50% I'm a Kaiju? / Chapter 20: Act 19

章 20: Act 19

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide:




[Rok Nardin - Destroyer Of Worlds]

Monster X/Void Ghidorah POV

The world eater had detected Excelsus' presence and taken aback because the energy it possessed drew his attention. Just by sensing it, he was drooling. While not enough to restore his full strength, it was sufficient to serve as an appetizer.

As he returned to Earth, he noticed that the hatchling that had injured his weaker form had grown again. Their energy was far greater than he had expected, but it wasn't enough. They have the power, but they lack the experience. It wasn't time for their final showdown.

Another thing was that he had detected distinct energy. It was faint, but it reminded him of the hatchling and the potential he sensed from this vantage point. It was almost as if he had sensed the birth of a deity. He was growing fond of this reality.

Everyone will soon know who the Golden King of the Void is. Ruination of worlds


Godzilla scowled at his sons. Their power had grown once more. The destruction they had caused only confirmed that they were unworthy of taking on his role in protecting the world.

To be honest, the King of Monsters was furious. His spawn's irresponsible behavior had only worsened the situation. Even if they win the war, nature will not be able to recover. They have contaminated the sea and air too much for it to recover.

The rules of nature have become obsolete, twisted beyond anything he has ever seen. The creatures who lived in his domain were forever transformed into abominations with no control, killing everything in sight. Their mindless killing spread quickly, causing genocide on all sides.

Godzilla wanted to attack, but he knew he was outnumbered, and his offspring was trying to help. He can 'scold' them later. So, with great effort, he returned to Excelsus and growled at the recovering arachnid.

Excelsus roared in anger and disbelief. The hatchling put his vengeance on hold once more. He was also aware of how dangerous his offspring had become. Siding with Godzilla was the worst outcome he could have imagined.


The chimera stared at the Excelsus. They were concerned about something, and it was their newest form that was out of control. Unlike their previous forms, this one made all three heads want to destroy everything and reshape the earth in their image, while another side wanted to ignore the former.

They had no idea what had caused this, but all they remembered was the island collapsing on them and turning black. They were swimming in magma again the next thing they knew, and they had to figure out which way was up.

There's also this...

Name: Gestroyah

Title: The Crimson Devil

LVL: 100

HP: 6666

Attack: 6666

DEF: 6666

AGI: 6666

LUCK: -99%

Reputation: 50-50

What the hell!? They'd forgotten about this power because it only served as a reminder of their progress. They do not receive any special items. It doesn't give them anything op, just tells them who they pissed off and such. It doesn't even have a map built in. Who designed this dreadful system!?

The crimson devil took a deep breath and decided that they would solve this problem later. They needed to crush a spider.

Both father and son growled as they asserted their challenge to their adversary. Excelsus began stomping on the sea floor, while Godzilla repeatedly slammed his tail. Gestroyah spreads their wings, releasing a spectacular light show that shakes the entire area.

"What are you?" Excelsus growled.

All three heads grinned ferociously as Godzilla realized these three were up to something, and he didn't like it. But it was time for the three to look cool and say some badass one-liners.


"I AM NOT THE KING, I AM NOT THE GOD NOR THE DEVIL, I AM... THE WORST." The pure malice and bloodlust they unleashed took the kaijus by surprise. This feeling wasn't something an alpha or a guardian can unleash. This sensation was akin to a being that relished in pure destruction and chaos.

Gestroyah rushes towards the arachnid, and its blade pierces through its hard armor before both of them are struck by lightning. The ancient alpha roared in agony as it tried in vain to pry the chimera free.

The dragon rams its blade arm into its body again, but this time the results are different. Excelsus could feel his insides burning. It's hot, hot, hot! His mouth emitted smoke and embers. The arachnid was in such agony that he didn't realize he had left himself open.

Mothra joins the fight, webbing up the arachnid's face before unleashing Gestroyah's lightning storm. She can only offer assistance, and, as shameful as it is to admit, Gestroyah was the only one who could help her king.

Godzilla charges in, splitting open the enemy with his spikes before breaking one of its legs again. He fires his radioactive breath on the open wound without hesitation. He was ecstatic when he heard its agonizing roar.

Excelsus, desperate, unleashes a wave of energy, knocking the two back before smashing them with his legs. Gestroyah flies to remove the rest of his eyes, but Excelsus refuses. The ancient alpha roars into the sky, summoning his forces.

Godzilla silently observes his spawn as Gestroyah summons his forces. Nature's two forces collide once more.

Kong/Manda POV

The former ruler of Skull Island had noticed that their enemies were dwindling as they heard the 'call.' They also heard Gestroyah's call, but he wasn't specifically asking for their assistance. Kong was aware of it. The chasm between him and his one and only friend had grown wider. It was too far away to reach, but Kong had a feeling Gestroyah was waiting for him on the other side. Refusing to move until he can cross the enormous chasm.

Kong despised this sensation, but he also felt his alpha status was undeserved. Yes, he was born with it, but he lacked the power to use it. He kept finding creatures beyond him, monsters far above him.

Nothing hurts more than seeing your fellow king fight and prove why he deserves his title while you can only watch from the sidelines. He needed to strengthen himself, but there was only one way to do so.

