31.91% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 15: Out of the North

章 15: Out of the North

Unknown Place

Aryan found himself in a familiar place. The same place he was twelve years ago before being reborn into the Planetos. The endless darkness surrounded him. But thankfully the rasping voice of Death met him before long.

"I thought we agreed on meeting each other after a long time, Master," the voice of Death rasped unseen.

Looking around for the source Aryan said, "I just wanted some answers. Only you can help me in getting them."

"Hmm.. You don't have much time. Ask away quickly." Death said appearing in his skeletal form.

"How did Sirius survive the Veil of Death?" He asked.

"The Veil of Death does not kill a person immediately. The person gets stuck in limbo, neither dead or alive but aware of their state of existence. Most of them lose their will to live after a very long time and when they pray for mercy I claim their souls. But your Godfather was lucky. Around the same time he fell into the Veil, this world was facing extinction and I was compelled to intervene. So I sent Sirius Black here. He solved the problem here and lived a long life and started a legacy. A legacy into which you were born." Death explained.

"Then why were't his descendants born as wizards or witches. And how come he came here thousands of years before me." Aryan asked.

Death replied, "Magic and time exist in different forms in different worlds. While magic in your old world was in a very active form, here it is very passive. That is why your Godfather's descendants did not inherit magic. Neither will yours if you decide to have some. Your Godfather and you are exceptions which I allowed. You will finish what your Godfather did only halfway. That is one of the main reason I sent you in this world."

"Thank you for this chance. But you still did not explain why my Father and Mother had to die." Aryan asked persistently.

Thinking for a moment Death said, "The working of a world is controlled by Fate. While she allowed me to bring you here, your parents death was already decided and could not be changed. If everything went according to Fate's plan, the child of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne would have been a stillborn girl and Ashara would have jumped to death over the grief of losing her husband, child and brother. Then in future years almost the whole Stark line would have been decimated and after for more years the whole world would have been covered in Ice. But on my request Fate allowed you to be born earlier and hence spend some time with your mother. You must be very thankful to me. I have gone very far for your life here. If Fate had her say you would have been born a girl."

Sputtering Aryan said, "What? A girl? No way. I cannot even imagine a life as a woman."

"That is why I am saying you should be thankful to me. But she had few conditions regarding you.

"What conditions are you talking about?" Aryan asked.

"Initially I thought to aid I you completely, so that you can easily deal with the Others. But with Fate's conditions I was limited to give you only five gifts. I had you born four years earlier than the real child of Brandon and Ashara so that you have enough time to prepare yourself. I gave you the gold which you found in the crypts of Winterfell which helped to kickstart your projects and the earthquake which helped you in making the Canal helped the North greatly. I gave you full service of my worshippers the servants of the Many Faced God. Whether you realised or not your blood still carries the Phoenix tears and Basilisk Venom. So you are immune to posions and you will heal fast while always unaffected my any illness. Your final gift you will receive in in the near future. Now as per my agreement with Fate I cannot do anything more for you. What you do, how you do, all is up to you. Just do my task and lead a happy life."

Aryan already had known most of that. The last two were new to him. He decided he can wait for the final gift. So he expressed his thanks to Death.

Death nodded his head accepting his thanks and started to fade away. Suddenly remembering something Aryan asked, "Wait. I came to know that both my parents had been killed. Can you tell me who killed them?"

"No. Take it as a challenge and find out yourself. We will not meet again Harry Potter till your final journey. Your beloved is waiting for you. So enjoy this life with her." Death's voice faded away and darkness engulfed Aryan.


The last year has been very busy for Aryan. Since discovering that both his parents were killed due to somebody's games, he was determined to find them and take revenge. So he had pumped money into Jaqen's spy network to make it extensive. He was waiting for it to be finished soon.

Now with complete access to his magic he had warded Winterfell against all those with ill intents. He repeated the same in Moat Cailin and Sea Dragon Point too. Then he applied the soil magic he had learned to the farms surrounding Wintertown and to some areas beyond. The ritual left him exhausted for a week but the results were worth it. The yield had now more than doubled. Emboldened by the success he repeated the ritual in the rice farms in the Greywater marshes and at the Gift near the wall too which he planned to reclaim for the North.

