The wheel slowed down and eventually stopped on Shang's next opponent.
It was a Pest Cat, but it had several things that didn't fit the image of a normal Pest Cat.
First of all, it had long eyelashes, which showed that it was very feminine.
It also had a big belly, which reminded Shang of a pregnant woman.
Lastly, it wore a dainty crown.
Shang quickly realized what beast this picture symbolized.
He hadn't seen one yet, but these beasts were worth a ton of money.
It was Pest Queen.
Pest Queens were the main source of the Pest Cat problem.
When a Pest Cat reached the General Stage, it had a chance of evolving into a Pest Queen.
A Pest Queen would abandon its agility in exchange for ranged abilities and vastly increased fertility.
Pest Cats only had six children per pregnancy in general.
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