38.29% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 18: Griff & Young Griff

章 18: Griff & Young Griff

Lannisport, the Westerlands

"Good to see you back Tyrion." He heard his Uncle Kevan's voice greeting him at the docks as he stepped down.

"Uncle, good to see you too. Though I must say, I am surprised to find you here. I expected a cold welcome her by our cousins of Lannisport." Tyrion said, actually surprised that someone was here to receive him. Tyrion looked around at Lannisport. The city still seemed to be somewhat empty as compared to the old times. Many of the shops, manors and houses were still empty. 'But in time Lannisport will be back to its previous state, full of hustle and bustle of people.'

"How was the North?" Kevan asked as they started to track back into the city from the docks.

"Excellent, though dreary for some part. Whoever thinks that the Northeners are nothing more than savages are dead wrong. A bit wild and boisterous lot but with big heart filled with warmth and tempered by their frugal lifestyle and the harshness of their winter." Tyrion said. "I think I would rest for a day and start for Casterly Rock tomorrow to report to father."

"Well, you are in luck. Tywin is here along with most of the family." Kevan said.

"Father is here? Why?" Tyrion asked.

"Daven was wedded two days ago. So most of us are still here." Kevan said.

Tyrion liked his distant cousin Daven. He, along with his uncles Kevan, Tygett, Gerion and Aunt Gemma and his brother Jaime were the very few in the family who were nice to him. So Tyrion was determined to give Daven a good wedding gift. "Good for him. He is a good man. So, who is the bride?"

"Lana Oakheart. Though Tywin wanted a match with the Rowan's of Goldengrove, but apparently they did not find the proposal worthy of them." Kevan said. "Now, go and rest. Tywin will see you after noon."


"This is a really good sword and pretty well balanced too. And the red coloured hilt is a nice touch signifying our house colours." Daven said as he swung one of the swords from the pile.

All the weapons and goods Tyrion had brought were assembled in the large courtyard. Literally hundreds of swords, shields, spears etc. all brought by him. All of them were painted with a red colour to represent the Lannisters.

"Better than what we make." Tygett added.

Tyrion saw his Father throwing a dirty look at Tygett who just remained nonplussed. The relation between the two brothers had always been stormy.

"What are those?" Stafford Lannister asked looking at the many barrels and sacks kept at the side.

"Many of you must be familiar with Vodka. These barrels contain new liquor varieties from the North namely Whiskey, Scotch, Cider and Rhum. Different varieties from the poor smallfolks to the rich Lords. And those bags contain tea. Not the same stuff we get from the Reach. Very strong and flavored tea." Tyrion explained.

"Truly? I am already content with Vodka. This new stuff you brought must be surely worth it if you speak so highly of it." Tygett Lannister said as he started to pour himself a drink from one of the barrels. After a taking a generous gulp he announced, "And I stand corrected."

"I had personally tasted or tested all the things I bought." Tyrion assured them. Though he cringed internally at those words. Tywin had sent him North to find out about the North's current strength, their army and most importantly to ascertain Aryan Stark's plans. But by the time he reached the North, he found that Aryan Stark was already away. Still, he went to Winterfell and stayed there. Somehow he was drunk or incapacitated most of time and could not spend much of his time for his father's tasks. He had tried his best to get the High Steward Jaqen to talk, in the rare moments he was sober enough, but failed. Jaqen proved to be a man of few words.

"So why did you bring them here?" Kevan asked indicating the goods. "I hope you didn't spend the money Tywin gave you for buying weapons on these drinks."

"No. Of course not, uncle. These are complementary gifts for the large purchase we made. The Northerners have not yet started to export these items. But I found that these are very good materials for trade. And as Lannisport is seeing a slowdown in recent years I thought we could capitalise on these goods before anyone else." Tyrion explained about his plan.

"You cannot just assume things and make plans on your own without consulting more experienced people like us." Stafford scolded him.

Tyrion stood there at a momentary loss of words, but help came from the most unexpected source. "On the contrary, I agree with what he had done and agree with his proposal. What he said will be a very good idea to boost the trade at Lannisport. Now since you have claimed yourself as very experienced goodbrother, why don't you see to it that all the goods are distributed well among the merchants to procure future orders."

Stafford nodded while gulping nervously. Tyrion felt a small affection coming for his father which quickly died on hearing Tywin's words to him, "And you come with me. We need to talk now. Come with Kevan."

"What did you learn from the North or the Northern Realms as they are calling themselves these days?" Tywin asked without any pleasantries.

'Typical Father. No beating around the bush.' Tyrion thought as he formulated his thoughts. This was the moment he had dreaded for the past few weeks. He was without any concrete answers but he could not say that to Tywin. So choosing his words carefully he said, "When I reached Winterfell I found that Aryan Stark had already left for Starfall to attend his aunt's wedding. But I was received by the High Steward Jaqen."

"Only a Steward. For somebody of your stature there must be some highborn to receive you." Kevan Lannister the only other occupant besides the father-son duo said.

"It is fine, Uncle. Aryan Starks uncles have their own lands to rule. So you cannot expect them to leave their duties just to welcome me. And Benjen Stark's son, Torrhen, arrived later. It seems that in Aryan's absence, he will be the Stark in Winterfell." Tyrion answered.

"Enough useless talk. What did you learn about the North's power?" Tywin asked impatiently.

"The North has changed. Winterfell itself is the biggest castle I have ever seen just a bit larger than Moat Cailin. Only Harrenhal is bigger than those two castles. One thing I can assure you is that no army can invade them from the South. They will be massacred near the Moat."

"Moat Cailin has a history of stopping the Andals when they tried to invade the North. Now that the fortress is rebuilt stronger and bigger than before, the Northerners had secured themselves. Also Moat Cailin is in hands of a Stark, so there is no question of treachery." Kevan said.

"Did you talk to the Regent Ned Stark about the marriage proposal of Cerena and Myrielle?" Kevan asked.

Tyrion answered, "Yes. But he did not look exactly pleased. He just took them and said that they would consider it but the final decision will be by Aryan Stark himself. I don't think they will consider having a Lannister from the branch family as Lady of the Northern Realms."

