19.04% I'm a Kaiju?


Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Beta-reader: Unholy Light

Bold - Right Head.

Natural - the Middle head.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Left head

Manda was having a hard time believing this. How did this ape survive his venom!? No, that's not it. WHY CAN THIS APE USE LIGHTNING!?

Kong roared as he glared at his opponent. The energy coursing through his body was new. He felt an unknown rush flowing through his mind.

Manda rushes in, dodging Kong's stomp before striking for his neck, only for Kong to grab him. The next thing Manda knew was pain.

His body naturally secretes a liquid that allows him to traverse the land. However, heat and electricity were Manda's worst enemies.

So what happens when water meets lightning?

Manda roared in agony before Kong smashes him repeatedly before tossing him away. The serpent groggily stood up. It glared at its foe.

Kong glared back at his opponent. Out of instinct, a spear made of Lighting bolts manifested, and the great ape throws it to the serpent, but it moved away before firing a breath attack that grazed Kong's arm.

The great ape hisses in pain before more lightning bolts rained down upon him, the wound closing in a second. The protector of Skull island grabbed a rock and used it as a shield as he charges to his opponent.

Manda shrieked and moved to another spot. Kong roared, annoyed by the slippery foe's tactic. Grabbing a tree, Kong readies for another bout.

Both were going to engage with determination. Kong tries to grab his opponent, but Manda evades and wraps around his arm to break it. Kong roared as he bashes the serpent repeatedly while lightning struck to where his fist touched.

Manda refused to let go despite the pain. They heard a sickening crack as Kong screamed in pain. More lightning came down and struck them both.

The blast blew away the great serpent as Kong nursed his broken arm. It was unsightly, but to their shock, the arm fixed itself.

Kong looked confused, checking his now functional arm. Then he glared at the serpent, but you can see he also had a smug look.

A familiar presence stopped them. Manda realized who it was and took its chance to escape.

The great ape would have given chase, but its leg gave out. The thunderstorm vanishing as his power became dormant once more.

Kong clutched his chest. He felt something was protruding out. He looked down and saw that it was the dorsal plate. It fused with his non-beating heart. He can still remember the sensation. The rush, the power it gave him.

He heard a booming echo. Turning to the skies, he saw Gestroyah rushing to the island. Kong huffed. His friend must have noticed something was wrong.

Unknown to Kong, his body was slowly changing. The first was the lightning marking all over his body, and his eyes were now glowing blue.

Gestroyah's POV

The hybrid was bulldozing their way to the island. Clouds parted, and the ocean buckled under their might. They were a calamity from a human's perspective.

But they didn't care. The only thing inside the heads of the trio was this; Kong died! He died, but that wasn't supposed to happen! He still didn't face Godzilla, damn it!

They felt it for a moment. The heart stopped beating. Then the <Evolution> activated was confusing to no end. How can something not attached to the body evolve?

They were going to re-evaluate that skill. When they arrived, they can only gape as they saw the great ape.

"Is that Kong!?" Odin was in shock.

"What happened here!? It's like a typhoon just went by!" Cody said, looking at the burnt trees.

Ning remained silent. He was wary of Kong. The two had still yet to notice that Kong gave a similar vibe to them. Not like the same species, but more like a variant version of them.

Landing cautiously, Ning called out to his friend. Kong turned. "You okay, buddy?" Cody asked.

Kong huffed. "I suppose, but... we have an invader." Kong gritted his teeth.

Gestroyah panicked if that's true, then what kind of Kaiju was it? Kong began describing it to his best ability. From the description, the three realized what attacked Kong.

"Shit, it's Manda. But why is it here?" Ning muttered. Cody theorized that this could be a behind the scene storyline. Odin proposed that maybe their fight with X awoke some of the dormant Kaijus.

If it was true, then they had to figure out which Kaiju woke up. Another matter was how Manda passed by the barrier.

"When did you get a tattoo?" Odin asked the confused ape.


"Markings on the body. Just think of them as tracks or imprints." Cody tried to explain.

They watched Kong look at himself with the water. Did their plate do that, or is it a side effect?

"So what happened after you passed out?" Ning asked. Kong frowned before explaining his defeat. Missing the trio's reaction, he continued by the time he finished. The trio was looking at him in shock.

"Can you give us a moment?" Ning said before turning around to talk to his 'siblings.'

Kong POV

Kong waited for the three. While he wanted to find that invader, Gestroyah might know what happened to him. Hearing a strange beating, he turned but saw nothing. Following the sound, he saw a boulder. His vision seems to zoom in, spotting two crabs fighting.

Then it zoomed out as Kong clutched his head. What was that? Next, he noticed how clear everything was. He could see through the muddy water.


"...Doesn't make sense!"


Kong turned back to the three. What's a Rajang? The ape was getting irritated at not understanding his friend.

"Okay Kong, we're gonna say this simply... you're-"


"It's basically an ape with lightning powers." Cody tried to explain.

Thus, they spent their time telling Kong about what may happen with the fusion.

