34.04% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 16: Oldtown

章 16: Oldtown

Oldtown, The Reach

As the city of Oldtown with the prominent tower of House Hightower came near, the travellers were ready to visit the new place. The Hightower which was once said to be the highest man made structure in Westeros was now dwarfed by the twin lighthouses at the Bite. The Hightower was simply a long tower with a huge flame but for Aryan it was still not a proper lighthouse. The Northern lighthouses built on Aryan's design had two concave reflectors and was visible from large distance. These reflectors had proved to be very fruitful and many free cities had asked for assistance in construction of lighthouse in their own places.

Right now Aryan was giving orders to everyone.

"We will be here for three days. Ser Branden I want you to never let Arya out of sight. Take ten men with you. Jon you also go with them." Aryan told them.

Then he looked at the assembled guards and servants. He had brought two hundred men with him ready for any surprises. The Marauder owing to its large size could easily accommodate so many men. He addressed them, "You may spend some time at the Oldtown. Just make sure that a hundred men always remain on the ship. Each of you will be given two silver stags to spend. Don't bring strangers to the ship. If you disobey Ser Rodrick will deal with you." The men cheered at the declaration but agreed to his warning. The ship was already warded against those with ill intentions.

"Ser Rodrick when you are not with me you will be with Arya or look after the ship." Aryan asked his loyal Master of Arms to which Ser Rodrick Cassel agreed.

As the ship finally docked they got ready to descend. As the servants were preparing the plank to get down, the travellers saw several men wearing the sigil of Hightower and the the Tyrell Rose. Two men stood in front.

"That is Willas Tyrell and Baelor Hightower. Wonder how they knew we are coming here." The Blackfish said identifying the men.

"You must have underestimated the Queen of Thornes. Besides it was not exactly a secret that we were coming here. But why is the Tyrell heir here?" Aryan wondered.

As they got down the welcoming party came forward.

"Welcome Lord Stark to Oldtown. I am Baelor Hightower, heir to Oldtown. This is Wilas Tyrell heir to Highgarden. It is a pleasure to meet you finally." Baelor welcomed them.

Aryan introduced his own party in return, "Well I am Aryan Stark. This is my cousin Jon Snow. Besides him is my Uncle Eddard's daughter Arya Stark. Behind her is Set Branden Fully, the Blackfish. Finally the one descending the ship is Archmaester Marwyn. Though I must ask you how did you recognize me? I am pretty sure that we have not met before."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all. You are very famous everywhere my Lord. Everyone knows of your purple eyes and black hair. I had seen Lord Eddard Stark with Ice across his back which you are carrying now. So it was easy to recognize you. Besides you have met with my Father, Lord Leyton Hightower. He has a rather high opinion of you." Baelor told him.

Aryan nodded at that. Suddenly observing the crowd and decorations in the city Aryan asked, "Is some sort of celebration happening here My Lords?"

"Ah yes Lord Stark. Lord Hightower is hosting a tourney in honour of the Citadel. It is not everyday one becomes a Grandmaestar. " Wilas replied with a smile.

"Really. But I clearly remember no such tourney was held when Maester Pycelle became a Grandmaestar." Marwyn said thinking.

The two heirs looked at each other. Seeing this Aryan discreetly went inside Wilas's mind. He found that it was a scheme of Olenna Tyrell to meet him. So the Tyrells has sponsored the tourney. The Queen of Thornes wanted to get to know him and if possible have some sort of agreement to benefit the Reach Lords.

'Should I play the naïve card or should I show my true self.' Aryan thought to himself. Then deciding against hiding his intelligence he said, "We would look for accommodations then. I am sure my cousins would enjoy the tourney."

"Nonsense Lord Stark. Everything is prepared for your stay at the Castle. Please go with Wilas. In the mean time I would escort Archmaester Marwyn to the Citadel." Baelor said.

"I will see you later Maester Marwyn." Aryan bid him farewell with a mental message 'Keep the communication mirror with you at all times.'

Marwyn nodded in response and went along with Baelor and his retinue towards the Citadel.

"That is quite a ship Lord Stark. The biggest I have ever seen." Wilas Tyrell said.

The Marauder was attracting a lot of attention owing to its large size and splendour.

"It was built using the Ironwood and assistance from the Bravosi ship makers, Lord Tyrell." Aryan replied.

"Lord Tyrell is my Father. You may call me Willas." Wilas said.

Aryan smiled at that. He had looked inside Wilas's head and had found that Willas was a good man. So he told the Tyrell heir, "Only if you call me Aryan."

Both of them smiled at each other. Willas then called for the horses. As they started to walk towards the horses it was then Aryan noticed that Wilas was limping.

"What happened to your leg." Aryan asked.

"Oh this. An accident in a tourney few years ago. I pitted against Red Viper Oberyn Martell. But he knocked me of the horse. But my leg stuck in the saddle and the horse fell on me. Since then it was like this. The Maesters especially Archmaester Ebrose tried everything they knew but nothing could be done. " Wilas replied.

"Did he do it deliberately?" Aryan asked.

"No. Prince Oberyn is a good man. It was my foolishness and my father's ambition that I was ready for a tourney. While the rest of my family do not like the Viper because of that, he and I are still ." Wilas said.

"You really have an understanding nature." Aryan told Wilas who smiled in response.

"You know what, I suggest you go to Winterfell. There is a man named Qyburn. He was stripped of his Maester title for what the Citadel considered illegal human experimentation. Qyburn can surely help you. I personally know he had done so for one of my soldiers who had suffered an accident. I am going to visit the free cities. From Sunspear my cousins will go back to North. I suggest you go with them. Qyburn will make you well in no time."

With hope in his eyes Wilas asked, "Really? I have resigned myself to the fact that I cannot walk properly again. Can he do what the Maesters at the Citadel failed to do?"

"The Citadel could not acknowledge Qyburn's talent but I was able to see that and use it. Wintertown now has a Hospital which receives lot of people for treatment. People also have a rather good opinion of Qyburn. Qyburn was personally taught by Marwin."

