46.26% Bleach: Threads of Fate / Chapter 62: [Soul Society Arc] Part 62: Shiba House

章 62: [Soul Society Arc] Part 62: Shiba House

The room was gripped by a moment of stunned silence as everyone processed the spectacle of Yato using his powers to launch Ganju away. Despite the bewildering turn of events, Yato seemed to brush it off effortlessly, seamlessly shifting his attention back to the Elder.

Yato: "Sorry about that, sir. But do you know where this person called Kukaku is? We're a bit in a hurry, and–"

Suddenly, Ganju wedged his face against the door, rudely interrupting Yato's words.

Ganju: "Why you crazy, you scrawny anemic!! Are you picking a fight with me!?"

Yato: "Dude... I have no idea who you are, but I've got more important things to–"

Yato, struggling to maintain his patience, tried to continue but was once again cut off by Ganju's relentless barrage of words.

Ganju: "What? You don't know who I am?" He asked, interrupting Yato yet again and causing the young man to become slightly irritated. "Do you live under a rock or something?"

Yato: "No, I just–"

Ganju: "Heh... All right, I'll tell you..." He said with a smirk. "My name is Ganju!! The self-proclaimed deep-red bullet of west Rukongai!! The self-proclaimed but universally acknowledged Boss of west Rukongai, voted number one 14 consecutive years in a row!!! And–!!!"

Yato: "Self-proclaimed most annoying guy in Rukongai...?"

Ganju's entrance and subsequent self-proclamation had everyone in the room caught between amusement, confusion, and exasperation. Yato's sarcastic retort couldn't help but draw a chuckle from Tatsuki, who found herself amused by the unfolding absurdity.

Ganju: "Don't interrupt people when they're talking!! Didn't your mama teach you manners?!!"

Yato took a deep breath, clearly irritated by Ganju's incessant chatter.

Ganju: "As I was saying, I'm also the self-proclaimed number one Shinigami hater of west Rukongai!!!"

Orihime/Chad/Uryu: 'All self-proclaimed...'

Yato seemed poised to get up, but Ichigo acted swiftly, landing a punch on Ganju's face. In no time, the two were brawling outside the house, their scuffle adding to the growing list of bizarre events that had unfolded that evening.

Inside, Tatsuki couldn't help but shake her head, finding the situation both amusing and perplexing.

Tatsuki: "Well, that escalated quickly."

As the commotion outside escalated, the group rushed to the scene, only to be obstructed by Ganju's henchmen. What made this encounter particularly peculiar was that all of Ganju's lackeys were mounted on wild boars.

One of them, with a cocky grin, declared that they wouldn't allow anyone to interfere in Ganju's fight. However, Tatsuki had other plans. In a flurry of swift and precise strikes, she dispatched each of them in a matter of seconds, sending them tumbling to the ground.

Tatsuki: "Thanks. I really needed to let off some steam..." - She huffed.

Yoruichi continued her futile attempt to reason with Ichigo, who seemed determined to settle the score with Ganju. Meanwhile, Ganju drew a short sword, his expression turning serious.

Elder: "Stop, Ganju! This man is a good shinigami!!"

Ganju: "Shuddup! You should know better, old man. Shinigamis are all the same. They're all bad." - He said with an earnest tone as he advanced toward Ichigo. "Ready, shinigami?!!"

Uryu, concerned about Ichigo's unarmed state, watched with a sense of urgency.

Uryu: "Oh no, Ichigo doesn't have his zanpakuto!"

Orihime: "Wait! I'll make a shield!"

Suddenly, Chad effortlessly picked up Ichigo's zanpakuto and flung it toward him. Ichigo caught the weapon mid-air, his eyes locked on Ganju. Both of them prepared for the inevitable clash, however, their impending clash was abruptly thwarted by a network of red threads.

Yato remained firmly positioned between Ichigo and Ganju, his red threads enveloping them like a makeshift spider's web, effectively immobilizing the two potential combatants. His demeanor remained calm and unwavering as he addressed the escalating tension.

Yato: "Alright, that's enough..."