Godzilla / Mothra POV

Godzilla grunted as Mothra mended his wounds. Her silk and presence, helping him heal at an abnormal rate. Most humans think that Mothra and Godzilla's relationship was a protector and support, but it goes deeper.

Godzilla's species could absorb massive amounts of radiation, but they cannot expel it safely. There's only so much they can take before they enter a critical state.

This was the famous "Burning form."

With it, their power increased beyond normal, but at the price of their life. Godzilla himself experienced it a few times.

But this is where Mothra comes in. They could siphon off the extra radiation safely. Unlike the MUTO, the queen was capable of not killing the king. This gave the moth a steady supply of meal.

But right now, the two were in a pickle. The creature they found was dangerous not only to their home but to themselves.

They can feel the energy clawing its way out of it. Ready to burst any moment. However, unlike Godzilla, Mothra pitied the hatchling.

A life where the world is your enemy, a world where you are born as the only one of your kind, must be lonely. Even she missed her twin, despite being the one responsible for its imprisonment.

Godzilla huffed. No matter how much he denied it, the abomination was his spawn, but that was not the problem. It was that it was also the spawn of his nemesis!

He can smell it! How something like that exists was beyond him. He frowned as he remembered the potential of the hatchling. That was two heads working together. Imagine if the third wasn't busy keeping Mothra at bay.

He grunted in pain. No matter, he will find them again, and this time he wasn't letting them escape.

Manda POV

The great serpent slithered as fast as he can. Mind racing on the event. How? How did that ape survive his venom? How did he achieve such power!?

He wasn't a fool to believe the ape had it since the beginning. No, something must have changed.

Then his mind wandered back onto the dorsal plate. That must have caused the change. If one could do that, then imagine a hundred!?

Plans and ideas surfaced, but he squashed them. The creature was too powerful for him to take head-on. This required a proper plan.

Now that the other one is alerted by his presence, he can't be reckless.

Gestroyah POV

After a long explanation, they finally came up with a schedule for Kong to train under their supervision.

The ape wasn't happy but remembering the damage he caused; he accepted the offer.

Their mind then went to the humans and Godzilla. The humans will be a hindrance. It's in their nature to keep poking on things. They should know, they used to be humans, after all.

No doubt they're planning ways to kill or subdue them. Gestroyah didn't feel angry, but they were sad. "So this is how Shin Godzilla felt..." Ning said.

Alone and hated for something, you have no control. It was an enlightening experience. In his previous life, he took everything for granted, but now he missed that life.

Odin and Cody felt the same, it's hard to cope when everything you love is gone. The worst is Monster X is still out there eating planets.

Slenra came into their view, running at full speed. The T-Rex jumped and began licking their face. Asking them several things like any child would do.

It was cute and weird. She was like a puppy, to be honest. Then thoughts of humans coming into the island and taking Kong and shooting Slenra came.

Storm clouds formed as their mood dropped. If they shoot her, then fuck the damn plot. They'll make them wish they were in the stone age!

"Daddy?" Slenra's scared tone snapped them out. They terrified Sparx.

"Sorry sweetie, daddy was just thinking something." Cody said.

"Anyway, wanna tell you a bedtime story?"

Slenra quickly beamed as she made herself comfortable.

"In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood..." Odin started.

"How the fuck is that a bedtime story!?" Cody and Ning yelled in their mind.

Somehow it worked. Slenra fell asleep quickly.


The servant of monster X had finally arrived. Much to their shock, the creature that their master had taken an interest in was indeed strong.

But can this creature last against them?

The sun's light made its way, revealing its form. This monster has visible organs that pulse grotesquely.

The creature sent out a pulse to find the prey, but to its shock; it didn't work. They tried again, but once more failed.

This was new. They weren't sure if the creature was still on this planet, but to be sure, they'll have to check. A red cloud got released from its organs.

It quickly spread and across the globe. Soon it can hear terrified screams from the inhabitants. It grins, enjoying the chaos. Fear was its meal.

Godzilla/Mothra POV

The king and queen awoke as they felt a great disturbance in the order. Mothra, being more in tune with nature, can tell something foreign had entered infected the world.

Godzilla growled, feeling a similar presence to Ghidorah, but also different. Despite his injury, the king got up to confront the trespasser, but then he saw small pulsing creatures in the cloud.

Monarch POV

No one saw it coming. It came out of nowhere, and now the world was in peril. Creatures of unknown origin began dropping out of the sky and began attacking.

Some possessing the humans, forcing them to devour other humans. The worst part? They were aware, daughter eating her sickly mother, son butchering his father.

They killed those who were lucky to escape. Monarch believed it was Gestroyah retaliating, but then they noticed that this was not the creature's doing.

This was an invasion by another creature. The military responded, but none of the weapons worked. Mark was ordering some men to figure out the safe areas.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?" Rick yelled in terror. Ilene and Ling held their breath as the source of the calamity made itself known.

Some people vomited or passed out. It was something that was not supposed to exist or only exists in the darkest corner of the mind, but here it was.

Ling and Ilene howled in pain as they felt something enter their mind.