It was supposed to go home, but for now, he'll hold out as long as he can. Kong grabs two insect kaijus that Manda killed with his venom after a quick glance. Behind him was a bat-like monster with sharp teeth poised to sever his neck.

The great ape then swung around and sucker punched the bat monster into the sea. The carapace of the deceased insects covered his arms like a gauntlet, which all the monsters noticed. Before roaring, Kong smashes his gauntlets.

Manda hissed as he massacred his enemies. He was the absolute ruler of underwater combat in the sea, rivers, and swamps. Only a few can compete with him in his craft. The serpent easily slipped through his opponents and quickly beheaded them. He used his water pressure to attack those who were far away.

Manda notices another kaiju that resembles his nemesis, causing the serpent to erupt in a rage. The serpent's sudden aggression took aback the poor kaiju, who was unable to fight back. The other Kaijus were terrified as they watched him tear his opponent apart.


The T-Rex roared as her mighty jaws tore the smaller kaijus on board. Gestroyah's adopted child was working quickly while avoiding major casualties. Spear had also entered the fray, slaughtering as many beasts as he could with his trusted weapon.

The man had spilled so much blood that it had covered his entire body. When his weapon broke, he did something so outrageous that many questioned his humanity. With his bare fist, he killed the monster responsible for breaking his monster.

That's right, Spear was killing monsters with his bare hands, which only aggravated his opponents by displaying superhuman abilities that were out of the ordinary. He'd broken a monster's tooth, smashed a giant bat's head, and been smashed into a wall, only to get back up and tear the monsters apart. He did everything with his bare hands!

It was as if the weapon was preventing the animal inside Spear from escaping, and when it was gone, he went primal. His skin had darkened, and his muscles had bulged as they grew in size.

Jia silently watched as she prayed this battle will soon be over as the ship was barely hanging from the constant attacks.


"WHERE'S MY BABY!?" Biollante roared while choking her opponent with vines. The avatar of mother earth was in shambles when she realized she had lost sight of her daughter. How can she call herself a worthy mate if she can't even keep her child safe?

Sadly, the monster she was choking only roared in defiance. "Useless..." the plant monster hissed as she spews acid into its mouth.

More came out, but the mate of the crimson devil easily stops them with her trap. Biollante was losing her patience and was slowly transforming into her hideous form. "WHERE'S MY BABY GIRL!?" she roared as she slaughters the horde.

Biollante had no idea what it meant, but she copied Odin's distress scream after seeing Slenra try to jump into the lava.

Battra was fighting the airborne creatures while avoiding Biollante's wrath. He's insane, not stupid. There's a big difference, and he's not stupid enough to comment on a raged mother!

If you listen closely, you can hear the demonic moth repeatedly whispering. "Not my mother..." Battra had felt his mother's wrath when he left Mothra in the wilderness to teach her how to fight, only to return to find her injured. Or was it the time he was too rough on Mothra?

That was the day the universe gave birth to the first method of disciplining misbehaving children. That discipline became known as the belt later on.


"Yes, mama!?"

"We're going to get my daughter or I swear I'll-"

"Right away mama!"

With that, Battra makes his escape, leaving the poor lambs to the coming slaughter. Though he will admit Gestroyah had massive balls to mate with crazy and stick with it.

[NEON BLADE (Sped Up)]

Gestroyah/Godzilla/Mothra POV

Gestroyah stood by and watched the injured arachnid heal. They had underestimated the enemy's tenacity. Excelsus charges up another energy attack just as the trio was deciding what to do to put it down for good.

Godzilla and Gestroyah were aware of the spider's plans and launched their breath attacks, but it was too late. Excelsus summons a blinding light and flees underground. In disbelief and frustration, the two could only stare at the enormous hole.

As their adversary eluded them, the duo gritted their teeth and roared in rage and frustration. Odin threw a fit, with Cody attempting to calm him down, while Ning and Godzilla attempted to figure out where the arachnid was going to escape.

Mothra could only watch as the two turned towards each other. Godzilla was at a loss for words. Rage, annoyance, and fear were all swirling around inside him, but only one emotion outweighed the others as his gaze fell on the three.

Pride in his offspring Battra was correct; he had not been the best father for his three children, and it was far too late to make amends. He also knew that his children were a proud bunch and that until they accept him as the alpha, there will be war.

There was a tense silence. "So um... sorry about ruining the place, dad." Cody said timidly. "We're gonna fix it, we promise."

Godzilla spun around and was about to leave when Odin spoke. "What, no thank you? We busted our ass out of the earth and we get a silent treatment. Fucki'n cunt." Ning sighs, feeling slightly drained, as he can't come up with anything to convince Godzilla that they weren't the enemy.

The king of Monsters huffed as he turned to face them once more. No words were needed but the chimera quickly understood what Godzilla was trying to say. Odin clicked his tongue and turns away, Ning giving a nod while Cody was beaming in joy.

Excelsus POV

The ancient alpha had escaped, but his pride and ego had been permanently shattered, and his frustrations had reached new heights. That hatchling ruined everything. He needed an ally who could compete with Dagon's grandchild.

He then felt it, the hatchling, or something similar, approaching him. He came across a tadpole-like creature with the same scales as Dagon's grandchild. Most importantly, it possessed the same potential.

Excelsus smiles as he realizes what he has discovered. As he approaches the grotesque creature, it appears that not everything is lost.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