"Ned Stark seems to give his nephew a lot of freedom in making his choices. Foolish if you ask me. Now, what did you learn about their army?" Tywin asked.

'I don't know.' Tyrion screamed in his mind. So taking a big risk he lied which would come to bite back the Lannisters in the ass within a few years. "From what I had observed their army must be about sixty thousand men. I had learned that there had been heavy loss of men in the winter immediately after King Robert's rebellion. The harsh cold claimed many lives. The North bought their full force of twenty-five thousand against the Ironborn. But with the recent migration of smallfolks to North, I think the North's army cannot be more than sixty thousand."

"We can handle that. Even if they ally with the Riverlands we can match them using Sellswords." Kevan said. "What about the cities? The North alone has four cities."

Tyrion then explained about Wolfbay, Starkhaven and Wintertown. He had visited them all except White Harbor. Tyrion explained about the governance in the Northern cities. "No man is idle there. If you can't do any work you cannot live in the city. The people who do not know any kind of work are sent to places where there is some kind of work mostly construction. We could impose several of their methods to Lannisport."

Tywin listened carefully. Finally he said, "What I am going to say now should never leave this room. Tyrion, you have proved yourself intelligent enough that I am decided that it would be wise if you know this."

Taken aback by the sudden praise Tyrion asked, "What is so important?"

"The Lannister mines are going dry." Tywin said.

"What?" Both Tyrion and Kevan asked surprised.

"In a few years, the mines of Castamere along with ours will be dried." Tywin added.

"So the rumors were true?" Tyrion mused.

"I had made sure that the miners and their families were killed in the mines when I flooded the mines. Still, somehow the news leaked out." Tywin said gritting his teeth.

Tyrion winced at Tywin's words. But a small part of him understood his father's actions.

"So we need to find new avenues to maintain our wealth. With the North becoming rich it is going to be difficult but still it must be done. Today we are at a position that nothing could be done to drag down the North." Tywin said eyeing both of them.

"What exactly are you meaning to say brother?" Kevan asked.

"I had been negotiating with Roose Bolton about bringing down the Starks in exchange for making the Boltons the next Lord Paramount of North. Unfortunately, I recently received words that Roose Bolton had been murdered by his own bastard over some issue. The bastard is on his way to be executed by Ned Stark." Tywin explained.

"That is really unfortunate. I hope you hid your tracks well." Tyrion agreed.

"The Boltons were the only power which could challenge the Starks in the North. Now that they are gone the Starks would rule supreme. And yes, I had hidden my tracks well. Still, I am worried. First Theomore and now Roose Bolton, whoever assisted us against the North ended up dead one way or the other. Also their deaths looks too natural." Tywin excalimed.

"You think the Starks know?" Kevan said.

"Eddard Stark certainly did not behave as he knows about your actions Father." Tyrion said.

"It frustrates me. So I cannot do anything against the North for now. At least while Robert Baratheon lives." Tywin said.

"What would you have me do?" Tyrion asked.

"On this matter, you will do nothing. But I have a new work for you. You will be now the Mayor of Lannisport." Tywin said.

"What? Mayor?" Tyrion asked. Kevan looked surprised and happy at the same time.

"If the Northerners have Mayor there is no reason we cannot have them too. Increase the trade and revenue there through whatever means." Tywin ordered.

"Stafford would not like that. He would not like being under Tyrion." Kevan warned.

"Last time I checked Tywin Lannister is the Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, not Stafford Lannister. He will do as I say." Tywin thundered.

Gleeful at his new position, Tyrion asked, "When would I start Father?"

Giving him a rolled parchment Tywin said, "This contains my orders declaring you as the Mayor of Lannisport effective immediately."

Tyrion took the offered document and looked at Tywin gratefully for the first time.

"Get out of my sight dwarf before I change my mind." Tywin said dismissing him. All his gratefulness disappeared as he waddled out of the room.


Moat Cailin, The Northern Realms

"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, by the word of Eddard of House Stark, Lord of Moat Cailin and Regent of the Northern Realms, I do sentence you to die." He said the customary words of execution and swung his sword. The head of Ramsay Bolton rolled on to the ground among the Weirwood roots. Ned looked at it with distaste. He had heard about the crimes of the Bastard of Bolton. The distaste was not directed at Ramsay for killing Roose. In fact, he was elated somewhat that the line of the Red Kings, the only rivals of the Winter Kings, had finally come to an end. What disgusted him was Ramsay's violent and cruel deeds to the smallfolks. Words had spread through the North about the deeds of the Bastard of Bolton. Lord Hornwood wanted to kill the bastard himself as many of the smallfolk were abducted from his lands. So he had tried to stop the soldiers bringing Ramsay to the Most Cailin, but Eddard's words of persuasion had calmed him. Instead he had accompanied Ramsay to the Moat and decided to hang his guts in the Weirwood tree.

"It gives me strange satisfaction to see his head on the ground." Lord Hornwood said. "And finally to see the end of the Bolton line, I am blessed."

"Of course. In my nephew's words, Roose Bolton was a necessary evil. He was a good Commander. A man like Roose is needed to do certain acts in war which the others may contain dishonorable or atrocious. But the Ironborn rebellion proved me his words. It was Roose who did the culling on the islands." Eddard said.

"Your nephew is wise beyond his years. Please do not take it as an offence, but to tell you the truth, Aryan is in every way a better Lord Paramount than you could ever have been." Lord Hornwood whispered.

"Non taken, my Lord. You are right. Aryan is way better than me." Eddard smiled proud at his nephew.

"Father, let us go. It is getting dark." Robb said coming near Eddard. His son has witnessed his first execution.

"I will be going back tomorrow, my Lord. So I think we will part ways here. I will be on my way to Starkhaven and have few drinks in the dead bastard's name."

Both the parties went different ways.

"You are late Ned." Catelyn said as she stood at the gates. She then proceeded to hug Robb who looked a bit shaken.

"Was it necessary for him to see the execution? He is too young." His wife accused him.

"Some day he will succeed me. He must know our customs. Our way is the old way. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." Ned explained.