It had been a surprise when Queen Cersei ordered glass items for the Royal Palace. But knowing the state of the treasury he did not want to give a loan. So after a discussion with Lord Wyman Manderly they decided on getting a tax exemption for the amount instead of immediate repayment. While the glass workers made most products, it was Aryan who made the statues using transfiguration which was a child's play. Thus the North had made a huge profit in the form full tax exemption for dirt cheap glass thankfully due to Lord Manderly's negotiation skills. It was why Aryan was taking him along to Essos for negotiating with the magisters.

While the North now had a powerful army, Aryan realised that brute force cannot help everywhere. So he tasked Jaqen and his accomplices to train five hundred men in stealth combat and infiltration. He named them the Black Wolves and made extra sure to make their existence a secret. While Jaqen did all he was asked, Aryan realised that Jaqen was very busy handling the four roles as the Steward, the Spymaster, the trainer of the Black Wolves and teaching the wargs about espionage. Also with Winterfell's expansion and the increased ship traffic through the recently widened White Knife, both Winterfell and Wintertown became quite busy. Merchants came from Essos too for trade and business deals. So Aryan made Jaqen the High Steward of Winterfell, while placing two Stewards under him to help him manage his other responsabilities. Aryan also gave Jaqen an enchanted mirror to talk to him at any time.

Another important event that happened was the return to the fold of Skagos. While the previous Starks left alone the islands, Aryan decided that it was time Skagos truly joined the North. This also gave an oppurtunity to test the new Northern Army. So he sent Lord Dustin with ten thousand men to Skagos to do whatever was necessary to bring back the islands to the fold. He sent Jon with Lord Dustin as a squire so that he can gain some experience. A battle had to be carried out. Most of the stone men of Skagos were savages and unorganised. The two houses, the Stane and the Crowle refused to surrender or swear fealty to the Starks so they were killed to the last men. Seeing the state of their counterparts the House Magnar surrendered and swore fealty to the Starks. Only a hundred men were lost in the battles, something which made Aryan happy. And thus Aryan Stark achieved something which many of his ancestors tried and failed. Aryan had apparated to Skagos and discovered that the island was full of Yaks and Rhinos which the people used to mistake for Unicorns. While he did not have any immediate use of Rhinos, the Yaks could be very useful. So he arranged for the Magnars for trade in Yak wool. Skagos proved to be abundant in marble. So Aryan had ordered Marble stones to be brought to Winterfell and decided to build the Roman Colosseum next to Wintertown. It would take almost two years to complete the work. Many people had asked what its purpose was but Aryan decided to keep it a secret.

After returning from his meeting with Bloodraven and the Children of the Forest he had a meeting with Marwyn, who was happy with his discovery and access to more magic. Now that he had a wand, they decided that the trip to Valyria should not be delayed anymore. So Aryan had begun to make preparations. He had enchanted a flying carpet and few bottomless bags. Marwyn also made some medicines they could possibly need in their adventure. Marwyn had suggested the setting of something like the Citadel in the North because like Aryan he too did not agree with only the Citadel controlling the flow of knowledge in Westeros. Aryan had designed and enchanted a Pensieve and used it show memories of biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, architecture etc which he had learnt throughout his old life, most of which were unknown in Planetos. Marwyn wrote detailed books on those which he sent to the Citadel. Aryan placed many compulsion charms on those and a letter which he sent along with the proposal of the Northern University. And soon he had received word from Jaqen's spies that his proposal was accepted but the official confirmation would only be after meeting the Maesters. The unexpected bonus was that with so many new books on different subjects Archmaester Marwin was elevated to a Grandmaester (which to his great enjoyment annoyed Pycelle, the Lannister's and the Tyrell's). So Marwyn would accompany him to the Citadel for his ceremony and from there they would go to Essos, to begin their adventure in search of magic in this world.

Marwyn's discoveries in human anatomy brought a person named Qyburn to Winterfell. Marwyn informed Aryan that Qyburn was stripped from his Maester status for illegal human experimentation. On recommendation of Marwyn he was allowed to become an acolyte. But Qyburn proved to be very efficient in his art of medicine and healing. So Aryan gave him the Chief healer position of the new Hospital in Wintertown.