"Well, I have nothing to lose. While my father may be a problem, grandmother can deal with him. I will tell you about my decision soon." Wilas said.

"The tourney begins tomorrow and will go on for two days. All the major houses of Reach are participating. Your stay has been arranged at the Hightower's." Wilas said. Then looking around and making sure that Jon was not in hearing range he said in a low voice, "But your cousin Jon Snow's presence can cause problem. As he is not trueborn others will not look at him kindly."

Before Aryan could say anything Ser Brynden Tully who was nearby announced surprising the hell out of him, "He will be with me. He is my squire. That way everything will be fine."

"I guess that is fine." Wilas said.

By then they had crossed the castle walls and Wilas rode forward to speak to his men. Using the opportunity Aryan asked the Blackfish, "Really? I did not knew that you have agreed to take Jon as a squire."

"I had asked him few days before. He had said he would think about it. But today he had agreed to it. The boy has good skill with a sword and keen mind. It would be waste of his talents if there is no one to guide him. While I know you have taught him much I think I could offer him much more. Besides it has been too long I had taken someone as a squire." The Blackfish replied.

Still skeptical Aryan asked, "Won't your brother and Aunt Catelyn take offense to this decision. She is not exactly kind to him."

"I can't fault her for that. But neither is the child's fault for his birth. Besides what I do is none of Hoster's concern. He already hates me enough and I do not stay much at Riverrun. Most of my time is spent at the Vale. I think he would have a good time with me at there. I would like to take him with me when I return back." Hoster said.

"Thank you for your kind offer. You will have no objections from me for taking him as a squire. But please talk to Uncle Eddard first. Jon has already experienced his first battle and killed a couple of men." Aryan told Brynden who nodded in understanding.

Then thinking for a moment Aryan asked Ser Brynden, "I want to speak with you privately later. Please find me when you are free. There is something you need to know about Jon before you take him away."

The Blackfish raised an eyebrow at that, then agreed to Aryan's request.

By then the party reached the castle and saw the Hightowers there to meet them. Some had purple eyes, some had silver hairs and some had both. It seemed the Targaryen marriages to the Hightowers still gave the latter the Valyrian beauty.

"Lord Stark. Welcome to our humble abode." The aging Leyton Hightower greeted him.

"Thank you Lord Hightower. I can hardly call it humble my Lord. Old town is still the Oldest and one of the largest city after Kingslanding." Aryan replied.

Smiling the Lord of Oldtown said, "After visiting Wintertown I sometimes feel Oldtown is inadequate. The air around there is clean unlike here or in Kingslanding."

"It is the matter of sewage disposal. The first time I visited Kingslanding with Uncle Ned while going to the North after the war, I couldn't bear the stench. We decided then and there that if Wintertown ever becomes a city we would first make sure that there is proper disposal of waste. Also the city guards are allowed to give harsh punishments to those who disobey. Thankfully the people also cooperate." Aryan replied.

"Of course. Perhaps I should do something like that soon." Leyton said. He then proceeded to introduce his family and Aryan did the same in return. "You have already met my son Baelor and daughter Lynesse. While most of the Lords have arrived more would be arriving soon. Please go and rest Lord Stark."

Leyton then instructed the servants to take care of the guests and Aryan went inside with his entourage.

As he walked unseen and unheard through empty streets of Oldtown Aryan observed the presence of guards everywhere. Seems like the Hightowers were taking the security quite seriously. He had been roaming around quite some time. Till now he was yet to see a single mugging or fights. A few quarrels here and there were quickly resolved by the guards. But he saw saw so many poor and destitute. But considering that Oldtown was the oldest city in Westeros it was still many times better than Kingslanding. The whole city was built around the Hightower. Oldtown wass a labyrinth of wynds, crisscrossing alleys, narrow crookback streets and markets. The whole city was built in stone, with all its streets cobbled. As he walked across the bank of Honeywine he passed the Starry Sept. It was a beautiful structure he could see many homeless sleeping outside. He saw the Citadel up ahead spawned across both sides of the river. The meeting with the Blackfish had gone well.

(Flashback Begins)

It was evening and Aryan was enjoying the view of sunset from his room. The room had been already warded against possible some time he was joined by the Blackfish.

"Lord Stark. You told you have something to discuss with me." Ser Brynden Tully said without straight to the point.

That was what Aryan liked about Ser Brynden. He was always honest in his opinion and straight to the point.

"First of all I am thankful to you for taking Jon as a squire. It would be quite a honour for him to be Knighted from a renowned Knight like you." Aryan told him.

"It is nothing. I noticed his talents and decided to polish it. The life of a bastard in the world is very difficult." Brynden replied.

Shaking his head Aryan said, "That is the thing I want to talk about. But first you must swear that what I am going to tell you will not be revealed to anyone else unless I allowed it."

His eyes narrowed Brynden asked, "What is the matter?"

"Do you Ser Brynden Tully swear to keep the what I say today a secret unless I deem to divulge it to the others?" Aryan asked not bothering to reply to Ser Brynden's question.

"By the seven I do." Brynden swore.

'So mote by it.' Aryan finished the oath. Now Brynden will suddenly forget the whole thing if he decides to reveal the secret to someone.

"The only reason I did that was because the Starks have honour. Now what did you have to say?"

"Well, it is about certain circumstances pertaining to Jon's birth." Aryan began.

Suddenly interested Brynden leaned forward and asked, "What are talking about?"

"Simply speaking, my cousin Jon Snow is not uncle Ned's bastard. He is the Prince of the Realm." Aryan told him.

Blinking his eyes the Blackfish asked, "Come again?"

"Jon Snow's birth name is Aegon Targaryen, the trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna." Aryan finished.

"What?" Brynden said. Then he sat on to a nearby chair. "I need a drink." He said and started to chug some wine directly from the pitcher.

Aryan allowed him to do. After all it was a big revelation. He had though over the matter for some time before finally deciding to tell Ser Brynden.

"Does Cat know?" Brynden asked.