"Mother, I am alright. Cousin Aryan went to war at my age and people call him the Bloody Wolf. You cannot coddle me. I will too become a fearsome warrior who would lead my men against the enemies of House Stark for cousin Aryan and bring glory. So a little blood does not frighten me." Robb said removing himself from his mother's grip and puffing his chest.

"You, Northerners and your strange customs. Almost twelve years and still I find it difficult to cope with it." Catelyn said shaking her head.

Ned smiled at his son and then explained. "Understand one thing Robb. There is no glory in war. Only sufferings and devastation. Glory in war is just words used in the South to attract hot blooded knights and men into the army. Our House has seen enough bloodshed in a short time. I have seen two wars while Aryan had seen one. Though we won both of them I pray to the gods that there will be no more war or bloodshed." Though his guts told him that his prayers were in vain.

"Enough of all this. Robb to your room and get ready for supper. And Ned some reports had arrived which needs your attention." Catelyn told them.

"I will look at them after the supper." Ned told her.

"Father when will I be going to Barrowtown." Robb asked as started to walk away.

It had been decided that Robb would be fostered at Barrowtown under Lord William Dustin. Ned replied, "Arya, Jon and the others will be arriving any day soon. Aryan had sent word from Sunspear two months ago. After they are here you will depart to Barrowtown."

"Of course father." Robb said, sounding a bit happier.

"Come,let us eat supper. It had been a long time since we had some alone time." He spoke to his wife in a suggestive way.

Catelyn blushed and nodded. They then proceeded into the fortress.

He lied with his eyes open. Catelyn slept besides him exhausted from their love making. 'She looks so beautiful.' He had dreaded marrying her during the war. But over the time, they had come to love each other. He had to thank Aryan in a way. He had resolved Jon's issue which removed a large underlying tension between him and Cat.

He had gone over the reports sometime ago sent to him by the High Steward Jaqen regarding the road construction in North. It was going well. Ned always had been vary of Jaqen. The foreigner was well aware of everything. Ned was sure that Jaqen was Aryan's spymaster.

'How he gained such a loyal spymaster with such extensive reach surprises me. Still it is helpful.' He thought.

Starkhaven was now a fully fledged city, the biggest in the Northern Realms and the third largest city in Westeros. 'If it grows at the current rate, Starkhaven will soon be the largest city in Westeros in a few decades.' Ned mused.

He and Cat used to occasionally take strolls through Starkhaven. Its strategic location in Westeros attracted all kinds of merchants from the free cities of Essos. There were varieties of goods and materials which were once never seen in the North. When Aryan had initially suggested the idea almost eight years ago, Ned was not entirely convinced. The Northerners were always very cautious and frugal on money matters. Still he took the risk and implemented the project. Now the Northern Realms were reaping the benefits. Not only it generated income, the Strait of Winter has made him rich. Ned never considered himself very ambitious. He had always wanted a small holdfast for himself and his family. But his nephew had given him something much greater. A fortress and now a big city. Something which seemed to have shut up Hoster Tully for now. The city of Starkhaven was growing day by day. The revenue generated was very high. They had been able to repay the loan taken from the Iron Bank in even less time than stipulated at the time the loan was taken.

One of his biggest headaches was Aryan's marriage. There had been so many marriage offers from within the North, from the other kingdoms and even from few rich merchant families from Essos who could give the Lannisters a run for their money. Few moons ago Tyrion Lannister had visited him regarding trade of weapons from Winterfell. Tyrion had brought marriage proposals for his cousins. Ned immediately wanted to just refuse. He hated the Lannisters. But thankfully Cat had talked with the dwarf. She diplomatically took the proposal and told the Tyrion that they would consider it. Thankfully Ned did not have to deal with Tyrion for too long. He left for Winterfell within a day. Ned's solar had a large box full of marriage proposals for Aryan. He decided that once Aryan arrives he would have a talk with his nephew and come to a decision on the future Lady of Winterfell. After all times and changed, so had the North. The Northern Realms had grown powerful, so they cannot just settle for nothing less than the best especially in case of Aryan's wife. With these thoughts in mind he drifted of to sleep.

The Sea Merman, the flagship of the Manderlys docked in. The Starks were assembled at the docks to receive the travellers. The workers lowered the plank and as expected it was Arya who first descended down the ship.

"Father." She exclaimed and ran towards him and hugged him.

Ned smiled and hugged her back. As soon as he released her from his hands she was engulfed by Cat who started to fuss over her.

"Oh Arya. I had missed you my daughter." Cat said crying.

Ned turned his attention to the others. He saw Ser Rodrick, Ser Brynden, then Jon, followed by two others.

"Father." Jon said greeting him. Eddard hugged Jon warmly. Strangely Cat did not say anything and just ignored him and went out talk with her Uncle. Jon then went to talk with Robb.

The two boys came behind See Rodrick. "My Lord, it feels good to be back. Though I would leave preferred to be with Lord Aryan guarding his back as always." Rodrick said.

"Of course Ser. But with your new position you will be quite busy to do that." Eddard told him.

"There is something I have to speak on that matter, but perhaps later." Rodrick said. Then he introduced the two boys, "The fat one is Samwell Tarly, heir to Lord Randyll Tarly of Horn Hill. While the other is Edric Dayne, heir to Alric Dayne of Starfall."

"Heirs of two prominent house here. Why?" Catelyn asked in a low voice as she came to stand besides him. She then welcome both the children.

"Tarly is my new squire along with Jon. We will be going out soon." The Blackfish announced.

Calelyn's face flushed anger. She asked in a clipped tone, "While I may glad you are taking the Tarly heir, why are you taking the bastard as a squire. It is an insult to you. Father will not approve of this."

"Cat, while you are my favorite niece, you do not tell me what I do and don't. I am taking Jon Snow as my squire and that is final whether Hoster likes it or not." Brynden replied back.

Ned suddenly felt an increased respect to his good Uncle. Catelyn tried again, "He is my husband's bastard. My shame. Still you are doing this to me?"

"His birth is not his fault. You are biased to him because he is a bastard. If he had been a Prince you would have been jumping around." Brynden said.

Catelyn did not say further more. But Ned stiffened at that. 'What does he know?' The Blackfish then went another way.

