67.85% Teen Wolf :- A Wolf's Journey. / Chapter 38: Ch.37 Last leg

章 38: Ch.37 Last leg

After finishing breakfast, I went out… Today was a holiday and I just wanted to relax today. Mom was pretty sure that today, they'll be able to find her. I really wish that they do find her, because I don't want to be Peter's henchman forever. She had told me that she will inform me once she does find her. I got in my car and just drove…

I was walking around the town, enjoying a leisurely stroll. I went to the arcade, played some games. Went to the theatre and watched a movie. I had lunch at a diner and then went to the park. I sat down on the bench and relaxed. I watched people coming to the park with their families, having picnics. Children playing. It was quite peaceful.

The day was slow, it felt like it was moving at a snail's pace, but it wasn't all that bad… I was just anxious about finding Ashley. I don't know what Scott and Stiles were up to. After last night's altercation with Scott I haven't heard from him, to be quite honest I didn't want to either. It was starting to get dark, and I decided to go home and wait. I got in my car and I got a text from mom. It said, "At the last location… fingers crossed."

I was anxious and then someone opened my car's door, it was Peter. He came in and sat down and said, "You've got a nice car."

I looked at him and asked, "Ah, thanks… But what are you doing here?"

He looked at me and said, "Come on, Finn… we are going to be in this for a long time, so let's not make it any harder than it needs to be." I sighed, and he smacked his lips and said, "Alright, alright… I'll get to the point, sour puss."

He said, "I need help finding Derek."

I looked at him and said, "Like I told you before, I am not good at that."

He hummed and nodded, "I know, but your friend is very good."

I was confused, and he said, "I am talking about that scrawny kid with the buzz cut."

I squinted and said, "Who, Stiles?"

He hummed and said, "Yeah, I recall him and Scott having a chat about who called Allison, that night in school."

I looked at him and said, "Assuming he does know how to do it. What makes you think that he will do it? For you no less."

He looked at me and said, "Well, that's where you come in handy…"

I squinted and asked, "What do you mean?"

He shook his head and said, "Well, you have been going to school with him… is there anyone he cares about, aside from his dad."

I looked at him and said, "I am not helping you kidnap someone."

He looked at me and said, "But you will…" I wanted to kill him but he said, "Come on now Finn, think of your friend for a second." I sighed and he said, "Now who is it?"

I sighed and said, "Lydia Martin… he likes her."

He chuckled and said, "Fantastic now… call her."

I raised my arms and said, "What?"

He looked at me and said, "Call her, tell her you want to talk to her, and we nab her then, simple."

I don't want to do it, but I don't have a choice. I got my phone and called her. She picked it up and I said, "Hey, Lydia…"


We were sitting in the car, in the mall. Lydia and Allison were here shopping for winter dance dresses. Coincidentally Stiles was here as well. Peter looked at me and said, "Now, that's what I call luck…" He looked at me and sighed, "Look Finn, I get it's hard for you to betray your friends like this… so let me do this for you. Stay in the car and I'll go and grab them."

He hummed and got out of the car. He walked to the elevator and it went up. I checked my phone for any messages or updates regarding Ashley but it wasn't there. I laid my head down and tried to relax. After like 15 min. Peter shows up with Lydia and Stiles. He is holding Lydia hostage, he is grasping her neck. They walked somewhere and I heard.

Peter exhaled and "Now, Stiles, is it?"

Stiles's heart was beating like a machine, it was loud. His voice was shaky and he said, "Let her go…"

Peter chuckled and said, "Absolutely, as long as you can tell me where Derek is?"

Stiles paced around and his words were stuck, Lydia was scared, she was crying and she said, "Just do whatever he wants."

Stiles exhaled and said, "I'll do it but let her go." he lied and Peter and I knew it.

Peter just scoffed and said, "Come on, Stiles… you know, better than to lie to me, Stiles… you stink when you lie…." He chuckled and said, "Let me give you an incentive." He opened his mouth and he bared his fang and bit Lydia on her neck, her voice got muffled and she passed out.