Ichigo's irritation was palpable, his brows furrowing in a characteristic display of annoyance. He glared at Ganju, who seemed to be relishing the situation.

Ganju: "Well, well, well... Looks like the shinigami's got himself a babysitter. Ain't that cute?"

Tatsuki, who had been observing with a growing irritation, stepped forward, her expression determined.

Tatsuki: "It's good to see you're willing to throw down. Those guys were hardly a warm-up, so maybe knocking you around like old times will help me blow off some steam." - She cracked her knuckles with a sly grin, her eyes locking onto Ichigo's.

Yato: "You're not helping..." - He muttered under his breath.

Yato's sigh was nearly imperceptible, a barely audible exhalation of exasperation. He knew that Tatsuki's provocative words were more likely to fan the flames than douse them.

Her voice was sharp, her eyes locked onto Ichigo's. She wasn't about to let him engage in unnecessary confrontations, especially when they had a more pressing mission at hand. Ichigo's scowl deepened, and for a moment, it seemed like he might challenge her stubbornness.

Ganju's initial focus had been on trying to free himself from the tight grasp of Yato's red threads. He struggled vigorously, making it difficult to process Tatsuki's words. However, when he finally turned his attention to his companions, his eyes widened in sheer disbelief.

Ganju: "Ah!! Top!! Fever!! Hawk!! Dumbbell!! What the heck happened to you guys!?"

Yato couldn't help but roll his eyes internally at the peculiar choice of nicknames for Ganju's comrades.

One of the gang members, Hawk, raised his head, revealing a nose that was now bleeding due to Tatsuki's swift punch.

Hawk: "Sorry, Boss... but this girl, she just reminded me of–"

Fever, the other comrade of Ganju, cut him off abruptly, his eyes locked on a clock hanging from Hawk's back.

Ganju: "What!? 9 o'clock!!!?" - He yelled in shock, then turned his frantic gaze to Yato. - "Hey, lanky!! Get me out of these things!!! I need to go!!!"

Yato, with a calm and collected demeanor, responded without hesitation.

Yato: "Hmm... no."

Ganju's face paled, not out of fear that Yato wouldn't release him physically, but because he dreaded the consequences of not departing immediately.

Ganju: "I'll do anything! Just get me out of this!!!!"

Yato: "Hmm... You can start by apologizing for the chaos you caused."

Ganju: "Fine! I'm sorry! Now let me go!!!"

After Yato released Ganju and Ichigo, the whole gang promptly mounted their respective wild boars and sped off as fast as they could.

Yato: "Geez..." He sighed, shaking his head.


The sun was still rising, casting a soft glow on the horizon, but the sky was far from bright. After the previous day's chaos and at Yoruichi's urging, they had all rested for a few hours in the elder's ancient house. However, they had to rise early to embark on their quest to find Kukaku's residence.

Due to the events of the day before, especially the antics of Yato and Tatsuki, Ichigo had abandoned the idea of waiting for Ganju to reappear. As a result, they had started their search earlier than expected.

Ichigo: "Hey, we're pretty far from the village already. Are you sure this is the right way?"

Uryu: "According to the map the elder provided, It should be right around here."

Orihime: "But... this person named Kukaku knows the only way to enter the Seireitei without using the gates, right? If this person is so incredible, shouldn't they be living near the city like some sort of celebrity?"

Uryu: "Yeah... That's a good point..."

Yoruichi: "No. That would be impossible. Judging by that person's personality... This looks just about right. It's a quiet, deserted area, but don't worry. That person might change residences frequently, but it's always a recognizable house."

Yato: "Like that one over there with 'Kukaku Shiba' written in big letters?" - He said nonchalantly, pointing in a specific direction.

The house, though small, bore unique features that made it unmistakable. Two large stone structures in the shape of arms reached out, their hands grasping a massive banner that proudly displayed 'Kukaku Shiba' in oversized letters. Behind the house loomed an astoundingly large smokestack, yet its upper opening was securely sealed.

Ichigo and Uryu exchanged incredulous glances. The sight was indeed unforgettable.

