16.59% Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse) / Chapter 38: ×Chapter 35× God and Dragon

章 38: ×Chapter 35× God and Dragon

*12:50pm Wednesday*

*Familiar Forrest*

."I Want the legendary being that rules this Forrest, I smell the power of an Ancient and I want it for myself, lead me to it."Haile said as he looked the familiar master directly in the eyes.

The familiar master froze in his place as he looked at Haile as if looking at a madman.".....You are out of your mind, I'm gone, it's that way bye bye."He said as he jumped into a tree and took off running as if his life depended on it trying to get as far from them as possible.

Haile smiled at this, this was what he wanted to do scare him off, no one else but whose here doesn't have to know what he's taking, if any word gets out he will know who told and deal with it accordingly.

."Haile what is it that you want that made him run, a legendary ruler of the Forrest, who is it?."Sona ask as she push up her glasses, she was curious of what could make the familiar master frightened, if it was to dangerous she would advise him against it.

Haile smiled act her and shook his head dismissively."It's nothing much I'm confident that I can manage it, you all are going to stay here till I get back."He said as he looked at all of the girls.

."But I can hea-."Asia tried to speak up so she can come with him, but she was interrupted.

Haile shook his head against it."No you are to weak, I can't afford to protect you, when I fight this monstrosity, it will take all my attention."He said ruthlessly, but he has to show her how the world truly worked, wanting something and being able to do something is two completely different things, life is not always on Mc mode.

Asia hear him felt like something peirced her heart as she once again realized how weak and useless she was and also thought back to Ophis if she was here she would have gotten to go with him as she is even powerful enough to protect him, at all of this her eyes dulled but she also understood she can't do anything about it until she becomes stronger, she clenched her fist with more determination.

Tsubaki just looked at him in worry but didn't say anything as if he wanted to do something he will do it regardless of what she says, so she just chose the better option and be silent.

."Saji...protect the girls, anyway I'm off, Aika I will be back."Haile said as he turn around and walked off to the direction of where the familiar master said going deeper into the Forrest.

Saji patted his chest as he looked at Haile back in admiration.

All the girls looked at him in worry and hoped that he will be alright and come back safely.


Haile has now walked quite far away already the others can no longer be seen in the distance behind him as he had gone deep into the Forrest closing in on the center.

He had encountered quite the number of beast on his way, the strongest of which so far was Low Ultimate Class, it was a druid like woman that he saw in other animes, he wanted to take her as one of his familiars but he accidentally killed her, it's seems she wasn't actually a druid, if she was she would be connected to a tree or something as her main body and wouldn't die so easy.

But it wasn't much of a problem as she wasn't his main goal, he still has a pretty lady waiting for him to capture her soul like a devil.

He smiled as he also got ready for battle, he knows that it will not be easy as she is not one of the strongest beings for nothing, he doesn't even have much confidence in winning, fairly that is.

.'I'll have to use some tricks to win.'Haile thought as he put on all 10 of his rings making sure they were comfortable as this is the first time he will possibly be using them in battle.

As he walked he also looked at his statistics that he didn't view in awhile...

NAME:Haile Supreme


TITLE:Supreme General, Traverser, God.

RACE:TrueGod(New Born)!

DIVINITY:Pure Divine (Attribute:Life Energy, Death Energy, Dragon Energy)


CLASS:Peak, Super Class


SACRED GEARS/WEAPONS:(Supreme Wing Artificial Sacred Gear:Satan Class)10×

ABILITIES:Refine, Absorb energy, Infinity:Foundation 0.1%ABILITIES:full exhausted energy regenerates in 19.9 minutes and make magic power 10% stronger), Light Power:Light Weapon, Birth Ability New!, Thor's Divine Lightning New!

MAGIC SPELLS: Concentration magic, Supreme General God Fist, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Magic Summoning, Magic Teleportation, Magic Sealing, Strengthening Magic, Defensive Magic, Security System magic, hypnosis magic, blood manipulation magic, Enchanted, Disguise between seals, Elemental magic(New)!

."*Deep breath* Alright, I have to come out victorious."Haile said as his eyes glowed golden with a immense amount of magic gathering around his body warping the space itself.

As he walked the Forrest of beast grow quieter as Haile got even more serious, he could feel it, he feels that if it wasn't for his sensing ability that God gave him he probably won't be able to sense it, it was a deep ancient draconic energy in the dead center of the Forrest.

After 1 minute more of travel he stopped and looked on, he is now looking upon a large cave with a large opening, it was almost 50 meter tall and 30 meters in width but the inside from the out was still darker than outside, he frowned as he gazed upon it, he could feel the being inside waking up, he wasn't exactly hiding his presence so it was expected.



