
章 1: Long Live the Queen!

It all began when Unun, the only primordial God of Space, was born in the womb of the universe.

And from the birth of Unun, primordial energy of creation was spread across the universe with a great explosion.

The universe, full of radiant colors because of the primordial energy that was spread, was pleasing to Unun, who at birth already knew everything that existed, that did not exist, and that will come to exist.

So, knowing what to do, Unun condensed all the energy scattered across the universe into a single point, and in doing so, Ustia, the Mother Goddess and the Goddess of Time, was born.

Unun and Ustia then embraced and loved each other, and from this junction between the two celestial beings, another five were born from Ustia's womb.

They were Alos, the God of Light; Azaris, the Goddess of Darkness; Thalos, the God of Chaos; Zemis, the God of Order; and lastly Aena, the Goddess of Life and Death.

All five roamed freely through the vast universe, exploring every bit of it and shaping the universe as they saw fit.

Alos created the stars, Azaris created the darkness of the universe itself, and Thalos and Zemis created their own laws according to their wishes.

But of the five, Aena was sad, for among this vast universe, there was not a single life besides themselves.

Then, with a benevolent gesture, Aena sacrificed her own divine energy to create life throughout the universe, and with life, death also came.

With her energy completely drained, Aena takes her last breath, but happy to have reached her goal.

The other four, saddened by the death of one of their own, blessed Aena's lifeless body with their powers, and as a last favor to her, the four transformed Aena's own body into a world full of life, so she never will stop being what she always was.

And so the world of Aena was born, a huge world with seven gigantic continents inhabited by countless different races and lives, they are named Utul, the Continent of the Beasts; Krukai, the Underwater Continent; Driorenia, the Continent of Devils; Teiwas, the Continent of the Elves; Einora, the Continent of the fairies; Ufath, the Continent of the Gnomes; and lastly, Aimus, the Continent of the Humans.

This is the story told in the history books.

Whether it's true or not, nobody knows.

Our journey begins at the eastern end of the Human Continent in a small and poor country called Eidolas.

Eidolas is a weak, poor and corrupt country, which was once a great and prosperous country. It is ruled by its King, William Rex Leo, and his Queen, Charllote Rex Leo.

Or at least, it was meant to be like that.

''What the hell do you mean by dad and mom fled the country?!''

In the king's hall of the kingdom of Eidolas, the country's Prime Minister, along with other high-ranking palace officials, are prostrating themselves in front of a girl who is seated on a smaller throne next to the king's throne.

This girl is the country's one and only princess, Ariel Rex Leo.

With her long blonde hair and her golden eyes, she is definitely on the level of great beauty, not to mention her other big assets.

''A thousand apologies, my princess. But as you heard, the King and Queen... fled from the country, and left this letter for you.''

The Prime Minister, without lifting his head, climbs the steps to the throne and arrives in front of Ariel, handing her the letter.

Ariel opens the letter, and at the very first paragraph, she raises her eyebrow in irritation.

''Dear daughter, we are tired of this life of responsibilities, we just want to have fun! That said, we leave the country's leadership in your hands. PS: Please don't look for us, we are going on an adventure. PPS: Also, don't forget to water the flowers in your mother's garden.'' She said reading the letter aloud.

''What the-! What's with the contents of this letter?! Are they bored kids who decided to run away from home to go on an adventure?! How the hell can a King and Queen just abandon their kingdom!!''

She furiously crumpled up the letter, threw it on the floor and began stomping on it in anger.

''Please, Master, calm down.''

Next to Ariel, appeared a maid with short green hair, and pointed ears, it was Syl, the princess's personal maid, and also a half-spirit elf. She kept her eyes closed and her expression neutral, she looked like a living doll.

''How can I keep calm! Those bastards parents of mine left me all alone to run a country! I HAVE NEVER TOUCHED A BOOK ON POLITICS OR ECONOMY GOD DAMMIT!!'' She responds by roaring with rage.

Everyone present began to tremble slightly, some afraid of what the country would become, others finding the situation funny, and a minority thinking of taking advantage of the inexperienced princess.

Unknown to everyone, Ariel is actually a reincarnator, who came from the earth after dying from masturbating more than fifty times in just one day, literally an orgasm overdose.

On her former world, she was always dedicated to her studies and the work she had, but she always did it so she could finance her hobbies. And when she died and found that she got reincarnated as a princess along with her memories, she was happy to think that she wouldn't have to work for anything else and would have everything in her hands.

And that's what she did.

She lived until she was sixteen as a parasite princess, who lived off her parents expense. She never worked, never took her studies that a royal person should study seriously, or had to do anything she didn't want to because her parents spoiled her.

She also always did whatever she wanted, whether it was spending money without thinking, going to parties and getting drunk, and even sleeping with palace maids and other noble ladies of the country, which was not very unusual, since homosexuality was normal in this world.

In short, she is a scum princess.

All she has is her beauty, and the power that runs through her veins as a member of the royal family.

''Princess, since the King and Queen are no longer available, you are the only one who can lead the country.'' Said the Prime Minister.

Ariel then looks at the Prime Minister, and an idea crosses her mind.

''Raise your head, Lucius.'' She ordered, and the Prime Minster, Lucius raises his head and regards her with respect.

She approaches him with a charitable smile on her face and places her hand on his shoulder, ''You know, the Prime Minister follows right after the royals. I can abdicate the throne to you. What do you think, Lucius? Do you want to become a King? Don't lie saying you never wanted to.''