"Father, look what I learned from the Sand Snakes of Dorne." Arya said distracting him. She then started to spin a pair of knives in her hands. Ned was amazed at that. Everyone other than the travelers also looked surprised.

"That is really good Arya. Do you know how to use them?" Robb asked jokingly.

"Of course." She answered and stared to show them some moves. Robb mouth hung open. Both Cat and Sansa looked disapprovingly.

"Who are the Sand Snakes?" Ned asked Rodrick.

"They are Oberyn Martell's baseborn daughters. They were at Starfall. All of them were interesting, far from what a southern lady should be. One of them taught Lady Arya some moves and gifted her those knives. Since then till we arrived here she used to practice on the ship everyday. Also Jon and Ser Brynden were teaching her some basic sword fighting. And looks like she did good." Rodrick said.

Ned felt proud of her.

"Cousin Aryan told me that he will look for a Water Dancing instructor for her." Jon said.

"Water dancing? She does not want to become a lady. Why does she need some dancing teacher?" Robb asked.

"Robb, Water dancing is not some form of dance. It is a sword fighting technique in Bravos. I have seen the Water Dancers at Bravos and I think that their style would suit her very much." Ned explained to his son. Jon smiled and nodded.

"Arya Stark, put down those things down this instant." Catelyn screeched.

"I think Lady Catelyn disagrees with all of us." Jon deadpanned.

"Weapons are not for ladies. A lady must be sweet and gentle." Septa Mordane voiced loudly from behind Sansa who nodded in agreement.

"No. I worked hard to learn this. And I don't want to be a stupid lady." Arya said.

"Cat, let her be. Don't provoke her. I will talk to her." Eddard said.

"Lord Stark, she will never get a good and proper husband if she does not behave like a lady." The Septa toned. Catelyn agreed supporting the Septa.

"Aryan was right, anything that comes out of your mouth is idiotic nonsense." Arya responded.

"Enough ! No more word on this topic." He spoke in clipped and grave voice. "Understood?"

They nodded. Arya beamed at him.

"Arya, while I am allowing you to do all this you must listen to your mother." Ned said.

"Yes father. Cousin Aryan also told me to behave properly. I will be good. But please allow me to practice." Arya said.

Ned agreed. Then looking at Edric Dayne he asked Rodrick,"What about him?"

"Lord Aryan just told me that there is a possible danger to Edric Dayne's life at Starfall. So he is to be fostered here under you as per Lord Alric Dayne's request." Rodrick whispered. "Also Lord Dayne is in poor health. Even if he dies, Edric Dayne should not leave for Starfall."

Ned nodded gravely. 'Aryan must know something that he had taken such drastic measures.' He then welcomed Edric Dayne and Samwell Tarly.

Catelyn then proceeded to take them all into the castle.

He had just broken his fast with his family and household. Arya was retelling the whole experience. All were listening attentively. Sansa looked jealous but still attentive to Arya. Ser Brynden who sat next to him added here and there.

"There was a melee at Highgarden. My cousin won the melee. All the other were weak. Ice just broken them apart and defeated them." Arya said.

"It was really a sight to behold. His sword just cleaved through the other's armour and swords. Besides the boy was moving so fast among those other summer knights, that it was difficult for the others to get a hold on him." Brynden explained.

'Must be the Wolfblood.' Ned thought. After hearing all the details from his excited daughter Ned decided to go to his solar to look over his reports about the Starkhaven.

A few moments later he was interrupted by Ser Brynden coming inside.

"Ser Brynden, did you need something?" Ned asked.

"I just wanted to ask you if you have anything to say about me taking Jon as a squire." Brynden said looking at him strangely.

Ned sat silently thinking on how to answer him, then said "Thank you for what you did for Jon. But still why? You even defended Jon in front of Cat."

"Because now I know who he is. A Prince disguised as a bastard. A dragon in Wolf's clothing." Brynden said.

"He is a wolf as well." Eddard said. Then realising what he said, asked, "What? How do you know that?"

"Your nephew told me when I offered him to take Jon as a squire seeing his potential. You did a fantastic job of protecting your sister's son. His guise as 'the honorable Eddard Stark's bastard' coupled with Cat's hatred has kept him safe from the class of enemies. I approve of why you did not tell about this to Cat. Still did you intent to let Jon live his whole life as a bastard?" Brynden asked.

Surprised knowing that Aryan had told See Brynden about Jon he could only blink. Then on thinking on the matter he came to the conclusion that Aryan must have some plans for Jon. So he told Brynden, "I did not know what to do for Jon. Perhaps he could be given some land to rule or he would have lived as just a common man in North."

"It seems unlikely you, your nephew has certain interesting plans. He wants me to make sure that Jon is well known among the people of the Riverlands and the Vale wherever I go." Brynden informed him.

"Aryan is good at making plans and putting them into action. Just make sure that Jon remains safe. He is my only link to my sister." Ned requested his good Uncle.

Brynden agreed. Just then the door was knocked and opened. Catelyn followed by the Stark children, then Jon, then Samwell and Edric and finally Rodrick and Jory Cassel carrying a big box came in.

"Is there something?" Ned asked his wife.

"Arya said that this box contains gifts and merchandises from the Reach and Dorne. So the others made me come along." Cat said.

'Curious children.' Ned smiled and took the offered letter from Rodrick while directing him to open the box.

'Uncle Ned,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. My journey in Westeros is finished and I am writing this letter as we go to the last stop, Sunspear. Aunt Allyria's marriage went well and I had the chance to meet the Martell family. Strangely the meeting went well. I had made a deal with them which could make us good allies. I will tell you about that later when we meet personally. On the other hand, it seems like the Tyrells had hosted a tourney as an excuse to meet me at Oldtown. I am sure by now Arya must have told you about my victory in the melee. It is possible that Willas Tyrell, heir to Highgarden will be visiting Qyburn in the near future for his leg. You will be proud to know that I have forged my own chain in just one day from the Citadel and also obtained permission to set up the 'University' at Widow's Watch.'

"Maester Luwin, Aryan has forged his own chain in a day." He announced.

"Lord Aryan is very brilliant my Lord. It does not surprise me." Luwin answered with a smile.