"No Aunt Catelyn does not know. Only uncle Ned, me and a couple of Northern Lords know of this." Aryan explained.

"Doesn't she deserve to know? She hates the boy." Brynden rasped.

Shaking his head Aryan explained, "What we are doing can be considered treason. You know what happened to Elia and her children. If someday the truth comes out Aunt Catelyn and the others can avoid punishment because they don't know this. It is Jon's appearance as a Stark and Aunt Catelyn's attitude to him that had ensured his safety."

"Who said that the North didn't have their secrets. I can now see why you made me swear an oath? Are going to place him in the Iron Throne?" He asked.

"No. We have no such plan. Keeping him safe is the most important. You cannot tell Jon of this. I will tell him when time comes. The reason I had to tell you this is since he going to be your squire keep him safe and alive. Or else I will have your head." Aryan warned.

"I give you my word that Jon or Aegon will be safe with me. I will make a good Knight and warrior out of him. It would also be my honour to have a prince as my squire." Ser Brynden said accepting Aryan's warning.

(Flashback Ends)

Soon he reached in front of the gates of the Citadel. Like Marwyn said he saw the male and female sphinxes the bodies of lions, the wings of eagles and the tails of serpents. Time had eroded the workmanship still the structures were imposing. The gates were closed for the night. So he just apparated inside the gate. Passing through the Scribe's Hearth he saw the empty stalls on both sides devoid of its vendors. After sometime he passed through a set of doors into a hall with a stone floor and high, arched windows. At the far end of the hall there was a raised dais where a gatekeeper was sitting but he was not alone.

He was arguing with someone. Aryan walked closer and saw that the other person was none other than Marwyn who clearly was annoyed by the questions of the gatekeeper. Taking pity on him Aryan walked behind the gatekeeper and cast an sleeping charm on him. The gatekeeper fell asleep slowly.

Surprised Marwyn was about to wake him up when he was startled by a voice, "Don't bother. He will not wake for few hours."

The Archmaester turned around and saw an amused Aryan fading into view. Shaking his head Marwyn said, "You are late."

"Blame it on the Tyrells. There are so many Tyrells and their cousins and their relatives that they could perhaps populate the whole Reach. Even Lord Hightower was annoyed at them. Thankfully Mace Tyrell has stayed back in Highgarden. The Queen of Thornes had invited me to sit with them in their pavilion tomorrow." Aryan said.

"Be careful with that woman. She is the power behind the Tyrells and she is sharp. Old age has only wilted her body not her mind." Marwyn warned.

"I can deal with her. How was your day? You had been away from this place for too long." Aryan asked him.

"It has been interesting one. I am receiving so much respect today which is surprising. Though I could see the distaste in their eyes, some of my colleagues were all praise for me today. My ascension ceremony is tomorrow. Also I have heard that they are going to invite you for a debate. I have told them that you are highly intelligent. So they might want to test you. Expect a call from them." Marwyn said.

Thinking on news Aryan said, "It will be like a test then. I am sure I can easily deal with them."

"Personally I think that they want to embarrass you by asking very difficult questions." Marwyn added.

"Leave that to me. Now it is getting late. Let us start our work. I will become invisible to avoid risks." Aryan told him.

Marwyn nodded at that and started to lead Aryan into the Citadel. Soon they reached a set of large doors.

Producing a black key from his robes Marwyn said, "What we need is here. Everything from thousands of years you will find here. While some sections are blocked to acolytes and Maesters, being an Archmaester I have access to everywhere."

He then turned the key and opened the doors. They stepped inside. The whole place was dimly lit but Aryan could see a few shelves in at a distance.

"Are we alone?" He asked Marwyn.

Looking around Marwyn replied, "We must be. No one is allowed here at night."

To make sure Aryan lifted his wand and cast," Homenum Revelio."

Thankfully the revealing charm did not show anyone's presence. Aryan then cast the next charm, "Lumos maxima."

Both of them shielded their eyes from the intense white beam. Soon the light ball broke from his wand and flew up. Then it broke into many small orbs and went to different positions.

Aryan gaped at the sight before him. Books and books and lots of books. Several floors of shelves with ladders in between.

"That is a lot more than I expected." Aryan told Marwyn.

"Are sure you can do it?" Marwyn asked.

"I can do it. Show me the ones that need to be taken." Aryan told him taking out his charmed trunk with extensive space inside.

They began their knowledge heist from the same floor. Marwyn indicated the important shelves and Aryan cast the replicating charm on the books. For Marwyn it was a fascinating sight seeing books coming out of the shelf and doubling, then the original returned back to its place while the copy went inside the trunk. They worked at a brisk space and by early morning as the sun rays started to peek through the windows their work was completed.

"Even after so many years seeing you doing magic, your magic still amazes me. And we have almost completed our job." Marwyn said.

"Almost? Is there even more?" Aryan asked exhausted.

"Not much." Marwyn said walking towards a far away corner.. "Few more records kept here and we are done."

On reaching the corner Aryan saw that unlike most parts of the library this section was dusty and looked undisturbed. There were mostly parchments and records instead of books. He quicky copied all into his box. As he was about to turn away he felt a tingle in his magic. His senses suddenly alert, he closed his eyes and tried to locate the faint trace. He found that the magic was coming from behind the shelf.

"What happened?" Marwyn asked.

"There is something behind this. I felt some magic coming from there." Aryan said indicating towards the shelf.

Both of them started to find possible ways to move the shelf. But they did not find any success.

Suddenly feeling stupid with himself Aryan pointed his wand and cast, "Alohmora."

They heard and audible click and gap appeared on one of the sides. Aryan then pushed the shelf aside and a small passage wide enough for a person was revealed. Without thinking much he pushed forward lighiting his wand. Marwyn followed closing the shelf behind him. After some time they reached a large small hall which had two doors. The air was damp and whole way was blocked by spiderwebs which Aryan simply vanished.

