22.22% Young Justice - Almighty Thor / Chapter 2: Independence Day Part 1

章 2: Independence Day Part 1

2008 July 4th.....

It was a normal day in Northbridge, Washington D.C. Civilians walked about, interacted, or drove down the streets unhindered. That was until at the center of the city a rumble was heard. People looked up to find a gigantic red headed woman. She had a devilish smirk about her as people started to take off running in fear. The woman winded up a hammer fist, then brought it down on a nearby building. Before she could continue with her rampage, a blur came in front of her. Said blur sent a fist into her jar, sending her head rocking backwards. "Giganta, what are you doing in D.C?" Asked a familiar woman. Giganta glared up and saw Wonder Woman floating above her. "I was having a rather good dinner with a friend of mine, and his mother."

Giganta smirked as she slowly rose to her full height. "Would ya believe me if I said I just wanted some fun?" She asked her long time adversary. Before the Amazon could respond, a blur hit her this time, it was revealed to be a furry, black spotted woman with black hair. "Cheetah?!" Wonder Woman shouted, then brought her arm up to block a slash from the animalistic villainess. When she went to counterattack, Cheetah jumped off of Wonder Woman. The Amazon was confused for a moment before a large fist collided with her. 'Giganta and Cheetah were working together?' Diana thought as her back impacted the road beneath her. A groan left her lips before she began to push Giganta's fist back. Just as Giganta was going to push more into fist, just to keep Wonder Woman down. That was when the sound of ringing metal could be heard, then thunder roared overhead. Giganta looked forward, only to find Mjölnir colliding with her jaw. This sent her off of her feet and actually flying backwards unto her back.

The hammer would have kept going, but it stopped, then moved backwards. Diana rose to her feet and looked up to see a familiar figure. She smiled to herself then faced forward at a snarling Cheetah. "It took you long enough.." She commented. Mjölnir returned to the hands of Donald Blake, Thor. Lightning crackled around his body as he came to a landing beside his mentor. "I had to use the bathroom...", He responded then locked his eyes on Cheetah, "You want meat, or potatoes?" Diana glanced over at him not sure as to what he meant. Then she turned to see two other villains having arrived, the Terror Twins. Giganta got back to her feet now, rubbing her jaw, then glaring down at Thor. "I'll take meat." She decided then flew upwards to meet Giganta's incoming fist. Blake locked eyes with the three villains who stood across from him.

A small smile began to form on his lips, then watched as the villains came at him. He stood his ground and waited for them to approach. Cheetah was the first to get to him, she slashed at him with her claws. However, Thor lifted his hammer to black her blow, then swatted her across her cheek with a back handed fist. She was sent flying into a lamppost as the Terror Twins had come at him with winded up fists. Together, they hit Thor with powerful punch. Unfortunately for them, it only made him slide back a few feet. Turning, Blake narrowly dodged Cheetah's claws and moved back. The animalistic villainess didn't let up as she went on a flurry for slashes at Thor. Each strike either being blocked by Mjölnir or dodged. Until eventually she drove a knife hand at his chest, a sinister smirk sported her lips now. She was so sure that this would pierce him. When her knife handed claws impacted her chest, she found that the attack didn't actually pierce his armor nor his skin.

"I think that you forgot something Cheetah...", Thor slowly said with a mocking tone, "My skin is thicker than Wonder Woman's." Realization dawned on her face, before being sent flying with an uppercut made by Blake. The blow having sent Cheetah into the air like a ragdoll, then collided with the pavement. The Terror Twins rushed in now, Tommy Terror sent a wild haymaker at Thor while Tuppence Terror sent a roundhouse kick to him. The Thunderer moved his arms to block and counterattack. With Tommy, Blake caught the boy's fist with ease, and with Tuppence, Thor twirled Mjölnir up before bringing it down upon her leg. A pop was heard, he had dislocated the villain's leg. She let out a shrill scream of pain, causing her brother to look at her in concern. In that moment was when Thor winded Mjölnir back then collided the top of his hammer into Tommy's cheek. This sent the Terror Twin flying into a building.

Tuppence Terror held her leg in pain, then looked up to see Thor looking down at her apologetically. "Sorry, didn't think that I could actually hurt you while I'm holding back."

After Apologizing, Thor turned his gaze upwards. He saw Diana sending a sickening flying uppercut into Giganta's jar, sending the giant villainess off her feet once more. This time, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Both Diana and Blake had defeated this mishap of villains rather easily, both showing their strengths and experience. Thor looked back to find, Tuppence being lifted up by hee brother. "Come on, sista!" He shouted, "We ain't gettin paid enough for dis!" With that, Tommy turned only to find Thor slowly walking to him. "Give me a name and I'll consider letting you off the hook", Blake stated, "Or I could see if you can out fly Mjölnir, your choice." Tommy Terror looked to his sister then back to Thor. A reluctant sigh left him before he glared at Thor. "Mista Lord..sends his regards." Before Thor could question on who Lord was, a red portal appeared to envelope the Terror Twins, taking the two away.

That only left Giganta and Cheetah, who were still unconscious. Diana landed in front of Thor rather confused. "I hope that I was not the only one who saw that." She said, finding a nod from her protégé, "Well, it would appear that not only my enemies are working together, so are yours." She referred to the Terror Twins, knowing that the blonde headed villains were reoccurring for Thor. Blake let out a sigh as the NMPD(Northbridge Metahuman Police Department).

