97.92% Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse) / Chapter 234: ×Chapter 214×Pacifists To True Devil

章 234: ×Chapter 214×Pacifists To True Devil


*DxD World*


*Grimory Territory*


After the underworld settled and re-stabilize itself, everyone had some time to head over and help the Gremory, the Sitri Household brought their people to help put out the fire with their mastery of water magic.

They managed to save as many devil's as they could but unfortunately the tow was still up in the hundreds of thousands.

The devil population was at an all time low already from the billions they used to have now it just got even smaller, it's safe to say that it was like a great depression for them.

But not only that, the devil's civilian were in a rage at Sirzechs and the Gremory household, the people who were to protect them was nowhere to be seen in their time of need.

How could they just let that slide, they lost friends, family, sons, daughters, nephews, niece etc and they will never get them back.

Old devil's who lost children could only cry and wallow in misery knowing that their entire bloodline tree is over.

Being a devil at this moment for many felt like a curse as they were unable to enjoy the fruit of offspring like that of the other races.

It simply wasn't fair many of them thought as they broke down bawling their eyes out at the injustice.

Now in front of the Gremory household all the surviving and able devil citizens gathered with fiery rage and anger in their heart.

Sirzechs stood atop a platform made from a special granite, he was at a podium, his expression was that of a grieving and broken man, it was clear to be seen on his pale face.

A few flying creature flew around the air with radar like eyes, these were bat broadcasters, they allowed one to be broadcasted all over the underworld at every major place.

So it wasn't only these small few that were looking at Sirzechs, it was infact the entire devil world that watch him with pressurized gazes, a realm was literally on his shoulders.

Sirzechs stared ahead, his gaze listless and worn-out, suddenly to the surprise of the entire world tears slowly ran down his cheeks, they dripped to the ground with an almost audible sound.

All across the underworld devil's were shaken to their core, this was the very first time they had ever seen their great and all powerful Devil King Lucifer be emotional much less cry.

.""..My people...on this day..we were bullied and abused...enemies on all sides taking advantage of us, today I lost a son, I lost a sister and you lossed your children, all because...of me.."".

.""All because I was weak and wanted to run and hide...all I wanted was peace...but..if the other's are not peaceful also..how can we..be at ease...to be at peace..."".

Sirzechs paused as he looked up to the purple sky's of the underworld."To be at peace, kindness is not enough, I now understand why the past Devil Kings were the way they were..they had no choice."He said as he slowly clenched his fist.

.""I say..to all devil's in the underworld...we must FIGHT... to protect our sons, to protect our daughters, to protect our fathers, our mothers, our family, our homes, our world and each other!"".

.""Because we were kind, they think us weak, but for there to be peace amongst devil's at last..we must once again return to the source...the way we were before!!"".

.""My devil's, for peace we must conquer the HEAVENS and the earth, no God shall disrespect us, no one in the universe should disrespect and disregard us, we are one of the most powerful forces in all creation!!!"".

.""I called out every man, every woman, any one that can weild a weapon, help us fight and bring peace to the world, for we have one common enemy and we must defeat him!!!!"".

With Sirzechs final speech and roar the entire underworld reacted with fired up screams, all over, some old devil's that had kept silent but actually secretly enjoyed the days of war couldn't help but smile.

But there was actually a slight miscalculation in network with the broadcast, or maybe someone had tampered with it on purpose.

This speech that was broadcast all over the underworld was not just limited to that, it was in actuality shown in every corner of the earth from Earth to Heaven to all the Pantheons and sub dimensions it could reach to.

Safe to say the universe was stunned, the human world instantly exploded in fear and wide spread panic, as the holographic image of the speech was shown to every living human and beyond.


*Sea Of Previous Africa*

*Water Room*

.""*Because we were kind, they think us weak, but for there to be peace amongst devil's at last..we must once again return to the source, the way we were before!!*"".

Bored golden eyes gazed at the holographic screen reflected upon the sacred waters that made up the love room of a God and Dragon, the eyes were beautiful and majestic to witness.

.""So that bastard finally came jumping out of his little shell huh, hahaha, the true war of the world starts now"".

.""AhMm Haile...squeeze me Zzzz"".

On a soft gently rocky bed like a boat on a stream layed Haile, Supreme Wing God King and his beautiful lover Ophis, the Dragon God of Infinity, she with her eyes closed seemingly asleep hugged his body and rested her head on his chest.

Haile glanced down at her gently and lovingly as he hugged her body closer to his, he then looked up at the blue sky through his water.

."It should be about time to tell the girls about their man's triumphant return to the world of the living, wonder how they are keeping."Haile said with a gentle smile as he thought about them, though he wouldn't dare say he loved them all equally with all his heart, he'd be a fool to deny his feeling or theirs.

Ophis slowly opened her beautiful orb as she yawn cutely, she then rubbed her eyes and looked up at Haile."....are you leaving again?."She asked monotonously, though her dark eyes were filled with warmth looking at him.