"Why is Lord Aryan getting a chain from the Citadel so important Maester." Sam asked.

"There are novices still in Oldtown who very old and still without a single chain. They had studied there for decades and get gained not a single link. So don't you think Lord Aryan Stark gathering his chain in one day a big achievement?"

Sam nodded with a wide eyes. Ned saw the other's looking at the contents of the box. They were mostly clothes and jewels for the ladies. He continued with the letter.

'Uncle the most important thing is regarding my cousin Edric. Uncle Alric and I had decided that he would be fostered with you. There is a possible risk to his life at Starfall. Also ,uncle Alric is unwell. Do not send Edric to Starfall even in case of uncle Alric's death. It will be difficult to get him back. There is a sword in the box I have sent you.'

"Jory, get me the sword from the box." He ordered.

Jory, following his advice brought him the sword. He pulled it from its sheath. The pale blade came out.

"Dawn" he whispered which was echoed by Edric.

"Really? Is that the legendary Dawn?" Robb asked with wonder. The children gathered around to look at the magnificent sword.

'Dawn is not safe at Starfall, in care of Gerold Dayne. Please take care of it till I return. You will find uncle Alric's authorisation regarding both Edric and Dawn along side it.

On another matter, give the Dreadfort to the Cassels. They have been loyal for long. I have given details in my signed decree. Just ask them to changed the damn name of the castle. And arrange a marriage to Jory Cassel with the Ryswells to placate them.

Ser Brynden is taking Jon as his squire. I had to tell him about his parentage so that Ser Brynden would make sure he kept Jon safe.

Well those are the important things. On another matter I would like to draw your attention to the fact that little Arya is seeing sights she should not see for her age. So please close your door when you show your personal affection to Aunt Cat. Also curb the squid and his trysts in the castle.'

Eddard choked on his drink suddenly reading that.

"What happened Ned?" Cat asked coming to him.

He showed her the last part. Cat blushed on seeing that. Then she said, "I will deal with this."

Ned continued reading.

'I talked with Arya during our trip and I have to tell that the education that they are receiving via the septa is catastrophic. The only things she teaches them is sewing, dancing and singing. She tells them wonder stories about the south to make them believe that everything south of the Neck is a magical lands. She even said that the Moat is a cursed place because it repelled and the Faith for thousands of years. She tells Sansa to not be a barbarian and to not worship heathen trees, OUR GODS ! I even learnt that your wife is making sure that Robb is growing while worshipping the Faith. Do you have any idea how bad it will look for the future Lord of Moat Cailin, the place that broke the Andals and their idiotic light of the seven for thousands of years, to worship anything else than the Old Gods? Our bannermen will never trust the Moat in his hands and couldn't fault them because I lost my trust in your wife in the subject of educating your children. I was so angry when Arya told me that Bran's dream is to become a Kingsguard. A Stark... Someone with the Builder's name... Dreaming of becoming a glorified bodyguard. It will happen over my dead body.

I have decided the next course of action for your children because I know that you always choose to avoid confrontation with your wife even though in the marriage contract it was written that the children will grow up as Starks and will worship the Old Gods but you let your fishwife decide because you don't like confrontation. I should have never trusted your wife the day that she thought it was a good idea to build a sept in Winterfell and you accepted because of Jon Arryn's influence on you.

Robb will foster will William Dustin but will visit Karhold to learn of the North and our gods from Rickard Karstark. Sansa, whose education is worse than a daughter of a knightly house of the Reach, will have her wish, she will be a lady but she will be a northern lady. She will go to Barrowtown and learn from Barbrey Dustin. I will have Arya foster in Bear Island with the Mormont in a couple years. Bran will go to Greywater Watch and Howland Reed will teach him the spear and more. I have not decided about Rickon yet but there is a chance that I will send him to the Umbers, from what I heard about him it will be the best choice, but it will be in a few years.

Finally I think I will be able to make it to Kings Landing in four months. From there in two months to North. I will see you all soon.

With Regards

Aryan Stark'

He folded the letter. Then called See Rodrick. "Ser Rodrick I am sure you already know. The lands of the Boltons now belong to you. Aryan wants you to change the name of the fort."

Jory Cassel's eyes widened on hearing that. "What?"

Rodrick said, "My Lord, I had served three generations of Starks in Winterfell. I wish to continue so till my last breath. So, I would like you to please name Jory as the Lord of the Bolton lands."

Pleased with the loyal knight Eddard agreed. "I don't have anything against it. So Jory will be the new Lord unless Aryan has any objection which I don't think he will have seeing that he already made a match for Jory with the Ryswells."

"Thank you my Lord. Until you find a suitable Master of Arms I will be here, at least till Lord Aryan returns." Rodrick said.

Ned thanked the veteran knight. His daughter Beth Cassel was Sansa's friend and came to Moat Cailin instead of staying with her father at Winterfell.

Eddard then announced, "I will be going to Kingslanding in two months. Aryan will be there to swear his fealty and I could meet Robert again. He has been pestering me for so long."

The grown ups nodded. Everyone soon started to leave the solar while Eddard remained and started to think about everything that Aryan wrote in the end of his letter and about his wife's reactions to it.


Somewhere, Beyond the Wall

The biting cold did not deter him from his mission. Lord Stark or the soon to be Lord Stark had given the Free Folk a golden chance. A chance they would never get again. The Lord Commander had designated him to talk and convince the free folk to come south of the Wall. Since then, Jeor Mormont was busy convincing the brothers of the Night's Watch. Though there had been some silent protests, with the backing of the North none dared to disagree. He had been there when Jeor Mormont told Maester Aemon the fate of Bloodraven. The Old man had smiled and cried at the same time. Mance had readied his supplies. Once that had been done, he had began his journey.

He had started alone knowing that his brothers were not looked upon kindly by the others. His first stop was at Craster's Keep. He loathed to step into that damn place. Craster was a cunt who married his own daughters. He had wondered many times about the fate of any possible sons of Craster. But decided not to dwell upon it. 'Let Craster worship whatever cold god he likes.' Still he had extended the offer to the old man but Craster refused. But Mance noticed the looks exchanged between his wives or daughters whichever they were.

