Sequence 9 beast enslaver
You can control small animals
Sequence 8 cross breeder
You can mix animals together
Sequence 7 war beast
You can fuse with your beast permanently or temporarily
Sequence 6 legend spreader
You can condens story's or legends into beast
Sequence 5 beast invader
You can spread wilderness and savagery
Sequence 4 beast of brutality
Spread madness and enhance yourself with it and part of your mythical creatures form
Sequence 3 beast of fear
Transform other things into beast that take the form of what people fear most
Sequence 2 beast of wilderness
Transform where you are into the wilderness and all things there into beast
Sequence 1 beast of anti civilization
Break down civilization and all things that come from it
Sequence 0 typhon
Authority over beast and the wilderness
the mythical creature form is a snake with a bear upper body dragon head and eagle wings
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