Three moons after his meeting with Bloodraven, Aryan was soon called back again by him. Bloodraven told him that the Others had begun to attack again, mostly remote and small settlements. After the attack they would disappear with their new dead army. Aryan had then visited those settlements. All of them were abandoned and bloodstained. He then decided that it was time to seal down the Wall. But first he wanted to bring the reasonable wilding clans into the North. Knowing it would be difficult to convince the Lords and the Night's Watch and after discussing with Bloodraven, Aryan tried a different approach, based on some half truths.

(Flashback Begins)

He took his uncle Eddard and some loyal Lords like William Dustin, Greatjon Umber and Jorah Mormont to the Wall.

"Why did you bring us here Nephew?" Eddard asked while the others agreed to his question.

"Patience Uncle. This is something that must be seen and cannot be explained. Please bear with me for sometime." Aryan said.

They were standing near the base of the Wall. They saw a group of the Night's Watch riders approaching them.

Jorah whispered, "There comes my Father Lord Jeor Mormont the Lord Commander."

Soon enough the Riders reached them. The leading man said, "My Lords, welcome to the Wall. I am Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. I must say that it is really a surprise that you visited the Wall. Even stranger that Lord Aryan Stark asked us to make arrangement for escort beyond the Wall."

"What? Beyond the Wall. Why the bloody hell should we go there. Ned what is happening." Greatjon thundered.

"Why do we need to go there nephew?" Eddard asked calmly.

"Patience Uncle and My Lords. Lord Commander Mormont, we do not need to go up the Wall. I need you to escort us to the Godswood just beyond the wall." Aryan asked Jeor.

What Aryan did not tell them was that he had already visited the wall. He had found that the wall was built with a ward against necromancy. But its power was very weak. He also learned through Marwyn's research and his talks with the Children of the Forest that before the Others were created the Seasons used to change yearly. It was only after the Creation of the Others that the changing of the seasons were disrupted and the North had always to face perpetual cold weather. So Aryan was hell bent on restoring the natural climate back to the world.

As all of them were well rested they immediately began their journey. The Mormonts led the way, the Father-Son duo catching up. As they passed through the passage Aryan asked the Lord Commander to let the the Rangers stay behind which the Lord Commander reluctantly did so. Soon they reached the Godswood. Aryan dismounted his horse and lead the others towards the Godswood tree.

"My Lords, " he began "I am sure all you must be wondering why I brought all of you here. Recently I have been made aware of a great threat to the North and then to the whole mankind."

"A great threat to the mankind. You say it like the Others are coming back." Greatjon guffawed.

"As a matter of fact yes. How did you know I was going to say that?" Aryan asked.

Greatjon stopped his laugh and blinked at that response. Seeing the serious expression on Aryan's face Eddard asked, "What are you saying Nephew? The Others? They are Old Nan's tales."

"We forget that all tales and legends are born from some kind of truths. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And after eight thousand years, the threat of the Others became tales. Few moons ago I had a vision. I was standing a place covered by ice. In front of me beings of blue color and blue eyes were killing people. The dead were then rising against their former kin. After that on several days I had these visons but at different locations and different places. Initially I dismissed the visions as bad dreams. But soon I realised that all of them seemed so real. The screams of the people still haunts me. After that I had a new vison. But instead of the attacks I was in an underground cave. A man was sitting on a Weirwood throne with strange creatures surrounding him. From Old Nan's stories I knew that they were the Children of the Forest. The Man said that his name was Bloodraven."

"Lord Bloodraven, as in Brynden Rivers? He was the Lord Commander who was lost beyond the Wall." Jeor Mormont said.

"The Man with thousand and one eyes." Roose Bolton whispered.

"My knowledge of history is very weak." Eddard Stark admitted to which both William and Greatjon agreed to.

Aryan continued, "Lord Bloodraven told me, that the Others were killing the Free Folk and amassing a large army to conquer the World. As it was a Stark that built the Wall he told me that it was our responsibilty we protect it as well as save the lives of the Free Folk."

"Bringing the wildlings to the south of the Wall. Are you mad boy? Don't you know what those savages do to us? Did you all make us come here just so that you can convince us to accept those savages." Greatjon roared.

"Be quiet Lord Umber. Know your place.," Aryan ordered "I know that your cousin was stole by a wildling. But here the whole humanity is at stake. And the clan of wildling that took your cousin was wiped out."

"It seems so far fetched Aryan. And are you saying that Brandon the Builder who supposedly built that wall was really a Stark?" Eddard asked..

