11.29% Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin / Chapter 7: The Plains fields hidden in the mountains.

章 7: The Plains fields hidden in the mountains.

Skagos, The North, 4th Moon of 275 AC.

It's been a moon since Ragnar had conquered House Magnar's territories, the first thing he did was checking if Kingshouse had a maester, it turns out it did… Ragnar found it rather surprising, he asked the maester how was life for him, the maester informed him that unlike what some people would think he was treated fairly well, and that people held his skill as healer in high regards. He asked the maester to send a letter he had written to Lord Stark and the maester did so.

The Letter.

Lord Stark,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good mood. I have only good news to share. I have conquered House Magnar's lands and seat of power, Lord Magnar denied your house's power over Skagos and declared himself all powerful here… he's been taken care of; but unfortunately, or fortunately if you think about it, Lord Magnar was the last Magnar alive and as such his House no longer exists. I am still waiting for House Crowl and Stane's response, they still haven't bent the knee but it's only a matter of time till they do so. I have finished my coat of arms' the design, I'll send a draw and the color's schematics later on. I have also chosen my house's words "Peace, fire, Sky".

I'll write you to let you know should something come into existence.

One more thing: the rumors you heard… probably true hahahahaha

I wish you well Lord Stark.

Lord Ragnar Dovahkiin.


Two weaks after Ragnar sent the letter to Lord Stark, The Crowls and The Stanes arrived to bend the knee, the whole dragon stuff just scared the shit out of them… they swore to follow Ragnar's laws and said that as long as Ragnar treated them with respect and didn't demand impossible or humiliating things, they and their successors would follow him at the best of their capabilities. Ragnar found it good enough and so se asked his maester to send a letter to informing Lord Stark of the day's happenings.

Ragnar then declared that EVERY law of the north should be followed by all Skagossons. This was met with mixed feelings but nobody said anything. Ragnar then began to plan his next step.


Time skip ( 1 moon)

The last moon was really busy for Ragnar. He needed learn about the island's internal issues and how it functioned normally. Ragnar wasn't disappointed but he wasn't surprised either, it was as he expected, people here didn't know how to farm, they only ate their unicorns and some goats that lived up the mountains, "port towns" lived out of fishing but most of the time they couldn't do nothing due to the frozen shores.

Ragnar called all citizens of Kingshouse town and told them he had an announcement to make and that he expected them all to be gathered by the Keep's gates. Word soon reached all people in town and by the end of the morning they were all gathered and waiting to hear Ragnar's announcement.

" Drem yol lok, greetings! I have analyzed the Islands situation and got to a conclusion; but first let me inform you of a few really important things…these mountains around the island, they form a Valley of sorts, inside this valley there are large plains fields hidden, unfortunately it's very improbable that any of you know about this plains, one can only access it if they can fly… but fear not, I have a plan to make a passage through these mountains. Once we are able to get to these fields we will be able to farm the land…" Before Ragnar could proceed he was interrupted by someone from the crowd

"Even if we find a passage to these plains you talk about it won't matter, few things grows in this cold, and NOTHING grows on the winter's cold" Said a man and this comment was met with apprehensive murmurs.

"You are partially right, few things you know can grow in this cold, and nothing YOU know about can grow on Winter's cold. You have seen me practicing magic never seen since the age of heroes, haven't you not? I have seeds that can grow in the coldest of places… I can and will bring the mammoths from beyond the wall and with my magic,I will make them mass reproduce here… I promised you that you would never go hungry again… I will not let you down. YOU WILL NEVER GO HUNGRY AGAIN! Trust me." Ragnar said to the crowd and they fiercely nodded some even shouted "Aye".

Ragnar looked at the crowd again, they seemed different from the fist time he saw them, they looked more alive… they had hope for a better future, and they would get it if Ragnar had his way.

"I have scouted the mountains and I have good news to give you. I have found a gold, silver, iron and coal mines. It means that in a few years we will be able to engage in trade with whoever we want. Prosperity is coming my brothers. I can feel it… but let's not get away from the reason why I called you here today. Brothers and sisters… we cannot make everything by ourselves, we need farmers, we need experienced fishermen, we need miners we need experienced people to do all that… I can teach some of you some of these things… but I fear I'll have no time to do it. To solve this problems I had a few ideas. I will sail for IB and then to Meereen. My plans for IB is to offer them a home here, they are excellent whale hunters and masters of fishing! They are also a hardworking people like us, their Island is as cold as ours so they know of the winter's challenges. They will make a fine addition to Skagos would they not? Their woman are pretty and their man are easygoing… but you know all of that don't you? Some of you cary Ibanease blood, they are kin!"

Ragnar said and the crowd seemed to welcome the idea, some young man and woman seemed really eager about this whole idea…

" What about Meereen my Lord? Why are you going there?" Asked someone

"My plans for Meereen are to to be shared right now, once time comes you will all know about my plans.." Ragnar calmly said.

"When do you leave for Ib mi'lord?" Asked a woman from the crowd.

"Right after I open a passage through the mountain… and do something else… be prepared to move from your homes in about 2 moons .. that's all I'll say" Ragnar replied and the woman nodded.

" Any questions? Good. You are all dismissed…" Ragnar said and se walked back into the keep


3 weeks later

A tall man could be seen seating in lotus position staring into a mountain, he seemed to be contemplating something. By his side a huge grey dragon could be seen. This man was Ragnar, for the last three week he's been meditating his new Thu'um… a Thu'um he created to help him open way through the mountain… Gol Ven Bex… Earth open way… this would probably be his strongest Thu'um… not even Paarthurnax himself could pull it off, Alduin probably could but he wasn't sure.