Peter wiped his mouth and said, "Now, if you don't help me find Derek she would be…"

Stiles cut him off and said, "How would I find him?"

Peter chuckled and said, "Well, you found out it was me who made the call to Allison and besides between the two of you aren't you supposed to be the smart one?" he looked at Stiles and said, "So tell the truth now or I rip her apart piece by piece."

His voice shaked and he said, "Look, I don't know where he is but he called us saying he is being chased…"

Peter said, "By the Argent's?"

Stiles hummed and he said, "I can track his phone using the Gps, that is if he still has that number on him."

Peter chuckled and said, "Good… so come on, we have work to do..."

Stiles looked at him and said, "I'm not leaving her here like this…"

Peter said, "She will be fine, someone will find her eventually."

Stiles said, "NO!"

Peter said, "I am afraid you don't have a choice here, Sties…" He picked up Stiles and they came and sat inside the car and Stiles looked at me. I couldn't look at him. Peter sat in front and Stiles was thrown in the back.

Peter said, "Come on, chin up, we have a lot of work to do." He inserted a cassette and it played, "Carry on wayward son." I looked at him and sharply exhaled and he said, "It fits the mood… just drive."


(Olivia's POV)

We were in the car and Derek was driving. We were being chased by Argent's who were shooting at us. I was providing cover. The bullets hit the back windshield and broke it. I opened Ashley's cage and told her to hide under and duck down. It's a good thing that this isn't my main car. But during the firing Derek got hit in the shoulder with a bullet laced with wolfsbane and mountain ash.

I took over the wheel and gave him a vial and said, "Drink this!" He popped it down the hatch and started to get dizzy.

He asked, "What was in it?"

I said, "Well, first aid…."

I jumped out of the old road and into a highway. I jumped the car through the intersection and was driving opposite to the traffic. They were still giving us a good chase. There was a crossroads coming and I saw a truck coming from the right side… I accelerated and told them, "Hang on tight." I drifted the car cutting it real close to the truck and took a sharp U turn. They were stuck and we left them in the dust…

We needed a place to hide for now.


(Finn's Pov)

We were at Beacon Hills Hospital, we got out of the car and Stiles was drilling holes in my skull and Peter said, "Oh, don't blame lille 'ol Finn here. He is just following orders."

I asked, "Why are we here?"

He chuckled and opened the trunk of the car and got a bag out and said, "For supplies." He closed the trunk and put the bag on the car and got a portable Hotspot out with a Mac and said, "Now Stiles work your magic."

Stiles sighed heavily and got to work. I looked at my phone waiting for something. Peter saw me and said, "Waiting for someone? Is it Allison?"

I looked at him and he said, "But you two looked so… close."

I put my phone away and said, "We're just friends… I am just waiting on Olivia's message ."

He looked at me and hummed and Stiles looked at me.

I looked at him and Stiles said, "I need Scott's username and password and I don't have both..."

Peter sighed and said ,"You know both."

Stiles shook his head and said, "No I don't…"

Peter said, "Even if I still couldn't hear your heartbeat… I would still be able to tell that you are lying."

Stiles shouted and said, "Dude, I swear to god I don't know."

Peter sighed and pushed Stiles down and I said, "Hey!" He looked at me and I said l, "Just stop… it."

He looked at me and said, "Fine, you get him to do it then."

I walked towards Stiles and said, "Stiles please just do what he asks… we don't have a choice here. He can kill you and I won't be able to stop him just do it."

Stiles shook his head and said, "What if I tell him where Derek is and he goes ahead and kills people."

Peter sighed and said, "Not to sound like a broken record. But I am only killing the ones who are responsible…"

I looked at him and said, "It's about the fire isn't it… Who did it? Was it the Argent's?" He looked at me and I said, "It was Kate wasn't it."

He just bobbed his head and said, "Nice deduction there Finn…"

Stiles said, "Are you going to kill Allison?"

He scoffed and said, "No… can we just… do it please."