'No he was a Black' Aryan thought about Sirius and then spoke,"I knew you all would say that. That is why I had brought all of you here you. And yes Uncle Brandon the Builder who built the Wall also built Winterfell, Storm's End and the Hightower. He founded the Stark Line. All of which were shown to me by Bloodraven. Now all of you, kneel before the Weirwood tree and touch it. You will see for yourself the truth."

Looking at each other they reluctantly did so. Immediately Aryan saw their eyes to roll back and now in Bloodraven's memories. After sometime he saw them return back to themselves. Jorah immediately retched to his side while the others sat down stunned by what they saw.

"By the Old Gods, that is really terrifying." William Dustin mumbled.

"They are real. The Others and the Children of the Forest. Old Nan's tales were true." Eddard was speaking to himself.

"Fuck. I now see what you were trying to tell me Lord Stark." Greatjon agreed.

"So that was what happened to Lord Bloodraven. Maester Aemon deserves to know of this." Jeor declared.

"My Lords now you see why I had to bring you here. Bloodraven's power do not extend South of the Wall. So requested me to bring you here. We must bring the Free Folk to the North. Rest assured only those who swear fealty to us will be taken. The rest will be left to their fate. I want my conscience to be clear when I close the Wall forever." Aryan said.

"Yes. Bloodraven and that Child Leaf explained to us about the magic they are going to perform to destroy the Others which will sadly kill everything except the plants beyond the wall." Eddard said.

"Really. He did not say anything of that sort to me. But whatever, we will get the Free Folk south." Aryan told them already knowing about the cover story he had made with Bloodraven.

"Lord Commander, I trust you can send your Rangers to convey the message to the Wildling Clans. Soon I intend to get back the Gift by talking to the King. I hope you don't have any objections. The Wildlings would be rehabilitated mostly in the Gift and Skagos islands." Aryan informed him.

"No Lord Stark. Already you are providing so much aid to us in the form of food, weapons and other supplies. We will not be losing anything by giving back the Gift. It just being wasted. Perhaps you will find better use for it. With Allister Thorne dead I don't think there will be any strong objections. And yes, I will send my best ranger Mance Ryder to talk with the Wildlings. He knows how to deal with them." Jeor said.

Since it was him who killed Allister Thorne already knowing about the person, Aryan said "Fantastic. Have them all assembled in a years time at Hardhome. From there I will ship them South. Once all is done you can seal the Wall forever. No need to waste your men's lives in ranging."

Jeor agreed to that. So after deciding to keep the Others a secret to avoid unnecessary panic or attention they all began their return journey.

(Flashback Ends)

Moat Cailin, The North

Aryan was smirking at the sight before him. Jon was punching Theon black and blue. Theon had challenged Jon to a battle in which Jon easily thrashed him. Instead of accepting his defeat the Greyjoy heir started to insult Jon calling him a bastard. And now he was paying for that.

On seeing Robb, Jory Cassel and few Stark guards going to stop the brawl, Aryan stopped them from interfering. Arya was standing near cheering for Jon. Due to his rigorous training with Aryan Jon was quite strong and tall for his age, something that made his cousin Robb jealous. When he felt enough, Aryan walked to the pair and said, "Enough, Jon."

With a final satisfying punch Jon stood up and walked away. Aryan then looked at Jon's handiwork. Theon Greyjoy was groaning on the ground. Swollen face and a broken nose. Kicking his ribs Aryan ordered him, "Get up, squid cunt."

Groaning in pain Theon got up slowly. Grabbing his collar Aryan said, "Understand this squid, you are a prisoner here, not a guest. The only reason you are living comfortably is because of my Uncle's kindness. That does not give you any liberties. So watch your mouth or it will get you killed or worse I could send to the dungeons of the Dreadfort to see if the Boltons words are true. Don't make me send you to where I sent your brothers. Is it understood ?"

Nodding his head a thoroughly cowed Theon walked away.

"What is going on here?" Eddard Stark asked announcing his presence.

"Nothing Uncle. I was just giving Theon some life lessons." Aryan replied nonchalantly.

Eddard looked at the retreating form of Theon but did not say anything. He instead dismissed the guards and told Robb, "Take Jon to the Maester to mend his wounds. And on the way send Arya to your Mother. She has been searching for your sister for quite sometime."