"A secret cellar inside the Citadel. I always wondered where did some of the previous Maesters conducted their researches. He then pushed open the first door went inside. Aryan followed him lighting all the firesholers on the way. When he entered the roon, they were met with a faint green light everywhere.

"Wildfire." Marwyn whispered. "Enough to blow up this whole place."

"Wildfire here. What do the Maesters need them for?" Aryan asked gazing around.

"Maybe for some experiments. But I don't understand why so much? And why are thay storing it here? It is so dangerous here." Marwyn said aghast.

"Looking at the place I doubt anyone here knows about this. Look at the dust. It is so thick. Perhaps some of the previous Maesters must have brought them here, then he died before he could tell anyone else."

"Perhaps we should tell them about this." Marwyn said.

"Yes you tell them about how you accidentally found this place and the Wildfire. But this gives us an oppurtunity. I am going to cast wards on the door so that nobody is unable to remove the fire pots." Aryan said.

"For what? And how will the wards help?" Marwyn asked.

"Like you said if the Citadel comes to harm the Children of the Forest, I will use the Wildfire to blow this place. We can spread rumor that it was the Maester's dangerous experiments that resulted in this. As for the wards whenever someone tries to remove the fire pots they will feel that they have some other important work to be done." Aryan answered the questions.

"That is a sound plan. Come let us see the other room." Marwyn said while waiting for Aryan who set up the necessary wards.

Soon they reached the next door. As soon they opened the doors they were met with a horrible stench. Marwyn just fell down and retched. Tears rolled from Aryans eyes due to the stench. He composed himself and cast a bubble head charm on both of their heads.

"Oh, thank the gods. I thought I was going to die due to that stench." Marwyn said gasping.

Aryan nodded and lighted all the light sources in the room and his eyes widened.

"Dragon eggs. And dead dragons." Marwyn whispered in awe from behind him and then went towards it. Aryan followed him and saw few broken dragon eggs. Few malformed dragons some without legs or some without wings. All of them looked only few days old. Marywn started to look into the records he found nearby.

Leaving him Aryan started to look into the other parts of the room. While most of the room contained nothing of importance he found few bodies preserved and kept at far end of the room. They were bodies of small children may be about ten years old. Their face showed grimace and pain. He found some records kept nearby and started to flip through it despite his misgivings. His anger started rise and the things in the room started to shake.

"What is happening? Why is everything shaking?" Marwyn shouted worried.

"How can they do this?" Aryan shouted angrily showing the records to Marwyn. "Do you know what they did? These are children of the Free Folk beyond the wall who had warging powers. These fuckers of the Citadel kidnapped them through pirates and dissected their bodies to find about thier warging abilities and killed can they do this to children."

Marwyn closed his eyes and said, "I told you that the Citadel is against magic. Remember when I told you that how I suspected that the Citadel may responsible in killing the dragons. Now I have proof. The previous Grandmaesters used to add Weirwood sap into the dragons meat. The Weirwood sap acts a slow poison not only killing the dragon but also affects its offsprings. That is the reason now I can say why the dragons of later Targaryens were small and weak."

"Mark my words. I will destroy this place and its occupants. Let them come for the Children. I am going to give them one last chance." Aryan vowed angrily.

"You will find no objections from me. Come let us go. Keep these records with everything else. I want to look at it later. It is getting late. People may be looking for us." Marwyn said.

Nodding his head Aryan then vanished everything in the room to remove any evidence. Then followed Marwyn. He had a tourney to prepare for and a confrontation with the Queen of Thones.


"How do you find the Reach Lord Stark?" Margaery inquired holding his hands.

They were sitting in the pavilion watching the tourney. Margaery seemed to have taken upon herself to give a running commentary by identifying each of participating knights and their houses. After returning from Citadel Aryan only had an hour's sleep before he had been awoken by Arya excited about seeing the tourney. Reluctantly he had arrived here with them. The Starks were seated with the Tyrells. While Arya was sitting in front Jon was away. As the Blackfish was participating Jon was with him. Aryan had chose a seat at the very back but high enough to get full view.

"I have not seen enough of the Reach to tell give you a honest opinion my lady." Aryan told her.

"It is green and colourful here My Lord. You must visit Highgarden. You will love it." She said smiling.

"Some other time. I have other plans this time." Aryan told her. Strangely Olenna Tyrell was sitting beside Margaery silent. Aryan had expected her take the lead in the conversation. But she seemed to test the waters through her granddaughter.

"Why are you not participating in the joust My Lord? Most young Lords or heirs try to prove themselves in the jousts and try to catch the attention of maidens." Margaery asked leaning on to him.

'The girl is good. Give her few more years under the Queen of Thornes and she will be force to reckon with," Aryan thought and replied to her, "I have no interest whatsoever in something as useless as jousting. I am instead participating in the melee in the afternoon." He told her.

"You are like my brother Garlan. They call him Garlan the Gallant. He is a good swordsman. But he does not participate much in the tourneys. Perhaps today he would join the melee against you." Margaery said.

"I am sure it was your brother Willas who named Garlan that. And it would be a pleasure competing against the best of the Reach." He said winking at her.

They sat there silently for some time. Some Appleby Knight unhorsed some Florent Knight, Aryan didn't bother to know who.

He asked her, "The tourney here, the attendance is high. I can see most of the Houses are here."

"The Reach is the Heart of Chivalry Lord Stark. There is always a tourney going somewhere here." Margaery replied.

"And you attend all of them?" He asked looking at her.

"Only important ones my Lord. Lord Hightower informed us that you may be coming to Old town. So I also came with my family too meet you. I have always wanted to meet. I have heard about how you dealt with the Ironborn. Since then I always wanted to meet you." Margaery said battling her eyes.

Having enough of her pathetic seduction attempts he laughed loudly and told her, "If you are trying to seduce me I will say that you are not good enough. You are still a girl, a little girl if I am to be more specific. Wearing a low cut dress to show your non existent teats, rubbing my hands or battling your eye lashes are not going to work against me. Perhaps after a few years, it may work."

Margaery sat eyes wide, cheeks red and lost for words. She tried to speak but closed her mouth. But she was saved by her grandmother laughing.