"He who tortures the lesser..." Ling whispered, full of fear.

"Who devours atrophy..." Ilene looks sick, as if the words were so disgusting she could vomit.

"The vile..."

"The unclean..."


The space kaiju then let out horrible noise, so undescribable to anything that even gods would run.

"Rick, where's Godzilla?"


Gestroyah awoke with a startle from Slenra's roar. Looking around, they saw weird pulsing blobs of organs surrounded them.

With a growl, the chimera destroyed the horde in an instant.

They heard Kong's roar, followed by lighting bolts. Though they can tell it was instinctual, it was impressive. Slenra began calling out lesser kaiju to scout the area, especially the Iwi tribe.

Gestroyah went to the village and found it in terrible shape. They let out a roar, and the creatures went into a frenzy. The creatures all converged towards him before their might destroyed them.

Kong arrived and asked them what was going on, but they were just as confused and worried. They didn't recognize these creatures.

Then they heard it, the call of challenge. Specifically towards Gestroyah. Kong turned to his friend. "Must be X's lapdog." Odin reasoned.

"Make sense we did piqued his interest."

"Not to mention we told it our name." Cody added.

Ning sighed. "Stay here I'm going to take care of this." Kong shook his head. "I'm coming with you. If this indeed that thing's servant, then you'll need a hand." The great ape said.

"Someone has to watch over the island monkey." Odin said. "And this could be just the first wave, the second one might be worse." Cody added.

Kong huffed, knowing they were right. However, he felt a familiar presence. "Perhaps I can be of help."

"YOU!" Kong roared, ready to crush the new arrival.

Manda had returned.

Gestroyah growled. They can see a hint of fear in the serpent. Good, nobody gets away from harming his family.

"And why should we trust you? You almost killed my friend."

Manda winced. There was no excuse for that. "My apologies, but I merely wish to establish a new home and saw your friend as an obstacle."

"Cough *bullshit* cough." Odin remarked.

"That doesn't answer my question." Ning growled.

"This is merely a temporary alliance. Once this is over, make no mistake I will kill both of you."

Ning knew he was serious, and he grinned. "That's cute, but I don't think that will happen."

"Why's that?"

"Cause we're going to kill you now." Ning said.

Wait, what?

Bone claws erupted as Gestroyah swung their arm. Manda had no way of dodging this. It was too close.

Then it stopped mere centimeters away. "Next time you pull that shit, your head is rolling. That's a promise."

Manda can tell this hatchling was serious. For the first time, Manda felt unsure. Not even the alpha had made him consider this. He only bowed to the current alpha in respect, but not once did he ever doubted his strength.

But this hatchling was different. They have a power greater than anything he has seen. This creature was not just an alpha. They are an APEX, a tyrant, a devil.

A predator of the alphas. One who stands at the pinnacle of their race.

And so the serpent bowed his head with all respect he can muster. He missed their surprised looks. If Rodan had his own alpha, then he'll pick his own. Even if the said alpha is a hatchling.

"I shall be of service."

Gestroyah turned to Kong. "Dude, what do we do?" Ning whispered. Kong shrugged. He may be an alpha, but he doesn't have a servant.

Gestroyah went back to the serpent. They were going to scare him, but that backfired! Now they have to deal with having a minion. Why is this happening!?

Hopefully, Kong doesn't kick them out.

"Fine, stay here and protect this island. I'll deal with shithead who made this mess."

With that, the chimera flew to the sky. They didn't want to deal with this.

Manda and Kong gazed at each other. It was awkward. Kong knew his friend was an alpha, but not once did he ever try to assert dominance.

"They don't even act like one." Kong thought.

Kong heard another call, followed by more of the invading creatures. Sparks of electricity surrounded him as lightning came down from the heavens.

Manda hissed, his eyes glowing thanks to the darkness. Giving him a terrifying visage. Slenra went to protect the villager hiding in a nearby cave.

The second wave begins.

Notambras POV.

They waited for the prey, but so far, nothing responded. Perhaps it had indeed left, or it was probably dead. It spawned another set of its youngling and ordered them to spread.

Then they felt it, the power of a thousand suns. Notrambas looked everywhere but couldn't find them. Until they felt something hit them while hearing a weird cry.


They crashed into the city with a mighty boom. The creature looked up, only to see a large body mass falling on top of them.

Monarch POV

Emotions ran rampant inside the humans. Godzilla hadn't arrived, but something far worse.

Gestroyah was here.

Two destructive beings have met. Rick took his glasses off and watched the screen a few more times.

"Did I just it drop kicked the alien and then body slams it like in wrestling?"

No one answered because the sight was just outrageous and hilarious.

It's not every day you see a three-headed dragon perform a dropkick on a Lovecraft monster and then body slam it like a video game character.

Mark quickly ordered airstrikes. This was their chance to kill Gestroyah, and he won't let it get away. Rick mentioned Godzilla was still far away from the battle.

But Mark didn't care. The only thing he cared about was to pin this thing, and hopefully, Godzilla can finish it when it's weakened from the fight.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