Robb left with Jon pulling a protesting Arya with him.

Knowing about his nephew Eddard didn't bother to scold him about his attitude towards Theon. So he changed the subject and asked, "Is this journey of yours truly necessary Aryan? Your place is here in the North?"

" You don't understand Uncle. While today we are on our way to become self sufficient, soon a time will come when we will be producing buffer stock and are no longer unable to sell our products in Westeros only, like the Reach is today. So I want to ensure that we have trade partners for future. I have one more year before I take the Wardenship of the North. I always wanted to visit the free cities. And now since I am invited to Aunt Allyria's marriage I will use the opportunity to visit them and establish trade relations with them. Perhaps we could set up a Stark controlled trading outpost in Lys too like we have done in Bravos." Aryan explained.

Through Jaqen and the Faceless men, with their contacts in Bravos Aryan was able to setup a trading outpost in Bravos which was proving to be very profitable. There was lots of demand for fur in Essos. Aryan had implanted an easier way of making wool from fur in the minds of some workers at the Last Hearth. So now the Umbers were making wool which was highly demanded through the North. Marwyn was also trying to redesign the weaving machines from the memories Aryan had given him. But it was coming slow. Since the North had been given tax exemption Aryan had extended the same for his Lords too except to those who had to repay their loans.

"I still don't understand. Lord Dayne and I did not part in best terms. He was resentful of us for the loss of his brother and his sister. As far as I know he had not even sent a letter to you in all these years. Then why is he inviting you now?" Eddard asked confused.

"Why my Uncle did not sent me any letter, Aunt Allyria used to send letters on my nameday. Initially I also thought about Uncle's and was about to decline the invitation, but after carefully reading the wordings of the letter it sounded like he was facing a problem and desperately needed help. Besides this gives me an opportunity to visit the free cities and also see Aunt Allyria. So I am going." Aryan explained back.

"Very well. How long will you be gone then?" Eddard asked.

"Maybe a year uncle. We will first to to Oldtown for Marwyn's ascension ceremony. I have a meeting there with the Maesters there regarding the setting up of the University at the Widow's to Starfall for the marriage. From there to Sunspear where Lord Wyman will join us and Jon will return back in his ship. From there we will go to Lys, then maybe to Tyrosh and Pentos and finally to Bravos to meet with the Ironbank for finalizing our loan repayment. And then to Kingslanding to swear fealty to King Robert as I would have come of age. And from there back to the North. This is not including any invitations form the Houses in the Reach." Aryan said.

"Why exactly are we setting up the University here? Is the Citadel not enough? I had seen the progress of the work, and will be finished in almost within a year. What if the Maesters refuse the Citadel?" Eddard asked after hearing about his nephews travel plans.

"Let's say that I am not comfortable that the Citadel controls the flow of knowledge in Westeros and I trust them even less when I know their closeness to the Faith. I want the people of North even the small folk to have basic education. And regarding your doubts about whether the Citadel would allow the University, I assure you they will. Whether they agree or not the University will be independent of the Citadel's influence." Aryan informed him.

"Are you saying that you want to educate even the small folk? It is unheard of?" Eddard said.

"Educated citizens will contribute to the development of a country Uncle. You will realize it in the future." Aryan finished in a final tone.

As they began to walk into the castle they were suddenly assaulted by Arya who hugged Aryan on his leg. She then asked, "Can I come with you and Jon? Please.."

Taken aback Aryan asked, "Come where?"

"Arya what are you doing here? Did you again abandon your lessons?" Eddard asked aghast.

"Can I come with you and Jon? I don't want to stay here and learn to become a lady. I hate listening to Sansa and her stupid songs of ladies and knights. I hate Septa Mordane. Sansa and Jeyne Poole always call me Horseface." Arya babbled with big puppy eyes.

Aryan and Eddard looked at each other. Then thinking for a moment Eddard said surprising both the cousins, "I want you to be in your best behavior for the next few days. If your mother says you have listened to everything she said and were on you best behavior perhaps I will allow you to go with Aryan and Jon."

"Really. Oh thank you father. I will try my best to be a lady to impress mother. But Septa Mordane will still say I did not do properly. She hates me." Arya said.

Winking at her Aryan told her, "I will talk with the Septa. Now you go and impress your mother."

Arya ran away with a determined look.

