I was just reading my poems
All the ones I posted here
And like I can't blink
I can't help but think
Life really made me sink
Like wow
Am broken
I actually cried
I mean not intense
But it wasn't pretence
I smiled as I cried
Life is a bitch,I really tried
I faced all that
Most of you meant think I make it all up
I really don't care
I mean am never the type to share
Just that...
When I write
I kinda feel alright
The pain doesn't go
But it starts to hurt slow
When I write..
I feel relieved
So I never wrote to get you deceived
Honestly am still smiling
And it's crazy,but I still feel like crying
Cause I could have chose to not be around anymore
But I still kept trying
I did it
And So far
I've lived with the scar
But am still standing
Every fall,I get a safe landing
I've been really hurt
I became someone am not
But who would have thought
I could seal my cuts
Guys....lol,am crying
But thanks for all the support,I don't just see y'all as views or readers ...I see you guys as listeners,cause I have Alot of people around me,but they never listen,but you take your time to be apart of my pain...
Thanks for making me feel not so alone
Thanks for giving me something to be proud of ಥ‿ಥ