A awe-inspiring dragon roar sounded out vibrating the atmosphere raising the temperature.

Haile smiled brightly and he clenched his fist cracking his finger, he point a finger towards the entrance to the cave.

.""Water Magic!!!"".

He said with a wild smile on his face, on his finger a golden magic circle appeared and with it came a large water ball much bigger then the last one he did it was about 10 meters all around and golden in color it took the form of a gold liquid that radiated with power.

This water ball was fill with Satan Class power, he decided to use this as the first attack as dragon are known for there fire breath especially this one, so he'll use this chance to at least try to weaken it a bit, though he doubts it will work much.


It traveled with intense speed as it whistled through the air and entered the cave briefly lighting it up with its golden glow.



The dragon released a furious roar so loud and powerful it shook the very ground itself with the pressure causing the air to tremble even more violent.






Haile smile widened as he hear and felt the ground trembling now from the foot steps of the legendary beast as it walked out of the cave as two glowing dark light that seems to be eyes appeared.

Soon the great beast was out in the open and can be clearly seen under the light of the bright moon in the sky's.

A dragon 30 meters long dragon, it was pale blue in color, scales beautifully carved, it face was reminiscent of that of a female even though it was not humanoid at all, it was a blue western dragon, it was overall a beautiful work of art, that still held ugly destructive power within its beautiful scales.

Haile went into position, a fighting position as he observed her, she was truly a beauty.

Chaos Karma Dragon King, Tiamat.

Her large blue eyes moved and looked around for a bit before focusing in on Haile standing before her as she looked down and lowered her head a bit to get a better look at the feeble creature that dare attack her.

."Ant, how dare you, who do you think you are to disturb the slumber of a dragon king who gave you the courage and bravery necessary, the knights of old?."Tiamat said with furious rage over flowing from her mouth as steam came out from between her sharp teeth and her dragon claws gripped the ground riping it apart.

She then suddenly stopped for a bit and observed Haile closely, she sniffed the air slightly and looked to him with a raised eyebrow.

."What is a God doing in this lesser world, don't you have better things to do, to bad for you that you attacked me otherwise I would have let you go free on account that I'm actually in a good mood today."Tiamat said with a little regret as she observed Haile's handsome face looking tempting in the moon lights glow, she had never seen anything like it.

Haile placed his arms behind his and stood confidently looking her directly in the eyes."I came here for you, I want you to be my familiar, what are your conditions."He said and asked, if he could possibly gain her pack without fighting that would be for the best as even though he does indeed want to fight he is not confident in his victory, if she can terrify Ddraid then she at minimum would also be heavenly dragon class, with his abilities he can gain some advantage and injure her but as for beating nah.

."...Familiar....Familiar.....hahahahaha."Tiamat was at first silence as she was unsure if she heard correctly but then a burst of laughter slipped from her draconic lips, some mere lesser God she never heard of wants her to become his familiar, that was the funniest thing in ages.

She look down at him with a appreciative gaze."You know what, since that bastard Ddraid I've never had a laugh like that, so I'll spare your life.....just take two attacks from me if you survive you get to live, if you die then you well remain dead I guess."She said as she showed her sharp teeth in a grin, dragons love to play with there food, that was a habit they gained because of there boredom in being the most powerful creatures, she will play with him a bit and then gobble him up in one bite as he put up a futile struggle and gives up hope.



She raised her righ claw and swung down to Haile with a overwhelming power radiating a massive wave of Draconic energy which is one of the most powerful forms of energy if not infact the strongest of them all, if one looked at who the most powerful beings are there most be a reason for that.

Her claw struck down on Haile with a boom as it created a shockwave that traveled far and wide blowing away a few trees and rock with its might, also making a dust cloud, so one could see from just that how powerful of a being Tiamat the dragon king was.

."Mmmm?."Tiamat looked down with curiosity as her claw wasn't on the ground she was familiar with.

After the dust faded away there stood Haile with a smile on his face and one hand stretched out stopping Tiamat's claw dead in its tracks with only one hand as his clothes and hair fluttered in the wind.

."Who are you, you are no normal God."Tiamat frown as she asked taking back her claw, that was Low super class strength she used on the same level as the full power of a lesser God, he is definitely beyond a lesser God if he could stop it so easily.

Haile shrugged his shoulders not feeling the need to explain himself."Why did you attack me so suddenly, how about you make a deal with me."He ask her, will try to trick her into making a deal as long as he can get her to make it, she will fulfill it, dragons like her are noble dragons with bulshit codes of not deceiving others, which basically translates to I'm so strong that I need not of your opinion and that you can't do anything to me no matter what you know.

."Oh, what is this so called bet you want with me, what is it you want."Tiamat asked with interest, maybe he wanted to give her a treasure maybe, which he will be giving her for free as he will never win.