Looking back at his Uncle Aryan asked him, "I am surprised you agreed to her demand. Even Arya was surprised you easily gave in."

With a far away look Eddard told him, "Arya always reminds me of Lyanna with the same Wolfblood. I do not want to make the same mistakes which my father did regarding Lyanna. Lyanna craved freedom from traditions, for which she lost her life. So by giving Arya some form of freedom to calm her Wolfblood I want to let her to have a better life."

"Will Lady Cat agree to it? After all Arya is still nine years old?" Aryan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She will need convincing but she will listen to me. As for Arya being to young, I feel more comfortable leaving Arya alone than ever with Sansa." Ned said.

Aryan agreed with him. Two days ago when in a conversation Aryan had asked Sansa what she wanted to do when she grows up. Aryan was disgusted by her reply. She had said that she wanted to go and meet the Knights of south. Then marry a handsome knight and have beautiful babies with him. Aryan laughed at her response then quite harshly mocked her on her fantasy and naive outlook of the world. He then tried to tell her about the real world and how treacherous the people may be and how cruel they may be behind their smiles. But she called him a liar and ran away. Since then she was maintaining a distance from him.

"Uncle I am worried about Sansa. That Septa Mordane is filling her head with a lot of shit. I don't know whether she told you or not when tried to tell her about the real world she called me a liar and ran away." Aryan told him.

"Is that why she is avoiding you. I was about to ask her why. I will talk with her. But she is still a child. She will understand it in a few years." Eddard told him.

"She won't be a child forever, and Winter is Coming." Aryan said.

They were suddenly interrupted by Robb who came running, "Father is it true that you are allowing Arya to go with Jon and cousin Aryan?"

"We have not yet decided on anything. But the matter is in active consideration." Aryan told him.

"But that would mean that Arya would be away for almost a year." Robb said thinking.

Aryan denied saying that, "No. I will send her back with Jon from Sunspear. Lord Manderly will be joining me from Sunspear. I will send them back in Lord Manderly's ship. That way they will be away for only three moons at the most."

Eddard agreed to that.

"Father it is very unfair that Jon was able to go for his first battle in Skagos and now Arya is going South. I am stuck here." Robb lamented.

"You are my heir Robb. You have to learn how to rule after me." Eddard said to him.

Robb tried again, "But uncle Brandon was supposed to be the heir, and he was fostered at Barrowtown."

"He is right uncle. I suggest you send him to Uncle Benjen and when Lord Manderly returns to White Harbour for fostering. He would learn how to manage a city from them, which would be helpful in the future." Aryan offered.

"It sounds like a good plan. I will consider it Robb." Eddard told Robb who brightened at that.

Aryan senses were alerted to someone coming. Discreetly looking behind he saw Catelyn coming with a red face. Eddard also noticed her.

Winking at his uncle Aryan said to Robb, "I will leave you to deal with her uncle. Come Robb, Let us see how good are you with a sword."

The both walked away leaving poor Eddard to deal with an angry Catelyn.

All the Starks were assembled at the docks to see Aryan and Arya off. Not interested in dealing with Catelyn, Jon was some distance away shouting instructions at the servants who were loading supplies.

"Jon has changed. He looks more confident, carefree and happy. I wish Lyanna was here to see him." Eddard said looking at Jon.

"Yes the battle has changed him. Sending him as a squire with Lord Dustin was a impulsive decision of mine but it was worth it. I even heard that he killed two men of his own Lord William Dustin was praising him for his deeds. Being away from the scorn of your southern wife and her idiotic septa also helped his confidence." Aryan told him.

Ned said grimly, "Yes William wrote to me too. He said that Jon is quite skilled with his sword. Though I wish he didn't have to see blood at such a young age and that Cat could grow to love him."

"The world we live is quite harsh and unforgiving uncle. We must adapt to it. Besides I also tasted first blood at twelve namedays. And yes Lord Dustin is correct when he said Jon is skilled with his sword." Aryan said.

"You are quite skilled yourself nephew. I had seen you practice and heard from Benjen too. Don't sell yourself short. After all Arthur was the legendary Sword of the Morning." Ned said.

"Our House should also be the greatest in individual martial might. And I may one day be faster than my uncle and stronger than my father but I don't think I will ever have the raw talent that Jon possess with a sword in his hand." Aryan admitted.

