Nan Yao let out a blood-curdling scream of pain, but Tai Cheng was more worried about the blood splatter that formed on his T-shirt.
He sighed; now his wife was going to scold him for dirtying his clothes unnecessarily. Now she would have to waste baking soda and lemon juice on him!
"Shush you," he scolded Nan Yao, patting his head while he convulsed on the floor. "If you want the pain to stop, you should be an obedient child and let me know why you're here. This restaurant is my life's work, what have I done to deserve such treatment? Please enlighten an old uncle first!"
Unfortunately, Nan Yao was in no condition to respond in human language. All Tai Cheng could hear were the wordless whimpers of pain, so he turned to Feng Yi, who was at least still conscious enough.
Like I said, things are getting gory! Assassin mafia parents have lived a pretty ridiculous life!
As always, comments, power stones and gifts are welcome! Do let me know what scenarios you guys want to see hohoho