His first stop was at the large river clan under a fierce and comely woman named Karsi. They proved to be very reasonable. He did not have to do much to convince them. Somehow the clan agreed to his reasons and promised that they would be at Hardhome in time.

He met many other clans on the way. Some proved to be more amiable while others not. Till now he was able to stay clear of the more dangerous tribes like the Weeper the Rattleshirt or the Ice River Clans. Once that had been done he had went to meet Tormund Giantsbane. This one proved to be a bit difficult. Tormund challenged him to a wrestling match which he had to accept. Thankfully he won and was allowed to speak to them about the threat.


"So you are telling that the creatures of cold are coming and we are all allowed south of the Wall?" One of the elders asked.

Though Tormund was well respected among them it was still the elders who had the final say.

"Yes. The current Stark of Winterfell has generously allowed all of you into the Northern Realms." Mance answered respectfully.

"Still, we will have to become kneelers. And we freefolk do not bow to the Southerners." Another added.

"I know. Even though I am a member of Night's Watch I was born among the Free Folk. So I know how much you hate to become kneelers. But don't you think survival is more important here than pride. Besides you would get food and work and shelter there. Times have changed. Unlike the past today the Northern Realms have grown powerful. They still follow the Old Gods. So in most ways both of you are similar."

"We were hunted down in the past by them. How can you be sure that this time it is different. Perhaps your Lord Stark is planning to kill all of us once we are at their mercy." An old woman asked.

"I cannot give you my word. I have met with Lord Aryan Stark. He is young but has accomplished great things. If he wanted he could have just sealed the wall and send his men to assist the Black Brothers. All of you will die even before trying. But for the first time since the Wall has been built you are being allowed to go South. It is regrettable that you are not taking it." Mance added.

"Crow, you cannot expect us to just accept everything you said. The history between us is bloody. Still what you said deserves merit." The same old woman said.

"Grandmother, perhaps I can steal this Lord Stark and make him agree to our needs." A beautiful blonde haired girl called out from beside the old woman.

'I doubt that little girl. If the stories I heard about the Bloody Wolf are true he will steal you before you even know.' Mance thought amused. She was really beautiful.

'This is my granddaughter Val. Quite fierce she is. Few had tried to steal her, but none succeeded till now. Others fear her as the last one who tried to steal her lost his cock." The old woman said.

There was a chorus of laughter among them on hearing that.

The elder of the clan said, "Our scouts had come across a few abandoned camps and villages. Whole clans who just seemed to have disappeared without their belongings. We had thought that they must have travelled somewhere else as the true Winter is coming. Now that you've come and said about the Others it seems that is the cause. Why don't you go out and let us have a discussion among ourselves."

"Of course. I really hope you accept my proposal." Mance said as he went out.

(Flashback Ends)

That was few weeks ago. The clan had assured him that they would be at Hardhome in time. Tormund Giantsbane and a woman named Dalla who was Val's elder sister along with two others had joined him. Dalla was a good tracker.

They were currently at the Skirling Pass.

"Are you sure this is the way?" Mance asked squinting his eyes in fog.

"I know my way around here. I can go anywhere with my eyes closed." Dalla said in clipped tone.

"I am a seasoned ranger and familiar with these parts. But this snow and low visibility is taking its toll." Mance answered.

They were going to near the borders of Lands of Always Winter, where the Thenns resided.

"Those proud cunts better be thankful and agree to us, Crow." Tormund said. The man was boastful and was constantly telling how he had fucked a bear. Mance didn't give a rat's arse about that. He was longing for some warmth and a good sleep.

"We should clear the pass to rest. If we get trapped here, the cold and whatever accompanies it will kill us." Dalla said as she led the way.

Made had a guilty look in his face which Dalla noticed. She said, "I know you feel had about leaving them. But Harma, Rattleshirt and the Weeper and their clans are true savages. They eat other men. And trust me they will not give any shit about your terms. That is why we are not going to talk to them. Who know, they will even kill and eat you before you even get the chance. Perhaps they will be at Hardhome by the time we reach there." Dalla said.

One of the men who had accompanied them added, "They will not bend knee and also won't accept your demands. They will attack."

"Then they will crushed by Starks. Do you know that boy Lord Stark has earned the name the Bloody Wolf at the age of ten and two." Mance said. He then proceeded to tell them about the Ironborn rebellion.

As they neared the exit of the pass to the other side suddenly he heard a sound. 'Crunch.'

"Wait! Do you hear that?" Mance asked though the howling winds.

"What are you barking Crow?" Tormund asked loudly.

"Shh. I hear them too." Dalla shushed everyone.

The voice of footsteps and crunching of ice was heard. Some one or rather something was coming from the other direction. The fog and cold suddenly seemed to increase reminding him of the conversation with the Lord Commander.

"Quick. It is the Others. Come on. Hide." Mance said as he scrambled behind a large rock.

"I am not afraid of anything." Tormund roared as he hefted his axe.

Dalla slapped him hard. "Shut up you idiot and hide. We will fight later." She said following Mance. The others followed her. The sight of Dalla slapping Tormund amused Mance even though there was danger lurking near.

Soon they saw the ungodly sight. There was an Other with icy skin and glowing blue eyes sitting on a dead and decomposed horse leading hundreds of undead men, women and children. Some looked like they had died recently, other looked they had been for years.

All of them sat there with hated breath.

"By the Old Gods. What the fuck? I am suddenly feeling a chill in my bones." Tormund whispered.

"That feeling is called fear. Death is passing near you. You are feeling the fear of death." Mance said amused.

"And you were trying to attack them. Idiot." Dalla said looking at Tormund who turned his face away.

"They are coming here crossing the Skirling Pass. I hope by the time we reach the Thenns, they are still alive. It would really be sad if we reach there only to find a whole clan of dead." Mance said.

Soon the Other and his undead party passed. Slowly the fog and the cold decreased.

"The magic of the Others. This is their domain. They can easily crush us in the cold and ice." Mance said. "One of you should immediately go and warn the others about what we saw."

One of the men volunteered and started his journey back. Mance continued his journey forward. Mance lost his sense of time and direction. Had it not been for Dalla he would have been lost. But still they persisted. Another week passed. Soon they saw a large settlement in front of them.