He put up one finger."If I can take one more attack from you with any amount of power you choose then, you have to become one of my servants aka familiars aka my mount aka what I want to do with you aka you probably get the point already."He said to her with a slight smile on his face as he folded his arms.

."...Haha hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHA, you really have some nerve to even say such words in my presence, but you know what I'll let you have your last wish before I eat you and head back to my bed and sleep for another hundred years."Tiaman laughed out loud and said as she looked at him, feeling more intrigued by him as time goes on, she is wondering where is he from, not many God's could be so casual in her presence.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow."So you accept?."He ask her, he has to make sure of it so she can't go back on her words and she probably won't as these immortal dragon care very much about image as they can't die naturally.

."Yeah, I accept, I'm not even going to bother to ask what you could offer me, as what could you offer me when you're dead, Nothing, so are you ready."Tiamat said as she opened her mouth that was spewing smoke, she is getting ready a dragon breath to make sure the job is done.

Haile got serious as he saw her mouth open, if she uses her full strength then he will definitely not come out unscathed."Yes bring it!."But he shouted anyway, he will never back down infront of anyone.



Tiamat roared as a blinding blue flame gushed from her mouth like a Lazer beam as it traveled with unparalleled power and speed towards Haile, it was so hot that it created a vacuum because it burnt away all the air in its immediate vicinity.


Haile shouted out as he brought his hands infront of himself and gathered his full strength without the rings, he instantly calculated the power of the fire breath and saw that it wasn't her full power so he had exactly enough to defend himself.

.""Concentrated Magic"", ""Defense Magic"", ""Enchanted""!."

A large golden magic circle appeared infront of Haile as that one turned to two then tree going all the 8 infront of each other trying to compile to take turns in dissipating some of the power between them before it reaches the last defensive magic circle and the strongest.

*Boom*!!! *Crack*! *Shatter*!!!

*Boom*!!! *Crack*! *Shatter*!!!

*Boom*!!! *Crack*! *Shatter*!!!

*Boom*!!! *Crack*! *Shatter*!!!

*Boom*!!! *Crack*! *Shatter*!!!

*Boom*!!! *Crack*! *Shatter*!!!

*BOOM*!!! *Crack*!

Instantly the blue fire of the dragons breath broke through 6 of the magic circle with zero resistance like a raging bull through grass, it's only at the 7th one that it hit and only cracked but even that would not hold it for long.

Haile held out his hand trying to resist as much as possible, sweat was running down his face and his back was soaked as his muscles bulged as veins could be seen all over his body.

Tiamat just stood still with her mouth open spewing out the blue flames not making any moves to increase the strength of it, the way she was just relaxing made it looked so casual, she just eyed Haile with advid interest.

."Mmggmgggg!!!." *Shatter*!!!


Haile clenched his teeth as his 7th magic circle was broken leaving only one more his 8th and most powerful one, luckily this one had the most power and actually stopped it without a single Crack but even that cannot last forever as his own magic is on the low.

At least tiamat is not increasing the strength and is keeping it as it is, which would theoretically be enough to finish him off eventually as he can't resist forever, he could try to absorb the energy in the fire breath but if he doesn't absorb it fast enough some of it will still hit him leaving him badly injured.

On the other hand he could use the power of the rings now but then that would leave him vulnerable for a bit making him defenseless before her.

For 2 minutes straight he resisted the burning hot blue flames but eventually even he couldn't hold it back anymore.



Blood ran down his lip as his magic circle gained a cracked like a spider web starting from the center soon traveling all over the circle, he should've known better than to a challenge a dragon in endurance, beast that were said that can go into a blind rage for months on end causing mass destruction before finally tiring out.

Tiamat was getting bored with just standing there for so long and she just decided to end it increasing the power by a tiny bit, just enough to tip the scale of balance that had been achieved between them.


Finally after putting up his best resistance his best wasn't enough and his last defense Shattered to pieces leaving him almost defenseless.

Though he just lost his protection, Haile didn't panic from his situation infact he smiled as he put his hands in an X position tightly as if hugging his own body then....



He screamed out with a furious sounding yell as his golden aura flared up and out, it washed over the area like a natural disaster, it was so thick and filled with energy it acted almost like a barrier as it clashed with the dragon breath halting it in its tracks and disrupted the flow of energy making it explode on itself from the suddenness of it, effectively Winning the bet.

Tiamat stood frozen with only her mouth open releasing large amounts of smoke from it from the residue of heat lefted behind from the fire breath.

."How is this possible, no this can't be, do I have to be someone else's slave?."Tiamat said as she felt like just digging a hole and jumping into it, how could she a great dragon king be willing to serve someone else, she glared at Haile as her eyes glowed brightly with a dark blue light.