"She has much to learn. Go on dear, why don't you join Arya Stark there and give her company." She said trying to dismiss her granddaughter.

" I doubt Arya would enjoy her company. She hates doing what normal ladies do. Let Lady Margaery stay here." Aryan told them.

Olenna shrugged at that.

"What do they feed you in the North boy? You are as old as my Garlan but much taller than him?" Olenna said looking over him.

"It is the harsh nature. It makes us strong. Uncle Ned says that if they had seen Greatjon Umber or Rozo of the Mountain Clans before Gregor Clegane then, Clegane would not be named the Mountain." Aryan told her.

There was suddenly a loud cheer. Brynden Tully just unhorsed Renly who was getting up and waving to the crowd.

"Is he any good? I can't say I am impressed by his performance." Aryan asked referring to Renly.

"Lord Renly is a fine jouster and knight." Margaery said.

"Pfft. He is just a summer knight. All flowery without a backbone." Olenna scoffed.

"Well also because he is no match for a veteran like the Blackfish." Aryan added.

"The Blackfish. Did you know he was to marry my niece Bethany. But he refused." Olenna asked.

"He must have his reasons. But I agree with you. Lady Bethany is surely very beautiful." Aryan agreed.

"What about you? You are of age of getting married. Did you find someone?" She asked.

"No. There is no hurry. I could ask you same? Lord Wilas is older than me. Why is he not married yet?" Aryan asked.

"We are still looking for prospective matches. And like you said yourself there is no hurry. He has told me about your proposal. Can he really be healed?" Olenna asked.

"I can give you no guarantee. But Qyburn is quite skilled and I have known him successfully healing a soldier of Winterfell suffering from the same problem. Besides Wilas has nothing to lose. Still it is up to you whether you want to send him or not." Aryan told her.

"Mace will need some convincing. Willas is a sweet boy. If this Qyburn can fix his leg then there is no reason my grandson should not go there." Olenna said.

"Send him at your convenience. I will send word to Winterfell." Aryan told her.

"Regarding marriage, do you know how I became Lady Tyrell of Highgarden?" Olenna asked.

Gleaning the story from her mind Aryan smiled and answered her, "As a matter of fact I do. You were bethroted to some Targaryen while your sister was bethroted to Luthor Tyrell. Ambitious you were, so you seduced and fucked your sister's intended that he decided to marry you. And you became Lady Tyrell."

"Where did you hear that? While what you said is true I don't think anyone outside my family knows about it?" Olenna said.

"Here and there my Lady." Aryan replied there smiling.

"That is not very specific." Margaery chimed.

Still smiling Aryan told her, "Because it is none of your business." Then looking at Olenna he said, "But a very concerned Lady told me this story when she learned that I would be meeting you." Then he turned away his attention to the joust.

'Let her stew on that and try to find who my source is and make her distrustful of her people.' He thought. Aryan saw Olenna looking at him sharply from the corner of his eyes.

After some time she said changing the subject, "The North's food production is affecting us."

"It's not my problem. It is not a crime to grow one's own food." He replied to her.

"We are unable to sell our food. Well it will not affect the vast wealth of the Reach, still we are concerned. The smallfolk are suffering." Olenna added.

"That is not my concern. They are your people. It is up to you to make them content." Aryan told her.

"The North was our biggest buyer. We used to supply you food always. Don't you think it is your responsibility that you protect the interests of those who used to provide you food in all times of need." Olenna asked again.

Giving her undivided attention and meeting her eyes Aryan told her, "You know I had looked over the journals of the previous Stark Lords. They used to buy food from the Reach. Did you know what I found? While you sold food, you sold it at cut throat prices knowing that the North would buy it as they are always desperate. You sold food at high prices and took all the hard earned money from us leaving the Northerners to live a hard life and indirectly killed tens of thousands of my people since the Targaryen forced us to buy food from you by forbidding to buy elsewhere and giving away our best lands. That is why I and uncle Ned decided that there was no need to suffer this. So we are growing our own food. The additional food needed is provided by the Riverlands at very cheaper rates through Uncle Ned's marriage. So you see we do need to buy food."

The Queen of Thornes did not say anything at that.

Aryan added, "I know there is discontent among the Lords of Reach due this. Lord Mace is being called incompetent, as he is not able to find a buyer for the food grains as it was the food that has made Reach rich through the years."

"We are not desperate Lord Stark." Olenna said not meeting his eyes.

"Whatever. But still I can provide a solution to this problem." Aryan told her.

"And what would that be." Olenna asked her.

"In a couple of years I may perhaps be willing to buy food from Reach." Aryan told her.

"What for. If you are growing your own food what will you do with the additional food." Olenna asked.

"That is not any of your concern. If you are willing send me word. I will send my representative to Reach for a detailed discussion." Aryan told her.

Mulling the proposal in her head Olenna said, "Seeing that we do not have any better alternative I will accept your proposal. Send your man when it is time."

"Excellent." Aryan announced.

Another cheer rose. The Blackfish has won the joust.

"Looks like Ser Brynden has won the joust. And it is time I got ready for the melee." Aryan told them. "See you ladies."

"Not so tight Jon." Aryan told Jon who was tightening his armor behind him.

"Be careful My Lord." Ser Rodrick said giving him the ancestral sword Ice.

Pulling out the Greatsword from its sheath Aryan examined it. He had enchanted it to be everclean.

"Show them why you are called the Bloody Wolf of North." Arya shouted excitedly. "I have bet five gold dragons with Lord Wilas that you will win."

Everyone gave Arya a surprised look.

"Arya, what would father say. Gambling?" Jon said aghast.

"Lord Wilas said that his brother Garlan would win. I said my cousin Aryan would win." Arya said.

"Now I must definitely win the melee to save Arya's bet." Aryan said smiling at her.

"My Lord, the melee is about to begin." A servant came and informed them.

"I am ready." Aryan told him and dismissed him. Then donning his helm he started to go to the melee ground. Ser Rodrick followed him while the others went to the seats.