Orihime: "So cool!" - Her eyes shining with admiration, couldn't help but express her excitement.

Tatsuki: "Eh..."

Chad, as usual, remained silent, but his thoughtful expression revealed that he was taking in every detail of this unique abode.

As the group made their way towards Kukaku's house, Yato found himself lost in thought once again.

Yato: 'I think this is the part where those twins make their entrance...Huh... what were their names again...?' - Yato's brow furrowed as he pondered.

Cheshire: 'They didn't have much relevance to the story anyway...' - Cheshire's voice echoed in Yato's mind. - 'By the way...weren't you going to use your powers to transform into a Quincy too?'

Yato: 'Honestly...I was still debating whether it's a good idea to do that here in Soul Society...you know...it's full of Quincys lurking in the shadows, watching everything the Shinigami do.' - He let out an exasperated sigh. - 'But let's be real...with the kind of Fullbring I possess, it's likely to draw attention from Yhwach or Jugram one way or another.'

As the group reached the front of the house, two imposing figures suddenly sprang forward, effectively blocking their path.

Both wear a red hat with a gold trim and white tassel on top and a light blue scarf tied at the front by a red fastener with gold highlights. One wears a white top, while the other wears a yellow one. The only notable differences between them apart from the differing color of their clothes are some features of their faces.

Koganehiko: "Who are you people?!"

Shiroganehiko: "You dress strangely! And one of you is a shinigami!!"

Koganehiko: "You're a suspicious looking lot! Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko will not let you pass!"

Shiroganehiko: "Go! Or you will die here!"

Ichigo: "Hmph... Another gatekeeper? Soul Society's a real pain in the butt..." - He couldn't help but mutter his frustration under his breath, his hand instinctively moved toward the zanpakuto resting at his back.

Koganehiko: "Eh? Muh... Yoruichi-dono!?"

The sudden recognition in Koganehiko's voice raised a few eyebrows among the group. Upon recognizing Yoruichi, Koganehiko quickly swung the gate of the residence open, revealing a grand staircase leading down below. While Shiroganehiko remained on guard outside, Koganehiko led Yoruichi and the teenagers down to the lower floor.

Koganehiko: "Forgive me! I had no idea they were your attendants, Yoruichi-dono! I apologize for my rudeness!"

Yoruichi: "Never mind that. I should have informed you in advance."

At the bottom of the staircase, the group found themselves facing a set of sliding paper doors (shoji).

Koganehiko: "Please, wait here for a moment."

???: "Koganehiko?" - A strong, feminine voice inquired from the other side of the door even before Koganehiko had a chance to announce the visitors.

Koganehiko: "Y-yes!"

???: "Did you bring me an interesting guest? Well, come in! What are you waiting for!"

Koganehiko: "Yes! Right away!"

Following the orders promptly, Koganehiko swung the doors open, revealing an open space where stood a youthful-looking woman with striking green eyes. She sported bandages that wrapped around her long, tousled black hair, which fell down to the small of her back. Her attire consisted of a white skirt paired with a daring red robe that provocatively exposed her generous cleavage. A distinct feature was her missing right arm, and an intricate tattoo adorned her left arm. Bandages were also wrapped around her right shoulder and both ankles.

The woman reclined comfortably on a spread of cushions that surrounded her.

Kukaku: "Hello. It's been a long time... Yoruichi."

Ichigo/Uryu/Orihime/Chad: "Kukaku...is a woman?!!"

Yato: "Yoruichi never said she was a man..."

Tatsuki: 'Honestly, after seeing Yoruichi's true form, I'm not surprised...'

Kukaku: "What? Who're the kids?"

Yoruichi: "Kukaku... I've come to ask you a favor." - The feline stated as it approached the woman.

Kukaku: "Of course you have. It's usually what happens when you show up."

Suddenly, everyone fell silent as they observed the cat and the woman locking eyes.

Kukaku: "Trouble?"

Yoruichi: "Most likely."