"Well it looks like we're in the middle of a conspiracy..." Thor uttered causing a light chuckle to leave Diana's lips. He found her placing her hand on his shoulder. "You get use to it, come, we are running late." She said, causing a brow to be risen on Thor's face. "But...dinner with mom is over." He reminded, only to find Diana shake her head at him. "It goes to show that you are both matured and absent minded sometimes", She commented, "Today is the day." That was when Blake finally remembered, today was the day when they go towards the Justice League's headquarters. "Oh....right..." Blake started to say then placed a hand on the back of his head. His voice sounded more reluctant before letting out a sigh. "Can we talk?"

Diana frowned then nodded, she took off into the air with Blake following not long after. Together, they both landed atop a building south of Northbridge's downtown district. The Amazon looked to her protégé and just waited for him to speak. Blake took a moment to gather his words before turning himself back into his mortal self. "I...don't think that I want to join the Justice League anymore", Before Diana would go to question that sentence he continued, "It's not that I dislike the idea of doing good or everyone else. It's just the world is changing, bad guys are getting way more bolder. Learning from you was an awesome experience...but I can't always be following after you. The Justice League is a great thing, but I want to try my own thing for a while.."

Diana listened to her protégé attentively, allowing every word that he said to be absorbed into her. When he was finished she gave him a said smile. Diana walked over to Blake and placed her hands on his shoulders gently. "You wish to be your own hero...not while in my shadow." She clarified, then watched Blake give her a slight smile. "I mean yeah, but I'm hardly in your shadow." He taunted only to be met by his mentor's slight glare. "But yeah... I hope that you understand."

"I will, but what about your friends?"

"They'll understand."

"How sure of that are you?"

"Pretty sure."


"Fifty percent?" Blake shrugged before embracing Diana in a hug. The Amazon returned the hug, and for a few moments they stayed like this. This could be the last time that they are together as master and student. Blake was the first to pull away from the hug, he took out Mjölnir and transformed back into Thor. "I'll be seeing you Diana, hopefully you won't need me to save you." Blake taunted once again, then watched Diana give him a stick eye. "If you don't start flying Donald, then I will send you flying." She warned, then smiled fondly. 'I'm going to miss these taunts...' She thought, while watching Blake use Mjölnir to soar into the air once more. The muscular figure of Blake was beginning to disappear into the clouds. Diana then turned and began to fly off to meet with the other members of the League and their Protégés. With Blake, he was beginning his day's patrol of his home city.

Northbridge, Washington D.C, a city quite close to the United State's capital. That said, it has a unique spin on heroes and villains. Villains are seldom in the city, heroes are mostly traveling. Unlike Metrololis, Northbridge has an actual effective Police Force. So far, only Blake was the known hero in Northbridge, tonight that is going to change. Thor soared over the city, his eyes looking down and eyeing everything. That was when he saw a glow coming from an alleyway, then a body being flung from it. A serious look came to Blake as he came down for a quick landing. The moment that he landed at the alleyway he saw a strange hostage situation. 'Is that a robot?' He thought, seeing an eight foot tall buff alien like robot reaching down towards a girl. She hand long brown braided hair as well worn casual clothes. She was roughly a year younger than Blake, but besides "sightseeing" the beauty. Thor had a general idea of what was going on.

"Excuse me, hands of the girl." Thor ordered and watched the alien Android turn. He was surprised to see that the machine actually had a face. Granted, the face didn't show any sort of expression, just a blank cold one. It's eyes hued with power and fired a blast directly at Thor. Blake quickly lifted Mjölnir and blocked the attack, then rushed forward at superhuman speeds. The Android seemed to be keeping up, though when it swung at Blake it missed him by inches. Thor counterattacked with a swing from Mjölnir, he moved to the hammer horizontally. It collided with the android's mid section and sent it flying off it's feet. Thor turned his gaze to the girl and saw her staring up up at him in awe.

Thor turned his attention back go the Android only to find it's metal fist smacking against his jaw. This sent Blake flying into the alley wall, with a sore jaw. "Ow..." Thor slowly said, actually feeling pain for the first time in two years. There were only a select few who could actually hurt him, and one of them was an alien. That said, all this Android did was make sure that Blake was done playing nice. Thor stood up straight and narrowed his eyes on the alien robot, he twirled Mjölnir in rapid succession. Then with a toss, the hammer was flung at the machine. It collided with the Android and put a hole in it like it was nothing more than paper.

The alien like Android slowly fell down to it's knees, depowering. When Thor let out a slight sigh he turned his attention towards the girl once more. This time, she was away from the alley and towards the figure who was flung out of the alleyway. Blake jogged over fearing that the person had been killed, but to his surprise they were alive but injured. "Hold on, I'm taking him to a hospital." Thor said then gently lifted the man into his arm with ease. The girl stared up at Thor in awe once again, remembering that he was real. "What's his name?" Thor questioned while winding up Mjölnir for flight. The girl almost stuttered OK her words as she cleared her throat. "R-Rick Jones, sir!" She shouted then blushed from embarrassment.

"And yours?"

"Avril...." ,She said then spoke with a bit more confidence, "Avril Kincaid."

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  • 世界の背景

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