Nodding at the response Eddard asked, "Sometimes I fail to understand you. You are so kind and understanding sometimes. And on other occasions you are very ruthless. I heard there was a massacre at Skagos."

"I don't know whether you know this Uncle, the rise of House Stark is more bloodier and less honorable than you think. I have read the journals of previous Stark lords. And about the Skagos, the House Crowle and Stane refused to bend knees, so they were killed to the last men. The Magnars surrendered and I gave them mercy. I have placed two thousand men under Whoresbane Umber there for a year to curb any surprises. You need to understand that you are a wolf of the North and not a falcon of the Vale." Aryan told him.

"Sometimes I feel that I don't know anything about the North as I was fostered at the Vale. But what exactly are you building with the white stones near Wintertown." Eddard asked.

"I am building a stadium for conducting games uncle. The south has its tourneys for enjoyment. I want something for us too. We will conduct many types of games like running, jumping, horse riding, throwing competitions there with good prizes. Not only for lords but also for the smallfolk too. I am still making the plans. Let us keep it a secret for now." Aryan told him, before continuing "To this day I fail to understand why grandfather Rickard thought it was a good idea to foster you in the Vale, at the birth place of the Andals in Westeros with their worthless fake honor. And I understand even less why he thought that was a good idea to make a Trout as Lady of Winterfell. Maybe he should have listened more to grandmother Lyarra instead of that damn Maester. Another reason why I want our own center of knowledge. I never want a Stark to ever be manipulated by a grey rat."

"Your grandfather did what he thought was best for his House. That's all that matters." Eddard agreed.

They were soon approached by Cat, Arya and Brynden Tully. The Blackfish had came two days ago to visit his niece but Lady Catelyn convinced him to accompany Arya which he readily agreed.

There were tears in Catelyn's eyes for sending away Arya but the same could not be said about Arya. There was excitement and unbridled joy in her eyes.

"Nephew, please reconsider the matter. She is only nine years old." Cat said.

Blinking his eyes Aryan replied, "I am not taking her forcibly. It was uncle who allowed her. I also think it will be good for her too to come with us. She has an adventurous spirit unlike Sansa who only wants to become a dimwitted lady."

"She is still waiting for you to apologise." Ned pipped from nearby. They all looked to see Sansa standing with the Septa in a stuck up pose.

'Fuck off girl' he said mentally and told the others, "Not going to happen Uncle. I am not going to apologise. She needs to understand that the world is not roses and grass but also thorns and snakes behind the beauty and the more you shelter her, the less receptive she'll become when you decide to tell her the truth of the world."

"Well said Lord Stark. I agree with you. I also thank you for giving me a chance to visit the South." Brynden Tully said.

"Can we go now?" Arya asked impatiently taking everyone's attention.

Cateyn hugged Arya and soon they started to board the ship. Suddenly reminded of something Aryan told Eddard, "Uncle, you will soon be receiving Tyrion Lannister soon. Officially he is here to buy materials from us but I believe that he is here for something more. He will certainly try to make a match with one of his Lannister cousin." he let a little laugh, "As if I will ever let a Lannister become Lady of Winterfell... Send him to Winterfell, Jaqen will deal with him."

"Are your sure your Steward can deal with a Lannister." Eddard asked worried about a Lannister presence in the North.

"He is no ordinary man Uncle. I will tell you about that later. Trust me on this." Aryan told him starting to board the ship.

Eddard nodded.

Soon the ship started to sail away and everyone heard Arya's cry of joy.


The Sunset Sea

The winds had been favorable and they had passed the Lannisport a week before. They had passed the Ironman's Bay without any trouble from the Ironborn. They were also ahead of schedule something which confused the Captain. What he did not know was that Aryan had enchanted the ship to become faster and stronger as well as resistant to fire.

Arya was practising swordfight with Jon. Aryan had conjured her a blunt and short Rapier for practice, which had made her very happy. She always moved around with her sword. She used to learn from Jon and occasionally from Myrio Florel the Captain who had learned the basics of water dancing with Syrio Florel. Surprisingly sometimes the Blackfish did not display any animosity to Jon. Sometimes he used to give lessons in combat tactics to Jon who seemed to like that.

Aryan stood near the bow and soon Marwyn joined him.

"The Captain is bewildered about how we are going so fast." Marwyn said.