Haile upped his guard but didn't make any further moves."Don't you want the gift I will be giving you when you become my familiar?."He ask her, he knows something she want beyond all else, something that made her angry for centuries, something that made her go berserk.

."What can you gave me that can quell my raging anger, you have embarrassed me greatly, if others know of this my reputation will be ruined."Tiamat said with dissatisfaction in her voice as she contemplated just killing him and no one would know what went down between them anyway, but what she heard next stopped all those thoughts.

Haile smile slightly and opened his mouth."I will tell you exactly where Ddraid is and even take you there, right to his host door steps."He said casually.

."..Ddraid..Ddraid DDRAID DDRAID, I WILL KILL HIM, HOW DARE HE TAKE MY TREASURES HOW DARE HIM HOW DARE HIM HOW DARE ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRE!!!!!!!!!!."When Tiamat heard that name she went into a blind rage as her blue aura rapped around her like an armor and a heavy pressure descended.

Haile took a couple steps back from the wind pressure as trees were up rooted from the ground and blown away.

."So do we have a deal!."He shouted trying to bring her back to reality before it gets out of his control, which is her going all out.

Tiamat hearing his voice eyes cleared up a bit and she remembered where she was, as she came back to her senses she calmed down and looked at Haile seriously.

."Yes I accept, I will kill that Ddraid to quell my anger of having to become a slave and also because of my treasure, you better be telling the truth, else I'll swallow you whole and digest you in my dragon acid."She said to him with a huff as she thought of Ddraid who stole from her, the one she had been searching for for centuries, now he is within her grasp.

Haile smiled in relief at that."Of course I'm tell the truth why would I lie to you, you are even stronger than me, it will do me no good if I want your loyalty."He said with a shake of his head, what is so hard about giving up issei and Ddraid to gain a dragon king familiar, not hard at all, he doesn't even know them.

."Good, then come let us form the stupid pack, I never would've thought that a day like this would come, I feel like I'm dreaming, this is messed up."Tiamat grumble with an annoyed expression on her face, but she think it will be worth it to put Ddraid's red scaly ass in the grave.

Haile nodded and walked up to her confidently, he never was, is, or ever will be afraid of her, if she wants to go back on her words then they'll just have to fight is all.

He arrived infront of her massive body, now that he is in close proximity to her large body without having to focus on fighting, he could finally see how big she actually is, he looked almost like an Ant in size comparison.

."Bring down your head so I can make the pack."Haile said with a strong masculine voice staring directly into Tiamat's soul without wavering, this is how you have to deal with a dragon, one can't show weakness if you want them to submit themselves to you, you have to be strong willed not just in body.

Tiamat hesitated for a few moments before she did as told and lowered her head to him to form the pack, she comforted herself in the fact that it was not actually a bow, not from the heart at least.

Haile nodded his head with a satisfied smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and put a finger on her large scaly head which felt soft and smooth to the touch, he didn't put magic on his finger.

."So do you accept the pack to be my familiar in weakness and uh strength, in sickness and in healt- what the hell am I doing hahaha, anyway do you accept the thing."Haile said with a chuckle looking into her eyes they they were about to get married and live together forever, well part of that was true, depends on how long forever is.

Tiamat hesitated one more time weighting her pros and cons in her mind, then she sighed."I accept, do I have to say that shit."She grumbled as smoke came out her mouth.

So Tiamat accepted a glowing light came from her forehead and traveled down his finger and he smiled, he accept and he felt a sudden strong connection between him and her.

."So what will you do with me now, I hope you're not planning any nefarious plot against me, that would be a sad day."Tiamat said as she observed him better, he was indeed the most beautiful being she had ever seen and she knows best, she herself is also one of the most beautiful she had ever seen if she do say so herself.

Haile smirked at this widely."Hehehehehehe."He gain a Evil smile on his face as he chuckled like a 10th rate villain.

Tiamat's eyes twitched.'Did I mess up?.'She Thought to herself as she saw his expression and her pale blue scales got even paler.

.".....Pttf hahahahahaha, look at your face."He laughed holding his stomach, he didn't know dragon could change color like a chameleon, all reptiles were really relatives.

Tiamat gave him an annoyed look as she huffed and looked away."You are really childish for a distinguish God, so inelegant."She said with attitude as she puffed up her chest showing of the dragons elegance and grace.

."Oh so now I'm a distinguished God Huh, whatever happened to Ant who dare you."He said mocking her a bit as he imitated her way of speaking.


Tiamat look at him with fury."You-."She let out a furious yell but suddenly poofed into blue smoke

."Hahaha, she's fun."Haile said as he turned around and walk back to the others, he is now wondering where familiars go when they are not summoned.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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