Aryan entered the arena. He saw almost hundred participants. Some were knights with polished armor. Some were sellswords with their leather armor. He saw Garlan Tyrell and nodded to him. As the referee began to blow the horns he closed his eyes and concentrated. His enhanced body became strong. The newly discovered Wofblood activated. His senses were alert and increased. He could hear the breaths of the participants. As the third horn blew he opened his eyes. Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

He easily side stepped a knight and kicked him in the side. The knight flew a few feet and crashed into another one. Aryan grinned at that. The battle had begun.

Strike, dodge, parry, kick he went on doing easily defeating many competitors. Many others had decided that he was a main threat. So they decided to defeat him in group. One such group was currently engaging him. He was hacking into their shields. Suddenly he felt a searing pain in his side and heard someone saying, "I am so sorry."

Not even thinking on what that meant he quickly turned around swung his sword instantly beheading the man behind him who has raised a dagger ready to strike him again.

Before he was able to process the incident he was engaged by the other combatants. Angry at the murder attempt he started to make powerful strikes. Ice started to cleave through armor, shields and some times broke a sword too. He did not bother about the wound knowing his magic would heal him pretty soon.

He did not know how much time has passed. Soon only he and Garlan Tyrell were left. The Tyrell was in a defensive stance. Already tired Aryan decided to end the match soon.

So, he went on the offensive and gave a powerful slash. Garlan blocked it with his shield. But the power of the strike staggered him. When he looked down he saw that there was a tear in the shied. Surprised he looked up to see another strike coming down.

He quickly rolled away. Aryan did not give him any respite and launched more powerful attack. Soon Garlan's shield lay down uselessly. And Aryan's next strike broke his sword into half. Garlan looked at the broken sword with wide eyes.

As Aryan prepared his next strike Garlan shouted, "Wait. I yield. I yield." And threw down the sword.

Aryan nodded and slowly lowered his sword. He removed his helm and grimaced at the fatigue.

As the Wolfblood came down he heard cheering coming from the crowd. Many were looking at him with wide eyes. He raised his sword and waved at them.

He started to walk back to the tent. He saw few defeated combatants giving him a fearful look. As he got out of the arena he was joined by Ser Rodrick.

"How did I do, Ser Rodrick?" Aryan asked.

With a nod Rodrick said, "I couldn't believe my eyes My Lord. It was just amazing. I knew from the days I was teaching you the basics that you would be a fine swordsman. And seeing with my eyes I could say I was right."

Aryan smiled at that and went to the tent. The two Stark guards opened the it for him. Aryan sat down. Soon Jon and Arya followed by Ser Brynden Tully arrived.

"So how did I fight?" Aryan asked with a tired smile.

"You were like an animal. Your first kick made the knight lift of his feet for some distance. Then after you killed that man it was like you were in a bloodlust. Your strikes were cleaving through whatever it struck." Jon said already helping him to remove his armor.

"Don't worry about killing the others. You only killed one. Ten others died too. But the melee has its risks. That is why most do not participate in it. Still seeing you fight I must say it was Arthur Dayne's speed but with Brandon's power. I have seen both of them fight. You are very deadly with a combination of both. Your greatsword "Ice" was dancing to your tune, that was beautiful. Many Lords especially Lord Randyll Tarly were impressed. I even heard him saying about considering you to foster his heir " The Blackfish praised him.

Aryan thanked him. While he was not affected by killing someone trying to kill him concerned him.

'I am so sorry.' Why did the killer try to apologize he wondered.

Interrupting his pondering Arya jingled a purse in front of him saying, "Look I won some gold."

Everyone laughed at that.

The feast was in full swing. Many were already drunk. He was the honored guest of the feast. He had met many Lords and their families, evaded certain marriage proposals. Still it seemed that he had suddenly gained popularity among the ladies and maidens. He had danced with several of them and now a rest after dancing with some ladies. Jon had taken away Arya as it was getting late. But from the looks of it Aryan knew that the feast could go on for a few more hours.

"Lord Stark, pleased to meet you. I am Randyll Tarley, Lord of Hornhill." A well built man came and introduced himself.

Placing his drink down Aryan shook Lord Tarly's hand and said, "The only man who defeated His Grace Robert Baratheon. My Uncle has a rather high opinion of you."

"Lord Eddard is a good man." Randyll said. " This is my heir Samwell Tarly." he said indicating a pudgy boy besides him.

"Pleasure meeting you Samwell." Aryan greeted the boy and shook his hands.

"Now go to your mother boy. I have to speak something important to Lord Stark." Randyll said dismissing his son.

Samwell ran away with a fearful look towards his father.

Randyll turned to Aryan and asked, "I have a request Lord Stark. I would like to foster my son with you."

Aryan had already known this from Ser Brynden. So he told him, "I am not even of age Lord Tarly. How can I take his as a ward."

"You are a fine warrior My Lord. And from what I have heard an excellent Lord. My son is regretfully a craven. I cannot have some one so weak to succeed me. The boy sends his time reading books. He likes songs instead of swords. Once I tried to make him skin an animal he ran crying. I tried everything I could but I was unable to change his attitude. At his age you fought against those Ironborn cunt. Your baseborn cousin Jon Snow had fought in Skagos."

"If your son does not like swords and likes to read why don't you send him to the Citadel and let him become a Maester." Aryan asked.

"Nobody sends their eldest son and heir to the Citadel to become a Maester my Lord. If don't have any other option I would have to send him to the Wall forcibly." Randyll said.

Aryan thought for some time and looked at Samwell sitting alone listening to the music. Then turning his attention towards the Lord of Hornhill he said, "Lord Tarly, since I am on a visit to the free cities I cannot foster your son under me." Seeing the crestfallen expression on Randall's face Aryan continued, "But I have a better idea. From what you said your son is very intelligent that he has learned everything that the books can teach him. What he needs is real life experience. I suggest that you allow him to become a squire with Ser Brynden Tully. The Blackfish spends most of his time in the Riverlands or in the Vale sometimes hunting the bandits. My cousin Jon Snow is also his squire. Samwell's comfortable life within the castle walls has made him soft. Once he see real world he will change himself. Ser Brynden will ensure that he is protected. I you want I can ask Ser Brynden Tully into accepting Samwell as his squire."