."Technically, I left the girls kinda abruptly, so I should go and say I'm back, also I haven't seen my cute little Koneko and my disciple Gasper in awhile."Haile said grabbing a handful of Ophis breast shaping it in his hand.

Ophis expression didn't change though a red hue appeared on her cheeks from having her breast fondled.".Coming with..."She said pulling away, she rolled off the bed as her clothes appeared back on at the same time.

."That's fine, but I want you to do something for me Ophis, I want you to send a message to Michael for me, tell him, his time is up, give me what's mine, if he refuses, kill him and give the authority to Irina or Gabriel."Haile said casually as he sat on the bed, naked as the day he was born.

Ophis nodded her head, her eyes went down to between his legs, subconsciously she licked her lips."..ok.."She said as she turned around and disappeared through a gap portal.

."Alright, now to return as Godly and cool as possible, Mm maybe some flashing lights of gold or something, should I put on a suit."Haile smiled as he stood up, his package swinging wild and free as he glanced to his right and froze.

Just outside his water room, a giant strange looking fish creature was staring at him, it was extremely large, bigger than any whale he'd ever seen, as far as he could see it was even bigger than great red who he'd fought before.


The creature suddenly released a loud sound that vibrated the water and caused the tide to raise, Haile's water room shook in the shockwave.

."Oh, I'm in your territory huh, I apologize, I'll be leaving shortly so you can have it back, ok?."Haile said to the creature calmly as he waved his hands and a black suit appeared on his body enhancing his already handsome appearance.

The monstrous sea creature as though it understood him moved its head up and down, before it slowly turned around and swam away casually.

Though this exchange may seem exceedingly innocent anyone who was here with Haile and had witnessed the devastation before that wiped an entire Continent off the map would wonder how that creature survived.

."Hahaha, this world is far more mysterious that anyone would ever think, the powers that truly be have either long been wiped out or are laying dormant."Haile said as he floated in the air and flew out the water, he now stood on the surface.

With a glance around he took a direction and began walking casually as he whistled and snapped his fingers to the music in his head.


AGE:44,000,000,010,717(Forty-Four Trillion, Ten Thousand, Seven Hundred And Seventeen)

TITLE:Monster Of The Ages, Devourer Of Celestial Stars, Demon Of Alkebulan, True God Of The Seas, Creature:Before The World, King Of The Deep

RACE:Gargantuan Alke


MAGIC RESERVES:Peak, Leader Class

CLASS:Peak, Heavenly Dragon Class

COMBAT STRENGTH:Peak, Half Dragon God


ABILITIES:Eternal Slumber, Strength Through Time, Matabolisum, Genetism, Alke Blast Wave, Water Control, Zero Breath, Aerodynamic Space, Matter Conversion, Black Hole, White Hole.




*Supreme Wing Pantheon*

*Xenovia's Room*


Causing a great explosion, a single arrow made of pure silver magic connected with a giant blue sword which easily cut it in half like a feather.

Two blurs appeared in the sky as all that could be heard was clashing of metals and the occasional sonic boom meaning sound speed had been reached and broken.

With another clash the two blurs flew back revealing that they were two beautiful young women, one holding the giant blue sword with short blue hair and dark yellow eyes.

The other holding a bow that was seemingly made of a tree, she had long dark black hair to her back, pure silver eyes and a face decorated with significant cultural ornaments.

This was Xenovia and Guhna, both of them have been hidden away in the pantheon training everyday like their lives depended on it.

Just wanting to be stronger, just a bit more powerful to be worthy of their God and serve him the best they can, one his loyal follower and the other his sacred guardian.

."I win again Xenovia."Guhna said with a warm smile, her index finger on her bow string and ready to shoot again at a moments notice.

Xenovia glanced down calmly and noticed the hole in her clothes."It seems that way, alright it's your win this time, next round is 2788."She said gripping her Excalibur Destruction tightly.

."Ok, but this is the last one for now, how about one attack, my strongest arrow versus your holy sword."Guhna said as she pulled her string to its very limits.

Xenovia remained calm as she lift her sword above her head without a word.""Excalibur....Destruction""."She said as she swung her sword down to the ground.


A violent blue energy shot into the ground causing it to collapse and expand out to Guhna as powerful destruction, Guhna released her string as over a hundred arrows were released into the air.


Then those 100 arrows were sucked into each other transformation and becoming one arrow, both attacks capable of destroying a country with ease.

.""Guhna, Xenovia, you two have become so strong, Haile will be very happy"".

Suddenly out of nowhere Tsubaki's voice sounded out and she dropped down and sandwiched herself between the two attacks.



Both Guhna and Xenovia were stunned, Xenovia quickly held up her sword and Guhna tried to change the direction of her arrow but it was too late to do anything.

Tsubaki on the other hand calmly waited before raising both her hands towards the attack, then almost like magic the two energies were instantly sucked into her palms like a vacuum.

