

It was after owen leave the cafe. Lisa sit in her seat in silence as she ponder what just happened. She tried to stand up and chased after owen, but it was no use. Her body is devoid of any energy out of shock now and she can't stand up.

".... No... Owen... This...this is not....."

As she lament her predicament, she took a moment to gather her energy and strength. Her mental condition is very fragile now, but Lisa knows she must chase after owen if she wants to have any hope to be with owen again.

" no..... I can't just sit here doing nothing..... Let's..... Let's chased after owen....i...I must tell owen everything..... He....he maybe will hate me for having a friendly relationship with another man behind his back... But... It's far better than this misunderstanding....If... If it's owen...he... He will.... "

As Lisa make her decision, she finally start walking to chase after owen. As she looked around outside of the cafe and can't spot owen, she decided to run to Owen's apartment as she tried to call owen.

"Owen.....he didn't pick up my call..... "

'I should have to tell owen from the start... I should not have lied to him that time..... I should have more faith in owen... I should have..... '

Such words filled Lisa's mind as she regrets her decision to hide her trouble with jack from owen.

"Owen, it's me Lisa, please open the door,owen!"

When she arrived she knocked on Owen's apartment door and called to him, when there was no response, she takes out the spare key that owen give to her and open the door

"owen! I am coming in okay, please hear me out first! I—"

As Lisa enter Owen's room she found out that it is empty.

".... He... Is it not here? Owen... Where did you... Hm? "

As she stand confused, she spotted a brown bag that have a card coming out from the top of the bag with the words 'to Lisa's

"This....? "

As Lisa open the bag, she realized that it was actually an anniversary gift that owen prepared for Lisa.

"Ugh... Owen.... "

As she took out the box from the bag and opened it, its actually a hairpin with the shape of a carnation, Lisa's favorite flower.

As she lament what happened between her and owen while looking at the gift, she found her newfound courage to tell owen everything.

"That's right... We loved each other...I must believe in owen.... We can still..... "

She decided to walk to every single place that she thinks owen will go to, and in the middle of searching, by chance, she actually spotted owen coming out of her house. Lisa quickly called for owen

"Owen! "

"... Lisa..... "

I don't know why, but owen looked pale when suddenly he murmurs something and suddenly looked calm. It's weird but in my panicked state, I didn't realize that

"Owen! ! p-please listen to me! I—"

"Lisa... I am sorry! "

Owen suddenly bowed his head towards me and apologize

"... E-eh, what are you...? "

"I just exploded yesterday and hurt you without thinking of your feelings and just pushing my selfishness towards you, I am really sorry, lisa"

"o-owen? "

Owen... Actually, apologize....?

"lisa... I know the truth now... That guy... Jack, give you the advice to get closer to me right? "

"e-eh...! How did you.... "

"i...I see your chat history with him Lisa, I want to confirm what is your relationship with him. I am really sorry for looking at your chat history without permission"

Owen... Actually, see my chat history with jack!? But... Our chat is actually a facade by jack and should not have any indication that jack and I are having a relationship. It just showed I have a friendly relationship with jack and just asking for advice.

"E-eh, owen..., it...its fine owen...I am also sorry, that I was talking to another guy behind your back.....even though it was for us to get closer together..... I, I should have not...."

"lisa... Now that I know the truth now... There is something that I need to tell you.... "

"owen..... "

"i am sorry for everything, I only throw my selfishness one-sidedly without hearing from your side.... "

Owen..... Thank god... I still can repair it..... I still can be with owen...

"it-its fine owen... I am also.... "

"I love you, Lisa, I have always been fond of you since we are little, you are the one who supported me when my parents passed away, I am always been indebted to you.... "

"owen..... "

Owen reaffirms his feelings for me... I am happy.... Very happy...

"that's why Lisa, thank you for everything and.... "

"owen.... "

Yes... We will be together for---

"..... let's Break up"

"......... eh? "

At that instant, my head went blank as I can't comprehend what jack just said

"I should have done this from the start lisa, it's my selfishness to hold you back like this. "

"wha... How are you...!? "

I was very confused and my head went blank, but owen just continue with his words

"I finally realized, that I don't deserve you, after all, you have done to get closer to me, and actually become my girlfriend, you actually loved me so much, but I actually cannot make you happy, and your love disappear and goes toward jack that always cared for you, that's why you did that right? "

"wh-what are you talking—"

Don't deserve me?.... What are you talking about owen!? You are the only one for me! I don't want anyone else besides you! I--

"Lisa... I already know everything... About you and jack..... You are already become his right? I cannot make you happy, so that's why you go to that man... I don't know what I did wrong, but....."

"no... That's not it! I—"

Me.....with jack!? How are you...

"you didn't have to hide it anymore lisa, it's okay, I don't angry anymore. Your support toward me for all these years is more than I can hope for, it's my fault that I can't make you happy and make your stay with me. "

" O-owen, i—"

"it's okay Lisa, I already know your relationship with jack from your last chat, you guys are so close after all, that he sent a message like that"

"message? Wha.... "

I quickly open my phone and see the message from jack. It's a nonsense message to taunt me and make me angry and---

"wh, why, th-this video!!! N-no!!! Wait, o-owen!! I—"

It's... ...that video... Did owen see this? No this... This isn't happening... This isn't.....

"Yo-you are wrong!! I didn't... I... Jack... He—"

"its okay lisa, it will be a lie that i didn't get sad, but i don't get angry toward you anymore lisa. From your chat together,i can see that jack also fond of you ade he seems go be a good guy so that's why..... thank you for everything lisa and... Please be happy with Jack...."

"W-wait, owen!!! Please, please wait, i—"

Owen just run from there and didn't looked back again. My mind filled with chaos and cannot move i—

"No...owen... That's not!! Jack.... That demon... He!! Video.... No... Don't look.... I... I.... Owen... Don't go, Owe, owen owenowenowenowenow—"

In that moment, lisa's vision went blank and she passeed out





"hm... This....where....? "

As Lisa opened her eye, she found herself in an unfamiliar room. When suddenly...

"Lisa, you wake up! "

".... Mom? "

Its... Mom....?

"you alright? You are in a hospital, I find you passed out in front of the house! What happened? "

"passed out...? I....!!! Owen!! "

Lisa suddenly get up from the bed and asked her mother

"mom!! Owen!! Where is he!? "

"did you get passed out related to owen? Then did he go because....? "

"go....? What? What do you...? "

"....when I found you passed out, I quickly sent you to hospital and tried to call owen to inform him... But... I can't reach him. "

"... "

"After that, I found it was weird after several days, he didn't come home to his apartment and never come to our house again after that day, and then I tried to ask his friends from the college but... "

"se-several days!? Mom, i.... "

"..... You have been asleep for a week Lisa.... "

"a... A week!? N-no owen...!! "

A week... Owen..... Is already gone... He... He will never come back again... Owen..... He is leaving me... I... Owen..... He

It's..... Because of.... That demon..... Jack..... Jack, owen leave because of--- jack.... Jack, owen, video, no!! Don't look, owen, i—jack jack owen jack video...i owenjackjackowejacowenjaoe@££(-#;_() #;£+:@:£+(£+@#£((#((Xxxxxxx

"Aha..... Ahahahahha... "

"li-lisa!? "


Lisa's mind and heartbroken to pieces that day

Hanzo_z Hanzo_z

Spoiler alert: yes a yandere But I won't let Lisa come back and hunt for owen because a new heroine will soon appear when the new arc is done...


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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