" Rei asks.

(Fuck...uhh...how do i tell them that it's connected to the mainland?)

"I...don't remember..." I answer as i dart my eyes around.

"The cave was connected to the mainland" Saeko adds up right after, causing everybody to turn to her.

"There was a sign outside the cave that said so...you...don't remember that?" She asks as he turns to me.

"There...was?" I ask as i tilt my head.

(No really now...there was?)

"Huh...you don't remember that either?...that place was full of 'dead' them...you don't remember that too?" Rei asks.

"...It was?" I ask.

(That's weird...that place was supposed to have like...four corpses...not a group...)

"Yes...some of them were torn apart. As if a wild animal attacked them...the others...looked like they got cut down by a sword...and my sword, was not where i left it...actually..." Saeko looks at the ground before looking at the roof and taking a few steps back.

"I'm pretty sure i found my sword in the same location that you fell..." She says as she walks up to me again.

"...Uhh...sorry...still don't remember anything that seems to add up to what you're saying...still, if i did take your sword...then i hope i didn't chip it" I answer as i look at the Katana, Saeko shakes her head.

"The sword is fine...it's you that i'm worried about...are you sure you're alright?" She asks again.

"Uhh...other than falling from the roof?...i feel fine" I answer.

"...So, what you mean to tell me is that...you took Saeko's sword...waltzed towards a cave that was infested with them...obliterated them along with some giant animal...and then you blew up the cave...and...now don't remember anything?" Saya asks shortly after as she raises an eyebrow and tilts her head.

"Uhh...i...guess?" I respond as i shrug questionably.

"...That's it...i'm getting you a collar and a leash..." She says as she closes her eyes, puts her fingers on her nose's bridge and shakes her head...before i could answer...

"You...didn't get bitten...did you?" Takashi asks.

"I think...i would have already turned if i did" I answer.

"True...so...now what?" He asks...and after a short silence.

"This place...weird as it is...is too good to pass up...but...we still have to get to the police station don't we?...I say we keep this place on the map...but go on with the initial plan...return here after we're 'done'...if we don't find a better place...or get evacuated" I answer as i look at the group...

"Hmm...Yea...sounds like a plan...so...lets pack up?" Takashi asks...and the group nods.

(...Uhh...still...why can't i remember...anything...weird...last thing i remember is Saeko and Saya going after me...then...uhh...whatever...if i don't remember...then it's probably not that important, as long as the cave got blown up then it's fine...also...collar? when did the 'tie up to a chair' evolve to 'collar and a leash'...Saya is becoming way too kinky)


Naier_Serpfire Naier_Serpfire

You might have noticed that this chapter has a lot of dot (...) spam. This is because this is how far the rewrite managed to get before it was stopped.

This dot spam will go on up to ch 35.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C30
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