Stiles started typing and he said, "Can you guys keep Scott out of it… it's not like you need him. You have Finn to help you."

Peter said, "Just do what I have asked of you…"

Stiles exhaled and typed in the username and the password and it was a little embarrassing, Peter said, "His username and password is Allison?"

Stiles sighed and asked, "Still want him in your pack."

We got the location and I was just hoping that mom was not with him right now. The location was in the middle of nowhere. Peter said, "It's odd… What is he doing there?"

I looked at him and asked, "It's an wherehouse what's so odd about it?"

He sighed and said, "Nothing… you're right… let's go and get him now.'

After we got the location. Peter closed the laptop and put it in the bag and he put the bag in the backseat and he turned around and said, "You've helped us Stiles… so I am going to give you a gift." We looked at him and he said, "Do you want the bite?"

Stiles was stunned and Peter said, "That night when Scott got bit it could have easily been you… you could be every bit stronger, faster not to mention smarter than him…" He took his hand and said, "So what do you say? Do you want it?"

Peter was about to bite him and Stiles pulled his hand away and said, "I don't want it. I don't want to be like you."

Peter chuckled and said, "Even though you can't lie, you still try your hardest…"

Peter got in the car and said, "Get in the car Finn."

I walked towards Stiles and said, "Don't come Stiles go to Lydia."

I sat inside the car and we started to drive towards the warehouse.


(Allison's Pov)

I found Lydia lying on the cold concrete floor. She had a large bite mark on her neck. I called 911. Ambulance came and I went with her to the hospital.

I got a call from my aunt. She asked me where I was. I controlled my emotions and I told her where I was. She told me she was coming. I saw them take Lydia away.

Her mom came and she was crying. How did this happen? The police came and they started asking me questions. But my aunt came and took care of it.

She told me to get some air and I went outside. I was a mess, this happened again. I know that this was not a freaking animal accident, something's not right.

My aunt came outside and she asked, "How are you doing?"

I turned around and I said, "I want to know the truth."

She looked at me and said, "What are you talking about?"

I looked at her and said, "I know that this is not an Animal attack."

She walked towards me and said, "You sure you can handle this."

I sighed and said, "I don't want my friends to die."

She nodded and exhaled, "Fine."


(Olivia's Pov)

We were held up in a warehouse. Derek was shot with a silver bullet laced with wolves bane. The poison was acting fast. I got my small bag out and I was treating his wound and Malia was on lookout even though she looked a little weak she was still full of energy.

I pulled the bullet and he groaned in pain and I said, "Don't be a baby Derek, it's just a bullet."

He groaned and said, "Yeah a bullet laced with poison." I poured an elixir in his mouth and he coughed and said, "Tastes like ass."

I chuckled and started to sew his wounds. He sighed and said, "What kind of hunter are you?" I looked at him and he said, "You are just weird."

I smiled and said, "Says the guy who turns into a werewolf."

He chuckled and then Ashley came running and she barked and I said, "Stay with him." I got up and he groaned and tried to get up. I stopped him and said, "If anything happens, run away with her."

I looked at her and she barked. I checked my guns and walked towards the door and I saw lights of trucks. It was the hunters. They stopped and then I saw another pair of lights. It was a brown sedan.


"One way or another." was playing on the radio and he stopped it and said, "Looks like we have friends over."

He opened the door and transformed and I got out as well and transformed as well. He said, "Go and check on Derek… I have someone to take care of."

I ran to the warehouse and the hunters got on alert they were on edge. As they were focused on me Peter got the better of them and started to pick them off one by one.

I reached the warehouse and I got in. I saw mom. She pointed her gun away and she said, "Thank god you are okay." She came and hugged me.

I transformed back and I looked back and saw Ashley and Derek. He looked at me and seemed to recognise me. He was wounded but was looking good. I turned to mom and said, "He is here and he is here to kill Kate. We need to take care of him."

Derek got up and said, "Do you think we'll be able to stop him?"