"Are we there yet?" Mance asked.

"No we are not supposed to. It will take perhaps another two weeks. But I don't know about this settlement here." Dalla whispered eyeing the tents warily.

They could see many people outside. Mance decided on not wasting any time and started to go near them. Soon they reached the tents.

One person lifted his spear and asked him who he was in the Old tongue.

Mance replied in old tongue, "I am a man of the Night's Watch. I want to meet your leader."

The man said, "He does not meet crows like you."

Tormund roared, "Move away you cunts. We need to meet your leader now."

A commotion began and fists started to fly between Tormund and the guards. Soon people separated them.

"What is going on? And who are you?" A regal looking man asked appearing suddenly.

Mance observed that the others stood respectfully around him. He heard Dalla gasp behind him.

Still he said respectfully, "I am Mance Ryder, a brother of the Night's Watch. We were on our way to see the Thenns."

"An interesting sight. A Crow with the free folk. What do you want with the Thenns?" He asked.

"Something grave and important. A matter of life and death." Mance said.

"Then you are lucky. We are the Thenns. I am Magnar Styr of the Thenns." He said introducing himself.

His eyes widening in realisation Mance said, "You are far away from your home. Why?"

"It is a long story." Styr said.

With a smile Mance said, "I think, I can guess."


The Summer Sea

"You failed me." The silver haired man told him accusingly. "My wife, my children, my mother all dead."

"No. My Prince. I did not. Your son is here with me. I will make himthe King. The dragons will return soon to Westeros in their rightful place." He pleaded.

Suddenly the silver haired man started to bleed. His eyes, his nose and mouth, blood seemed to come from all his orifices. "Do not fail my son like you failed me." And he disappeared in a mist of blood.

"Nooo !!" He cried.

He woke up hearing himself cry. He was heavily sweating. "Damn dreams." He cursed. He then got up from his bed and went to do his morning rituals. After that he dressed himself and went to the decks. On the way he stopped at a small mirror. Gone was the red hair and youthful looks. Today it was replaced by long blue hair and a battle weary face. He reflected on the past events which had led him into his current place.

During Robert's Rebellion, King Aerys II Targaryen dismissed his Hand, Lord Owen Merryweather, believing him ineffectual and suspecting foul play by Owen in favor of the rebels. To match Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End and one of the leaders of the rebellion, Aerys wanted someone young and vigorous as his next Hand, and so, he named Jon to the office.

Jon promised King Aerys he would deliver Robert's head and he led an army into the field. After the Battle of Ashford, Jon took over the pursuit of Robert from the Tyrell army and tracked him to the Stoney Sept in the Riverlands. Offering rewards and putting hostages in crow cages Jon's soldiers began a house-to-house search for Robert. They were unable to locate him before his rebel allies, Lords Eddard Stark and Hoster Tully, arrived at the Stoney Sept to oust Jon and his forces. Lord Connington fought back fiercely, killing Lord Jon Arryn's nephew and heir, Ser Denys Arryn, and wounding Lord Tully. Nearly slain by Robert at the town's sept, Jon retreated when he saw that the Battle of the Bells was lost.

King Aerys held Jon responsible for his defeat at Stoney Sept and exiled him, stripping him of his titles and passing the rule of Griffin's Roost to Ser Ronald Connington, who had been Jon's castellan. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was then killed by Robert at the Trident and Aerys was killed in the Sack of King's Landing.

After the war, the new King Robert took nine-tenths of the Connington lands, distributing them to more fervent supporters. He also took away the lordship from House Connington, making them a house of landed knights. Once on the Iron Throne, Robert did not recall Jon from exile, since he had been among Rhaegar's closest friends.

The exiled Jon joined the Golden Company and served with them for five years, rising quickly in the ranks to a place of honor at the right hand of Ser Myles Toyne, the company's captain-general. After a few short years in the company, Jon and Myles were approached by Illyrio Mopatis and Lord Varys, who informed them that Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's infant son, Aegon, had survived the Sack of King's Landing during Robert's Rebellion. In order to remove Jon from the Golden Company, they concocted a plan, of which the remainder of the Golden Company was left unaware, so they would not be able to let anything slip. Jon was driven from the company after being caught stealing from the company's war chests. Afterwards, news was spread that Jon drank himself to death in Lys.

While Jon went along with Varys's scheme for Prince Aegon's sake, he believed it a dishonorable slight and resented the shameful lie of his death. Varys, however, was adamant about the need for secrecy. The rumors of Jon's disgrace and death had eventually reached Westeros and convinced everyone that he was dead enabling him to focus on raising and protecting "Young Griff" in the guise of his father, "Griff", during the past eight years. Griff and Young Griff had been since then travel on the Shy Maid alongside Aegon's tutor Haldon, Rolly Duckfield whom Jon knighted, Septa Lemore who taught Aegon about the Faith of the Seven, the Captain Yandry and his wife Ysilla.

Shaking the thought of his past he walked to the decks. The Shy Maid was sailing towards Volantis. They had been at sea for more than a few moons and Young Griff was complaining about it. Jon also thought and agreed that it was a reasonable demand. They could stretch their legs in the land for sometime. As he reached the deck he saw Septa Lemore standing nude and drying herself. No doubt from her daily bath in the sea. As usual he saw the others ogling at her naked body in lust. But Jon never had any such inclination. He was the only male in the ship who could stare at her without any lust.

As if feeling his gaze on her Lemore lifted her eyes and met his. "Finally, you are awake. It must have been a bad dream that made you cry today?"

"You heard that?" He asked. He started to look around for Young Griff.

"Me along with everyone else." She answered as she started to wear her robes. "Don't worry. Young Griff is yet to wake up."

"Thank the seven." He muttered.

"What are we going to do after Volantis?" She asked coming to stand near him.

"I don't know. We could sail along the Rhoyne." He offered.

"Didn't Illyrio tell you?" She asked.

"My task is to keep the Prince safe and make sure he sit on the Iron Throne. I am doing it. Where we go is not Illyio's concern." He told her.

"Sometimes I feel bad for the other children." Lemore said.

