So the computer I was typing on is charging So I'll be doing this on my phone for now. I don't like typing storys on my phone because it's harder to correct mistakes and things like that.
So anyway, Which brother in Brothers conflict is your favorite?
I have a favorite, He will be the male lead that gets together with my OC. Why don't you guys try to figure out which brother is my favorite and the Male lead? It's okay if you don't want to though.
Anyway, I bet none of you expected for Haruame to crossdressing. Heck, I didn't either until I wrote it.
It just suddenly came to my mind as an Idea and It worked pretty well If I do say so myself.
Well please don't hesitate to tell me of any grammar mistakes or things like that. I'll also accept any ideas for the story.
Oh! I also plan to make some OC's for the rest of the brothers and Maybe have Ema get with someone too. I don't know whether it'll be an OC or a brother.
What do you guys think?
Well, Enjoy. The next chapter should be up tomorrow or the next day. Bye for now~