Ragnar sat in silence, no sound could be heard, in this place silence was king. Ragnar's breath were harmonious, Ragnar was in communion with nature, birds could be seen perched on his shoulders, it's was if he was a stone statue, but suddenly he opened his eyes and and the wind was charged with his magic. Ragnar slowly got up and said

"Midstinul, tiid lost bo fah hi wah koriim zok lok do dii Thu'um hon dii zul ahrk keyr ahst dii suleyk"

(Midstinul, time has come for you to witness the pinnacle of my Thu'um hear my voice and marvel at my power)


NO MAGIC in the history of planetos could be compared to the level of this shout, the world "fought" against Ragnar's will for what he ordered it to do was too much even for world itself but Ragnar's Thu'um was stronger than the world, he had proven that when he defeated the World Eater at Monahven… the effect of the Thu'um was so loud that it probably could be heard by good part of the north, it was a sign of the times.

What happened in front of Ragnar and Midstinul's eyes was marvelous, the part of the mountain melted down and simply vanished into dust forming a "gate way" of sorts… his plan was successful now he only needed to build a city here and he would have proper seat of power. Ragnar was happy with the results… but unfortunately he wouldn't be able to celebrate it today..

"Good" he said and then passed out


Ragnar woke up with the sun hitting his eyes. He was in his bed at the Stone keep, he wondered what had happened to him then it all came back to him. He got out of his bed and left his bedroom. Once he got to the hall the servants bowed at him. He nodded at then a they began to serve his breakfast. He wondered how he gotten here… did Midstinul flew fim here?

"Hum hum, how exactly did I get here?" he asked to a servant

"Hum, your dragon brought you here mi'lord… eh…hum three days ago." She answered timidly. This shyness was something Ragnar was trying to fix, these woman were beaten back and down by Lord Magnar, which resulted in this odd behavior by Skagosi standards, they were weak in their eyes, not worthy of being Northern woman, or so they thought.

"I see… I'll head out to the plains, tell the people to gather by the keep's gate again. I have an announcement to make"


The people of Kingshouse town were once again gathered at the Stone keep to hear their Lord's announcement, they liked that the lord wanted to let them informed of his plans and it's developments, they were talking about the loud noise 3 days ago, some people said the old gods were angry with something, some said the Wall had fallen and the noise came from it… they were all wrong.

Ragnar walked out of the keep and the crowd went silent.

" Drem yol Lok, greetings… I have fulfilled the first part my plan to make this island prosperous… I have opened a way to the plains inside the valley. I'll take you all there so you can see, my wish is for you all to reallocate and begin to build there. I'll also try to do something but I'm not sure if it will work… Any question?" Ragnar asked nonchalantly.

"Mi'lord what noise was that 3 days ago? Do you know anything about It" the Blacksmith asked…

"Geh, yes… it was my most powerful magic taking effect… it took so much power from me it made me unconscious for 3 days. It was worth it tho… it was what opened the way through the mountains…"

This answer shocked many men…if that was true then their lord was a god…or at least the god's champion…

"Are you a god mi'lord?" Asked the same blacksmith

For the first time since Ragnar arrived on Westeros he was taken aback… he didn't know what to say, and he found that hilarious for some reason and so he laughed a full belly laughter… one that shook the keep, quite literally…

" A god? No no, Hahaha, no, I am Dovahkiin. If were a god I wouldn't be talking to you right now, gods don't often interact with mortals…"

Ragnar wiped out a tear that escaped his eyes.

"Do you believe in the old god mi'lord?" Asked a woman

" I do know they exit, I can feel it in my bones, they are strong here, they are satisfied with the changes I brought here… they want you to thrive, they say your punishment is over, the sins of your ancestors no longer weigh on you"

Ragnar bullshited through and through… and judging by the crowd reaction they believed… they had tear in their eyes… well most of them, mainly the fathers and mothers.

" Half of you, get ready to walk towards the gate in the mountains you will see your future land"

Ragnar said as he walked back to the keep to prepare himself for the trip…


Ragnar and the smallfolk of Kingshouse town walked for 2 hours till they get to the "gate in the mountains". The smallfolk marveled at the "gate" "it was a funky whole on a mountain for fucks sake" they thought. Ragnar then began to walk to the "gate", they walked for 20 minutes through what was once a mountain, and once they got to the other side they understood what Ragnar was talking about, huge plains fields hidden inside a valley, it's was so ironic and unfair that some of the smallfolk actually got mad. Ragnar kept walking, he would only stop once he got to an intersection of two mountains a few miles from where the "gate" was

"Let's see… maybe it will work, I asked for all my possessions and after I slayed Harkon it became mine by the right of conquest" Ragnar murmured to himself…

Ragnar then tried to summon Castle Volkihar and to his surprise a massive conjugation portal appeared and once it closed… Castle Volkihar was there,in all it's glory. The smallfolk could only stare dumbstruck at what they saw… and to close with a flourish, Midstinul landed the castle's broken tower and roared to the skies with all his might.


A/N: that's it for today guys!! See you tomorrow

P.s: If you see any spelling mistake let me know and later on I'll fix it!! Thank you ✋🏾✋🏾✋🏾

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