I nodded and said,."I think so, yes… if we do it now, together… we can do it."

Peter then shouted "Derek come out!"

I looked at mom and said, "Out the back and circle him… provide support."

She nodded and pulled her mask back on. She got out with Ashley. Derek and I transformed back and got out of the warehouse. We saw Peter had his hands on Kate's throat and Peter looked at Derek and said, "You look good…"

Derek said, "I am here…"

Peter smiled and said, "Looks like you have met..." I growled and he stopped then looked at Chris who was coughing and wheezing and Allison was there. What was she doing here?

Peter said, "She looks just like you, Kate… probably not as messed up as you." He exhaled and said "I am going to give you one chance to save her kate… Apologise."

His voice started to break down and said, "Apologise for decimating my family, apologise for leaving me burned and broken for six years… Apologise and I'll let her live."

Kate's voice froze and she said, "I am sorry." Peter exhaled and closed his eyes and ripped her throat out. He looked at Allison and said, "Didn't sound very sincere."

He started to walk towards Allison and I ran toward him and howled and he turned around and mom started firing at him. He transformed back and Allison ran behind the car and got her bow.

He started to run toward me, he dodged every single bullet and he hurled a boulder towards mom. She dodged it and he threw his claws at me and I jumped and bit down on his shoulder. He plunged his claws in my back and in my neck and tried to claw my back. His claws hit my jugular view and I was bleeding. Derek got closer and got his other hand but he hurled it away and put a deep scar in his chest.

He grabbed me from my head and slammed me in the ground. I got a good chunk of his shoulder and he roared in pain. I was losing blood but I was quickly healed as well… He was about to crush my head but he got shot in the head with an arrow. It staggered him and mom pumped him full of bullets. He was still not dead. I quickly got up and rammed him into the ground.

I clawed his face and bit down on his right arm. He swung his left hand at me but Ashley came running at Peter and bit down on his other arm. Scott came out of nowhere and held him down.

Ashley and I put all our efforts in subduing him. He was struggling against us but we held him down. I heard his bones breaking and his flesh ripping apart. As we held him down Derek got up and ripped out his throat. Peter stopped struggling and he died.

I let go of his arm and Ashley and I walked away. Derek looked at me and said, "Thank you."

I nodded and I walked away with Ashley. We walked to the Brown sedan in which I came. The car that mom brought looked like shit. Mom opened the door and Ashley and I sat down in the backseat.

Mom started to drive. We got away from them and I transformed back and Ashley looked at me and I hugged her and tears fell from my eyes. She rested her head on my shoulder and she yipped. I hugged her but it wasn't the same as before.

Something changed, she doesn't feel as hairy, in fact she doesn't feel like she has fur at all! I suddenly feel arms wrap around me tightly, pulling me tighter into a soft and warm female embrace. While I'm stunned and contemplating what was happening.

I hear an emotional voice say to me, "My name… my name is Malia it isn't Ashley. God what a horrible name."

The voice trailed off. I pull back slightly and look at Malia. She was gorgeous, she had light brown hair, beautiful glowing blue eyes that slowly shifted to hazel/brown. I realised her eyes were damp and she looked like she was about to cry.

I chuckled and sniffled, "Malia huh? Your name's Malia… it's a beautiful name, I'm sorry Malia." I smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you, Malia." She smiled and nodded.


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter. I know it's quite big and all but I just wanted this chapter to be out so that I could finish S1 and take a little rest. I wasn't uploading for 2~3 days because I was sick. I had a heat stroke and I was on bed rest.

Next thing is I don't really know if you guys will like the fight scene that is here. I have made it so that I can use everyone in it. So that it doesn't feel empty. Compared to the original where he is Molotoved and all.

The fight against Peter and Finn have always been mostly a tie or one overwhelming the other. But it hasn't been a clear winner.

Anyways if you liked the chapter leave a comment down below and I will see you in a bit. I have a lot to think about the upcoming chapters.

PS:- To those few who cares The Hp FF will be getting updates from tomorrow.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C38
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