Randyll mulled over what Aryan said. Then he said, "I must say that is an excellent idea. Best warriors are shaped by the harsh world around them. Under a renowned Knight like Ser Brynden I am sure he will learn many things. And he will be Knighted by a veteran like Ser Brynden unlike some summer Knight around here. Very well Lord Stark, I can see the benefit of the idea. Thank you. I will have my son ready by the time you embark from Oldtown."

"Immediately. Don't you think Samwell must say goodbye to his family or pick his things from there." Aryan asked.

"Nothing I cannot buy from here. As for saying goodbyes I think it would be better if he did not. It will be difficult to take him in the presence of my wife and daughters." Randyll said.

Aryan nodded looking over the hall. Noticing his looks Randyll asked, "Who are you looking for Lord Stark?"

"Oh it is nothing. I was just looking for Lord Leyton Hightower. I could not find him since the feast."

"He must be at the Citadel. The Maesters seemed to discover a large cache of Wildfire inside the Library." Randyll informed him.

'Marwyn did his job.' Aryan thought and said, "Oh, Wildfire inside the Citadel itself is dangerous."

"I am sure Lord Hightower and the Maesters would easily solve the problem. I would like to wish you good luck for your meeting with the Maesters. Seems like they are going to have a debate with you at the Seneschal's court."

"Thank you Lord Tarly. I really hope it goes well." Aryan replied. After some time Randyll Tarly went away. Aryan started looking around for someone to take into bed. He really needed a pussy as he had gone long enough without one. Thankfully luck was in his favor.

"May I have dance, Lord Stark?" A Lady in yellow dress asked him.

Identifying her as Janna Fossoway nee Tyell, Margaery's Aunt .He quickly got up and took her offered hand saying, "Anything for a beautiful lady."

He lead the giggling Lady Janna to the dance floor and started to dance with her. Being buxom Janna's generous bust was pressing into Aryan.

"I don't seem to recall seeing Lord Fossoway anywhere, My Lady, " He asked her.

"My husband did not come. He is busy at New Barrel. Also his age is catching. So he has reduced his travels these days." She said with a smile.

"Old age? But you are young and radiant my Lady? How old is your husband." Aryan asked already knowing the answer.

Janna answered coqtuishly, "You are such a charmer Lord Stark. If you must know I am his second wife."

"Of course. But if I had a beautiful wife like you I would never had left her side. You can never know that there are Wolves out there preying on beautiful ladies." Aryan said in a whisper near her ears.

Shuddering Janna pressed herself closer and asked, "Like you My Lord?"

"Yes. Lady Janna. Without your husband here who will save you from the clutches of the Bloody Wolf?" Aryan asked his hands slowly rubbing her ass..

"Since I gave him his heir, my husband has not shown much interest in me." She said rubbing their chests.

Aryan thought that was enough. No more beating around the bush. Besides without Ros to take care of his needs he was hungry for a pussy, even if it was a woman old enough to be his mother.

"Why don't you come to my chambers with me? I would like to shower you with my attention?" Aryan whispered into her ears groping her ass cheeks. He then quickly cast a notice-me-not charm on both of them and led her away from the hall. Soon they reached his chambers and Aryan held the door open for Lady Janna who started to look around the room.

Janna really was a beautiful woman. She gave him a small bow and twirled her skirts.. "What will you have me do Lord Stark?" She questioned. "Please just call me Aryan here Lady Janna. You might as well grow used to it." Aryan told her with a small smile. He then hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"As for now, follow my lead" Aryan said to her as he grabbed her hand and slowly began to drag her towards his bed.

When they got to the bed Janna sat down on the edge of the bed while Aryan's hands began to work on her long and bright yellow dress. Finally he got her out of her dress leaving her only in her skimpy small cloths.

Aryan stared at her wonderful smooth skin and huge breasts and could barely take his eyes off them.

"Let me return the favor Aryan." Janna said starting to help him remove his clothes.

Just before Janna was about to help him with his shirt Aryan gave her a quick peck on the lips and noticed her blush. He then grabbed her head and forced her into a kiss, while she used her hands to get his breeches off. He felt the lack of passion in the kiss.

"Move your lips more, and don't be afraid to let your tongue out a bit Lady Janna." He told her as he gave her another kiss, a much better and wetter kiss, while she also removed his breeches.

Aryan then pulled away with a long spittle string were connecting their lips. Janna's eyes admired Aryan's sculpted body. Years of sword training and his own body enhancement rituals had made him fit with defined muscles. While Harry Potter had an athletic build, Aryan Stark had a warrior's. Janna's eyes widened when she finally noticed Aryan's growing manhood.

"Big." She whispered, and Aryan felt a big grin on his face.

"What's wrong Janna?" Aryan asked letting out the Lady part.

"They say the Northerners are barbarians. But they did not say that the Northerners have such big cocks." Janna said admiring his cock.

Aryan gave her a smile. He reached around her pulled her underclothes. "And I didn't expect tits like these." Aryan complimented her as he gave her breasts a rough squeeze. Janna gave a sweet moan.

Aryan then lifted her up in his arms and placing her head on to a pillow, though she seemed quite confused when Aryan began to go down on her. "What are you doing?" She asked when his mouth was only a few inches from her womanhood.

"It is called foreplay so that I can easily enter you." Aryan told her.

Seeing her confused look Aryan asked her,"You have tried this before haven't you?" But she shook her head in negative.

"Then please relax Janna." Aryan old her as he spread her folds, slowly licking her insides and the effect was instant. "Ah, Aryan… it feels a bit weird." She said in a low tone. So Aryan decided to push his tongue deeper into her.

"By the seven…it feels good." She moaned out.