"What children?" Jon asked confused.

"You know, Prince Viserys and Princess Daenarys Targaryen." Lemore said.

Griff reflected back on that. He had once asked Varys the same question. Varys had replied that Viserys and Daenarys would be used as bait to keep Robert's attention, thus making him and all others blind to the true game. It was not honourable. Using the life of two innocent children to secure the life of the Prince but it had to be done. And so far it had been successful. Robert Baratheon was hell bent on chasing them. Thus his Young Griff lived a relatively safe and happy life. And Varys made sure that the Stag would chase the two dragons long enough till the real dragon is ready to take Westeros.

"They are doing their duty to their King. They will be rewarded well when Aegon takes his throne." Jon said. He remembered Varys telling him that they are planning to marry Daenarys to Young Griff when the time comes. But how he intends to do that and why Jon didn't knew.

"You are rather optimistic about their survival. But what if they fell? Essos is a dangerous place. There are worse things than the Stag's assassins." Lemore reminded him

'Varys will take care of it.' Jon told her, "My concern is only with Young Gryff. I failed the father. But I will not fail his son. If the other dragons do not live enough to see Aegon VI's reign, their names will be remembered. That I can promise you."

"I feel pity for them. Those poor children. They lost everything. Their family, their legacy and everything. " Lemore said.

"You are a woman. Your heart is weak and filled with emotions. So you won't understand that sometimes hard decisions must be taken. They may not always be honorable or easy but are necessary for the greater good. Aegon's birthright is the most important thing for me. And I am willing to sacrifice anything or anyone for that. Including my life and yours." Jon said as Lemore scowled at his response.

They were interrupted a new enthusiastic voice. A voice which brightened Jon's day and gave his life hope and purpose.

"Father I am ready for today's sword lessons." The blue haired Aegon under the guise of Young Griff said as he came to the decks.

Turning his attention towards the Young Griff Jon smiled. "Did you finish your lessons with Haldon?"

"Maester Haldon is not feeling well. So he told me to proceed to my lessons with you." Young Griff answered.

"In that case bring your sword and fetch Rolly. Let us see how well you fare today." Jon said in a challenging tone.


"Do you want the good news or the bad new first?" Harry asked while sitting in front of him.

Harry Strickland had come aboard the Shy Maid in the morning. Harry was their only contact to the affairs of the world. Harry was also their contact with Illyrio and Varys. Only Myles and Harry knew that he was still alive.

"It had been too long. I would like the good news first." Jon said.

"Well the good news is that our opportunity to attack Westeros would come sooner than we thought." Harry stated.

"We are not attacking Westeros. We are reclaiming Aegon's birthright, the Targaryen legacy. Why?" Jon said tersely.

"From what I gathered there is division in Westeros. The current regime is alienating the other Kingdoms. The pathetic ruling of the small council and their internal scheming has ensured that the realm is fractured. There is no unity. What more there is division among the three Baratheon brothers. And Cersei is actively driving them apart. While from the outside there is peace Varys states that the situation is quite delicate. One small spark somewhere and the whole Westeros will plunge into conflict." Harry said.

Jon allowed a small smile to come to his face. "How soon is that?" he asked excited.

"A few years. Illyrio was not specific. Varys is just waiting for the right oppurtunity to light the fuse." Harry said.

"That means waiting again. Please do not tell me more happy news like this. Now what is the bad news?" Jon asked.

"Well the bad news is that the Lannisters will not be the only thorn when we begin our campaign. We will now also have to deal with the Northern Realms." Harry said.

"The Northern Realms?" Jon asked confused.

"That is what the North is known these days." Harry said.

"Let those savages call themselves whatever they want. What do you mean when you said we have to deal with them. The North is a barren wasteland and a poor kingdom. Why should they concern us?" Jon asked.

"Illyrio did not explain much. But the North is not as poor as it used to be. It has prospered very much in the last twelve years. They are now at least as strong as the Lannisters. From what I know Aryan Stark the current leader and is said to be credited with all their prosperity. He is the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne." Harry said.

Jon remembered both. He had seen both of them at Harrenhal and even danced with Ashara. He had even witnessed the Wild Wolf choking on the noose as he tried to save his father from burning in the Wildfire.

"So the Wild Wolf has spawned an offspring." He mused.

"Yes. A dangerous adversary. They call him the Bloody Wolf." Harry said.

"This is bad. Very bad. The North is the only Kingdom where we will have no supporters. Also the Northerners are hard men and fierce fighters. Along with the Lannisters they would provide powerful resistance. And I don't think that Brandon's son would ever accept a Targaryen King again." Jon said.

"Thankfully the relations between the Wolves and the Lions is not so good. And Varys is trying to take advantage of that." Harry said.

"Let us hope that he succeeds." Jon said. "I wanted to ask you about a few rumors I am hearing about Lys suddenly gaining hold on the Disputed Lands. I thought that you were employed by Myr."

Harry scowled at that. "Not anymore. Myr is facing trouble and cannot afford us. The Lyseans have assembled the Company of the Rose for them."

"The Company of the Rose? Are they any good?" Jon asked.

"They are very good. They recently crushed the Second Sons who were employed by Tyrosh. If you must know the Company of the Rose consists mainly of the descendants of the Northerners who chose self exile when the North bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror." Harry explained.

Jon winced at that. 'The Northerners again.' He asked, "How come Lys suddenly became powerful?"

"It is those damned Rogares." Harry cursed.

"The Rogares? As in Lady Larra Rogare who was the wife of King Viserys II Targaryen?" Jon asked eagerly.

Harry then proceeded to explain about the Rogares and their rise to power again.

"Then tell Illyrio to negotiate with the Rogares again. They would surely help Aegon. And they are kin. Perhaps we can have this Gabriella Rogare as the new Queen of Westeros." Jon said excitedly.

"He had tried. Strangely they do not seem to be interested." Harry said.

"Still, why? This is a golden opportunity. Why are they not helping us?" Jon asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Now if that is all, I will depart. Supplies for you will be there at Volantis." Harry said leaving while Jon stayed behind to mull over the new developments with only one thought.

'Fucking Starks.'

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