."Wha-."Guhna was once again shocked, she ran over to Tsubaki."What, how did you do that Tsubaki, did you just absorb that like My Lord?."

Xenovia frowned as she glanced down at her sword in thought, Tsubaki cracked a beautiful smile."No, I just learnt a new trick with my mirrors."She said showing the small mirrors in her hands.

Guhna looked at them with realization and relief."I see, what did you come all the way over here for anyway, did something happen back on earth, did my lord call for me?."She ask hopefully as her eyes brighten.

Xenovia hearing that perked up her ears at as she focused on Tsubaki intently, Tsubaki opened her mouth but then closed it in thought, Guhna and Xenovia were like fanatics, if they heard what happened they might definitely trip.

."Um...well..please don't panic or anything, just keep calm."Tsubaki said motioning with her hands, she then took a few steps back, before saying the ultimate words."Haile's dead, he got blown up.."

Xenovia and Guhna looked at each other, then they both tilt their heads, Tsubaki looked at them confused.'What's this, where is the out burst???.'She thought.


Guhna summoned a single golden wing on her back, it was beautiful and mesmerizing."My Lord is not dead, was that a sick joke Tsubaki, I never expected something like that from you."She said with disappointment as she fold her arms.

."Not good to lie in the name of God, bad Tsubaki."Xenovia said calmly as she stabbed her sword into the ground casually.

Tsubaki was now speechless, that was definitely not how she imagined it to go."W-wait, I was not lying, it really happened, you see what happened was....bla bla bla."She began telling them of everything that has happened so far.

As they got further into the story Guhna's expression became frosty, the ground beneath her feet began to rumble and shake forming spiderweb cracks that spread out for meters.

But it wasn't just her, from Xenovia's side another spiderweb crack spread out meeting hers and joining each other becoming one.

Tsubaki floated above ground seeing how angry they are."Yeah, that's basically everything that happened so far, one of the devil king Ajuka self destruction so he's dead, the only devil king in the underworld now is Sirzechs Lucifer."She said seriously as she fold her arms.

."I don't want to say anything but I will tell you, don't tell Rias, but I believe alot of this was actually Haile's plan, it involves Rias's loyalty towards the devil race."Tsubaki said as looked up."It feels like he caused all this to happen on purpose so Rias wouldn't have any more attachments to the underworld."

Guhna looked surprised."But why, my lord helped Rias build back her relationship with her brother, didn't he?."She said not seeing the reason.

."Yes, but Rias was actually very guilty about that, so was always thinking about it unable to fully devote herself to Haile, so Haile made her rebuild the relationship though much effort then made a plot to make Sirzechs be the one to break it off, making Rias guilty free and breaking Sirzechs spirit at the same time."Tsubaki said with her hand on her chin.

Xenovia and Guhna thought about it and it did make sense, it also seemed like a plan he would make, then Guhna thought of something."But wait, Rias parents are still in the underworld."She said tilting her head.

."Yes, but Rias has not mentioned her father at all and still hates him for making plans with Sirzechs to sell her to the Pheonex Household, her mother on the other hand..."Tsubaki stopped to think.

Guhna's eyes widened."Do you think that my lord is going after Rias's mother, like bringing her to his side so Rias can permanently cut ties with the underworld?."She asked with a smile."My Lord is a genius."

."Hmm, you aren't at all worried about this, to make such an elaborate plan just for Rias, do you think he did the same thing to all of us, I have no loyalty to anyone but him, neither to do the two of you."Tsubaki said calmly as she fold her arms.

Xenovia showed her expression on her face."I don't care."She said with an unchanging mind, she turned around and walked a bit away.

."All this is just speculation anyway, plus my situation is a bit different, my home land is an entirely different world, on that note my Lord is back on earth."Guhna said with a happy smile, she held out her hand showing her golden ring."Take us back to the human world Link."


With those words the ring glowed and wrapped around the three of them and took them down to dxd earth.

In the freezing cold of another room, a lifeform after much torment, misfortune and fortune had finally made their way towards the exit, it was Haile's room and the lifeform was...Katerea Leviathan.

With jiggling exposed breast and cut up clothes from a weary and exhausting trip Katerea had finally arrived at the great exit, the door that would take her out of this hell hole.

."..Finally...Finally I can escape..that bastard..I'll make him pay for doing this to me..I'll make him pay...I am a great Satan..descendant of Lucifer...wait no...descendant of Leviathan."Katerea said as she clenched her teeth and balled her fist.

With a push she opened the door which somehow easily opened, she walked out not wanting to waste a second, a smile on her face, that instantly froze over like hell.

."...what the hell is this."Katerea mumbled as she fell to her knees in defeat, swallowed up by the magnitude."You mean...to..tell me...that all that time..I was in but a single room...but that's..that's just not right."


*With Haile*

Haile was now back in Japan having teleported back to save time, he just got bored of only seeing sea is all, on his way Ophis also returned having delivered his beautifully crafted message...

infinityGod infinityGod

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Thank You Very Much!!!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C234
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