When Aryan pulled back her eyes snapped opened and she tried to get up. "W-why are you stopping." She questioned.

Aryan pushed her back down. He then guided her hands to her own breasts. "You should work your tits. It will increase your pleasure." He told her as he made her begin to play with her own tits.

Aryan the n pushed two fingers into her, as he began to lick her clit.

"Yes! Don't stop….More." Janna screamed as Aryan began to push harder into with his two fingers. And when he carefully bit down on her clit she let out a small scream and began to squirt.

"Janna you taste amazing." Aryan told her, but Janna was still gasping for breath.

"Now it is your turn." Aryan told her before he bent down taking one of her big nipples in his mouth.

Janna looked at Aryan sucking on her tits.. She brought a hand up on top of his head slowly stroking his short black hair. "It feels so good." She whispered in a low tone.

Janna grabbed his semi erect member with her hand. Aryan pulled back from her nipple and looked her in the eyes. "You are really amazing My Lady.." Aryan told her as he gave her a tender kiss. He then put himself down on the bed giving her easier access to his crotch.

She gave it small careful strokes and Aryan had placed both his hands underneath his head so he could see what Janna was doing. She then extended her tongue from her kips and let it flatten on his cockhead. Aryan started to groan at her lick. Then she took his cockhead into her wet mouth. Soon she seemed to get more and more into it, and placed both her hands on his thighs, while still bobbing her head up and down.

Aryan was getting impatient. So he laid her back on her back, with his erection throbbing at her wet entrance.

"I think we are ready." Aryan tod her and gave a sharp thrust.

Janna had never felt this full before and she was filled to the brim. When Aryan began to make small gentle thrust she opened her mouth gasping for air, she had never tried something like this before.

"By the seven! You are so big!" She yelled. Aryan began to thrust harder and her big breast bounced back and forth. Aryan captured one of her big nipples with his mouth and gently bit down on it, causing her to thrash around wildly.

Aryan then pulled out of her. He roughly grabbed her and turned her around so she was on all fours. " This is how a Wolf claims his bitch." He said and thrust ini her weeping cunt.

She didn't seem to mind, more focused on the pure pleasure Aryan was giving her, as he pounded into her with big slaps.

"I'm going to cum!" She yelled, when Aryan had grabbed one of her tits from behind. She began to shake wildly. When she finished her orgasm Aryan pushed right back into her, giving her no chance to recover. Feeling himself close to cumming he grabbed her hips and hurried up, his hips a blur as they crashed into Janna's ass.

"Yes!" He yelled as he released all his cum, filling her up. Aryan leaned forward so his head was leaning on her back as he continued to shoot into her.

Janna gave a long moan as Aryan finally pulled out of her with a pop sound.

"Thank you. I really needed that." Aryan ssid with a big smile as he laid himself down beside Janna.

Still gasping for sir Janna replied, "Well… That was… really good."

"In future when I reflect on my visit to Oldtown, this will be my fondest memory." Aryan told her hugging her to his chest.

Placing her leg over his Janna said, "And I am glad I will be part of that memory."

She kissed him with passion and he felt his cock hardening. Growling he said, "The night is young Lady Janna. I would like to make a few more memories."

And they continued their activities well into the morning.

Finally after the three day of eventful stay in Oldtown they were ready to depart.

Aryan noticed Randyll Tarly talking with Ser Brynden. His son Samwell and Jon were standing nearby. Aryan saw that Sam was crying and Jon was trying to comfort him. He smiled at that 'They would become great friends.'

When he turned his head to those who came to say their good byes with him he saw Margaery giving Jon discreet glances. After a few moments when she met Aryan's eyes he winked at her while she blushed.

"Ah. Young love. Mostly it is never successful." Baelor Hightower who had come with them said.

"Yes that is true. But it is sweet till it lasts." Wilas smiled at his blushing sister.

"I must say Lord Stark in three days you have gained popularity here. The smallfolk are here to see you off. And of course the Citadel. Those Maesters are singing high praise of you." The Hightower heir said.

"Why wouldn't they? Lord Stark has achieved something unprecedented in the history of the Citadel?" Wilas said smiling.

Aryan smiled at them. Yesterday he had visited. The Archmaester had discussion cum debate with him on various subjects. He had proved that he was proficient in those subjects. Not only he had knowledge but he also unashamedly stole answers form their minds through liberal use of leglimency. The result was hanging around him. A chain with ten links signifying his mastery in those subjects. After that the Seneschal had officially announced the setting up of the University. Though privately they had told him that the Citadel cannot share all the books and records with them to which Aryan easily agreed to. After all he had already taken everything the Citadel has to offer.

He smiled at that and told them diplomatically, "All thanks to the Old Gods for their blessings. And to Maester Luwin and Marwyn for their teachings."

They all continued their smalltalk. "My Lord, the ship is ready. We must depart before nightfall." His captain came and reminded him.

Aryan then bade goodbyes to Wilas and Baelor. Wilas had informed him that he would come to Winterfell within a year as he had to settle a few affairs in Highgarden

Aryan then approached the ladies. Lady Janna had accompanied her niece. "Thank you for those wonderful moments My Lady."

Giggling Janna told him, "I would also say the same to you Lord Stark. We had a wonderful time. And thank you for your gift." She was referring to the diamond necklace he had gifted her.

He smirked before turning his attention to Margaery and gifting her a conjured colourful rose made of glass to her saying, "A beautiful rose to the Rose of Highgarden."

With wide eyes admiring the gift Margaery thanked him, "Thank you my Lord. This is very beautiful."

After that he waved to the smallfolk who had come to see him off. Aryan had spent some time with them when ever he had time. While few Reach Lords had grudge against him for taking away their source of weatlh, the small folk adored him. The Bloody Wolf was popular here for the way he saved many people from the Ironborn. The people cheered.

A change was coming in Reach. The Old Gods were regaining favour. Soon in a few years the Faith of Seven in Reach would experience difficulties.

As the ship went into the Sunset Sea away from the docks Aryan concluded 'Visit to Oldtown was a successful venture."

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