Lucius still with his serious expression, without thinking twice, with a quick movement he punches his own liver and falls to the ground spitting blood.

''I-I am really s-sorry, princess. A-As you can see, my health is not g-good enough to be the r-ruler.''

Ariel looks completely dumbfounded at the prime minister, and then looks at the others present.

''Anyone want to be King?? Anyone! Just say it and I'll give you the crown! Somebody?! Please!!'' She begs as she prostrates herself on the floor.

Hearing the princess's proposal, everyone present suddenly starts hitting each other, and even stabbing each other, and in less than twenty seconds, they are all on the floor in a bloodbath.

''S-Sorry princess, but we are too old to r-rule a country, only you can do that....w-we believe in you.....'' Said one of them who was still conscious, but he soon fell in a faint from lack of blood.

''Are you people serious?! All this because you don't want to rule this shit country?! All right then! All good! I will be the Queen! And I'm going to turn this shit country into a strong country!!''

The princess then storms out of the hall, leaving the Prime Minister, palace officials, and Syl behind.

When the princess leaves the hall with a bang, all the fallen staff lift their heads and sigh in relief.

Syl, who was next to Ariel's throne, gives everyone a little smile and a thumbs up, and they also give her a smile and a thumbs up.

The Prime Minister, who is still unable to get up because of his self-injury to the liver, laughs, '' Everything went as planned. Good work, guys!''


In the King's study, Ariel is sitting at the desk with a desolate expression.

''I know I said it would make the country a strong country in the heat of the moment...but what's with that amount of paperwork! I have enough paperwork to be stuck in the office for ten years!''

The entire office was filled with papers and documents, it was barely possible to walk in the room without stepping on some paper.

Syl suddenly appears beside Ariel and says, ''Princess, this is all the work your father has neglected, and as the new regent, it's your duty now.''

Ariel looks at Syl with teary eyes, ''Syl! Let's run away! Let's run far away and live together, raise a family and live happily ever after!''

''I'm sorry princess, but that won't be possible. Without you here, the last person of royal blood present in the country, the country would fall into complete destruction.'' Syl responds with her stoic expression, but inside she is happy that Ariel says she wants to have a family with her, after all, Syl was one of the maids that Ariel put her hand on and tamed.

Giving up, Ariel lays her head on the desk and mutters while crying, '' How the hell am I going to do this alone? It's impossible for me to do everything, and there's no one to help....''

''That's where you're wrong, princess. There is a way.'' Syl said.

Ariel lifted her head and looked at her with hope in her eyes, ''Really?! Tell me then!''

''The Hero's Summons.'' Syl responded with a smirk.

Ariel's expression brightens upon hearing Syl's idea and she suddenly hugs her.

''That's it! I forgot that existed! Thank you, Syl! I don't know what I would do without you! Tonight, if I don't have work, let's 'play' a lot!'' Ariel whispered the last part and lightly bit Syl's long ears, making her blush heavily.

This world, like all other fantasy worlds, has a way of summoning a hero from another world. But this practice became obsolete as the world was at peace.

Only three of all human countries knew the Hero Summoning Magic, and one of them was Eidolas, which in the distant past was one of these three strongest and most influential countries.

Wasting no time, Ariel runs out of the office like a tornado and heads towards the Royal Library. She ran past several people who greeted her, but she didn't stop.

Arriving at the royal library, she went straight to the forbidden section, and took out a book called 'Hero's Summoning Book.'

She quickly opens the book and reads a warning on the first page.

<<If you are inexperienced in the Mystic Art of Summoning, please do not use the spell alone, have a responsible adult by your side. We are not responsible for any possible accidents.>>

Ignoring the warning, she puts the book over her arm and again starts running, but this time she was heading towards the Palace Mage's Tower, which is a tower used by Court Mages that is located just behind the Royal Palace.

With the power of royal blood coursing through her veins, she quickly reaches the tower and opens the door with a bang.

The Palace Mage's Tower looks like a normal library, if you ignore monster parts, magic circles, and strange utensils scattered all over the place.

''Anne! You are there?'' Ariel yelled.

After a moment of waiting, she begins to hear hurried footsteps, and then a figure appears in front of Ariel.

''Yes! I'm here, princess!''

In front of Ariel is a little girl who looks about ten years old. She has blue eyes and orange-brown hair. She's wearing a wizard's hat and a robe that's too big for her petite body.

''Anne, I need a favor! I want to summon a hero, and I need your help!''

Anne is the mage chosen as a Court Mage treinee, and she really is ten years old. But because of her great magical power, she was placed in this position so that in the future she would become a true Court Mage after training.

She was also often used a hug pillow by Ariel, as she is cute.

Ariel hands the book to Anne hastily and she catches it, almost dropping it. She then nods in understanding, opens the book and reads the first page.

She was looking at Anne expectantly, but Anne, as soon as she reads the beginning of the first page, she looks at Ariel with concern.

''Princess, this.....we can't do the ritual.''

''What? Why not!?''

''Because it says here that if I don't know about the art of summoning, I should do it with a responsible adult by my side, because it can be dangerous.''

''So what? I will be by your side! Do not worry!'' Ariel said, pressing her.

Anne looked at Ariel with a deadpan face, ''Princess, you are the most irresponsible person I know.''

The two stared at each other in silence for some time, then, in the distance, maids and other palace officials heard screams and cries for help coming from the Wizard's Tower.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