Kukaku: "Heh... We haven't had an exchange like this for too long... Go on. Let's hear your story. I love trouble." - She uttered with a mischievous smile.

After Yoruichi had laid out the situation to Kūkaku, who had been listening casually while smoking from a pipe, Kukaku nonchalantly rose to her feet, her green eyes shifting to gaze upon the group.

Kukaku: "I see...I get the picture. Fine, I accept."

Yoruichi: "You do?!"

Kukaku: "Sure. If Urahara is involved, then I couldn't say no." - She suddenly looked towards the young ones. - "Just one thing... I trust you, but... I'm not sure about those kids."

Yato: "It's cool... I don't have much faith in Ichigo either." - He chimed in suddenly, an indifferent expression masking his amusement.

Ichigo: "Hey!"

Kukaku: "Heh... I'm going to send a man to oversee the operation. That's all right with you, isn't it?"

Yoruichi: "Of course."

Ichigo: "A man?"

Kukaku: "Actually, he's my little brother. He's a useless brat, but..." - Kukaku's lips curled into a sly grin as she trailed off. She then stood in front of a large, ornate door, her hand on the handle. - "Well? Ready!?"

???: "Wait just a second!" - A voice resounded from the other side of the door, carrying a hint of hesitation.

Kukaku: "I'm opening it! And you better behave! I haven't forgotten that you came home late!!"

???: "O-Okay... ready, sis!!" The reply came with a mix of reluctance and a touch of apprehension.

The woman swung open the door, revealing that her little brother was none other than Ganju. He was sitting in a formal seiza pose and gave a polite bow to the guests.

Ganju: "Hello! My name is Ganju Shiba! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" - He spoke with impeccable manners.

Except for Kukaku and Yato, everyone in the room fell into stunned silence, their expressions reflecting disbelief. When Ganju took a good look at the guests, his expression mirrored theirs, especially when he locked eyes with Ichigo.

Ichigo/Ganju: "AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" - They both screamed simultaneously, pointing at each other.

Kukaku: "What? You guys know each other?"

Yato: 'Still regret not having a camera...'

# Seireitei - 6th Division's Barracks Prison #

Renji stood in front of Rukia's cell, accompanied by four members of the Kido Corps.

Rukia: "What is it, Renji?" - Her gaze appeared even more despondent. - "Has the day of my execution... been pushed forward?"

Renji: "In less than 14 days, you'll be executed. I'm transferring you to the Senzaikyū, Shishinrō. The Repentance Palace's four-deep cell."

The members of the Kido Corps covered Rukia's face, positioning two in front of her and two behind, all four restraining Rukia with Kido from their respective staffs while Renji walked ahead of them.

Upon reaching the location, the Kido Corps members removed the restraints from Rukia.

Renji: "Can you see, Rukia? Out that window... The Sokyoku... that instrument will end your life."

Rukia remained silent as she looked out the window, her gaze increasingly clouded by sadness.

Kido Corps Member: "You can look out that window every day... and repent for your crimes. That's why this place is called the Repentance Palace." - He turned his attention back to Renji. - "Lieutenant Abarai, thank you for escorting the prisoner. Now...we must go."

Instead of leaving, Renji walked over to Rukia, placing his hand on her shoulder. He leaned in closer, his voice hushed, meant for her ears alone.

Renji: "Here's a tidbit... a piece of intriguing news for you. Just yesterday, a group of Ryoka infiltrated the Soul Society. There were seven of them." He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle in. "One of those Ryoka was a shinigami. And what's even more astonishing, he wielded a zanpakuto as tall as himself, with vivid orange hair."

Rukia's demeanor shifted almost instantly. The sadness that had weighed on her seemed to dissipate, replaced by a mix of curiosity and perhaps a glimmer of hope.

Renji: "But that's not all... There's a rumor that one of these Ryoka managed to injure a captain in a rather unusual way. They created some sort of explosive attack that appeared to follow the captain through what seemed to be an invisible path..."

The revelation hung in the air, and Rukia's gaze became more alert, as if the mere mention of these Ryoka had injected a newfound energy into her.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C62
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