"Let him. We gave more important things to discuss. Since we are going to raid the Citadel, I want to know more about its layout and structure as well as its origins. So tell me about that."

Marwyn began, "Of course. The origin of the Citadel is disputed, but House Hightower is generally considered to have played an important role in its foundation. Most accounts on the Citadel's origins say that it was Prince Peremore the Twisted, the second son of King Uthor of the Hightower who is behind the foundation of the Citadel. The curious Peremore invited numerous scholars, including wise men, teachers, priests, healers, singers, wizards, alchemists, and sorcerers, to Oldtown. After Peremore's death, his brother, King Urrigon, granted land alongside the Honeywine to "Peremore's pets", who developed the tract into the maesters' Citadel. House Hightower still continues to be a strong patron of learning to this very day."

"I would also like to encourage learning. Not only to maesters but to everyone. Educated citizens contribute to the development of a country." Aryan said.

"Very ambitious of you Lord Stark. But it will be difficult to accomplish." Marwyn said.

"I have enough time, power and magic to accomplish all that. Now about the layout of the Citadel?" Aryan asked.

Marwyn began to explain, "The Citadel lies on the Honeywine, where its towers and domes are connected with arching stone bridges. Houses and stalls sit on the bridges. The gates are flanked by a pair of tall green sphinxes with the bodies of lions, the wings of eagles and the tails of serpents. One has the face of a man, the other a woman.

Just inside the gates of the Citadel lies the Scribe's Hearth. Here, the citizens of Oldtown come to hire scribes, usually acolytes, to write and read letters for them. The scribes wait in open stalls for their custom. Other stalls situated at the Scribe's Hearth include those where books are bought and sold. Some others offer maps too.

Then there is the Weeping Dock from where one can get a boat for a voyage to the Bloody Isle.

Outside the Seneschal's Court lies where acolytes and novices are punished for minor crimes, such as petty thievery. Inside the doors is a hall with a stone floor and high, arched windows. At the far end of the hall there is a raised dais where a gatekeeper greets all those who wish to make an appointment to see the Seneschal.

Finally is the The Isle of Ravens which is linked to the eastern bank of the Honeywine by a weathered wooden drawbridge. On the island is located the Ravenry, the oldest building of the Citadel. The walls of the Ravenry are covered in moss and vines and within its yard sits a weirwood tree on which the ravens like to perch. The white raven rookery is located in the west tower. These are sent throughout Westeros to announce the coming of Winter."

"But so if were to steal all the knowledge from the Citadel, where should I go?" Aryan asked.

"All the records, the books and artifacts are kept at the Central library for which you have to pass through the Seneschal's court. But I have a doubt. The Citadel has books and records from thousand of years. Are you sure that you can replicate them all in a single night." Marwyn asked confusedly.

"Of course it can be done. Just make sure you are there at the entrance to show me the way." Aryan told him to which Marwyn agreed.

Aryan then broached another subject, "You know when I met the Children of the Forest, I asked to come back to the North. Do you think the people will be comfortable that?"

"The Northerners I have to say that will accept anything. The word of a Stark can easily convince the North. But I cannot say the same about the rest of Westeros. The Faith will not like it and may cause some problems. But considering their weak hold in the North I doubt it will matter much. But you should be more worried about the response of the Citadel." Marwyn warned.

"While I know from your words that the Citadel's dislike for magic, do you think they will do something against the Children?" Aryan asked.

Marwyn laughed mirthlessly and started to explain, "Who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around? Gallant dragonslayers armed with swords? The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons. Ask yourself why Aemon Targaryen was allowed to waste his life upon theWall, when by rights he should have been raised to an archmaester. His blood was why. He could not be trusted. No more than I can. The maesters will try with whatever means to eliminate the Children. That is why I asked to you set up something to rival the Citadel to break their monopoly. I know you have big plans and something like the University will be a big boon to you."

Thinking for a moment Aryan said, "If what you say is true, then the setting up of the University is a priority. The Children will come to the North and I will welcome them with open arms when they come. If the Citadel tries anything I will make sure that they become history."

"Other than Archmaester Ebrose there is no one I would miss there. Perhaps we convince him to accompany us to North." Marwyn suggested to which Aryan offered no objections.

As the sun began its descent Aryan told his cousins to stop their swords and go to rest. They would be in Oldtown in a week.

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